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Through a statistical analysis of major changes in postacquittal procedures of the Insanity Defense Reform Act of 1980 (IDRA 1980), the study reveals the Act's success in formalizing, regularizing, juridicizing, accelerating, and extending to all acquittees psychiatric examinations and review and release procedures. Although more persons are reviewed and released at postacquittal hearings than in the matched pre-1980 cohort, fewer enter nonsecure facilities at commitment or during first 18 months of hospitalization, and fewer are released at the six-month review. After 18 months more acquittees remain inmates in secure facilities. Interviews with leading figures in the formulation and enactment of IDRA provide retrospective and prospective judgments on insanity defense reform issues.  相似文献   

五十年来,《纽约公约》在国际商事仲裁领域发挥着举足轻重的作用,对国际仲裁立法和各国国内立法及其实践产生了重要和积极的影响,增强了仲裁在解决国际间商事纠纷方面的效力,促进了经济全球化的进一步发展。笔者试图从《纽约公约》的缘起、主要内容、未来发展以及对中国的影响等方面做一述评,以期帮助更好地了解这一国际商事仲裁领域最重要的法律。  相似文献   

2002年<竞争法>出台后,迟迟不能得到有效实施.时隔不到五年,就对其进行了一次较大的调整.2007年的修订并投有对该法的实体规范做出实质性修改,而是主要反映在竞争主管机构的设置变更方面.  相似文献   

This study uses public-domain documents to describe the complicity of government actors (including current and former environmental regulators) with organized criminals, in facilitating crimes against the environment within two waste industries of New York State. Qualitative analysis results indicate that a combination of changing market forces, inadequate environmental regulation, and various failed policies and practices of the New York Department of Environmental Conservation can explain the presence, activities, and resilience of organized crime in the construction and demolition debris disposal, and also medical waste incineration industries, as well as provide some preliminary recommendations for preventing further regulatory failure in that state.  相似文献   

涂永前 《法律科学》2010,28(3):160-168
为应对金融危机,保护金融消费者利益,加强对金融机构的监管,预防金融系统性风险的发生,奥巴马政府酝酿对美国金融监管体系进行彻底改革,其改革方案的核心就是设立个人消费者金融保护署。对于金融监管法律存在诸多缺陷、金融消费者权利保障不到位以及没有构建应对系统性风险的我国金融法律制度来说,美国2009年《个人消费者金融保护署法案》在金融消费者权利保护及存在系统性风险金融产品及服务监管方面是一个可以借鉴的“他山之石”。  相似文献   

美国金融控股公司加重责任制度的主要内容是,要求金融控股公司完全或部分地保证其所管理的子公司的清偿能力,要求金融控股公司向其不能清偿债务的子公司重新注入资金,或向政府机构赔偿因子公司经营失败而给公众债权人造成的损失,或赔偿公共保险基金。该制度产生的原因是金融控股公司中特有的道德风险。历史研究和实证研究表明,美国金融控股公司加重责任制度对改善子公司的经营状况具有重要作用。加重责任制度与法人人格否认制度不同,其法理基础是权利与义务的一致性。加重责任制度抑制了金融控股公司中特有的道德风险问题。加重责任制度存在的问题可以采取一定的措施加以解决。  相似文献   

In the spring of 1980, the Mariel Boat Lift brought refugees from Communist Cuba to the shores of Florida. Most refugees came seeking political freedom, but many were sent by the Cuban Government directly from its prisons and mental institutions. Literal rejects of their own society, they arrived in this country and spent many months interned in refugee camps. As they moved out into local communities, their behavioral problems began to come to the attention of local authorities. This paper describes the "Marielitos" seen in the Forensic Psychiatry Clinic for the Criminal and Supreme Courts of New York between mid-1980 and mid-1985. It explores how their reactions to their new environment may be affected by their past psychiatric and criminal histories, their language barrier, and the stress of the emigration experience.  相似文献   

《纽约公约》是当今承认与执行外国仲裁裁决领域最具影响力的国际公约,自1958年生效以来,已经得到约140个国家的承认。《纽约公约》对促进国际经贸的发展作出了巨大的贡献,但在近半个世纪的适用实践中,它也暴露出一些不足,在某些方面还引起了较大的争议。本文从仲裁的本质出发,论述如何通过对《纽约公约》的修改,扩大当事人意思自治的范围,营造一个更有利于国际商事仲裁的环境。  相似文献   

After several false starts, Ontario has passed legislation designed to remove barriers faced by disabled persons, including the barrier of stigma.  相似文献   

李良才 《时代法学》2006,4(5):69-74
证券等金融产品交易所的治理结构是实现交易所效率的关键所在。在国外公司化的交易所已是大势所趋。我国2006年实施的新《证券法》也为我国证券交易所走公司化之路预留了制度空间。公司制期货、证券等交易所在克服传统交易所产权不明等弊病的同时,不可避免地产生新的矛盾:股东利益最大化与市场公平效率的平衡、交易参与者与交易所股东之间的利益冲突、完善内部治理与强化外部监督等一系列问题,将构成运营与监管的利益化冲突,这些问题都急需研究。  相似文献   

The contaminated water supply in Flint, Michigan, highlighted lead issues in a relatively new context: drinking water. Lead-paint lawsuits, however, have filled court calendars for many years in many jurisdictions. This article examines a variety of recent lead-paint decisions issued by courts in New York—from trial level, to appellate, to the state's highest court, the New York Court of Appeals. As these cases suggest, lead-paint complaints against landlords and property owners are likely to continue to be filed in New York courts for quite some time to come.  相似文献   

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