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人们在实际的推理过程中常违反形式逻辑标准,出现各种偏差现象,表现出非理性,原有理论无法对此作出合理解释.双重加工理论能更好地解释人们实际推理和标准推理(normative reasoning)之间的不一致,认为人类存在着两个完全不同的认知系统:系统1--执行快速、平行、自动化和启发式加工;系统2--执行需要意志努力和认知资源的、控制和分析式加工.当系统1占优势时,人们会违反逻辑形式标准,出现偏差,表现出非理性;而当系统2占主导地位时,人们的推理会符合逻辑形式标准.  相似文献   

Historically, drug use has been understood as a problem of epidemiology, psychiatry, physiology, and criminality requiring legal and medical governance. Consequently drug research tends to be underpinned by an imperative to better govern, and typically proposes policy interventions to prevent or solve drug problems. We argue that categories of ‘addictive’ and ‘recreational’ drug use are discursive forms of governance that are historically, politically and socially contingent. These constructions of the drug problem shape what drug users believe about themselves and how they enact these beliefs in their drug use practices. Based on qualitative interviews with young illicit drug users in Brisbane, Australia, this paper uses Michel Foucault’s concept of governmentality to provide insights into how the governance of illicit drugs intersects with self-governance to create a drug user self. We propose a reconceptualisation of illicit drug use that takes into account the contingencies and subjective factors that shape the drug experience. This allows for an understanding of the relationships between discourses, policies, and practices in constructions of illicit drug users.  相似文献   

西方文学的东渐,拓宽了东方民族的审美视野。西方近现代文学高扬人文精神,淡化情节、渲染情绪和富于诗趣的描写,“促醒”了青年叶圣陶“对于文学的觉悟”。这种“真气扑鼻”的写当下感觉和情绪体验的文学作品,使读者如历其境、如闻其声,如见其人。它们“唤起”并不断地增强了青年叶圣陶的审美“感受”能力和审美的“创作”能力,那高扬的人文精神更启迪了青年叶圣陶沿着“为人生”的创作大道稳步前进  相似文献   

This pilot study aimed to explore the irrational beliefs of family violence within Jordanian society. Students in the study included 500 volunteered undergraduate students enrolled in a university requirement course at Hashemite University. A questionnaire was constructed to investigate students’ irrational beliefs of family violence. The results of the study indicated high agreement with most of the irrational beliefs about family and psychological violence. Moreover, the results revealed that females were more agreeable on the irrational beliefs of the family violence than males. The results of the study may reflect lack of awareness of family violence and its consequences on the individual emotional and behavioral system.  相似文献   

对"法定知识"通常的解释框架是"阶级"和"意识形态",即课程所具备的阶级属性和内隐的意识形态特征,并以此来对应教育的不平等,以及知识和国家权力联姻后的控制特征.但在课程寻求改革的过程中,改革行动者的言说、意识、意志与实践更加凸显.研究者认为社会因素只有融注在有血有肉的行动者后,对课程知识的作用才更为真实、更具整合性与穿透力.  相似文献   

This article is a scholarly overview and analysis of Hurricane Katrina's social and cultural devastation of the unique, indigenous culture of New Orleans. This study has been prepared as a scholarly and academic endeavor. However, it is also the basis for consideration of measures that could be taken to facilitate the reconstitution of the living environment of New Orleans in a way that is respectful of its folk culture. The physical devastation caused by the hurricane severely compromised the precious cultural communities of the French colonial Gulf Coast. The impact was most devastating to New Orleans because of its distinctive folk culture, which includes vivid cultural rituals such as the Mardi Gras Indians, jazz, the jazz funeral tradition, second line parades, and local cuisine. This culture is potentially fragile because it is a living culture—not based on collections preserved within the walls of a museum, but rather in the lives of its people. It is indisputably worthy of respect and revitalization. This project, realized through intensive research, will surely benefit the academic community and, most important, the people of New Orleans, to whom this document is dedicated. The project has been interesting, but it is an even greater honor to have the opportunity to advocate the necessity of reconstituting the folk culture of New Orleans through positive action to sustain the city's unique way of life. This will not be easy, but it is crucial for any "new New Orleans."  相似文献   

