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Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: THE ETHNIC ORIGINS OF NATIONS. By Anthony D. Smith. RITES OF POWER Symbolism, Ritual, and Polities since the Middle Ages. Ed. by Sean Wilentz. THE LANGUAGES OF POLITICAL THEORY IN EARLY-MODERN EUROPE. Ed. by Anthony Pagden. POLITICAL DISCOURSE: EXPLORATIONS IN INDIAN AND WESTERN POLITICAL THOUGHT. Ed. by Bhikhu Parekh and Thomas Pantham. REVOLUTION IN HISTORY. Edited by Roy Porter and Mikulas Teich. DIVISIONS OF LABOUR. By R.E. Pahl. WOMEN AND PEACE THROUGH THE POLLS. By Carol Bacchi. AUSTRALIAN PUBLIC OPINION ON NATIONAL SECURITY ISSUES. By David Campbell. WHY OPPOSE RACISM? By Jan Pettman. WORKING PAPERS, PEACE RESEARCH CENTRE, RESEARCH SCHOOL OF PACIFIC STUDIES, AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL UNIVERSITY. POLITICS OF THE HIGH COURT. A Study of the Judicial Branch of Government in Australia. By Brian Galligan. HOSPITALS AND POLITICS. The Australian Hospital Association 1946–86. By Mary Dickenron and Catherine Mason. HIGH HOPES: THE MFN AND MOTIVES OF THE AUSTRALIAN ROUND TABLE. By Leonie Foster. FINDING AUSTRALIA: THE HISTORY OF AUSTRALIA TO 1821. By Russel Ward. Richmond, Vic., Heinemann. THE LIMITS OF HOPE. Soldier Settlement in Victoria 1915–1938. By Marilyn Lake. TOUGH TIMES: AUSTRALIA IN THE SEVENTIES. By Frank Crowley, Richmond, Vic., William Heinemann. FRONTIER ABORIGINES, SETTLERS AND LAND. By Henry Reynolds. DEAR GRACE: A ROMANCE OF HISTORY. By Margaret Gillett. SERGEANT LAWRENCE GOES TO FRANCE. Ed. by Peter Yule. THE TREASURY LINE. By Greg Whitwell. INITIATIVE AND REFERENDUM: THE PEOPLE'S LAW. By Geoffrey de Q. Walker. TASMAN RELATIONS: NEW ZEALAND AND AUSTRALIA, 1788–1988. Ed. by Keith Sinclair. FROM RHETORIC TO REALITY, PAPUA NEW GUINEA'S EIGHT POINT PLAN AND NATIONAL GOALS AFTER A DECADE. Edited by Peter King, Wendy Lee and Vincent Warakai. THE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OF THE PACIFIC BASIN. By Willy Kraus and Wilfred Lutkenhorst. SUKARNO, A POLITICAL BIOGRAPHY. By J.D. Legge,. INDONESIA: THE RISE OF CAPITAL. By Richard Robison. THE ORIGINS OF THE KOREAN WAR. By Peter Lowe. COOPERATION IN DEVELOPMENT: PROBLEMS AND PROSPECTS FOR INDIA AND ASEAN. By K.P. Saksena. THE ORIGINS OF THE SECOND WORLD WAR RECONSIDERED: The A.J.P. Taylor. THE WRITING ON THE WALL: The British Commonwealth and Aggression in the East, 1931–1935. By E.M. Andrews. THE CONVENTIONAL DEFENSE OF EUROPE NEW TECHNOLOGIES AND NEW STRATEGIES. Edited by Andrew J. Pierre. SIBERIA AND THE SOVIET FAR EAST: Strategic Dimensions in Multinational Perspective. Edited by Rodger Swearingen. THE SOVIET COMMUNIST PARTY. Third Edition. By Ronald J. Hill and Peter Frank.  相似文献   

Book Notes     
THE RUSSIAN NAVY AND AUSTRALIA TO 1825: The Days Before Suspicion. By Glynn Barratt A READER OF AUSTRALIAN ANARCHISM 1886–1896. Edited by Bob James EMPIRE TO WELFARE STATE: English History 1906–1976. Second edition. By T.O. Lloyd POOR LITTLE RICH COUNTRY: The Path to the Eighties. By Maximilian Walsh DEVELOPING AN INTERDISCIPLINARY SCIENCE OF ORGANIZATIONS. By Karlene H. Roberts, Charles L. Hulin and Denise M. Rousseau THE COMMUNIST PARTIES OF WESTERN EUROPE: A Comparative Study. By R . Neal Tannahill PHILOSOPHERS OF PEACE AND WAR: Kant, Clausewitz, Marx, Engels and Tolstoy. By W.B. Gallie VIOLENCE: Perspectives on Murder and Aggression. By Irwin L. Kutash, Samuel B. Kutash, Louis B. Schlesinger and Associates AUSTRALIAN LABOR PARTY NATIONAL COMMITTEE OF INQUIRY DISCUSSION PAPERS. APSA Monograph No. 23 SLUMS OF HOPE? Shanty Towns of the Third World. By Peter Lloyd LOCAL GOVERNMENT REFORM - A CASE STUDY OF THE RESTRUCTURING OF LOCAL AUTHORITIES IN SOUTH-EAST QUEENSLAND. By K. Window PROBLEM1 DEL SOCIALISMO, No. 8, Oct. – Dec. 1977 TOP ADMINISTRATORS: Meeting their Needs. Proceedings of Twelfth Annual Conference of Royal Institute of Public Administration, Queensland Regional Group, 20 Sept. 1978 LUCCA 1369–1400: Politics and Society in an Early Renaissance City-state. By Christine Meek MEMOIRS OF GOLD-DIGGING IN AUSTRALIA. By Seweryn Korzelinski. Translated and edited by Stanley Robe BLITZKRIEG. By Len Deighton A THEORY OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE. By Hyman Gross THE PIECES OF POLITICS. Second Edition. Edited by Richard Lucy HECEL AND MODERN SOCIETY. By Charles Taylor C.D.H. COLE. By Gerald L. Houseman  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: THE GOVERNMENT OF NEW SOUTH WALES. By R. S. Parker DOCUMENTS ON AUSTRALIAN FOREIGN POLICY 1937–49. Vol III: January–June 1940. Edited by H. Kenway, H. J. W. Stokes and P. G. Edwards PUBLIC EXPENDITURES AND SOCIAL POLICY IN AUSTRALIA. Volume I: The Whitiam Years. 1972–75. Edited by R. B. Scotton and Helen Ferber FROM WHITLAM TO FRASER: Reform and Reaction in Australian Politics. Edited by Allan Patience and Brian Head ILLUSIONS OF POWER: The fate of a reform government. By Michael Sexton POLITICS BETWEEN DEPARTMENTS: The fragmentation of executive control in Australian government. By Martin Painter and Bernard Carey CAPITALISM, SOCIALISM OR BARRARISM? The Australian Predicament: Essays in Contemporary Political Economy. By E. L. Wheelwright TRANSNATIONAL CORPORATIONS IN SOUTH EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC. Volume I. By Ernest Utrecht (with contributions by Kate Short) OWNERSHIP AND CONTROL OF AUSTRALIAN CORPORATIONS. By Michael Lawriwsky FOREIGN INVESTMENT AND TRANSNATIONAL CORPORATIONS IN AUSTRALIA: An Annotated Bibliography. By G. J. Crough AUSTRALIAN URBAN POLICY. By Max Neutze FEDERAL POWER IN AUSTRALIA'S CITIES: Essays in Honour of Peter Till. Edited by Patrick N. Troy AUSTRALIAN CAPITAL CITIES: Historical Essays. Edited by J. W. McCarty and C. B. Schedvin THE LAND RACKET: The Real Costs of Property Speculation. By Leonie Sandercock PROTEST AND PUNISHMENT: The Story of the Social and Political Protesters transported to Australia 1788–1868. By George Rudè ‘THIS SIN AND SCANDAL’: Australia's Population Debate 1891–1911. By Neville Hicks THE CONFIDENT YEARS: Australia in the Twenties. By Robert Murray DEPRESSION DOWN UNDER. By Daisy McWilliams and others. Edited by Len Fox THE ECONOMIC STATUS OF AUSTRALIAN ABORIGINES. By Jon C. Altman and John Nieuwenhuysen. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1979) KULINMA: Listening to Aboriginal Australians. By H. C. Coombs KAROBRAN: The Story of an Aboriginal Girl. By Monica Clare RACE POLITICS IN AUSTRALIA. By C. M. Tatz ERNEST GILES: EXPLORER AND TRAVELLER 1835–1897. By Ray Ericksen JAPANESE PRISONERS OF WAR IN REVOLT: The Outbreaks at Featherston and Cowra during World War II. By Charlotte Carr-Gregg DIE LIKE THE CARP!: The Story of the Greatest Prison Escape Ever. By Harry Gordon LEGACY: The First Fifty Years. By Mark Lyons POLITICS IN A UNION: The Hursey case. By Tas Bull BIOGRAPHICAL REGISTER OF THE NEW SOUTH WALES PARLIAMENT 1901–1970. By Heather Radi, Peter Spearritt and Elizabeth Hinton A SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY OF AUSTRALIAN MILITARY HISTORY 1891–1939. By Jean Fielding and Robert O'Neill LAST OF LANDS Antarctica. By J. F. Lovering and J. R. V. Prescott. (Melbourne: Melbourne University Press, 1979) PAPUA NEW GUINEA: Its Economic Situation and Prospects for Development PRACTICE WITHOUT POLICY: Genesis of Local Government in Papua New Guinea. By D. M. Fenbury POLITICS AND MODERNIZATION IN SOUTH AND SOUTHEAST ASIA Edited by Robert N. Kearney PEASANTS AND POLITICS: Grass Roots Reaction to Change in Asia. Edited by D. B. Miller MILESTONES ON MY JOURNEY: The Memoirs of Ali Sastroamijoyo, Indonesian Patriot and Political Leader. Edited by C. L. M. Penders PACIFIC ISLANDERS UNDER GERMAN RULE: A Study in the Meaning of Colonial Resistance. By Peter J. Hempenstall TAIM BILONG MANI: The evolution of agriculture in a Solomon Island society. By John Connell JAPAN'S POLITICAL SYSTEM. By Robert E. Ward A THEORY OF JAPANESE DEMOCRACY. By Nobutaka Ike CHINA'S ROLE IN WORLD AFFAIRS. By Michael B. Yahuda CADRES, COMMANDERS, AND COMMISSARS: The Training of the Chinese Communist Leadership, 1920–45. By Jane L. Price THE GOVERNMENT AND POLITICS OF HONG KONG. By Norman Miners CONGRESS AND THE RAJ: Facets of the Indian Struggle 1917–47. Edited by D. A. Low COLLECTIVE IDENTITIES, NATIONALISMS AND PROTEST IN MODERN SRI LANKA. Edited by Michael Roberts DOCUMENTS OF THE CEYLON NATIONAL CONGRESS AND NATIONALIST POLITICS IN CEYLON 1929–1950. Edited by Michael Roberts ARMIES AND PARTIES IN AFRICA. By Henry Bienen A POLITICAL GEOGRAPHY OF AFRICA. By E. A. Boateng EXPANSION AND REACTION: Essays on European Expansion and Reactions in Asia and Africa. Edited by H. L. Wesseling THE IMPERIAL IMPACT: Studies in the Economic History