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A NATO air strike killed 24 Pakistani Army members who were patrolling the Afghanistan border with Pakistan, and, although the US use of drones in Pakistan have been controversial, this latest incident enraged and inflamed public and political opinion in Pakistan as thousands of people protested across Pakistani cities as well as media channels using solemn music to portray the soldiers as martyrs massacred in the interests of the US. The incident has arguably fuelled anti-US/UK sentiments which do not make it easier for the Pakistani police service, already struggling with strategic, resource and geographic challenges, to counter the threat from terrorist groups. In the fight against Al-Qaeda and the Taliban, such incidents will only add to the antipathy and propaganda used by those organisations to play upon disaffected Pakistani’s and use such moments as a recruitment tool both in the UK and in Pakistan. In light of this, it is important to explore and examine the repercussions upon law enforcement agencies such as the Pakistani police and the methods which they have to employ in combating and dealing with terror threats, since those operations will have a direct impact in Britain. In an age of terror, the Pakistani police force must adopt a more focused community policing model that will help tackle such developing terrorist ideologies .  相似文献   


The aim of this article is to provide insight into the phenomenon of sexual harassment in the theatre world. A survey among Norwegian actors is presented showing that sexual harassment is much more prevalent in the theatre world than in Norwegian work life in general. Further, the article aims at understanding why the prevalence is as high as it is. Based on qualitative interviews, the article points out some risk factors that shed light on the high prevalence of sexual harassment. Lastly, the risk factors are related to charismatic authority as an important power base in the theatre world.  相似文献   

Theo Öhlinger 《Ratio juris》2003,16(2):206-222
Abstract The European model of the constitutional review of legislation, characterized by the concentration of the constitutional review power in a single constitutional court, had its origin in the Austrian Federal Constitution of 1920. This is all the more remarkable when one considers that this Constitution established at the same time a parliamentary system of government in a fairly radical form. As the author explains, this “invention” of a constitutional court is attributable to two factors. One factor is the federal aspect. The Court was conceived by the framers of the Austrian Federal Constitution of 1920 as an umpire between federal legislation and the legislation of the states or Länder. In this respect it was meant as a substitute for the principle of the priority of federal law over state or Land law. This is manifest in the initial draft of the Constitution, where actions on questions of the constitutionality of legislation could only be brought by the Federal government (against the legislation of one or another of the states or Länder) and by the State or Land governments (against federal legislation). Right from the beginning, however, the Court could examine a parliamentary act ex officio when it had to apply such an act in another proceeding. It was this power of the Court that triggered the development of constitutional review. Its exercise gradually transformed the Court into a guardian of the Constitution as a whole, in particular, the fundamental rights of citizens. The author traces this development in the context of the concept of state and law that prevailed in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century. This concept included specific restrictions on constitutional review. On the basis of a different understanding of the functions of a constitution, the Court gave up these restrictions and followed the examples of the European Court of Human Rights, the German Constitutional Court and—indirectly—the American Supreme Court.  相似文献   

关于"法律行为"的问题在我国法学界尚未深入展开,重要的原因在于:第一,它已经是一个约定俗成的概念,涉及太广太多,所以即使觉察到有问题也不愿意展开去讨论。第二,没有语境或讨论的学术环境,大多数学者对于"法律行为"的来龙去脉虽然有些了解,但对于其究竟,对其在输入过程中的信息缺失没有清楚了解的渠道,故也不能参与讨论。在此,我们推出一篇由柯伟才节译自日本学者平井宜雄的,专门探究"法律行为"在日本出现的文章。我们可以发现,历史是何曾相似!日本法学界曾经有过的问题和困惑,一百多年后原原本本地又在中国法学界发生。这篇文章虽然较为粗线条,似乎有些未尽之处,但至少给我们提供了一些重要的线索和启示,可能有助于我们今天客观正确地面对应该面对的问题。所幸之是,我们的民法典还没有制定,学界的讨论或许对立法者还有些启发意义。不过,在官商学高度一体化的今天,学界的讨论是否还属于学术,这的确也是不能把握的事情。像日本当时那样莫名其妙地进入立法,不是没有可能。  相似文献   

Findings concerning audience development for the Performing Arts among the alienated are presented and discussed. The effects of different types of information upon attitude formation of the alienated toward the Performing Arts were investigated. The most effective type of information in forming positive attitudes toward the Performing Arts among the alienated was explaining how the individual can gain immediate benefits through supporting the theatre. Information that explained how the society would benefit in the future from support of the Performing Arts was much less effective in forming positive attitudes among the alienated. These findings are significant because the size of the potential audience among the alienated is large and growing, and because the alienated are in a position to be particularly able to benefit from the Performing Arts.  相似文献   

Hepatic hemorrhages are not unusual after sharp or blunt abdominal traumata. They are of particular interest when deadly hepatic hemorrhages are under discussion as the single or contributory cause of death in forensic investigations, for instance after reanimation or acts of violence. The test results in rabbits demonstrate that artificial and specific enzyme-assimilation conditions can cause atraumatic hepatic hemorrhages in only a few days. With and without concomitant injuries, liver bleeding may have an atraumatic genesis. An additional human case report shows the possibility of confusion with atraumatic rhexis hemorrhage in the liver.  相似文献   

法权中心的猜想与证明——兼答刘旺洪教授   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
在处理个人与国家的关系方面,个人主义与国家主义是政治哲学上的两个极端,权利本位与权力本位则是法律哲学上的两个极端,其社会实践后果都不理想。中国的法学应当改变权利本位或权力本位(义务本位)的两极化思维定势,为法治之法、社会主义法确立一个平正、中庸的中心。本文主张,法治之法、社会主义之法应当以法权为中心,寻求法权的最大化。法权中心的社会内容是整体利益中心,谋求整体利益最大化,而其财产内容则是财产(财富)总量中心,谋求财产总量最大化、经济效率最大化(或成本最小化)。法权中心符合宪法的精神,反映了现代法律制度的根本特征,适应中国的基本情况和人群的需要,学理上也有坚实的基础。法学基础理论研究应该进一步打破“法以权利为本位”这一片面的理论信条,按实事求是精神重新探寻和确认法治之法、社会主义法的重心所在。提出和证明法权中心的猜想,是本文作者在这方面所做的一个尝试。  相似文献   

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