The US Army’s Night Vision and Electro-Optics Laboratory, Fort Belvoir, Virginia, has for the past decade encouraged the transfer of its unique technology into the non-military community. Our scientists and engineers have developed a wide spectrum of devices that provide the military forces with such benefits as being able to “see” at night without being detected, the ability to accurately determine ranges and to designate targets. Although our objective has been to develop devices to enhance the combat effectiveness of the US Army, many of these night vision and electro-optical devices have a great potential for serving useful functions in the non-military community. Therefore, the technology behind these devices which are not classified may, as the need dictates, be transitioned into the private sector through technology transfer. It is the intent of this paper to provide an introduction to the nature of this technology and to illustrate by high-lighting selected spinoffs, the many uses of night vision and electro-optics which have been adapted by the non-military community.  相似文献   

宪政的设计和运行程序集中表现为权利保障与权力控制二者之间的张力。宪政与检察行为的内在逻辑在于人权保障,宪政的基调决定着检察行为的品质。在宪政环境下,检察机关应当充分履行法律监督职责,以保障人权为终极价值,通过规范、创新检察行为,避免对公民个体权利的侵犯,最大限度地保障各刑事诉讼参与人的合法权益。  相似文献   

课程衔接是教师职前教育课程建设的关键,也是当前课程改革亟待破解的瓶颈。深化教师教育课程改革,需要切实加强学科专业课程与教育专业课程、教育通识类课程与学科教育类课程、教育学类课程与心理学类课程以及教育理论性课程与教育实践性课程之间的相互联系和贯通,重视引导并指导师范生在不同课程所激发和产生的学习经验之间加强深层次关联。唯此,教师教育课程改革才可能真正促进师范生在职前专业教育阶段的学习效果最优化,进而达成教师教育的整体目标。  相似文献   

许志 《河北法学》2006,24(6):114-118
刑事警察权是国家权力的重要组成部分.我国刑事警察权具有垄断性、广泛性和重大性的特征,其在运行过程中存在许多问题,造成了对公民合法权益的严重侵害.从法治的理念出发,对警察权进行分权和限权、以权利制约权力、健全相关制度,从而合理构建刑事警察权是文章之要义.  相似文献   

法社会学视野中的法官造法   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
田成有 《现代法学》2003,25(3):79-86
本文立足于立法中的理性主义与经验主义之争 ,分析立法中根深蒂固的缺陷 ,比较和区分两大法系中法官适用法律的不同方法与结局 ,系统阐释司法实践中法官解释和适用法律的几种状况 ,探析法官造法的必然性与限定性  相似文献   

丁以升  胡玉鸿 《现代法学》2000,22(5):143-144
本文对周永坤先生的新著<法理学一全球视野>的特色与成就进行了评价,指出该书在一些法理学术范畴的提炼和知识的细化方面有一定突破.  相似文献   

季金华 《河北法学》2008,26(2):142-147
全球化是一个涉及到人类经济、政治、文化和社会生活诸领域的世界性历史进程。经济全球化不仅从多方面影响了主权国家的经济职能和经济主权,而且通过法律全球化对国家的法律主权构成了一定的挑战。经济全球化深刻影响到世界政治组织的构成及其活动方式和范围、对以国家为中心的、分散的主权政治架构也会产生广泛的影响。文化全球化推动了全球体系中的文化整合与文化嬗变,影响了人们的主权观念,并在一定程度上制约着人们的行为以及人们之间的关系模式,改变着国家的政治生活形式,深刻影响着国家的文化主权,对民族国家和国际社会的治理及其宪政化提供了新的机遇并带来了新的挑战。因此,为了推进全球法治进程,必须树立新的主权理念,实现主权要素的重构。  相似文献   

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