of Africa and India. Edited by Clive Dewey and A. G. Hopkins RACISM AND POLITICAL ACTION IN BRITAIN. Edited by Robert Miles and Annie Phizacklea THE ORIGINS OF ENGLISH INDIVIDUALISM: The Family, Property and Social Transition. By Alan Macfarlane EMIGRANT GENTLEWOMEN: Genteel poverty and female emigration, 1830–1914. By A. James Hammerton ECONOCIDE: British Slavery in the Era of Abolition. By Seymour Drescher BEYOND ORANGE AND GREEN: The Political Economy of the Northern Ireland Crisis. By Belinda Probert GERMANY 1866–1945. By Gordon A. Craig BONES OF CONTENTION: An Enquiry into East–West Relations. By Terence Garvey POLITICS AND SOCIETY IN THE USSR. Second Edition. By David Lane SOVIET POLITICAL ELITES: The Case of Tiraspol. By Ronald J. Hill THE SHADOW OF THE WINTER PALACE: The Drift to Revolution 1825–1917. By Edward Crankshaw WOMEN IN SOVIET SOCIETY: Equality, Development and Social Change. By Gail Warshofsky Lapidus APOSTLES INTO TERRORISTS: Women and the Revolutionary Movement in the Russia of Alexander II. By Vera Broido MIDDLE EAST CONTEMPORARY SURVEY, vol. 1, 1976–77. Edited by Colin Legum and Haim Shaked ARMED STRUGGLE IN PALESTINE: A Political-Military Analysis. By Bard E. O'Neill THE PHILOSOPHY OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. By Morton White U. S. OCCUPATION IN EUROPE AFTER WORLD WAR II: Papers and Reminiscences from the April 23–24, 1976 Conference held at the George C. Marshall Research Foundation, Lexington, Virginia. Edited by Hans A. Schmitt POLITICAL CORRUPTION IN AMERICA. By George C. S. Benson CORRUPTION: A Study in Political Economy. By Susan Rose-Ackerman POLITICAL PARTICIPATION IN LATIN AMERICA. Volume I: Citizen and State. Edited by John A. Booth and Mitchell A. Seligson THE THIRD WORLD REVOLUTION. By Fred J. Carrier MY MISSIONS FOR REVOLUTIONARY BOLIVIA, 1944–1962. By Victor Andrade MODERN REVOLUTIONS AND REVOLUTIONISTS: A Bibliography. By Robert Blackey CLASS IDEOLOGY AND ANCIENT POLITICAL THEORY. By Ellen Meiksins Wood and Neal Wood MARX'S THEORY OF POLITICS. By John M. Maguire THE WEALTH OF SOME NATIONS. By Malcolm Caldwell THE POLITICAL ECONOMY OF DISTRIBUTION: Equality versus Inequality. By Michael Don Ward GRACCHUS BABEUF: The First Revolutionary Communist. By R. B. Rose CRISIS MANAGEMENT: Confrontation and Diplomacy in the Nuclear Age. By Phil Williams PEOPLE AND AGENCIES. By Bernard Schaffer and Elizabeth O'Keeffe LIBERALS AND SOCIAL DEMOCRATS. By Peter Clarke VICTORIANS AT HOME AND AWAY. By Janet and Peter Phillips THE SOCIAL AND POLITICAL THOUGHT OF HERBERT SPENCER. By David NO MAN'S LAND: Combat and Identity in World War I. By Eric J. Leed THE SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATION SYSTEM IN SOCIAL SCIENCE: A Study of the Operation of Leading Professional Journals in Psychology, Sociology, and Social Work. By Duncan Lindsey SPORT IN HISTORY: The Making of Modern Sporting History. Edited by Richard Cashman and Michael McKernan  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: A HISTORY OF AUSTRALIA. Volume IV: The Earth Abideth For Ever 1851–1888. By C.M.H. Clark AUSTRALIAN LIBERALISM AND NATIONAL CHARACTER. By Tim Rowse INSIDE THE AUSTRALIAN PARLIAMENT. By David Solomon THE GOVERNMENT OF THE AUSTRALIAN CAPITAL TERRITORY. By Ruth Atkins THE ADVANCEMENT OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT IN NEW SOUTH WALES TO THE PRESENT. By F.A. Larcombe FEDERAL AID TO AUSTRALIAN SCHOOLS. By Don Smart THE JOURNEY TO WORK. By Ian Manning SILVER, SIN, AND SIXPENNY ALE: A Social History of Broken Hill 1883–1921. By Brian Kennedy LITERATURE AND THE ABORIGINE IN AUSTRALIA. By J.J. Healy TRADE PRACTICES AND CONSUMER PROTECTION: A Commentary on the Trade Practices Act 1974. Second edition. By G.Q. Taperell, R.B. Vermeesch and D.J. Harland POSTAL UNIONS AND POLITICS: A History of the Amalgamated Postal Workers' Union of Australla. By Frank Waters AUSTRALIAN ARMOUR: A History of the Royal Australian Armoured Corps, 1927–1972. By R.N.L. Hopkins CHAUVEL OF THE LIGHT HORSE: A Biography of General Sir Harry Chauvel, G.C.M.G., K.C.B. By A.J. Hill PATRIARCH AND PATRIOT: William Grant Broughton 1788–1853, Colonial Statesman and Ecclesiastic. By G.P. Shaw THE AGRICULTURAL BUREAU: A Sociological Study. By Alan W. Black and Russell A. Craig COLONIAL EVE: Souras on Women in Australia 1788–1914. Edited by Ruth Teale THE CATHOLIC CAMPAIGN FOR STATE AID: A Study of a Pressure Group Campaign in New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory 1950–1972. By M.C. Hogan LAST QUARTER: The Next Twenty-five Years in Asia and the Pacific. By Malcolm Booker EMPLOYMENT, INCOMES AND MIGRATION IN PAPUA NEW GUINEA TOWNS. By Ross Garnaut, Michael Wright and Richard Curtain POLITICS IN NEW ZEALAND: A Reader. Edited by Stephen Levine THE INDONESIAN TRAGEDY. By Brian May UNLESS HASTE IS MADE: A French Skeptic's Account of the Sandwich Islands in 1836. By ThCodore-Adolph Barrot. Translated by Rev. Daniel Dole SELF AND BIOGRAPHY: Essays on the Individual and Society in Asia. Edited by Wang Gungwu THE CAMBRIDGE HISTORY OF CHINA. Volume 10: LateCh'ing. 1800–1911, Part 1. Edited by D.C. Twitchett and J.K. Fairbank 20th CENTURY CHINA. Third edition. By O. Edmund Clubb A SHORT HISTORY OF CHINA. By Gwendda Milston P'YONGYANG BETWEEN PEKING AND MOSCOW: North Korea's Involvement in the Sino-Soviet Dispute, 1958–1975. By Chin 0. Chung POLITICAL CHANGE IN AN INDIAN STATE: Mysore 1917–1955. By James Manor BETWEEN A TORY AND A LIBERAL: Bombay under Sir James Fergusson, 1880–85. By Amit Kumar Gupta NEHRU AND THE FREEDOM MOVEMENT. By V.T. Patil BUSINESSMEN AND POLITICS: Rising Nationalism and a Modernising Economy in Bombay, 1918–1933. By A.D.D. Gordon A HISTORY OF LADAKH. By A.H. Francke THE KILLING OF THE IMAM: South African Tyranny defied by Courage and Faith. By Barney Desai and Cardiff Morney BRITISH GOVERNMENT IN AN ERA OF REFORM. Edited by W.J. Stankiewicz LABOUR AND THE LEFT IN THE 1930s. By Ben Pimlott CONSERVATIVE DISSIDENTS: Dissent within the Parliamentary Conservative Party 1970–74. By Philip Norto BRITISH FOREIGN POLICY UNDER SIR EDWARD GREY. Edited by F.H. Hinsley LLOYD GEORGE AND FOREIGN POLICY. Volume one: The Education of a Statesman: 1890–1916. By Michael G. Fry WILLIAM PITT, EARL OF CHATHAM: The Great Commoner. By Peter Douglas Brown I. Paul Langord, ‘William Pitt and public opinion, 1757’ 2. John Brewer, Party Ideology and Popular Politics at the Accession of George III 3. Stanley Ayling, The Elder Pitt THE CHURCH AND POLITICS IN THIRTEENTH CENTURY ENGLAND: The Career of Adam Orletonc. 1275–1345. By Roy Martin Haines ISSUE VOTING AND PARTY REALIGNMENT. By Donald S. Strong AGGRESSION AMERICAN STYLE. By William H. Blanchard EVOLUTION OF THE AMERICAN MILITARY ESTABLISHMENT SINCE WORLD WAR II. Edited by Paul R. Schratz EMERGENCY EMPLOYMENT: A Study in Federalism. By Howard W. Hallman CONTAINMENT: Documents on American Policy and Strategy, 1945–1950. Edited by Thomas H. Etzold and John Lewis Gaddis THE POLITICS OF ATTRACTION: Four Middle Powers and the United States. By Annette Baker Fox CLASS, RACE, AND WORKER INSURGENCY: The League of Revolutionary Black Workers. By James A. Geschwender THE FRONTIER IN LATIN AMERICAN HISTORY. By Alistair Hennessey PUBLIC PAPERS OF THE SECRETARIES—GENERAL OF THE UNITED NATIONS. Volume 8: 1968–1971, U Thant. Edited by Andrew W. Cordier and Max Harrelson SUEZ 1956: A Personal Account. By Selwyn Lloyd CONSCIOUSNESS AND HISTORY: Nationalist Critics of Creeksociety 1897–1914. By Gerasirnos Augustinos THE POLITICS OF FRIENDSHIP: Pompey and Cicero. By Beryl Rawson EPIRUS. By Arthur FosS THE SOVIET UNION AND INTERNATIONAL OIL POLITICS. By Arthur Jay Klinghoffer A SHORT HISTORY OF THE HUNGARIAN COMMUNIST PARTY. By Miklós Molnár FEUDALISM. By J.S. Critchley MARXIAN POLITICAL ECONOMY: An Outline. By James F. Becker THE POLITICS OF BUREAUCRACY: A Comparative Perspective. By B. Guy Peters HUMAN RIGHTS. Edited by Eugene Kamenka and Alice Erh-Soon Tay ADAM SMITH'S POLITICS: An Essay in Historiographic Revision. By Donald Winch ASPECTS OF POLITICAL THEORY: Classical Concepts in an Age of Relativism. By W.J. Stankiewicz THE SOCIAL AND POLITICAL THOUGHT OF LEON TROTSKY. By Baruch Knei-Paz FISCAL RESPONSIBILITY IN CONSTITUTIONAL DEMOCRACY. Edited by James M. Buchanan and Richard E. Wagner ESSAYS ON ECONOMIC POLICY. By J. Marcus Fleming THE PROCESS OF ECONOMIC PLANNING. By Zoltan Kenessey THE CULTURAL ROOTS OF NATIONAL SOCIALISM. By Hermann Glaser THE NEW LIBERALISM: An Ideology of Social Reform. By Michael Freeden EXPERIENCE AND ITS MODES. By Michael Oakeshott REVOLUTIONS AND REVOLUTIONARIES: Four Theories. By Barbara Salert ACTION AND INTERPRETATION: Studies in the Philosophy of the Social Sciences. Edited by Christopher Hookway and Philip Pettit JOHN LOCKE AND THE THEORY OF SOVEREIGNTY: Mixed Monarchy nnd the Right of Resistance in the Political Thought of the English Revolution. By Julian H. Franklin THE JOURNAL OF MODERN HISTORY, 49, 1977 — Special Issue on the English Revolution. Edited by William H. McNeill  相似文献   

