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Joshua Cohen 《Ratio juris》1999,12(4):385-416
Jürgen Habermas is a radical democrat. The source of that self-designation is that his conception of democracy—what he calls “discursive democracy”—is founded on the ideal of “a self-organizing community of free and equal citizens,” coordinating their collective affairs through their common reason. The author discusses three large challenges to this radical-democratic ideal of collective self-regulation: 1) What is the role of private autonomy in a radical-democratic view? 2) What role does reason play in collective self-regulation? 3) What relevance might a radical-democratic outlook have for contemporary democracies? The author addresses these questions by considering Habermas' answers, and then presenting alternative responses to them. The alternatives are also radical-democratic in inspiration, but they draw on a richer set of normative-political ideas than Habermas wants to rely on, and are more ambitious in their hopes for democratic practice.  相似文献   

李墨丝 《时代法学》2008,6(2):115-119
《竞争法示范法》是联合国贸易与发展会议下属的政府间竞争法与竞争政策专家组研究国际竞争法的最主要的成果,它及时因应了国际竞争法的发展趋势和要求,具有高度的灵活性和前瞻性,为促进发展中国家立法、协调各国竞争立法进行了有益尝试。  相似文献   

邢发齐 《河北法学》2012,(3):121-125
土地征收制度中出现的农民与政府、用地单位之间的多重矛盾,是近期学者关注较多的一个问题。对比西方国家的实务工作,我国的土地征收制度既存在问题,也有符合历史发展趋势的一面。为了缓解建设用地供应过程中的多重矛盾,我们倡导以市场调节为主导,以政府管制为辅助的改革方向,提出以公平待遇制度为基础,解决土地征收替代机制中五个主要矛盾的建议。  相似文献   

刘菲 《北方法学》2011,5(6):96-103
在民事诉讼中,民事争议与行政争议交叉处理问题实质上是行政行为对民事审判的拘束效力问题。通过分析其成因及借鉴域外之经验,可以找到解决这一问题的思路:首先要判断该行政行为是否构成"先决问题",即行政行为是否具有先决性,是否是尚未发生形式确定力的非无效行政行为。在构成"先决问题"的前提下,以行政行为对私法关系的作用效果为依据确定民事审判权的审查限度,即对确认性行政行为、形成性行政行为、裁决性行政行为分别适用民事先行、先行后民、行政附带的司法审查机制。  相似文献   

郑文科 《行政与法》2007,(11):103-106
1970年世界旅游组织(WTO)在布鲁塞尔制定的《旅行契约国际公约》,比较全面地规范了旅游契约的主要内容。根据该公约的规定,旅行契约包括有组织的旅行契约和中间人承办的旅行契约两类;旅游契约的主体有三类:旅行业者、旅行业中间人和旅行者。而且公约中也详细规定了旅客与旅游营业人的权利与义务以及旅游营业人责任的限制与免除等。这对我国的相关立法有较高的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Gasoline on hands: preliminary study on collection and persistence   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The identification of an arsonist remains one of the most difficult challenges a fire investigation has to face. Seeking and detection of traces of gasoline could provide a valuable information to link a suspect with an arson scene where gasoline was used to set-up the fire. In this perspective, a first study was undertaken to evaluate a simple, fast and efficient method for collecting gasoline from hands, and to assess its persistence over time. Four collection means were tested: PVC, PE and Latex gloves, as well as humidified filter paper. A statistical assessment of the results indicates that Latex and PVC gloves worn for about 20 min, as well as paper filter rubbed on hands, allow an efficient collection of gasoline applied to hands. Due to ease of manipulation and to a reduced amount of volatile compounds detected from the matrix, PVC gloves were selected for the second set of experiments. The evaluation of the persistence of gasoline on hands was then carried out using two initial quantities (500 and 1000 microl). Collection was made with PVC gloves after 0, 30 min, 1, 2 and 4h, on different volunteers. The results show a common tendency of massive evaporation of gasoline during the first 30 min: a continued but non-linear decrease was observed along different time intervals. The results of this preliminary study are in agreement with other previous researches conducted on the detection of flammable liquid residues on clothes, shoes and skin.  相似文献   

在我国现代侦查领域中,立案程序扮演着侦查启动的重要角色。在中国历史上的封建侦查领域中也存在着“立案”,但它只是启动刑讯的手续。封建社会侦查领域也存在着类似于现行立案程序的过滤机制,通过设立管辖、主体、客体、形式等方面的禁止性要件,使得侦查无从启动,从而达到“不立案”的客观效果。  相似文献   

In this article, the author describes his experience as an active participant on a central review board designed to hear appeals by prisoners front adverse decisions made by local prison grievance and disciplinary boards. The invitation to serve as "citizen member" on this appellate board came to the author as a result of his earlier work on inmate grievance procedures, reported in a previous Journal article. The present article gives a close-up account of the types of inmates and inmate problems encountered while serving on such a board and of the difficult role conflicts that the board members face in trying to make decisions that are both fair and realistic. The article also gives a first-hand impression of the flavor of prison life.  相似文献   

船舶抵押权的实现途径直接关系到实现船舶抵押权的时间成本.《中华人民共和国民事诉讼法》规定的实现担保物权非诉程序,适用于船舶抵押权的实现,改变了船舶抵押权通过诉讼程序解决的传统模式.就船舶抵押权适用担保物权实现程序涉及的主体资质、管辖权、受理与审查等相关问题加以分析.  相似文献   

