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Richard Quinney ranks among the noted criminologists of the twentieth century, especially among progressives. He is also a photographer of note, drawing on scenes from his native Wisconsin to reflect his deep inner life. Things once seen, published in 2009 by Borderland Books, is a 40‐year retrospective of his photographic work. It is a deeply religious work that celebrates the requirements of life lived by a “radical realism”. In June 2009 Doctor Quinney was presented with the Sullivan–Tifft Vanguard Award at the annual meeting of the Justice Studies Association.  相似文献   

The toxicological analysis of post-mortem materials often help determine the cause of death. When tissues have been fixed in formalin it may be possible to extract several drugs from the tissue and/or the preserving fluid. An unusual case of multiple poisoning is discussed from the aspect of laboratory analysis.  相似文献   

田斌榜 《证据科学》2003,10(2):65-67
<医疗事故处理条例>(以下简称<条例>)及其配套规定较好地规范了医疗机构对医疗风险的责任与义务,医疗事故的构成条件较以往更趋合理;但也存在某些缺陷和理论误区.如<条例>第49条第2款的规定就有悖于形式逻辑的一般原则,有悖于过错责任的侵权责任的一般归责原则,不利于强化医疗机构对医疗风险的注意义务.探讨、澄清这些问题 ,有利于医患纠纷的正确处理.审判机关在调处医患纠纷时要正确适用民法原则和<条例> 规定,要全面审查技术鉴定资料.人民法院技术鉴定机构在医疗事件技术鉴定中要发挥积极作用.  相似文献   

Since 1978, the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) has governed United States intelligence gathering for national security purposes. Enacted in response to the Watergate–era civil rights violations and revelations of a Senate investigation headed by Senator Frank Church that other presidential administrations had authorized similar warrantless surveillance, FISA established a statutory framework for national security surveillance. Understanding FISA contributes to the study of criminal justice policymaking because law enforcement and intelligence communities view it as an important tool for combatting espionage and terrorism. This article examines the enactment of FISA from the perspective of symbolic politics.  相似文献   

《医疗事故处理条例》(以下简称《条例》)及其配套规定较好地规范了医疗机构对医疗风险的责任与义务,医疗事故的构成条件较以往更趋合理;但也存在某些缺陷和理论误区.如《条例》第49条第2款的规定就有悖于形式逻辑的一般原则,有悖于过错责任的侵权责任的一般归责原则,不利于强化医疗机构对医疗风险的注意义务.探讨、澄清这些问题 ,有利于医患纠纷的正确处理.审判机关在调处医患纠纷时要正确适用民法原则和《条例》  相似文献   

中国科学技术法学会2006年年会,是一次在学会历史上具有里程碑意义的盛会。这次会议的成功举行,标志着科技法学再创辉煌机遇的到来,预示着科技法制建设崭新局面的开端。科技法学的创始者们独到的智慧,超前的眼光,精心的设计,不懈的努力,其成果在本次会议上都开始显现出来。现将本次会议综述如下,以期发扬成绩,总结经验,明确目标,加快发展!  相似文献   

One method that has been touted to help end mass incarceration is using intermediate sanctions. While intermediate sanctions often present as attractive options, there is evidence that as practiced, these sanctions often result in net widening. One of the most common forms of intermediate sanctions are drug courts, which are often viewed as progressive alternatives to locking up people with substance abuse problems. However, along with the dangers of net widening, scholars have shown that many people admitted to drug courts do not seem to have substance abuse problems and could benefit from lesser criminal justice interventions. In the current study, we analyzed intake data from a drug court to determine: (1) what charge(s) drug participants had and (2) how they became involved with the criminal justice system. Among important findings were that a large number of drug court participants were arrested for the possession of one drug only (often marijuana) and that more than half of participants came to the attention of the criminal justice system through a traffic stop rather than through repeated encounters with the criminal justice system.  相似文献   

改革开放四十年来,中国教育取得了举世瞩目的成就,极大地提高了我国劳动年龄人口的教育素质,为中国经济的腾飞奠定了坚实的人力资本基础。本文通过对国际发展领域知名的学者哈佛大学普利切特(Prichett)教授关于教育发展迟滞的理论框架进行批判性地借鉴,回顾了中国普及九年义务教育、促进义务教育事业发展的道路,总结出中国模式的四大特点:1.相对于最不发达的发展中国家完全依赖整齐划一的国际教育目标,我国针对自身国情制定了较为现实具有可操作性的教育目标;2.我国发展义务教育事业坚持了循序渐进、因地制宜的原则,注重供给侧与需求侧干预的平衡;3.清晰的政府问责机制确保了地方官员的积极性和结果的持久性;4.经济发展与教育发展良性互动关系的确立为教育的可持续发展奠定了坚实的基础。这些经过实践检验的经验对尚未普及九年义务教育的撒哈拉沙漠以南非洲和南亚国家具有很强的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

证据学的大革命——再论实质证据观   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
裴苍龄 《法律科学》2010,28(3):87-97
实质证据观引发的证据学的大革命,这场大革命的内容包括:以“两论”为基础的学科新体系应运而生;明确了证据学的A、B、C;新建了证据资料的理论;新建了证据效力的理论;提出了证明的构成理论;研究了证明的基本形式;新建了证明的方法体系;新建了全面的证责体系;新建了一系列原则和规则;建立了证明原则的基本理解,提出了实事求是七项原则;确立了实质真实观,新建了实质真实标准;提出了创立新证据制度的初步构想。这一切使我国证据学的面貌焕然一新。这场大革命的终极目标,是要将证据学打造成社会科学中最伟大的学科之一。  相似文献   

This article first explores whether Italy is under an obligationto implement the Rome Statute that it ratified in 1999. It thenidentifies the general sets of inconsistencies between Italianlegislation and the Rome Statute and analyses whether and towhat extent the former needs to be amended or integrated inorder to implement the substantive provisions of the latter,in particular in relation to the definition of crimes, generalprinciples of criminal responsibility, defences and other barsto prosecution. Finally, the exercise of jurisdiction by Italiancourts over crimes in the Rome Statute is discussed in the lightof the principle of complementarity on which the jurisdictionof the International Criminal Court is based.         Mere dreams,mere dreams!         W.B. Yeats,Meditations in Time of Civil War, I (1928)  相似文献   

This paper argues that, in a community of rights, the prima facie responsibilities of researchers to attend to the ancillary-care needs of their participants would be determined by a four-stage test (relating to placement, capacity, reasonable imposition, and fair demand). This test, it is suggested, sets a standard (and an example) for common law courts that are invited to recognize the ancillary-care responsibilities of researchers, whether as a matter of contract or tort law.  相似文献   

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