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《The Modern law review》1998,61(2):281-292
Thomas: Legal Frontiers Wellman: An Approach to Rights: Studies in the Philosophy of Law and Morals Allsop and Mulcahy: Regulating Medical Work: Formal and Informal Controls Mercuro and Medema: Economics and the Law: From Posner to Post-Modernism Franck: Fairness in International Law and Institutions Nussbaum: Poetic Justice: The Literary Imagination and Public Life Posner: Law and Legal Theory in the UK and USA Montgomery: Health Care Law  相似文献   

《The Modern law review》1997,60(1):133-142
Weatherill, Stephen Law and Integration in the European Union
Jasanoff, Sheila Science at the Bar: Law, Science and Technology in America
Gunn, David L. (ed.) The Lawyer and Popular Culture — Proceedings of a Conference
Denvir, John (ed.) Legal Reelism
Bergman, Paul and Asimow, Michael Reel Justice
Wilson, Geoffrey (ed.) Frontiers of Legal Scholarship
Twinning, William Blackstone's Tower: The English Law School  相似文献   


Trauma and Memory L M Williams and V L Banyard Sage, 1999, 347pp £19.99 (pbk) ISBN 0 7619 0772 6  相似文献   

《The Modern law review》1999,62(5):803-806
Books reviewed:
Julia Black, Rules and Regulators
James Allen (ed), The Speluncean Case: Making Jurisprudence Seriously Enjoyable  相似文献   

《The Modern law review》1999,62(6):957-964
Books reviewed:
Sandra Berns and Paula Baron Company Law and Governance: An Australian Perspective
Nicola Lacey Unspeakable Subjects: Feminist Essays in Legal and Social Theory
Peter Birks (ed) Privacy and Loyalty
Jack Beatson and Takis Tridmas (eds) New Directions in European Public Law
D. J. Galligan Due Process and Fair Procedures: A Study of Administrative Procedures
James Allan (ed) The Speluncean Case: Making Jurisprudence Seriously Enjoyable  相似文献   

《The Modern law review》1986,49(6):818-820
Conflict of Laws and European Community Law: With special reference to the Community Conventions on private international law. By Ian F. Fletcher.  相似文献   

《The Modern law review》1978,41(6):753-768
General Problems of Private International Law. By O. Kahn-Freund. [Leyden: Sijthoff. 1976. 336 pp. Dfl.48·00.] Law in Modern Society. By Roberto Mangabeira Unger. [New York: The Free Press. 1976. ix + 309 pp. $12.95.] Power Law and Society. By Edgar Bodenheimer. [New York: Crane Russak. 1976. vii + 202 pp. No price given.] Fiduciary Obligations. By P. D. Finn. [Sydney: Law Book Co. Ltd. 1977. xxxvii and 299 pp. No price stated.] Computer Law. By Colin Tapper. [Longman Group Limited, London. 1978. 180 pp. + introduction, tables, bibliography and indexes. £6·95.] Alibi. By R. N. Gooderson. [London: Heinemann. 1977. 269 pp. £9·50.] Social Welfare Law. Edited by D. W. Pollard. [Oyez Publishing. 1977. £50 + £1 (postage and packing).] Council Housing. By David Hoath. [Sweet & Maxwell. 1978. (Modern Legal Studies) pp. xix + 169. Hardback: £4·00; Paperback: £2·50.] Fair Rent and Legal Fiction. By Piers Bierne. [Macmillan. 1977. Hardback: £8·95; Paperback: £3·95. pp. xix + 240.] The Homeless and the Empty Houses. By Ron Bailey. Penguin Books. 1977. pp. 287 95p.] Wilkinson's Road Traffic Offences. Ninth Edition. Edited by Patrick Halnan. [Oyez, London, 1977. pp. cvii 931 incl. index. £18·00.] La Contrattazione Collettiva in Italia (1945–1977). Edited by B. Veneziani. [Bari: Cacucci Editore 1978. Lire 6.500. 341 pp.]  相似文献   


SEXUALITY IN ADOLESCENCE Susan Moore & Doreen Rosenthal Routledge, London, 1993, pp241 £12.99 ISBN 0-415-07528-9

CONFRONTING RAPE: THE FEMINIST ANTI-RAPE MOVEMENT AND THE STATE Nancy A. Matthews Routledge, London, 1994, pp188 £12.99, ISBN 0 415 06491 0

CHILD SEXUAL ABUSE: A GUIDE FOR HEALTH PROFESSIONALS Celia Doyle Chapman & Hall, London, 1994, pp290 £15.99 ISBN 0 412 46960 X

NOT IN FRONT OF THE GROWN-UPS: A STUDY OF THE SOCIAL AND SEXUAL LIVES OF 15 AND 16 YEAR OLDS Julia Hirst Pavic Publications, Sheffield, 1994, pp 112 £7.50 ISBN 0 86339 4345