刘延东 《时代法学》2011,9(2):39-45
我国有27个省、自治区、直辖市制定实施了反对家庭暴力的地方法规或文件。通过对这些地方法规和文件的比较分析可以发现,各地在界定家庭暴力概念、明确法规实施主体、规定举证责任、进行首问责任制等方面进行了积极的尝试,为反家暴工作的开展提供了重要依据。同时,地方性法规和政策的天然不足和相互间的差异,又迫切呼唤国家出台专门法律以及相关方面对若干法律问题做更加深入的研究论证。  相似文献   

卜祥瑞 《中国法律》2014,(2):38-41,100-104
《中华人民共和国商业银行法》於1995年5月10日第八届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第十三次会议通过,2003年12月27日第十届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第六次会议通过了《板於修改〈中华人民共和国商业银行法〉的决定》,对该法进行了部分条款的修正。2013年3月全国人民代表大会期间,多位银行界代表提出再次修改《商业银行法》的议案,《商业银行法》再次修改工作将列入立法机构和银行业有关机构的工作日程。  相似文献   

Reports on identification of seminal stains and spermatozoa on washed clothing are available. However, their detection on such clothing seems to depend on the washing material and the procedure adopted. It is reported here that prolonged immersion in water does not affect the detection of stains and spermatozoa.Results of experiments on water-immersed cotton clothing from 12 to 144 hours of water immersion are presented here. It is seen that intact human spermatozoa could be detected on such material even at 120 hours.  相似文献   

作为目标宏大的《民商事管辖权与判决公约》难产的情况下达成的最大共识的产物,《选择法院协议公约》包含了大量的排除公约适用的防御性条款,对此深入研究可以为我国批准和加入公约后更好地解决国际民事诉讼中管辖权的冲突,以及更好的保护我国的司法主权提供理论基础。  相似文献   

随着反取证技术的发展,调查人员越来越难于在磁盘介质中寻找到有价值的证据或线索。针对内存信息的调查分析研究由此成为计算机法庭科学领域日益关注的焦点。通过以内存调查取证开源软件Volatility为背景,从进程及DLL、内存及VAD、驱动程序及内核对象、网络连接与注册表等多个角度描述内存信息的调查方法.并结合实例说明所述方法在实际工作中的具体应用。  相似文献   

医疗立法是保障公民健康权的重要途径,是我国卫生法制建设的重要内容,是保证新医改关于医疗服务体系健全和公立医院改革顺利进行的重要保障之一,是依法卫生行政的内在要求。在分析医疗法立法的依据和-原则后,借鉴Et本、德国、台湾医疗立法经验,建议以总则、医疗法人制度、医疗安全保障、病人权益保护、信息公开制度、监督管理体制、法律责任作为医疗法的基本框架,并就我国医疗立法的相关问题进行探讨。  相似文献   

形式解释论与实质解释论:事实与理念之展开   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国目前的刑事司法实践完全没有深深陷入法律形式主义的泥坑,因而需要采用实质解释论加以拯救,而恰恰是深深陷入了法律实质主义的泥坑,由此逾越了罪刑法定原则的樊篱,因而需要引入形式解释论加以纠正。在某种意义上,形式解释论与实质解释论之争不仅是构成要件论之争,甚至是刑法机能论之争、刑法观之争。在我国当下社会中,法治规则意识尚未完全建立。在这种前法治时代,我国应该大力弘扬规则功利主义。  相似文献   

Reed  Edward 《Trusts & Trustees》2007,13(2):40-42
In addition to the extensive changes made by the Finance Act2006 to the inheritance tax rules on trusts, there is now afurther significant development. HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC)have recently responded to a number of questions raised by severalprofessional bodies including STEP (the Society of Trust andEstate Practitioners) and the CIOT (the Chartered Instituteof Taxation) on a number of detailed points on the new legislation.The responses from HMRC are very helpful and will clarify anumber of important matters, although there are a number ofissues that still need to be resolved. The main areas whichwere covered in the questions are outlined in this article.  相似文献   

Chance fingerprints may be found on every type of surfaces of contact and when they are latent, need to be developed by various methods. The type of surface on which latent prints are to be developed is one of the important factors when a choice for a method of development is to be made. The matter becomes more crucial when the surface is unique like a compact disc containing digital data. In this case, to develop the fingerprints is not the only matter to be taken care of but also, is very important to select such a method which may not effect the stored data and its retrieval. In present investigation, various methods have been tried to develop fingerprints on the writing surface of a CD and results are discussed with respect to their development as well as its effect on stored data and data retrieval.  相似文献   

班固《汉书》创设“五行志”一目 ,集先秦两汉阴阳五行灾异学说之大成 ,对后出史书多有影响 ,而近现代学术界对之评价较低 ,重视不够。本文通过对中华书局标点本存在的标点、校勘问题和《汉语大词典》与《汉书·五行志》相关的立目释义和书证问题等的考查 ,认为对“五行志”一目的设立及其价值应当重估 ,在古籍整理和学术研究过程中 ,应重视“五行志”的文献价值  相似文献   

This paper describes a systematic study of the influence of optical, physical, and chemical methods used for fingerprint enhancement on subsequent DNA analysis of biological stains. Latent fingerprints as well as fingerprints in contact with blood and saliva on different surfaces were treated with dactyloscopic methods. As a general finding, subsequent STR profiling of the blood/saliva traces led to good results after all the enhancement methods included in this study. Concerning blood enhancement procedures, the airbrush technique showed deleterious effects on subsequent STR analysis in some cases. We therefore recommend the implementation of the layer technique, as it brings advantages for fingerprint enhancement as well. It could also be shown that, as can be necessary in practical casework, two enhancement methods can be performed on a single stain without having influence on STR profiling. In terms of methodological variety, this paper reflects a comprehensive study performed on STR profiling after fingerprint enhancement methods, including rare methods and variations of techniques, which can be a useful alternative in certain case scenarios.  相似文献   

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