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From 1970 to 1990, Yugoslav culture was signed by the tight net of Self-Governed Interest Associations (Samoupravne interesne zajednice, SIZ). Understood as one of ex-Yugoslavia's transient eras, when political control over cultural life was given to the boards of professionals and experts, “SIZ time” provided an ideal base for future development of arts management. This article explores the possibilities of applying the positive experience of the SIZ model, modified by contemporary NGO models, as the possible solution for arts management transition problems in Serbia and the region. I conclude that South European state funding and institutional systems cannot provide adequate support for arts management development, thus projects in this field should be undertaken through NGOs, with additional financial support and coordination from the international community. NGOs and the ex-SIZ system give examples of a positive experience in conducting projects in the field of arts management.  相似文献   

Asian Journal of Criminology - It has been well-established that, in the USA, the news media contributes to the construction of moral panics regarding the use and users of various types of drugs....  相似文献   

In this paper we present the results of experiments we conducted on Suse Linux and Windows XP systems to determine the age of user process data in physical memory. To be able to measure the age of pages we used an artificial load program which time-stamps data segment and block device cache pages. Our goal was to compare the behaviour of both systems and to determine whether the rate of decay for user data depends on the demand for physical memory. Our findings show that Windows and Linux systems preserve almost the same number of pages with user data, and the age distribution of these pages does not change significantly with the level of demand.  相似文献   

《民法通则》实施以来,学者把侵权责任法与新闻传播法相互结合进行研究,形成了媒体侵权责任法这一边缘学科。这一研究方式弥补了新闻传播法立法不足的问题,发挥了制裁媒体侵权、保护媒体权利和表达自由的重要作用。《侵权责任法》在规定侵权责任一般条款的同时,又规定了网络侵权责任,为正确认定媒体侵权责任、切实保护媒体权利提供了充分的法律依据。媒体侵权责任法将会以侵权责任法为基础继续发挥重要的法律调整作用。  相似文献   

Innovation by users is now understood to be an important part of innovative activity in the economy. In this paper we explore the implications of adding innovation by users to existing models of social welfare that currently assume innovation by manufacturers only. We find this addition removes several inefficiencies, and that social welfare is likely to be increased by the presence of user innovation. Implications for policies that can impact users' freedom to innovate are discussed.  相似文献   

仿真世界中的媒介权力:鲍德里亚传播思想解读   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
法国当代思想家鲍德里亚以独特的视角透视了现代媒介及其技术造成的后现代社会虚拟代替现实的严峻境况。他认为,当代社会是由大众媒介构建的“仿真”世界,在这个世界中,电子媒介改变了传播的交流情境,新的言语情境和话语结构对主体产生了构建意义。大众媒介通过编辑机制和传播技术为人们生产文化意义,广告则通过提供各种消费符号和影像制造着欲望和诱惑。大众媒介在当代社会中扮演着生活指南的角色,强化了对受众的塑造和影响。  相似文献   

The libel litigation system does not efficiently or effectively resolve media libel disputes. Protracted and expensive litigation neither restores plaintiffs' reputations nor protects media defendants from intrusive discovery and potentially large damage awards. This article demonstrates how research on the characteristics of the libel litigation process and the interests and concerns of the disputants was synthesized with research on dispute resolution processes to develop an alternative process for resolving libel disputes outside the courts. The article discusses the potential feasibility of the voluntary, nonlitigation alternative program, informed by research on dispute processing and libel litigation. An evaluation of the program is being conducted to examine attorneys' and parties' reactions to the program and to assess the extent to which the program provides effective solutions to the problems of the libel litigation system.  相似文献   

论教育自由   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
自由不仅是教化的必要条件,而且自由本身是一种教化价值.自由赋予每个人不断获得自我创造或自我实现的动力、理想和责任.在教育中,自由是造就良好的个体的核心条件.教育不仅保障个体的免于强制的消极自由,而且必须促进自我实现的积极自由.教育自由是人接受教育中所享有的独特的自由.教育自由为了保证个人通过教育生活而实现自我引导的精神成长,既维护求教育者自我创造的责任,又解除任何为个人的自我引导和自我创造设置的障碍.  相似文献   

Tomsk is justly called a city of students. The oldest university in Siberia is located here, as are a number of institutes: a polytechnical institute, one training engineers for automated control systems and radio-electronics, one for civil engineers, a medical school, and a teachers' college. More than 44,000 young men and women are presently enrolled in the day, evening, and correspondence departments of the city's higher educational institutions. In recent years considerable work has been done to improve their instructional facilities and the housing and other conditions of life of the students.  相似文献   

突发事件的突然性、危害性、紧急性等特点容易使其成为社会关注的事件,成为媒体关注的焦点.在突发事件中,媒体的参与给地方政府的危机管理既带来了挑战,也产生了积极效应.因此,地方政府在突发事件处理过程中要学会科学应对媒体,健全危机新闻发言人制度,建立突发事件新闻信息传递网络机制,加强突发事件的媒体管理等,是地方政府做好媒体应对的制度保障.  相似文献   

媒体对人们的生活起着模范带头的作用.本文从我国目前影视作品出发,概括了影视作品中各种违法的驾驶行为和存在重大安全隐患的驾驶行为,指出广告和节目中严重错误的驾驶行为,并分析媒体不重视规范驾驶的原因,提出解决方案.  相似文献   

2002年11月14日,上海市第一中级人民法院对加拿大Discreet公司诉上海对点文化传播有限公司计算机软件侵权纠纷案作出了一审判决,这是继95年雅芳案、99年微软诉亚都案后的又一起针对计算机软件最终用户的案件,与前者不同的是本案以判决形式明确认定了最终用户使用盗版构成侵权,并应依法承担侵权责任。一、案情介绍原告Discreet公司的3DMAX、Flame、Flint软件为世界影视制作公司所广泛采用,在业内享有很高的声誉,但该公司软件一直受盗版的困扰,为维护公司利益,Discreet公司于2001年9月委托某调查公司对部分侵权…  相似文献   

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