SEXUAL OFFENDING AGAINST CHILDREN: ASSESSMENT AND TREATMENT OF MALE ABUSERS Tony Morrison, Marcus Erooga and Richard Beckett (eds.) Routledge, London, 1994 £13.99 (paperback) ISBN 415 05505 9  相似文献   

《The Modern law review》1995,58(6):913-917
Steve Redhead, Unpopular Cultures: The Birth of Law and Popular Culture Paul C. Weiler, Howard H. Hiatt, Joseph P. Newhouse, William G. Johnson, Troyen A. Brennan and Lucian L. Leape, A Measure of Malpractice: Medical Injury, Malpractice Litigation and Patient Compensation Ernest J. Weinrib, The Idea of Private Law  相似文献   

《The Modern law review》1979,42(2):229-248
Children Act 1975. By Hugh K. Bevan and Martin L. Parry. Ethics in the Practice of Law. By Geoffrey C. Hazard Jr. of Yale Law School. Law and Morality. A Reader edited by Louis Blom-Cooper, q.c. and Gavin Drewry. [Duckworth, 1976. xvi, 265 pp. £4·95 paperback.] The Australian Criminal Justice System. Second edition. Edited by Duncan Chappell and Paul R. Wilson. Crime and Justice in Australia. Edited by David Biles. Landlord and Tenant Under the Rent Act 1977. By Philip H. Pettit. The Rent Act 1977. The Protection From Eviction Act 1977. By Julian T. Farrand. Compulsory Acquisition and Compensation. By Sir Frederick Corfield, q.c. and R. J. Carnwath, Barrister. Defamation. By Colin Duncan, q.c. and Brian Neill, q.c. with a Foreword by The Rt. Hon. Lord Salmon. Litigation: Evidence and Procedure. By M. I. Aronson, N. S. Raeburn and N. S. Weinberg. Crown Court Practice: Trial. By Peter Fallon, q.c. The Law of Contracts. By S. M. Waddams. The Supreme Court Practice 1979. ABC Guide to the Practice of the Supreme Court. By Emlyn Williams. Family Law and Social Policy. By J. Eekelaar. State, Law and Family. By M. A. Glendon. The Law of Easements and Profits. By Paul Jackson. English and Continental Systems of Law. By Z. M. Nedjati, ll.b. The Civil Court in Action. By D. Barnard. Canadian Tort Law. By A. M. Linden. Studies in Canadian Tort Law. Edited by L. N. Klar Introduction to the Law of Torts. By G. L. Fridman The Law of Torts. Fifth Edition. By J. G. Fleming  相似文献   

《The Modern law review》1984,47(1):111-132
Legal Marriage—who Needs it?: The Marriage Contract. By Lenore J. Weitzman. [New York: The Free Press. 1981. 536 pp. (incl. index) $17.95.] Legal Marriage—who Needs it?: Cohabitation Without Marriage. By Michael D. A. Freeman and Christina M. Lyon. [Aldershot, Hants.: Gower, 1983. 228 pp. (incl. index). £15.00.] Legal Marriage—who Needs it?: Unmarried Couples. By Winifred H. Holland. [Toronto: The Carswell Company. 1982. 249 pp. (incl. index) Can.$32.50.] Legal Marriage—who Needs it?: The Family Home. By W. T. Murphy and Hilary Clark. [London: Sweet and Maxwell. 1983. xxi and 229 pp. (incl. index) £6£95 (paperback).] Legal Marriage—who Needs it?: Fundamentals of Securities Regulation. By Louis Loss. [Boston and Toronto: Little Brown and Company. 1983. xxiii and 1353 pp. No price stated.] Legal Marriage—who Needs it?: Economic Realities and the Female Offender. By Jane Roberts Chapman. [Lexington, Massachusetts: Lexington Books. 1980. 234 pp. (incl. bibliog. and index). No price stated.] Legal Marriage—who Needs it?: Girl Delinquents. By Anne Campbell. [Oxford: Basil Blackwell. 1981. 266 pp. Paperback: £4-50.1 Legal Marriage—who Needs it?: The Analysis of Judicial Reform. Edited by Philip L. Dubois. [Lexington: D. C. Heath. 1982. xiv and 221 pp. £18·50.] Legal Marriage—who Needs it?: The Politics of Judicial Reform. Edited by Philip L. Dubois. [Lexington: D. C. Heath. 1982. xi and 187 pp. £18·50.] Legal Marriage—who Needs it?: Prosecution in the Public Interest. By Susan R. Moody and Jacqueline Tombs. [Edinburgh: Scottish Academic Press. 1982. xiii and 167 pp. £12·00.] Legal Marriage—who Needs it?: Free Speech: A Philosophical Inquiry. By Frederick Schauer. [Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1982. 237 pp. £ 20·00 (hardback) £6-50 (paperback).] Legal Marriage—who Needs it?: English Law and French Law. By René David. [Stevens/Eastern Law House. 1980. 195 pp. Hardback: £12·50.] Legal Marriage—who Needs it?: La Responsabilité Civile. By André Tunc. [Economica. 1981. 161 pp. Paperback: 65F.]  相似文献   