Book Notes     
JAPAN AND NUCLEAR CHINA: Japanese Reactions to China's Nuclear Weapons. By John Welfield. THE GOVERNMENT AND POLITICS OF TIBET. By Ram Rahul with a foreword by The Dalai Lama. A HISTORY OF MODERN SOUTHEAST ASIA: Colonialism, Nationalism, and Decolonization. By John Bastin and Harry J. Benda. THE ORGANIZATION OF THAI SOCIETY IN THE EARLY BANGKOK PERIOD, 1782–1873. By Akin Rabibhadaua. THAI STUDENTS IN THE UNITED STATES: A Study in Attitude Changes. By Jean Barry, S.J. Ithaca, N.Y. POLITICAL ATTITUDES OF INDIAN INDUSTRY: A case study of the Baroda business elite. By Howard L. Erdman. TENSION AREAS IN INDIA'S FEDERAL SYSTEM. By Amal Ray. STUDIES IN POLITICS, NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL. Edited by M. S. Rajan. THE IMPACT OF U.S. POLICY ON THE KASHMIR CONFLICT. By Louis D. Hayes. CHINA: Evolution of a Revolution 1959-66. By J. D. Simmonds. THE SIEGE OF THE PEKING LEGATIONS: A diary. By Lancelot Giles. INDICTMENT WITHOUT TRIAL: The Case of Liu Shao-Ch'i. By A. E. Kent. MODERN COMPARATIVE POLITICS. By Peter H. Merkl. BUREAUCRACY. By Martin Albrow. POLITICS OF THE NEW ZEALAND MAORI: Protest and Cooperation, 1891–1909. By John A. Williams. Auckland AUSTRALIA'S WESTERN THIRD: A History of Western Australia from the first settlements to modern times. By F. K. Crowley. AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT TODAY. By Geoffrey Sawer. HISTORICAL STATISTICS OF AUSTRALIA: A select list of official sources. By Jennifer Finlayson. AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT AND POLITICS: An Introductory Survey. By J. D. B. Miller and Brian Jinks. ATLAS OF BUNDALEER PLAINS AND TATALA. By F. M. Rothery. Introduction by N. G. Butlin and J. N. Jennings. THE BITTER FIGHT: A Pictorial History of the Australian Labor Movement. By Joe Harris. THE CRUISE OF THE ROSARIO amongst the New Hebrides and Santa Cruz Islands, Exposing the Recent Atrocities connected with the Kidnapping of Natives in the South Seas. By Albert Hastings Markham R.N. AUSTRALIA AND JAPAN: Documents and Readings in Australian History. By W. MacMahon Ball. THE SOVIET UNION AND ARMS CONTROL: A superpower dilemma. By R. Kolkowicz, M. P. Gallagher and B. S. Lambeth. SOVIET RUSSIA AND THE MIDDLE EAST. By Aaron S. Klieman. STRATEGIES OF REVOLUTIONARY WARFARE. Edited by Jerry M. Tinker with Andrew R. Molnar and John D. le Noir. THE CHARTIST MOVEMENT IN SCOTLAND. By Alexander Wilson. PARTNERS IN DEVELOPMENT: Report of the Commission on International Development. By Lester B. Pearson THE ATLANTIC FANTASY: the U.S., NATO, and Europe. By David Calleo. PUBLIC OPINION, THE PRESIDENT AND FOREIGN POLICY: Four Case Studies from the Formative Years. By Doris A. Graber. THE AMERICAN RIGHT WING: Readings in Political Behavior. Edited by Robert A. Schoenberger. COMPETITION IN AMERICAN POLITICS: An Economic Model. By Andrew M. Scott. USUAL POLITICS: A Critique and Some Suggestions for an Alternative. By George D. Beam. TWO HUNDRED AMERICANS IN SEARCH OF A GOVERNMENT. By E. E. Schattschneider.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: IDEALISM, POLITICS AND HISTORY: Sources of Hegelian Thought. By George Armstrong Kelly. SEEKING WORLD ORDER: The United States and International Organization. By Warren F. Kuchl, Nashville, Tennessee CHARACTER AND STYLE IN ENGLISH POLITICS. By J. H. Grainger. TOWN, COUNTRY AND PEOPLE. Edited by G. V. Osipov. THE ADMINISTRATION OF IMPERIALISM; Joseph Chamberlain at the Colonial Office. By Robert V. Kubicek. Durham, POLITICS AND CHANGE IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES: Studies in the Theory and Practice of Development. Edited by Colin Leys COLONIALISM IN AFRICA, 1870–1960: Volume I, The History and Politics of Colonialism 1870–1914. Edited by L. H. Gann and Peter Duignan. COLONIAL CADET IN NIGERIA. By John Smith. THE WORK OF ADMINISTRATION IN NIGERIA: Case Studies. By D. J. Murray. WESTERN INDIA IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY: A Study in the Social History of the Maharashtra. By Ravinder Kumar THE FRENCH PRESENCE IN COCHINCHINA AND CAMBODIA: Rule and Response (1859–1905). By Milton E. Osborne. POLITICS AND PEOPLE IN NEW ZEALAND. By Austin Mitchell CONTEMPORARY AUSTRALIA: Studies in History, Politics and Economics. Edited by Richard Preston. BRITAIN AND THE AUSTRALIAN COLONIES, 1818–1831: The Technique of Government. By J. J. Eddy. SETTLEMENT AND ENCOUNTER: Geographical Studies Presented to Sir Grenfell Price. Edited by Fay Gale and Graham H. Lawton. Melbourne BLOOD AND GOLD: Hungarians in Australia. By Egon F. Kunz. Melbourne, F. W. Cheshire, IMAGES AND ISSUES: The Queensland State Elections of 1963 and 1966. By Colin A. Hughes. THE POLICE AND THE PUBLIC IN AUSTRALIA AND NEW ZEALAND. By D. Chappell and P. R. Wilson. A HISTORY OF THE NEW SOUTH WALES BAR. Edited by J. M. Bennett for the New South Wales Bar Association.  相似文献   

Book Notes     
COMMITTEES OF INQUIRY. By Gerald Rhodes SOLDIERS AND STUDENTS: A Study of Right-and Left-Wing Radicals. By Rob Kroes ACADEMICS, POLITICS, AND THE 1972 ELECTION: By Everett C. Ladd Jr. and S.M. Lipset THE URBAN POLITICAL SYSTEM. By Eugene Lewis THE CASE FOR THE ARAB OIL EMBARGO: A Legal Analysis of Arab Oil Measures. By Ibrahim F.I. Shihata FOR BETTER OR FOR WORSE: Australian People in Change. By David Dufty, Helen Johnman, John Ogle and Peter Walsh THE POLITICS OF CLASS AND CLASS ORIGIN: The Case of the Cultural Revolution. By Gordon White. REGIONAL DIFFERENTIATION AND POLITICAL UNITY IN WESTERN NATIONS. By Richard Rose and Derek W. Urwin THE FUNCTIONAL THEORY OF POLITICS. By David Mitrany THE BOLSHEVIKS AND THE October REVOLUTION: Central Committee Minutes of the Russian Social Democratic Labour Party (Bolsheviks) August I 9 17-February 1918. Translated from the Russian by Ann Bone INFLATION, GROWTH AND INTERNATIONAL FINANCE. By Sir Alec Cairncross THE NEUTRALITY OF NUMBERS? IDS Bulletin 7, 3 October 1975 JEWISH POLITICAL BEHAVIOUR: Two studies. By H. Katz and 0. Seliktar. THE 1975 NORTHERN IRELAND CONVENTION ELECTION. By Ian McAllister. SIAM'S POLITICAL FUTURE: Documents from the End of the Absolute Monarchy. Compiled and edited by Benjamin A. Batson. PRE-COLONIAL STATE SYSTEMS IN SOUTH EAST ASIA: Edited by Anthony Reid and Lance Castles. SAIS REVIEW PAPUA NEW GUINEAN HISTORY & POLITICS: An Annotated Bibliography 1950- 1974. By Gregory Jones POLITICS IN PRACTICE. By Lord Windlesham MARGARET THATCHER: A Personal and Political Biography. By Russell Lewis AN INTRODUCTION TO THE AUSTRALIAN CONSTITUTION. By P.H. Lane CONSTITUTIONAL RESPONSIBILITY FOR EDUCATION IN AUSTRALIA. By I.K.F. Birch THE GOVERNMENT OF EDUCATION IN AUSTRALIA: The Origins of Federal Policy. By P.D. Tannock THE REFORMED LOCAL GOVERNMENT SYSTEM. By Peter G. Richards. Second edition THE OMBUDSMAN PLAN: Essays on the Worldwide Spread of an Idea. By Donald C. Rowat THE ROMAN LAND SURVEYORS. An Introduction to the Agrimensores. By O.A.W. Dilke THE UKRAINIAN REPUBLIC IN THE GREAT EAST-EUROPEAN REVOLUTION: A Bibliography. Volume six, part 11. Compiled by O.S. and 0.1. Pidhainy THE HISTORY OF IDEAS A Bibliographical Introduction. Volume I. Classical Antiquity. By Jeremy L. Tobey IDEOLOGY AND POLITICS. By Martin Seliger THE HEART OF THE BAITLE: for a New Social Contract. By Edgar Faure TRADE UNIONS IN AUSTRALIA. By Ross M. Martin THE INFORMATION SOURCES OF POLITICAL SCIENCE. By Frederick L. Holler. THE POLITICS O F PLURALISM: A Comparative Study of Lebanon and Ghana. By David R. Smock and Audrey C. Smock THE SHORT-WAR ILLUSION: German Policy, Strategy and Domestic Affairs August-December 1914. By L.L. Farrer, Jr. DIPLOMATS IN CRISIS: United States-Chinese-Japanese Relations, 19 19- 1941. Edited by Richard Dean Burns and Edward M. Bennett THE ORIGINS OF AUSTRALIAN METEOROLOGY. By W.J. Gibbs  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: A HISTORY OF AUSTRALIA. V., The People Make Laws 1888–1915. By C. M. H. Clark. MANNING CLARK AND AUSTRALIAN HISTORY 1915–1963. By Stephen Holt. PARTY POLITICS: Australia 1966–81. By James Jupp. GOVERNMENT AND CAPITALISM: Public and Private Choice in Twentieth Century Australia. By N. G. Butlin, A. Barnard, J. J. Pincus. VOTING FOR THE AUSTRALIAN STATE LOWER HOUSES 1965–1974. By Colin A. Hughes. ABORIGINAL POLITICS IN SOUTHWESTERN AUSTRALIA. By Michael C. Howard. ABORIGINAL POWER IN AUSTRALIAN SOCIETY. Edited by Michael C. Howard. POWER, CONFLICT AND CONTROL IN AUSTRALIAN TRADE UNIONS. Edited by