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Entrusted by Global Law Review and permitted by Mr Xie Huaishi, I was very fortunate to interview, in mid-June, China's greatest civil jurist of this generation. Professor Xie is in his 80s, yet he looks hale and hearty, and his mind is agile. His study was in his bedroom. At that time, Professor Xie was proofreading, like a hero with great aspirations, the Chinese translation of the General Section of the German Civil Code, written by Kal Larenz.  相似文献   

渠涛 (以下简称渠 ) :非常感谢星野英一教授能在百忙之中接受我们中国社会科学院法学研究所《环球法律评论》杂志的采访。星野教授曾经为本杂志 2 0 0 1年秋季号主题研讨“日本民法百年”中的“专家评说”栏目惠赐大作 ,在此 ,谨对先生以往对本刊的支持再次表示感谢。下面 ,能否请先生先简单地介绍一下自己的经历。星野英一 (以下简称星野 ) :1 92 6年 ,我出生在日本的大阪 ,祖籍是神奈川县小田原市。在我两岁的时候 ,父亲为了准备参加律师考试 (当时叫做“高等文官司法科考试”)遂辞去了当时在大阪银行的工作 ,来到东京。从那以后 ,我们一…  相似文献   

本刊去年夏季号刊出《王怀安先生访谈录》后 ,引起一定反响。本期我们又推出另一位硕果仅存的新中国司法界元老邢亦民先生访谈录。与王老一样 ,邢老也是在参加学生运动中接触到革命思想并进而投身到中国共产党领导的革命事业。所不同的是 ,王老接受过科班法律教育 ,又一直从事政法工作。而邢老则接受的是普通师范教育 ,参加革命后长期从事军队政治工作 ,1 949年以后方才由军官转业做了法官。由于教育背景、工作履历不同 ,思想、感受自然也不尽相同。不过 ,在新中国的政法干部队伍中 ,像邢老这样由军官转向法官的或许更具典型意义和普遍意义。惟需说明的是 ,本栏目追求忠实反映受访者本人的观点 ,而非表达本刊的立场。  相似文献   

让更多的读者了解我国著名罗马法学家、安徽大学法学院周先生的经历和学术贡献 ,一直是我的一个心愿。因此 ,当《环球法律评论》编辑部请我采访周老时 ,作为周老的学生 ,我爽快地同意了。周老 ,字叔夏 ,190 8年生于江苏阳。先生192 8年中国公学大学部商科毕业。 193 1年在比利时鲁汶大学获政治外交硕士学位。 193 4年在该校获法学博士学位。回国后在多个大学、学院任教 ,并曾担任系主任和法学院院长。新中国诞生之际 ,周老深明大义 ,毅然选择为新中国服务。解放初期 ,周先生曾担任最高人民法院西南分院民庭房屋组组长。又因为“反右运…  相似文献   

王怀安先生是新中国司法界的元老之一 ,也是党内极少数受过正规法律教育而又长期从事政法领导工作的重要代表。王老一生的经历 ,勾织出现代中国法治建设曲折历史的真实缩影 ;而他那百折不挠的精神则映衬出过去八十年里 ,一代代中国人前仆后继、追求民主、追求法治、追求自由理想而愈挫愈奋 ,不倦不息的倔强风骨。本刊设立《世纪回眸》栏目的宗旨有二 ,一是抢救当代中国法律史的第一手材料 ;二是为正在进行中的民主法治建设提供直接而又真实的镜鉴。我们回顾过去 ,既非发思古之幽情 ,亦非顾影自怜 ,太息嗟叹 ;而是要拭除满脸污垢、扫落一身尘埃 ,清洁矫健地走向未来。今后本刊还将陆续推出类似的访谈实录 ,我们真切地期望广大读者能及时向本刊提供有价值的访谈线索 ,让我们携手并肩 ,共同办好这个栏目  相似文献   

我国现行的司法鉴定管理体制产生于计划经济时期,定型于上世纪八十年代,基本上适应了当时的政治、经济、社会乃至法制建设的需求,在特定历史阶段发挥了重要作用。随着社会主义市场经济体制的建立与完善,利益的多元化使矛盾和纠纷大量增加,社会的发展与科技的进步导致司法实践中高科技和各种专门性问题大量出现,诉讼中需要鉴定的事项越来越多;  相似文献   

The interview focuses on Kymlicka's major area of research, i.e., the issue of minority rights. Kymlicka explains why the rights of national minorities have been traditionally neglected in the Western political tradition. He argues that these rights promote individual freedom, and so should be seen as promoting liberal democratic principles. The interview covers many issues including the relationship between ethno-cultural groups and other forms of "identity politics"; how to individuate cultural groups with legitimate claims to minority rights; whether something like a "cosmopolitan view" can seriously challenge the need for minority rights; what are the dangers of building transnational political institutions such as the EU for democratic citizenship; what are the bases of social unity in multination states and what are the limits of toleration of illiberal minorities.  相似文献   


Profiles of Excellence: Achieving Success in the Nonprofit Sector E. B. Knauft, Renee Berger, and Sandra T. Gray San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1991, 197 pages, cloth $22.95

Strategic Management in Non-Profit Organizations: An Administrator's Handbook Robert D. Hay Westport, CT: Quorum Books, Greenwood Press, 1990, 408 pages, cloth $59.95

A Nonprofit Organization Operating Manual: Planning for Survival and Growth Arnold J. Olenick and Philip R. Olenick New York: The Foundation Center, 1991, 484 pages, paper $29.95

Reviewer Brann J. Wry is director of the Performing Arts Management program at New York University.