《The Modern law review》1984,47(4):487-504
A Treatise for our times?: The Law of Torts. 6th edition. By John G. Fleming. [The Law Book Co. Ltd. 1983. £20·00, soft covers.] A Treatise for our times?: The Law of Torts. 7th edition. By H. Street. [Butterworths 1983. £15·95, soft covers.] A Treatise for our times?: States of Emergency. By Keith Jeffrey and Peter Hennessy. [Routledge & Kegan Paul. 1983. viii and 312 pp. £14·95.] A Treatise for our times?: Law, Social Science and Criminal Theory. By Jerome Hall. [Colorado: Fred B. Rothman & Co., New York University School of Law, Criminal Law Education Research Center, Publications Series, Vol. 14. 1982. xvi+333 pp. $39.50.] A Treatise for our times?: Between Conviction and Sentence: The process of mitigation. By Joanna Shapland. [London: Routledge & Kegan Paul. 1981. 167 pp. £10·50.] A Treatise for our times?: Public Rights and Private Interests. By J. A. G. Griffith. [Trivandrum. The Academy of Legal Publications. 1981. 195 pp. Rs. 80; £7·00.]  相似文献   

《The Modern law review》1984,47(2):240-260
Improving the Protection of Human Rights: European Human Rights Convention in Domestic Law: A Comparative Study. By Andrew Z. Drzemczewski. [Oxford: O.U.P. 1983. xiv and 372 pp. inc. Bibliography, Tables and Index. Hardback: £30.] Improving the Protection of Human Rights: Evaluating Witness Evidence. Edited by S. M. A. Lloyd-Bostock and B. R. Clifford. [Chichester: John Wiley and Sons. 1983. x and 305 pp. £19-95.] Improving the Protection of Human Rights: The Constitution, The Courts, and Human Rights. By Michael J. Perry. [New Haven and London: Yale University Press. 1982. xi and 241 pp. £18-50.  相似文献   

《The Modern law review》2000,63(2):308-316
Books reviewed:
Skelton Restitution and Contract
Slaughter, Sweet and Weiler (eds) The European Courts and National Courts – Doctrine and Jurisprudence
Tasioulas Law, Values and Social Practices
Macauley Social Power and Legal Culture: Litigation Masters in Late Imperial China
Various Diritto Privato 1997: III L'abuso del diritto
Duff Philosophy and the Criminal Law
Stein Roman Law in European History  相似文献   

《The Modern law review》2000,63(1):134-158
Books reviewed:
Petersen (ed), Love and Law in Europe
Bamforth, Sexuality, Morals and Justice: A Theory of Lesbian and Gay Rights Law
Griffiths, In the Shadow of Marriage: Gender and Justice in an African Community
Moore, Placing Blame: A Theory of Criminal Law
Weissbrodt and Wolfrum (eds), The Right to a Fair Trial
Armstrong and Bulmer, The Governance of the Single European Market
Woodhouse, In Pursuit of Good Administration: Ministers, Civil Servants and Judges
Fried, The Progressive Assualt on Laissez Faire: Robert Hale and first Law and Economics Movement
Kastanas, Unitéey diversité: Notions autonomes et marge d'appréciation des Etats dans la jurisprudence de la Cour européenne des droits de l'homme  相似文献   

《The Modern law review》2000,63(6):929-948
Books reviewed:
Byers (ed) The Role of Law in International Politics: Essays in International Relations and International Law
Jones Private Enforcement of Antitrust Law in the EU, UK and USA
Waldron Law and Disagreement
Forte (ed) Good Faith in Contract and Property Law
Lucy Understanding and Explaining Adjudication
Jones Speaking for the Dead: Cadavers in Biology and Medicine  相似文献   

《The Modern law review》2001,64(5):809-811
Books reviewed:
Zumbansen , Ordnungsmuster im modernen Wohlfahrtsstaat. Lernerfahrungen zwischen Staat, Gesellschaft und Vertrag
Wesseling, The Modernisation of EC Antitrust Law  相似文献   

《The Modern law review》2001,64(4):643-655
Books reviewed:
Gastwirth Statistical Science in the Courtroom
Fraser The Jews of the Channel Islands and the Rule of Law, 1940–1945: 'Quite Contrary to the Principles of British Justice'
Cretney Family Law: Essays for the New Millennium
Witteveen and van der Burg Rediscovering Fuller: Essays on Implicit Law and Institutional Design
Jørgensen The Responsibility of States for International Crimes  相似文献   

《The Modern law review》1997,60(6):874-884
Gough Company Charges
Schlag Laying Down the Law: Mysticism, Fetishism and the American Legal Mind
Angel Science on Trial: The Clash of Medical Evidence and the Law in the Breast Implant Case
Farmer Criminal Law Tradition and Legal Order: Crime and the Genius of Scots Law 1747 to the Present
Saunders Violence as Obscenity: Limiting the Media's First Amendment Protection
Rawlings (ed) Law, Society, and Economy: Centenary Essays for the London School of Economics and Political Science, 1895–1995  相似文献   

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