Kathryn Cole. TARIFF POLITICS: Australian Policy-making 1960–1980. By Leon Glezer. DEFENDING “A CHRISTIAN COUNTRY”: Churchmen and Society in New South Wales in the 1880's and After. By Walter Phillips. FRANK TATE: A Biography. By R. J. W. Selleck. A FOOLISH PASSIONATE MAN: A Biography of Jim Cairns. By Paul Ormonde. THE CRY FOR THE DEAD. By Judith Wright. THE OXFORD HISTORY OF NEW ZEALAND. Edited by W. H. Oliver with B. R. Williams. AGRICULTURAL AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT IN INDONESIA. Edited by Gary E. Hansen. CRISIS IN AFRICA: Battleground of East and West. By Arthur Gavshon. TUC: The Growth of a Pressure Group 1868–1976. By Ross M. Martin. ENGLISH EDUCATION, SOCIAL CHANGE AND WAR, 1911–1920. By Geoffrey Sherington. THE QUESTION OF CLASS STRUGGLE: Social Foundations of Popular Radicalism During the Industrial Revolution. By Craig Calhoun. GENTLEMEN AND POACHERS: The English Game Laws 1671–1831. By P. B. Munsche. THE NATIONAL CHARITY COMPANY: Jeremy Bentham's Silent Revolution. By Charles F. Bahmueller. A HISTORY OF THE HIGHLAND CLEARANCES: Agrarian Transformation and the Evictions 1746–1886. By Eric Richards. NATIONALISM IN IRELAND. By D. George Boyce. THE “FÜHRER STATE”: MYTH AND REALTY–Studies on the Structure and Politics of the Third Reich. Edited by Gerhard Hirschfeld and Lothar Kettenacker with an introduction by Wolfgang J. Mommsen. MILITARISM: The History of an International Debate 1861–1979. By V. R. Berghahn MODERN GERMANY: Society, economy and politics in the twentieth century. By V. R. Berghahn THE CAMBRIDGE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF RUSSIA AND THE SOVIET UNION. Edited by Archie Brown, John Fennell, Michael Kaser and H. T. Willetts. CHARTER 77 AND HUMAN RIGHTS IN CZECHOSLOVAKIA. By H. Gordon Skilling. REVOLUTION AND RED TAPE: The French Ministerial Bureaucracy 1770–1850. By Clive H. Church. THE BEGINNING OF IDEOLOGY: Consciousness and Society in the French Reformation. By Donald R. Kelley. SISTERS OR CITIZENS? Women and Socialism in France since 1876. By Charles Sowerwine. MUSSOLINI UNLEASHED 1939–1941: Politics and Strategy in Fascist Italy's Lost War. By Macgregor Knox. ARROGANCE AND ANXIETY: The Ambivalence of German Power, 1848–1914. By L. L. Farrar, Jr. THE COMMUNIST PARTIES OF ITALY, FRANCE AND SPAIN: Postwar Change and Continuity. A Casebook. Edited by Peter Lange and Maurizio Vannicelli. U.S. DIPLOMATS IN EUROPE, 1919–1941. Edited by Kenneth Paul Jones. INTERNATIONAL PEACE KEEPING: United Nations Forces in a Troubled World. By Anthony Verrier. PALESTINE IN PERSPECTIVE: Politics, Human Rights and the West Bank. By David H. Ott. THE MIDDLE EAST: A Political and Economic Survey. Fifth edition. Edited by Peter Mansfield. MIDDLE EAST REVIEW 1982. (Saffron Walden, Essex: World of Information, 1981). ASIA AND PACIFIC 1982. (Saffron Walden, Essex: World of Information, 1981). THE PROBLEM OF HUMAN NEEDS AND THE CRITIQUE OF CIVILISATION. By Patricia Springborg. READING NOZICK: Essays on Anarchy, State and Utopia. Edited by Jeffrey Paul. THE POLITICS OF PROCRUSTES: Contradictions of Enforced Equality. By Antony Flew. THE INTELLECTUALS ON THE ROAD TO CLASS POWER: A sociological study of the role of the intelligentsia in socialism. By George Konrad and Ivan Szelenyi. POLITICIANS, LEGISLATION, AND THE ECONOMY: An Inquiry into the Interest-Group Theory of Government. By Robert E. McCormick and Robert D. Tollison. JOB GENERATION: A Policy Proposal. By Tom O'Brien. TECHNOLOGICAL DIFFUSION AND INDUSTRIALISATION BEFORE 1914. By A. G. Kenwood and A. L. Lougheed.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: MATTERS FOR JUDGMENT: An Autobiography. By John Kerr. (Melbourne: Macmillan of Australia, 1978). Pp. xii + 468. $14.95. THE TRUTH OF THE MATTER. By Gough Whitlam PUBLIC SERVICE INQUIRIES IN AUSTRALIA. Edited by R.F.I. Smith and Patrick Weller. POLITICS AND POLICY IN AUSTRALIA. By Geoffrey Hawker, R.F.I. Smith, and Patrick Weller. COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AND COMPULSORY ARBITRATION IN AUSTRALIA. By John Niland. UNIONS AND UNIONISTS IN AUSTRALIA. By D.W. Rawson. FEDERAL JURISDICTION IN AUSTRALIA. Second Edition. By Zelman Cowen and Leslie Zines. LAWYERS AND THEIR WORK IN NEW SOUTH WALES: Preliminary Report. By Roman Tomasic and Cedric Bullard. WAR ECONOMY 1942–1945. By S.J. Butlin and C.B. Schedvin. POLITICAL PARTIES IN AUSTRALIA. By Graeme Starr, Keith Richmond and Graham Maddox. THE PHILOSOPHY OF THE AUSTRALIAN LIBERAL PARTY, By D.M. White SURVEYS OF AUSTRALIAN ECONOMICS. Edited by F.H. Gruen. THE ECONOMICS OF THE AUSTRALIAN SERVICE SECTOR. Edited by K.A. Tucker. SOClETY AND ELECTORAL BEHAVIOUR IN AUSTRALIA: A Study of Three Decades. By D.A. Kemp. SOCIAL STRATIFICATION IN AUSTRALIA. By R.A. Wild. AUSTRALIA IN PEACE AND WAR: External Relations 1788–1977. By T.B. Millar. INTERGOVERNMENTAL FISCAL TRANSFERS: Canadian and Australian Experiences. By R.M. Burns. CITIES UNLIMITED: The Sociology of Urban Development in Australia and New Zealand. By Leslie Kilmartin and David C. Thorns. THE CONSTITUTION OF PAPUA NEW GUINEA: A Study in Legal Nationalism. By John Goldring. SULU AND SABAH: A study of British policy towards the Philippines and North Borneo from the late eighteenth century. By Nicholas Tarling. ISLAM AND POLITICS IN A MALAY STATE: Kelantan 1838–1969. By Clive S. Kessler. THE CORRESPONDENCE OF G.E. MORRISON. Volume II, 1912–1920. Edited by Lo Hui-min. CHINESE SOCIETY IN NINETEENTH CENTURY SINGAPORE. By Lee Poh Ping. THE POLITICS OF MEDICINE IN CHINA: The Policy Process, 1949–1977. By David M. Lampton. ALLIES OF A KIND: The United States, Britain, and the War Against Japan, 1941–1945. By Christopher Thorne CLASSICAL POLITICAL ECONOMY AND BRITISH POLICY IN INDIA. By S. Ambirajan. AFRICA IN MODERN HISTORY: The Search for a New Society. By Basil Davidson. WEST AFRICAN STATES: Failure and Promise. A Study in Comparative Politics. Edited by John Dunn. GAITAN OF COLOMBIA: A Political Biography. By Richard E. Sharpless. IMPERIALISM AT BAY 1941–1945: The United States and the Decolonization of the British Empire. By Wm. Roger Louis DECOLONIZATION: The British, French, Dutch and Belgian Empires 1919–1963. By Henri Grimal. THE LIBERAL MIND 1914–1929. By Michael Bentley. WHO'S WHO OF BRITISH MEMBERS OF PARLIAMENT. Volume II, 1886–1918: A Biographical Dictionary of the House of Commons. By Michael Stenton and Stephen Lees. DISTRUST AND DEMOCRACY: Political Distrust in Britain and America. By Vivien Hart. SOCIAL DEMOCRATIC PARTIES IN WESTERN EUROPE. Edited by William E. Paterson and Alastair H. Thomas. LA DROITE REVOLUTIONNAIRE 1885–1914: Les Origines Françaises du Fascisme. By Zeev Sternhell. THE POLlTlCAL ECONOMY OF GERMANY 1815–1914. By Martin Kitchen. THE SOCIAL DEMOCRATIC IMAGE OF SOCIETY: A Study of the Achievements and Origins of Scandinavian Social Democracy in Comparative Perspective. By Francis G. Castles. THE WORKING CLASS IN WELFARE CAPITALISM: Work, Unions and Politics in Sweden. By Walter Korpi. SOZIALISTISCHE AGRARPOLITIK IN OSTEUROPA. By Karl-Eugen Wadekin. Vol. I, Von Marx bis zur Vollkollektivierung. PHILIP OF MACEDON. By George Cawkwell. PARTIES AND PARTY SYSTEMS: A Framework for Analysis. Volume I. By Giovanni Sartori. WHAT IS GOVERNING? PURPOSE AND POLICY IN WASHINGTON. By Richard Rose. PLANNING, POLITICS, AND THE PUBLIC INTEREST. Edited by Walter Goldstein. LAW AND SOCIETY: The Crisis in Legal Ideals. Edited by Eugene Kamenka, Robert Brown and Alice Erh-Soon Tay. THE HISTORY OF POLITICAL THOUGHT: A Short Introduction. By R.N. Berki. PROGRESSIVENESS AND CONSERVATISM: The Fundamental Dimensions of Ideological Controversy and their Relationship to Social Class. By C.P. Middendorp. MARXISM AND THE QUESTION OF THE ASIATIC MODE OF PRODUCTION. By Marian Sawer. ELECTION 78: The 1977 Electoral Redistribution and the 1978 General Election in New Zealand. By Alan McRobie and Nigel S. Roberts. THE SERPENT AND THE NIGHTINGALE. By Cecil Parrott. WHITE MAN, WE WANT TO TALK TO YOU. By Denis Herbstein ALLGEMEINE STAATSLEHRE. 6th edition, revised. By Reinhold Zippelius.