Exhibiting Cultures: The Poetics and Politics of Museum Display Ivan Karp and Steven D. Lavine, eds. Washington, D.C. and London: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1991, 468 pages, paper $15.95.

Reviewer Danielle Rice is curator of education for the Philadelphia Museum of Art.

Accounting and Budgeting in Public and Nonprofit Organizations C. William Garner San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1991, 272 pages, cloth $29.95

Reviewer Jan Masaoka is staff consultant/trainer for the Support Centers of San Francisco.

Quality Management in the Nonprofit World Larry W. Kennedy San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1991, 194 pages, cloth $22.95

Reviewer Brian Backe is the national marketing director for the Support Centers of America, a national service organization that provides management consulting, training, and information to non-profit organizations across the country.  相似文献   


This interview with Teesta Setalvad was conducted in the wake of the February 2020 anti-Muslim violence in North East Delhi. Drawing on her vast experience as a human rights activist, journalist, and peace educator, Setalvad’s responses map the continuum — across years, anti-minority pogroms and ruling parties with divergent ideologies — of the cultures of hate, and the practices of state repression and impunity in a proto-fascist India. Setalvad offers an interrogation of the ideology of the Hindu right, delves into the historical trajectories of the rise of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) and the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP). She also charts the repeating patterns of police and media complicity in fomenting anti-minority hate and critically analyses the contradictory role of the criminal law and the Constitution of India in both enabling and resisting communal violence. In conclusion, she offers hopeful strategies for keeping alive the promise of secularism.


在当代中美两国的法学交流中 ,有一个名字人们不应当忘记 ,他就是美国哥伦比亚大学 (以下简称哥大 )的爱德华 (RandyR .Edwards)教授。〔1〕正是他 ,创建了哥大的中国法律研究中心并担任主任长达 2 0年之久。在他的努力下 ,哥大的中国法律研究中心成为美国中国法研究的重镇 ;他作为美中法学教育交流委员会主席 ,先后组织和参与了多项重大的美中法学教育交流项目 ,当年经他面试去美国学习的许多学者如今已成为中国许多法学院系和法学研究机构的骨干力量。为表彰和纪念他对美中法学交流所作出的卓越贡献 ,2 0 0 2年在他即将退休之际 ,由美国…  相似文献   

The present experiment is the first empirical test of the Behaviour Analysis Interview (BAI), an interview technique developed by F. E. Inbau, J. E. Reid, J. P. Buckley, & B. C. Jayne (2001) designed to evoke different verbal and non-verbal responses from liars and truth-tellers. Inbau et al. expect liars to be less helpful than truth-tellers in investigations and to exhibit more nervous behaviours. Just the opposite predictions, however, follow from the deception literature, which notes that liars take their credibility less for granted and are therefore more aware of their responses and their impact on others. This suggests that liars' answers should be more helpful than truth-tellers' answers, and liars' non-verbal responses should appear more relaxed than truth-tellers' non-verbal responses. In the present experiment, 40 participants (undergraduate students) lied or told the truth about an event during a BAI interview. The interviews were coded according to Inbau et al.'s guidelines. The results showed that, compared to liars, truth-tellers (a) were more naive and evasive when explaining the purpose of the interview, and (b) were less likely to name someone who they felt certain did not commit the crime. Truth-tellers also exhibited more nervous behaviours. The results were consistent with the predictions of the deception literature, and directly opposed to the predictions of BAI.  相似文献   

Critical race theory provides a much‐needed framework for improving the study of race and racism's influence on psychological health and illness. Implicating the mundane and extraordinary, critical race theory explains how racism determines lifestyles and life chances. It also clarifies the individual and institutional nature of racism. Such clarification should be meaningful to sociologists of mental health, especially those interested in how race‐related inequality alters the distribution of psychological health and illness. Towards improving research linking race and racism with mental health, the present essay exposes five weaknesses in the sociology of mental health literature: (1) misspecification of perceived discrimination; (2) neglect of the psychological wages of Whiteness; (3) conflation of race and ethnicity; (4) assumption of mental health measurement invariance; and (5) disregard for narratives about how racism hurts mental health. These weaknesses and the strategies for overcoming them are uncovered by systematically applying select critical race theory tenets.  相似文献   

从美国Moseley案看商标淡化的界定   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
杨柳  郑友德 《知识产权》2005,15(1):58-62
由于淡化理论发展的不完善,美国<1995联邦商标淡化法案>的立法过程过于仓促,使得对商标淡化的界定在法院之间一直存在着可能淡化标准与实际淡化标准的争议.在前不久的Moseley案中,美国联邦最高法院出人意料地裁决,应以实际损害来认定商标淡化的存在.这表面上为争议给出了最终的结论,但是问题远未得到真正的解决.我国在司法实践中对淡化进行界定时可以从中加以借鉴.  相似文献   

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