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: THE ROYAL POLICY OF RICHARD II: Absolutism in the Later Middle Ages. By Richard H. Jones, REVOLUTION POLITICKS: The Career of Daniel Finch, Second Earl of Nottingham, 1647–1730 By Henry Horwitz. THE ABERDEEN COALITION 1852–1855: A Study in Mid-Nineteenth Century Politics. By J. B. Conacher. COMMUNISM IN EUROPE: Continuity, Change and the Sino-Soviet Dispute. Edited by William E. Griffith POLLBOOKS: How Victorians Voted. By J. R. Vincent. BRITAIN AND THE BALANCE OF POWER IN NORTH AMERICA 1815–1908. By Kenneth Bourne. AMERICA IN THE TWENTIETH CENTURY: A Study of the United States since 1917. By D. K. Adams. CHURCH WEALTH IN MEXICO: A Study of the ‘Juzgado de Capellanias’ in the Archbishoprics of Mexico 1800–1856. By Michael P. Costeloe, THE DYNAMIC OF MEXICAN NATIONALISM. By Frederick C. Turner. ASIAN FRONTIERS: Studies in a Continuing Problem. By Alastair Lamb. THE FIRST AFGHAN WAR 1838–1842. By J. A. Norris. AFGHANISTAN 1900–1923: A Diplomatic History. By Ludwig W. Adamec. SOUNDINGS IN MODERN SOUTH ASIAN HISTORY. Edited by D. A. Low. Canberra, JAPAN'S RADIO WAR ON AUSTRALIA 1941–1945. By L. D. Meo. Melbourne, BRITISH SHIPPING AND AUSTRALIA 1920–1939. By Kevin Burley. THE CATHOLIC CHURCH IN AUSTRALIA: A Short History 1788–1967. By Patrick O'Farrell. SQUATTER, SELECTOR AND STOREKEEPER: A History of the Darling Downs 1859–1893. By D. B. Waterson. THE COMMONWEALTH BANK OF AUSTRALIA: Origins and Early History. By Robin Gollan. THE BATTLE FOR THE BANKS. By A. L. May. Sydney, CONSCRIPTION IN AUSTRALIA. Edited by Roy Forward and Bob Reece. PROFESSOR OF DEMOCRACY: The Life of Charies Henry Pearson 1830–1894. Oxford Don and Australian Radical. By John Tregenza. A HANDBOOK OF AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT AND POLITICS 1890–1964. Edited by C. A. Hughes and B. D. Graham. SPECIALISTS AND GENERALISTS: A Comparative Study of the Professional Civil Servant at Home and Abroad. Edited by F. F. Ridley.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: THE LITTLE DIGGER 1914–1952: William Morris Hughes, A Political Biography. Volume II By L. F. Fitzhardinge THE LIBERAL PARTY: Principles and Performance. By P. G. Tiver PERSPECTIVES IN AUSTRALIAN SOCIAL POLICY: A Book of Readings. Edited by Adam Graycar. INDUSTRIAL AWAKENING: A GEOGRAPHY OF AUSTRALIAN MANUFACTURING 1788 to 1890. By G. J. R. Linge. FEDERAL EXECUTIVE MINUTES 1915–1955: Minutes of the Meetings of the Federal Executive of the Australian Labor Party. Edited by Patrick Weller and Beverley Lloyd. A DOCUMENTARY HISTORY OF THE AUSTRALIAN LABOR MOVEMENT 1850–1975. By Brian McKinlay. AUSTRALIA THROUGH AMERICAN EYES 1935–1945: Observations by American Diplomats. Edited by P. G. Edwards. THE AUSTRALIAN LEAGUE OF RIGHTS: A Study in Political Extremism and Subversion. By Andrew A. Campbell. WORKING PAPERS ON PARLIAMENT. By Geoffrey Hawker et al. INFLUENCE WITHOUT POWER: The Role of the Backbench in Australian Foreign Policy 1976–77. APSA/Parliamentary Fellow Monograph No. 1. By Martin Indyk. THE ACCULTURATION TO POLITICAL WORK: New Members of the Federal Backbench. APSA/Parliamentary Fellow Monograph No. 2. By James Walter. THE MANUFACTURE OF AUSTRALIAN HISTORY. By Rob Pascoe. HISTORICAL DISCIPLINES AND CULTURE IN AUSTRALASIA: An Assessment. Edited by John A. Moses. A HERITAGE OF SPIRIT: A Biography of Major-General Sir William Throsby Bridges K. C. B., C. M. G. By C. D. Coulthard-Clark. ESSAYS IN THE POLITICAL, ECONOMY OF AUSTRALIAN CAPITALISM. Volume two. Edited by E. L. Wheelwright and Ken Buckley. WESTERN AUSTRALIAN ELECTIONS AND POLITICS 1965–1978: A Handbook and Guide. By David Black and Michael Wood. THE 1979 ELECTIONS IN SOUTH AUSTRALIA: A Statistical Analysis. By Dean Jaensch JESSIE STREET: A Rewarding but Unrewarded Life. By Peter Sekuless. RACE RELATIONS IN NORTH QUEENSLAND. Edited by Henry Reynolds. ELITES IN AUSTRALIA. By John Higley, Desley Deacon and Don Smart. THE DIVIDED LEGAL PROFESSION IN AUSTRALIA: History, Rationalisation and Rationale. By J. R. S. Forbes. STRATEGIES OF SURVIVAL: The Foreign Policy Dilemmas of Smaller Asian States. By Charles E. Morrison and Astri Suhrke. SOUTHEAST ASIA: An Introductory History. By Milton Osborne. TRADITION AND POLITICS IN SOUTH ASIA. Edited by R. J. Moore. THE ARMY AND POLITICS IN INDONESIA. By Harold Crouch. BEFORE KAMPUCHEA: Preludes to Tragedy. By Milton Osborne. INSECURITY! The Spread of Weapons in the Indian and Pacific Oceans. Edited by Robert O'Neill. THE SPANISH LAKE: The Pacifle since Magellan, Vol. 1. By O. H. K. Spate. THE CRISIS OF CHINESE CONSCIOUSNESS: Radical Antitraditionalism in the May Fourth Era. By Lin Yu-Sheng. THE APOTHEOSIS OF IMPERIALISM: Indian Land Economy under Curzon. By V. C. Bhutani. CHURCHILL, CRIPPS, AND INDIA, 1939–1945. By R. J. Moore. THE PRESIDENT AND THE PARLIAMENT. By R. N. Misra. ELITE POLITICS IN AN IDEOLOGICAL STATE: The Case of Pakistan. By Asaf Hussain. SRI LANKA: Third World Democracy. By James Jupp. RITUALS OF THE KANDYAN STATE. By H. L. Seneviratne. A HISTORY OF RHODESIA. By Robert Blake. POST-WAR BRITAIN: A political history. By Alan Sked and Chris Cook. FACTION AND PARLIAMENT: Essays on Early Stuart History. Edited by Kevin Sharpe. CONTINUITY AND ANACHRONISM: Parliamentary and Constitutional Development in Whig Historiography and in the Anti-Whig Reaction between 1890 and 1930. By P. B. M. Blaas. THE BIRMINGHAM POLITICAL UNION AND THE MOVEMENTS FOR REFORM IN BRITAIN, 1830–1839. By Carlos Flick. STATE AND SOCIETY IN CONTEMPORARY EUROPE. Edited by Jack Hayward and R. N. Berki. DAS DEUTSCHE REICH UND DER ZWEITE WELTKRIEG: Ursachen und Vorraussetzungen der deutschen Kriegspolitik. Von Wilhelm Diest, Manfred Messerschmidt, Hans-Erich Volkmann, und Wolfram Wette THE RUHR AND REVOLUTION: The Revolutionary Movement in the Rhenish-Westphalian Industrial Region 1912–1919. By Jurgen Tampke ELECTIONS AND PARTIES: Socio-Political Change and Participation in the West German Federal Election of 1976. Edited by Max Kaase and Klaus von Beyme. SOCIALISM IN PROVENCE 1871–1914: A study in the origins of the modern French Left. By Tony Judt. LES FEMMES ET LE SOCIALISME: Un siècle d'histoire. By Charles Sowerwine. FRANCE'S VIETNAM POLICY: A Study in French-American Relations. By Marianna P. Sultivan. A HISTORY OF ITALY 1700–1860: The Social Constraints of Political Change. By Stuart Woolf. RURAL SOCIOLOGY IN THE SOVIET UNION: Its History and Basic Concepts. By Terence M. Cox. DOCUMENTS IN COMMUNIST AFFAIRS 1977. Edited by Bogdan Szajkowski. THE POLITICS OF THE SOVIET CINEMA 1917–1929. By Richard Taylor. SELECTED WRITINGS OF AUGUST CIESZKOWSKI. Edited and translated by André Liebich. POLITICAL PARTICIPATION IN LATIN AMERICA, Vol. II: Politics and the Poor. Edited by Mitchell A. Seligson and John A. Booth. THE MERCHANTS OF BUENOS AIRES 1778–1810: Family and Commerce. By Susan Migden Socolow. CAPITALISM AND CATASTROPHE: A Critical Appraisal of the Limits of Capitalism. By Stephen Rousseas. THE CAPITALIST WORLD-ECONOMY: Essays by Immanual Wallerstein. THE INDUSTRIAL DEMOCRATS: Trade Unions in an uncertain world. By Giles Radice. THE FOUNDATIONS OF MODERN POLITICAL THOUGHT: Vol. I, The Renaissance; Vol. II, The Age of Reformation. By Quentin Skinner. THREE ASPECTS OF POLITICAL THEORY: On Confusions and Reformation of an Expression. By Conal Condren. THE SHAPES OF TIME: A New Look at the Philosophy of History. By Peter Munz. METHODOLOGICAL APPROACHES TO SOCIAL SCIENCE. By Ian I. Mitroff and Ralph H. Kilmann. THEORY CONSTRUCTION AND DATA ANALYSIS IN THE BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES. Edited by Samuel Shye. THE PROBLEM OF POLITICAL OBLIGATION: A Critical Analysis of Liberal Theory. By Carole Pateman. MARX AND THE PROLETARIAT: A Study in Social Theory. By Timothy McCarthy. JOHN LOCKE. By Geraint Parry. PRIDE AND SOLACE: The Functions and Limits of Political Theory. By Norman Jacobson. MIRRORS OF THE NEW WORLD: Images and Image-Makers in the Settlement Process. By J. M. Powell. THE POLITICS OF INTRUSION: The Super Powers and the Indian Ocean. By Kim C. Beazley and Ian Clark. THE POLITICS OF IMPERFECTION: The Religious and Secular Traditions of Conservative Thought in England from Hooker to Oakeshott. By Anthony Quinton. BIRDS OF PASSAGE: Migrant labor and industrial societies. By Michael J. Piore. BIOLOGICAL IDEAS IN POLITICS. By W. J. M. Mackenzie. THE TOTALITARIAN TEMPTATION. By Jean-Francois Revel. TREASON, TRADITION AND THE INTELLECTUAL: Julian Benda and Political Discourse, By Ray Nichols POLITICAL LANGUAGE AND RHETORIC. By Paul E. Corcoran. ALEXANDER HERZEN AND THE ROLE OF THE INTELLECTUAL REVOLUTIONARY. By Edward Acton. CLASSES, STRATA AND POWER. By W. Wesolowski. OPENING AND CLOSING: Strategies of Information Adaptation in Society. By Orrin E. Klapp. THE RISE AND FALL OF ECONOMIC GROWTH: A Study in Contemporary Thought. By H. W. Arndt. INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS THEORY: A Bibliography. Edited by A. J. R. Groom and C. R. Mitchell. KISSINGER AND THE MEANING OF HISTORY. By Peter W. Dickson.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: REORIENTATIONS: Studies on Asia in Transition. By Hugh Tinker GANDHI AND THE NUCLEAR AGE. By Arne Naess. Totowa DRAVIDIAN ORIGINS AND THE WEST. (Newly discovered ties with the ancient culture and languages, including Basque, of the Pre-Indo-European Mediterranean World). By N. Lahovary POLITICAL THEORY OF ANCIENT INDIA: A Study of Kingship from the earliest times to circa A.D. 300. By John W. Spellman THE FOUNDATIONS OF MARATHA FREEDOM. By S. R. Sharma. Longmans Limited, 1964. Pp. 467. Rs. 15.00. SHIVAJI: The Portrait of a Patriot. By V. B. Kulkarni THE PUARS OF DEWAS SENIOR. By Manohar Malgonkar THOMAS MUNRO AND THE DEVELOPMENT OF ADMINISTRATIVE POLICY IN MADRAS 1792–1818: The Origins of the Munro System. By T. H. Beaglehole PROBLEMS AND POLICIES OF THE BRITISH IN INDIA 1885–1898. By Hira La1 Singh BRITISH POLICY IN INDIA 1858–1905. By S. Gopal THE EMERGING ELITE: A Study of Political Leadership in Ceylon. By Marshall R. ISLAM AND INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS. Edited by J. Harris Proctor POLITICS AND THE AIRLINES. By David Corbett THE AFTER HOURS: Modern Japan and the Search for Enjoyment. By David W. Plath AN INTRODUCTION TO INDONESIAN HISTORIOGRAPHY. Edited by Soedjatmoko and Mohammed Ali, G. J. Resink and G. McT. Kahin BRITAIN AND AMERICAN IMPERIALISM 1898–1900. By R. G. Neale THE HISTORY OF THE SOCIAL MOVEMENT IN FRANCE, 1789–1860. By Lorenz von Stein AUSTRALIAN DICTIONARY OF BIOGRAPHY. Volume I: 1788–1850. A-H. General Editor:Douglas Pike. Section Editors: A. G. L. Shaw AUSTRALIA IN THE TWENTIETH CENTURY: A Political History. By Trevor R. Reese INTERSTATE RELATIONS IN AUSTRALIA. By Richard H. Leach POWER IN THE LIBERAL PARTY: A Study in Australian Politics. By Katherinc West MERCHANT CAMPBELL 1789–1846: A Study in Colonial Trade. By Margaret Steven BACK OF BOURKE: A Study of Land Appraisal and Settlement in Semi-Arid Australia. DAVID SYME: A life. By C. E. Sayers. Melbourne, F. W. Cheshire AUSTRALIAN DEMOCRAT: The Career of Edward William O'Sullivan 1846–1910. By Bruce Mansfield  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: AUSTRALIA. A “DISTANT FIELD OF MURDER”: Western District Frontiers 1834–1848 By Jan Critchett. FEVERS AND FRONTIERS Edited by John Pearn and Mervyn Cobcroft. LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL OF WESTERN ASTRALIA: Membership Register, Electoral Law and Statistics 1980–1989 By David Black. AN INDEX TO PARLIAMENTARY CANDIDATES IN WESTERN AUSTRALIAN ELECTIONS 1890–1989 By David Black BIOGRAPHICAL REGISTER OF MEMBERS OF THE PARLIAMENT OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA: Volume One 1870–1930; Volume Two 1930–1990 By David Black and GeofSrey Bolton. THE WESTERN AUSTRALIAN PARLIAMENTARY HANDBOOK: Centenary Edition By John Mandy and David Black. THE QUEENSLAND EXPERIENCE: The Life and Work of 14 Remarkable Migrants Edited by Maximilian Brälndle. PIONEERS, POLITICS AND PEOPLE: A Political Memoir By Sir John Crumer. PRUSSIAN-GERMAN MILITARISM 1914-18 IN AUSTRALIAN PERSPECTIVE: The Thought of Geoge Arnold Wood By J. A. Moses AUSTRALIA IN THE INTERNATIONAL ECONOMY IN THE TWENTIETH CENTURY By Barrie Dyster and David Meredith. EUROPE. THE FIRST INDUSTRAL REVOLUTIONS Edited by Peter Mathias and John A. Davis. ANGLO-AMERICAN RELATIONS IN THE 1920s: The Struggle for Supremacy Edited by B. J. C. McKercher. With a Foreword by D. Cameron Watt. BRITAIN AND THE KOREAN WAR By Callurn MacDonald. JACOBINISM AND THE REVOLT OF LYON, 1789–1793 By W. D. Edmonds NAPOLEON BONAPARTE By J. M. Thompson. THE WEIMAR REPUBLIC AND THE YOUNGER PROLETARIAT: An Economic and Social Analysis By Peter D. Stachura. THE SOVIET THEORY OF INTRNATIONAL RELATIONS By Margot Light. THE END OF THE COLD WAR: European Unity, Socialism, and the Shift in Global Power By Bogdan Denitch. THE SLUMP IN EUROPE: Reconstructing Open Economy Theory By Jean-Paul Fitoussi and Edmund S. Phelps. REST OF THE WORLD. NAURU: Environmental Damage Under International Trusteeship By Christopher Weeramantry. GANGSTERS AND REVOLUTIONARIES: The Jakarata People's Militia and the Indonesian Revolution 1945–1949 By Robert Cribb. EVERYDAY FORMS OF PEASANT RESISTANCE Edited by Forrest D. Colburn. ON A DARKLING PLAIN: An Account of the Nigerian Civil War By Ken Saro-Wiwa. NEW ELITES IN OLD STATES: Ideologies in the Anglo-American Democracies By Neil Nevitte and Roger Gibbim. THE CIA AND AMERICAN DEMOCRACY By Rhodri Jeffreys-Jones. THE VOICE OF AMERICA: Propaganda and Democracy, 1941–1945 By Holly COWM Shulman. AMERICAN ENTERPRISE IN SOUTH AFRICA: Historical Dimensions of Engagement and Disengagement By Richard W. Hull. THE PROMISE OF PRIVATISATION: A Challenge for American Foreign Policy Edited by Raymond Vernon. THE WEST AND THE THIRD WORLD: Essays in Honour of J. D. B. Miller Edited by Robert O'Neill and R J. Vincetzc. By Graham K. Wilson. POLITICS. INTEREST GROUPS By Graham K. Wilson. STATE AND DEVELOPMENT Edited by Cal Clark and Jonathan Lemco. SOCIAL DEMOCRACY AND SOCIAL SCIENCE: Essays in Honour of Saul Encel Edited by Ann Daniel. POLITICAL CHOICE AND SOCIAL STRUCTURE By Barry Hindess.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: THE RISE OF ANGLO-GERMAN ANTAGONISM 1860–1914. By Paul Kennedy. DOCUMENTS ON AUSTRALIAN FOREIGN POLICY 1937–49. Volume IV: July 1940–June 1941. Edited by W. J. Hudson and H. J. W. Stokes. AUSTRALIA AND THE LEAGUE OF NATIONS. By W. J. Hudson. MY DEAR P.M.: R. G. Casey's letters to S. M. Bruce 1924–1929. Edited by W. J. Hudson & Jane North. A HISTORY OF AUSTRALIAN EDUCATION. By Alan Barcan. THE ABORIGINAL POPULATION OF AUSTRALIA. By L. R. Smith. AGAINST THE TIDE. By B. A. Santamaria. RESPONSIBLE GOVERNMENT IN AUSTRALIA. Edited by Patrick Weller and Dean Jaensch. ESSAYS ON WESTERN AUSTRALIAN POLITICS. Edited by Ralph Pervan and Campbell Sharman. ECONOMIC CRISIS, CITIES AND REGIONS: an analysis of current urban and regional problems in Australia. By Frank J. B. Stilwell with contributions by Graham Larcombe. LOCAL GOVERNMENT SYSTEMS OF AUSTRALIA. Edited by J. Power, R. Wettenhall and J. Halligan. STATE GOVERNMENTS AND AUSTRALIAN TARIFF POLICY. Ry John Warhurst. SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY AND PUBLIC POLICY: An International Perspective. Edited by Sol Encel and Jarlath Ronayne. PUBLIC CHOICE IN TASMANIA: Aspects of the Lower Gordon River Hydro-Electric Development Proposal. By Hugh Saddler, Jeff Bennett, Ian Reynolds and Ben Smith. INDUSTRIAL ACTION: Patterns of Labour Conflict. Edited by Stephen J. Frenkel. WAR FOR THE ASKING: Australia's Vietnam Secrets. By Michael Sexton. THE MILITARY AND AUSTRALIA'S DEFENCE. Edited by F. A. Mediansky. LEGISLATION AND SOCIETY IN AUSTRALIA. Edited by Roman Tomasic. EROSION OF THE JUDICIAL PROCESS: An Aspect of Church-State Entanglement in Australia. The struggle of citizens to be heard in the Australian Full High Court on the State Aid issue: 1956–1980. By M. J. Ely. THE AUSTRALIAN WELFARE STATE. By M. A. Jones. A COMPARATIVE APPROACH TO POLICY ANALYSIS: Health Care Policy in Four Nations. By Howard M. Leichter. A SUITABLE PIECE OF REAL ESTATE: American Installations in Australia. By Desmond Ball. THE MEDIA AND POLITICS IN AUSTRALIA. Edited by David Turbayne. VICEROY OF THE PACIFIC: The Majesty of Colour. A Life of Sir John Bates Thurston. By Deryck Scarr. MILITARY POWER AND POLICY IN ASIAN STATES: China, India, Japan. Edited by Onkar Marwah and Jonathan D. Pollock. THE CAMBRIDGE HISTORY OF CHINA. Vol 11: Late Ch'ing 1800–1911. Part 2. Edited by John K. Fairbank and Kwang-Ching Liu. MAO: A Biography. By Ross Terrill. WHO'S WHO OF BRITISH MEMBERS OF PARLIAMENT. Volume 111, 1919–1945. A Biographical Dictionary of the House of Commons. Edited by Michael Stenton and Stephen Lees. LLOYD GEORGE'S SECRETARIAT. By John Turner. RELIGION AND PUBLIC DOCTRINE IN MODERN ENGLAND. By Maurice Cowling. BRITAIN SINCE 1918. Second Edition. By Bentley B. Gilbert. THE TRIUMPHS OF PROVIDENCE. The Assassination Plot, 1696. By Jane Garrett. THE LIBERALS AND IRELAND: The Ulster Question in British Politics to 1914. By Patricia Jalland. THE OTHER WESTERN EUROPE: A Political Analysis of the Smaller Democracies. By Earl H. Fry and Gregory A. Raymond. STATE AND SOCIETY IN EUROPE, 1550–1650. By V. G. Kiernan. THE POLITICAL ECONOMY OF GERMANY IN THE TWENTIETH CENTURY. By Karl Hardach. IN THE EYE OF THE STORM: Kurl Riezler and the Crises of Modern Germany. By Wayne C. Thompson. AUGUST BEBEL: Shadow Emperor of the German Workers. By William Harvey Maehl. THE SOVIETIZATION OF UKRAINE 1917–1923: The Communist Doctrine and Practice of National Self-Determination. Revised Edition. By Jurij Borys. UKRAINIAN NATIONALISM IN THE POST–STALIN ERA: Myth, Symbols and Ideology in Soviet Nationalities Policy. By Kenneth C. Farmer. STRIKES. By Norman McCord. ELECTORAL PARTICIPATION: A Comparative Analysis. Edited by Richard Rose. THE FIRST CRUSADE. By Steven Runciman. THE DIPLOMACY OF IDEAS: U.S. Foreign Policy and Cultural Relations, 1938–1950. By Frank A. Ninkovich. CAUDILLO AND PEASANT IN THE MEXICAN REVOLUTION. Edited by D. A. Brading. MORAL PRINCIPLES AND POLITICAL OBLIGATIONS. By A. John Simmons. PEOPLE'S HISTORY AND SOCIALIST THEORY. Edited by Raphael Samuel. EDMUND BURKE AND THE CRITIQUE OF POLITICAL RADICALISM. By Michael Freeman. COMPARING POLITICAL THINKERS. Edited by Ross Fitzgerald. AUTHORITY AND DEMOCRACY. By April Carter. THE SOCIAL AND POLITICAL THOUGHT OF LEON TROTSKY. By Baruch Knei-Paz. FABIANISMUS UND BERNSTEIN'SCHER REVISIONISMUS 1884–1900. By Herbert Frei. THE DOMINANT IDEOLOGY THESIS. By Nicholas Abercrombie, Stephen Hill and Bryan S. Turner.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: A DICTIONARY OF THE SOCIAL SCIENCES. Edited by Julius Gould and William L. Kolb. THE FUTURE OF POLITICAL SCIENCE. By Harold D. Lasswell. A SYSTEMS ANALYSIS OF POLITICAL LIFE. By David Easton. COMPARATIVE POLITICS: Notes and Readings. Edited by Roy C. Macridis and Bernard E. Brown. COMPARATIVE POLITICS: A Reader. Edited by Harry Eckstein and David E. Apter. POLITlCAL AUTHORITY AND MORAL JUDGMENT. By Glenn Negley. THE LIBERAL MIND. By K. R. Minogue. PAPERS ON MODERN JAPAN. Edited by D. C. S. Sissons. THE THIRD CHINA: The Chinese Communities in South-East Asia. By C. P. Fitzgerald. VIETNAM: A Diplomatic Tragedy. The Origins of United States Involvement. By Victor Bator. CONFLICT IN LAOS: The Politics of Neutralization. By Alfred J. GOVERNMENT, POLITICS AND SOCIAL STRUCTURE IN LAOS: A Study of Tradition and Innovation. By Joel M. Halpern. FROM ENMITY TO ALLIANCE: U.S.-Australian Relations 1931–1941. By Raymond A. Esthus. AUSTRALIAN SOCIETY: A Sociological Introduction. Edited by A. F. Davie s and S. Encel WHITE COLLAR UNIONS IN AUSTRALIA. By R. M. Martin.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: A NEW BRITANNIA: An argument concerning the social origins of Australian radicalism and nationalism. By Humphrey McQueen. THE AUSTRALIAN NEW LEFT: Critical Essays and Strategy. Edited by Richard Gordon. THE SPLIT: Australian Labor in the fifties. By Robert Murray. EVATT: Politics and Justice. By Kylie Tennant. AUSTRALIA AND THE GREAT DEPRESSION: A Study of Economic Development and Policy in the 1920's and 1930's. By C. B. Schedvin. AUSTRALIA WET OR DRY?: The Physical and Economic Limits to the Expansion of Irrigation. By B. R. Davidson. THE DISCOVERY AND EXPLORATION OF AUSTRALIA. By Erwin H. J. Feeken, Gerda E. E. Feeken and O. H. K. Spate. THE UNIVERSITY EXPERIENCE: An Australian Study. By Graham Little. AUSTRALIA, NEW ZEALAND AND THE UNITED STATES: A Survey of International Relations 1941–1968. By Trevor R. Reese. THE ECONOMICS OF SOCIALISM: Principles Governing the Operation of the Centrally Planned Economies in the U.S.S.R. and Eastern Europe under the New System. By J. Wilczyinski. THE RUSSIAN REVOLUTION: The origins, phases and meaning of the Bolshevik victory. By Marcel Liebman. Translated by Arnold J. Pomerans THE POLITICS OF NEW STATES: A general analysis with case studies from Eastern Asia. Edited by Roger Scott. THE THIRD WORLD. By Peter Worsley. TOWARDS UHURU IN TANZANIA: The Politics of Participation. By G. Andrew Maguire. CITY POLITICS: A Study of Léopoldville, 1962–63. By J. S. La Fontaine. THE POLITICS OF FOREIGN AID IN INDIA. By P. J. Eldridge. STUDIES IN INDIAN FOREIGN POLICY. Edited by K. P. Misra. INDIA AND THE COMMONWEALTH. By S. C. Gangal. Agra, S. Lal Agarwala and Co. PARTY LEADERSHIP AND REVOLUTIONARY POWER IN CHINA. Edited by J. W. Lewis. IMPERIAL CONSTANTINOPLE. By Dean A. Miller. POLITICS AND BUREAUCRACY IN THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITY: A Portrait of the Commission of the E.E.C. By David Coombes. COMMONWEALTH OR EUROPE. By G. St. J. Barclay. BRITISH TRADE UNIONS AND THE PROBLEM OF CHANGE. By Will Paynter. MONARCHY AND COMMUNITY: Political Ideas in the Later Conciliar Controversy 1430–1450. By A. J. Black. INTERNATIONAL GUIDE TO ELECTORAL STATISTICS: Volume 1, National Elections in Western Europe. Edited by Stein Rokkan and Jean Meyriat. THE LAW OF TREASON IN ENGLAND IN THE LATER MIDDLE AGES. By J. G. Bellany.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: A HISTORY OF THE PHILIPPINES: From the Spanish Colonization to the Second World War. By Renato Constantino SOCIAL ENDS AND POLITICAL MEANS. Edited by Ted Honderich THE PRACTICE OF RIGHTS. By Richard E. Flathman THE EEC AND AUSTRALIA. By J.D.B. Miller BRITISH FOREIGN POLICY, 1945–1973. By Joseph Frankel GERMAN FOREIGN POLICIES, WEST AND EAST: On the Threshold of a New European Era. By Peter H. Merkl CUTLASS AND CRESCENT MOON: A Case Study of Social and Political Change in Outer Indonesia. By Douglas Miles STABILITY AND CHANGE IN AUSTRALIAN POLITICS. By Don Aitkin AMERICAN ELECTORAL BEHAVIOUR: Change and Stability. Edited by Samuel A. Kirkpatrick JAPAN: Beyond the Headlines. By George Caiger and John Godwin Caiger SERVANTS OF THE SWORD French Intendants of the Army 1630–70. By Douglas Clark Baxter WALTER NASH. By Keith Sinclair REFORMING AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT: The Coombs Report and Beyond. Edited by Cameron Hazlehurst and J.R. Nethercote THE SPOILED CHILD OF THE WESTERN WORLD: The Miscarriage of the American Idea in Our Time. By Henry Fairlie STUDIES ON INDIA AND VIETNAM. By Helen B. Lamb. Edited by Corliss Lamont. Foreword by Paul M. Sleezy THE LAST DOMINO Aspects of Australia's Foreign Relations. By Malcolm Booker UNEQUAL ALLIES Australian-American Relations and the Pacific War. By Roger J. Bell THE UNITED NATIONS AND THE CONGO CRISIS. By Ram Chandra Pradhan STATE POLITICS IN INDIA. Edited by Iqbal Narain THE RURAL ELITE IN AN INDIAN STATE: A Case Study of Rajasthan. By Iqbal Narain, K.C. Pande and Mohan Lal Sharma TREASURY CONTROL IN AUSTRALIA: A Study in Bureaucratic Politics. By Patrick Weller and James Cutt AUSTRALIA'S NORTHERN NIEGHBOURS: Independent or Dependent? Edited by Edward P. Wolfers COMMONWEALTH ELECTIONS 1945–1970: A Bibliography. By Valerie Bloomfield INDONESIA: Selected Documents on Colonialism and Nationalism, 1830–1942. Edited and translated by Chr. L.M. Penders BEFORE THE INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION: European Society and Economy 1000–1700. By Carlo M. Cippola THE DYNAMICS OF THE INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION. By Allan Thompson CAMBODIA: Starvation and Revolution. By George C. Hildebrand and Gareth Porter COLONIAL SELF-GOVERNMENT: The British Experience 1759–1856. By John Manning Ward SCALING THE IVORY TOWER: Merit and its Limits in Academic Careers. By Lionel S. Lewis THE MODEL OMBUDSMAN: Institutionalizing New Zealand's Democratic Experiment. By Larry B. Hill THE ORIGINS OF THE POPULAR PRESS IN ENGLAND, 1855–1914. By Alan J. Lee DOCUMENTS ON AUSTRALIAN FOREIGN POLICY 1937–49 STRATEGY WITHOUT SLIDE-RULE: British Air Strategy 1914–1939. By Barry D. Powers ELECTORAL SUPPORT FOR IRISH POLITICAL PARTIES 1927–1973. By Michael Gallagher AUSTRALIA'S ECONOMIC RELATIONS. Edited by J.D.B. Miller THE ELECTIONS IN ISRAEL—1973. Edited by Asher Arian THE SUPERPOWERS AND THEIR SPHERES OF INFLUENCE: The United States and the Soviet Union in Eastern Europe and Latin America. By Edy Kaufman DREAM AND DISILLUSION: A Search for Australian Cultural Identity. By David Walker DEMOCRACY AND GOVERNMENT IN EUROPEAN TRADE UNIONS. By Anthony Carew THE INTERNATIONAL POLITICS OF EASTERN EUROPE. Edited by Charles Cati GERMAN FOREIGN POLICY 1871–1914. By Imanuel Geiss BRITAIN AND THE ORIGINS OF THE NEW EUROPE 1914–1918. By Kenneth J. Calder CITIES FOR SALE: Property, Politics and Urban Planning in Australia. By Leonie Sandercock SOCIAL AND POLITICAL MOVEMENTS IN WESTERN EUROPE. Edited by Martin Kolinsky and William E. Paterson A TIME FOR BUILDING: Australian Administration in Papua and New Guinea 1951–1963. By Paul Hasluck THE SAVIOURS: An Intellectual History of the Left in Australia. By Patrick O'Brien THE MAKING OF POLITICIANS: Studies from Africa and Asia. Edited by W.H. Morris-Jones POLITICS AND CLASS FORMATION IN UGANDA. By Mahmood Mamdani K'ANG HSI AND THE CONSOLIDATION OF CH'ING RULE 1661–1684. By Lawrence D. Kessler YEH MING-CH'EN: Viceroy of Liang Kuang 1852–8. By J.Y. Wong THE PREMIERS' CONFERENCE: An Essay in Federal State Interaction. By Campbell Sharman THE LOWER MIDDLE CLASS IN BRITAIN, 1870–1914. Edited by Geoffrey Crossick GOVERNMENT AND POLITICS OF ONTARIO. Edited by Donald C. MacDonald REVOLUTION AND INTERNATIONAL SYSTEM: A Study in the Breakdown of International Stability. By Kyung-Won Kim ABWEHRSCHLACHT AN DER WEICHSEL 1945: Vorbereitung, Ablauf, Erfahrungen. By Heinz Magenheimer TOBRUK 1941: Der Kampf in Nordafrika. By Adalbert von Taysen WORKING CLASS RADICALISM IN MID-VICTORIAN ENGLAND. By Trygve Tholfsen INDIVIDUAL AND STATE IN ANCIENT CHINA: Essays on Four Chinese Philosophers. By Vitaly A. Rubin, translated by Steven I. Levine MAP OF MAINLAND ASIA BY TREATY. By J.R.V. Prescott POLICY MAKING IN BRITISH GOVERNMENT: An Analysis of Power and Rationality. By Brian Smith THE DYNAMICS OF PUBLIC POLICY: A Comparative Analysis. Edited by Richard Rose CAPITALISM, SOCIALISM AND THE ENVIRONMENT. By Hugh Stretton ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT IN AUSTRALIA, 1788–1914. Guardians, Improvers and Profit: An Introductory Survey. By J.M. Powell INTERWAR BRITAIN: A Social and Economic History. By Sean Glynn and John Oxborrow  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: ESSAYS IN THE POLITICAL ECONOMY OF AUSTRALIAN CAPITALISM. Edited by E.L. Wheelwright and Ken Buckley. PUBLIC EXPENDITURE AND SOCIAL POLICY IN AUSTRALIA. Edited by R.B. Scotton and Helen Ferber SIR ROBERT MENZIES. By Paul Hasluck. INTEREST GROUPS AND PUBLIC POLICY: Case Studies from the Australian States. Edited by Roger Scott. THE AUSTRALIAN ENVIRONMENT: 12 Controversial Issues. By Alan Gilpin. THE GOVERNMENT OF QUEENSLAND. By Colin A. Hughes. AUSTRALIA AND THE INDONESIAN REVOLUTION. By Margaret George. WELFARE POLITICS IN AUSTRALIA: A Study in Policy Analysis. By Adam Graycar. LAND OF A THOUSAND SORROWS: The Australian Prison Journal, 1840–1842, of the Exiled Canadian Patriote, Francois-Maurice Lepailleur. Translated and edited by F. Murray Greenwood. AUSTRALIA: The Asia Connection. By Jim Hyde. MIRROR OF FTHE NATION's MIND: Australia's Electoral Experiments. By J.F.H. Wright. A SHORT HISTORY OF ELECTORAL SYSTEMS IN WESTERN EUROPE. By Andrew McLaren Carstairs. A MODERN LEGAL HISTORY OF ENGLAND AND WALES 1750–1950. By A. H. Manchester. A SOURCE BOOK OF AUSTRALIAN LEGAL HISTORY: Source Materials from the Eighteenth to the Twentieth Centuries. Edited by J. M. Bennett and Alex C. Castles. AUSTRALIANS AND EGYPT 1914–1919. By Suzanne Brugger. A SETTLEMENT AMPLY SUPPLIED:Food Technology in Nineteenth Century Australia. By K.T.H. Farrer. PROVINCIAL PERSPECTIVES: Essays in Honour of W.J. Gardener. Edited by Len Richerdson and W. David McIntyre. THE JOURNAL OF HENRY SEWELL 1853–7. (Vol. 1: February 1853–May 1854; Vol. II: May 1854–May 1857). Edited by W. David McIntyre. PROVINCIAL GOVERNMENT IN PAPUA NEW GUINEA. Early Lessons from Chimbu. By Bill Standish. DAY OF SHINING RED: An Essay on Understanding Ritual. By Gilbert Lewis. THE BLOOD OF THE PEOPLE: Revolution and the End of Traditional Rule in Northern Sumatra. By Anthony Reid. THE SHAPING OF CHINESE FOREIGN POLICY. By Greg O'Leary. THE REVOLUTIONARY ARMIES: THE HISTORICAL DEVELOPMENT OF THE SOVIET AND CHINESE PEOPLE'S LIBERATION ARMIES. By Jonathan R. Adelman DECOLONISATION AND AFTER: The British and French Experience. Edited by W. H. Morris-Jones and Georges Fisher. THE FRENCH ENCOUNTER WITH AFRICANS: White Response to Blacks, 1530–1880. By William B. Cohen. THE TRANSFER OF POWER, 1942–7. Vol. IX, THE FIXING OF A TIME LIMIT. Edited by Nicholas Monsergh and Penderel Moon. PUBLIC SECTOR BARGAINING: A study of Relative Gain. By A.W.J. Thomson and P.B. Beaumont. THE VICTORIAN CONSTITUTION: Conventions, Usages and Contingencies. By G.H.L. Le May BRITAIN'S FIRST SOCIALISTS: The Levellers, Agitators and Diggers of the English Revolution. By Fenner Brockway. DAS DEUTSCHE REICH UND DER ZWEITE WELTKRIEG. Band 2: Die Errichtung der Hegemonie auf dem europaischen Knontinent. Von Klaus A. Marier, Horst Rohde, Bernd Stegemann und Hans Umbriet. BULOWS WELTMACHTKONZEPT: Untersuchungen zur fruhphase seiner Aussenpolitik 1897–1901. By Peter Winzen ADMINSISTERED POLITICS: Elite Political Culture in Sweden. By Thomas J. Anton. SOCIALIST POPULATION POLITICS: The political Implications of Demographic Trends in theUSSR and Eastern Europe. By John F. Besemeres. SOVIET POLITICS, Political Science and Reform. By Ronald J. Hill. THE HISTORY OF POLAND SINCE 1863. Edited by R.F. Leslie. THE POST-DARWINIAN CONTROVERSIES: A Study of the protestant struggle to come to terms with Darwin in Great Britain and America 1870–1900. By James R. Moore. MY APPRENTICESHIP. By Beatrice Webb. INTELLECTUALS AND REVOLUTION: Socialism and the Experience of 1848. Edited by Eugene Kamenka and F. B. Smith. JUSTICE. Edited by Eugene Kamenka and Alice Erh-Soon Tay. BUREAUCRACY: The Career of a Concept. Edited by Eugene Kamenka and Martin Krygier. THE INTELLECTUALS ON THE ROAD TO CLASS POWER. A Socialogical Study of the Role of the Intelligentsia in Socialism. By George Konrad and Ivan Szelenyi. POLITICAL OBLIGATION IN ITS HISTORICAL CONTEXT: Essays in Poliitical Theory. By John Dunn. A DISCOURSE ON PROPERTY: John Locke and his Adversaries. By James Tully. NATURAL RIGHTS THEORIES: Their Origin and Development. By Richard Tuck. MARXISM AND INDIVIDUALISM. By D.F.B. Tucker. POWER POLITICS. By Martin Wight. Edited by Hedley Bull and Carsten Holbraad. THE GROWTH OF CRIME The International Experience. By Leon Radzinowicz and Joan King. MARXIAN ECONOMICS. By Meghnad Desai. MARX UND MOSES: Karl Marx zur ‘Judenfrage’ und zu Juden. By Helmut Hirsch. REFORM AND RESISTANCE IN THE INTERNATIONAL ORDER. By Ian Clark. THE GOLDEN PENINSULA: Culture and Adaptation in Mninland Soathenst Asia. By Charles F. Keyes. MELANESUN CARGO CULTS: New Salvation Movements in the South Pacific. By Friedrich Steinbauer. ALGERIA 1968. By Pierre Bourdieu. MENDE GOVERNMENT AND POLITICS UNDER COLONIAL RULE: A Historical Study of Political Change in Sierra Leone 1890–1937. By Arthur Abraham. GERTRUDE BELL. By H.V.F. Winstone. THE IRISH CONSTITUTIONAL REVOLUTION OF THE SIXTEENTH CENTURY. By Brendan Bradshaw. STATES AND SOCIAL REVOLUTIONS: A Comparative Analysis of France, Russia, and China. By Theda Skocpol. THE KINGDOM OF VALENCIA IN THE SEVENTEENTH CENTURY. By James Casey. DANIELE MANIN AND THE VENETIAN REVOLUTION OF 1848–49. By Paul Ginsborg. AMERICA AND WESTERN EUROPE: Probkms a d Prospects. Edited by Karl Kaiser and Hans-Peter Schwarz. A SOCIOECONOMIC HISTORY OF ARGENTINA, 1776–1860. By Jonathan C. Brown. PUBLIC AND PRIVATE MORALITY Edited by Stuart Hampshire.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: ON JUSTICE IN SOCIETY. By Morris Ginsberg. SOCIAL STRUCTURE AND PERSONALITY. By Talcott Parsons. EXCHANGE AND POWER IN SOCIAL LIFE. By Peter M. Blau. CONFLICT IN SOCIETY: A Ciba Foundation Symposium. Edited by A. de Reuck and Julie Knight. THE THEORY AND PRACTICE OF WAR: Essays presented to Captain B. H. Liddell Hart. Edited by Michael Howard. NATION AND MEN: International Politics Today. By Ivo D. Duchacek. UNDERSTANDING FOREIGN POLICY. By Martin C. Needier. ORDER, EMPIRICISM AND POLITICS: Two Traditions of English Political Thought, 1500–1700. By W. H. Greenleaf. REACTION AND RECONSTRUCTION IN ENGLISH POLITICS 1832–1852: Being the Ford Lectures delivered before the University of Oxford. By Norman Gash. THE MAKING OF THE SECOND REFORM BILL. By F. B. Smith. JOHN BRIGHT: VICTORIAN REFORMER. By Herman Ausubel. LECTURES ON EUROPEAN HISTORY 1879–1914. By J. M. McManners. THE DISINTEGRATING MONOLITH: Pluralist Trends in the Communist World. Edited by J. D. B. Miller and T. H. Rigby. A CONCISE HISTORY OF EAST ASIA. By C. P. Fitzgerald. THE COMMUNIST CONQUEST OF CHINA: A History of the Civil War 1945-49. By Lionel Max Chassin. A QUARTER OF MANKIND: An Anatomy of China Today. By Dick Wilson. COMMUNIST CHINA IN WORLD POLITICS. By Harold C. Hinton. THE ANGLO-JAPANESE ALLIANCE: The Diplomacy of Two Island Empires 1894–1907. By Ian H. Nish. LAND AND CASTE IN SOUTH INDIA: Agricultural Labour in the Madras Presidency during the nineteenth century. By Dharm Kumar. INDIANS IN FIJI. By Adrian C. Meyer. THE DOMINION PARTNERSHIP IN IMPERIAL DEFENSE, 1870–1914. By Donald C. Gordon. SELECTIONS FROM THE SMUTS PAPERS. Edited by W. K. Hancock and Jean van der Poel WILLIAM PEMBER REEVES: New Zealand Fabian. By Keith Sinclair. THE PAPUA-NEW GUINEA ELECTIONS 1964. Edited by David C. Bettison, Colin A. Hughes and Paul van der Veur. THE NEW GUINEA VILLAGER: A Retrospect from 1964. By C. D. Rowley. PRIVATE POLITICS: A Study of Five Political Outlooks. By A. F. Davies. AUSTRALIAN POLITICS: A Reader. Edited by Henry Mayer. Melbourne, F. W. Cheshire LABOR IN VAIN?: A survey of the Australian Labor Party. By D. W. Rawson PARLIAMENTARY PRIVILEGE IN AUSTRALIA. By Enid Campbell. DECISIONS: Case Studies in Australian Administration. Edited by B. B. Schaffer and D. C. Corbett. A HUNDRED YEARS OF PASTORAL BANKING: A History of the Australian Mercantile Land and Finance Company. By J. D. Bailey. THAT BETTER COUNTRY: The Religious Aspect of Life in Eastern Australia, 1835–1850. By J. Barrett OLD NEW ENGLAND: A History of the Northern Tablelands of New South Wales 1818–1900. By R. B. Walker.  相似文献   

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