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《The Political quarterly》1991,62(3):393-402
Book reviews in this article:
T he P rize , by Daniel Yergin.
C ommunication and C ontrol : N etworks and the N ew E conomies of C ommunication , by G. J. Mulgan
T he P olitical P ower of E conomic I deas : K eynesianism across N ations . Edited by Peter A. Hall.
G reening OF A R ed . By Malcolm MacEwen.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Keeping the Peace: Police Accountability and Oversight. Edited by David Moore and Roger Wettenhall What's Right? Free Enterprise versus Government Control: Getting the Balance Right By George Mc Farlane The Australian Public Sector: Pathways to Change. Edited by James Guthrie Can Governments Learn? Comparative Perspectives on Evaluation and Organizational Learning. Edited by Frans L Leeuw , Ray C Rist and Richard C Sonnichsen  相似文献   

《Political studies》1965,13(1):114-143

Books Reviewed in this Article:
S ocialising P ublic O wnership . By M artyn S loman .
THE P olitics OF S teel . By K eith O venden .
P overty , P olitics AND P olicy . By K eith G. B anting .
T owards A P hilosophy OF A dministration . By C hristopher H odgkinson .
M obilising T echnology FOR W orld D evelopment . Edited by J airam R amesh and C harles W eiss , JR., with a Foreword by B arbara W ard .
E nergy P olicy FOR THE R ural T hird W orld . By A rjun M akhijani .
U rban P olitics : A S ociological I nterpratation . By P eter S aunders .
S tates AND S ocial R evolutions . By T heda S kocpol .
S ideshow : K issinger , N ixon , AND THE D estruction OF C ambodia . By W illam S hawcross .
W omen IN THE H ouse . By E lizabeth V allance .
THE 1945–1951 L abour G overnments . By R oger E atwell .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1980,51(3):358-388
Poverty IN THE United Kingdom . By Peter Townsend . Social Mobility AND Class Struc -JRE IN Modern Britain . By John H. Goldthorpe in collaboration with Catriona Llewellyn and Clive Payne . Labour AND Equality . Edited by Nick Bosanquet and Peter Townsend . Power AND Responsibility IN Health Care : THE N.H.S. AS A Political Institution . By W. J. M. Mackenzie . THE House OF Commons IN THE Twentieth Century : Essays BY Members OF THE Study OF Parliament Group . Edited by S. A. Walkland . THE Transfer OF Power , 1942–47. VOL. Viii : THE Interim Government , 3 July -1 November 1946. Edited by Nrcholas Mansergh and Penderel Moon . Socialist Thought IN Imaginative Literature . By Stephen Ingle . Socialist Propaganda IN THE Twentieth -Century Novel . By David Smith . G. D. H. Cole AND Socralist Democracy . By A. W. Wright . Consensus AND Disunity : THE Lloyd George Coalition Government 1918–1922. By Kenneth O. Morgan . Tariff Reform IN British Politics , 1903–1913. By Alan Sykes . Labour AND Scottish Nationalism . By Michael Keating and David Bleiman . THE State IN Northern Ireland 1921–72. By Paul BEW, Peter Gibbon and Henry Patterson . Inflation AND Stabilisation IN Latin America . Edited by R. Thorp and L. Whitehead . Wave-Power: “Insurance”, Smokescreen or Politically Significant Technology? Wave Energy : Energy Paper NO. 42, Prepared for Department of Energy by Energy Technical Support Unit . Proceedings OF THE Wave Energy Conference , London , Heathrow , 22–23 November 1978. Edited by Peter Quarrel . Energy From THE Waves . By David Ross .  相似文献   

《Political studies》1970,18(2):251-280

《The Political quarterly》1978,49(1):103-111
Book reviewed in this article:
T he B reak -U p of B retain . C risis and N eo -N ationalism . By T om N airn .
E noch P owell and the P owellites . By D ouglas E. S choen .
T he N ational F ront . By M artin W alker .
T he P olitics of P ower . By J oe H aines
T he G ood W ant P ower . By K athleen N ott .
L iterature and P olitics in M odern B retain . By G eorge W atson .
T owards T omorrow . THE A utobiography OF F enner B rockway .
IN S earch OF THE C onstitution -R eflections ON S tate AND S ociety IN B ritain . By N evil J ohnson .

Book reviewed in this article:
B ritish G overnment O bserved . By B rian C hapman .
T he B ritish E lectoral S ystem S ince 1918. By D. E. B utler .
L aw R eform Now . Edited by G erald G ardiner , q.c. and A ndrew M artin .
S ir J ohn S imon , 1816–1904, and E nglish S ocial A dministration . By R oyston L ambert .
E ssays in I mperial G overnment . Edited by F rederick M alden and K enneth R obinson . Presented to M argery P erham .
A rms and S tability in E urope . By A lastair B uchan and P hilip W indsor .
E conomic P lanning in F rance . By J ohn and A nne -M arie H ackett .
P eace -M aking and the S ettlement with J apan . By F rederick S. D unn .
S t. A ntony's P apers N umber 16, M iddle E astern A ffairs N umber T hree . By A lbert H ourani (Ed.)
F uturibles : S tudies in C onjecture . Edited by B ertrand de J ouvenel .
E rnest S imon of M anchester . By M ary S tocks .
E ichmann in J erusalem : A R eport on the B anality of E vil . By H annah A rendt .
A frica in the U nited N ations . By T homas H ovet , J r.
T he N igerian F ederal E lection of 1959. By K. W. J. P ost .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1942,13(3):328-348
book reviewed in this article
C onditions of P eace . By E. H. C arr .
T he N ew F reedom of the S eas . By W. A rnold -F orster .
V ersailles T wenty Y ears A fter . By P aul B irdsall .
A G erman P rotectorate . By S hiela G rant D uff .
P roblems of T he D anube B asin . By C. A. M acartney .
T he B ritish C olonial E mpire . By W. E. S imnett .
T he C olour B ar in the C opper B elt . By J ulius L ewin .
L abour in the C olonies . By F abian C olonial B ureau .
A ustralian N ative P olicy . By E. J. B. F oxcroft .
T he I ndian S tates and I ndian F ederation . By S ir G eoffrey de M ontmorency .
S tudies in the E volution of D ominion S tatus . By G wen N euendorff .
N ew T owns A fter the W ar . By F. J. O sborn .
T he L ife and T imes of S ir R obert P eel . By S ir T resham L ever .
F actory I nspection in G reat B ritain . By T. K. D jang .
I ndia : T he R oad to S elf -G overnment . By J ohn C oatman .
S peed the P lough . By C. S. O rwin .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1944,15(3):257-276
Book reviewed in this article:
T he R oad to S erfdom . By F. A. H ayek .
R eflections on the R evolution of our T ime . By H arold J. L aski .
F aith , R eason and C ivilisation . By H arold J. L aski .
T he J ourney to W ork . By K. L iepmann .
H ow I t C an be D one . By S ir R ichard A cland .
T he N ew A ge , By E dward H ulton
T he M irror of the P ast . L est it R eflect the F uture . By K. Z illiacus .
M ake T his the L ast W ar . By M ichael S traight .
C ommodity C ontrol . By P. L amartine Y ates .
I ntergovernmental C ommodity C ontrol A greement .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1944,15(4):365-368
Book reviewed in this article:
R ace and P olitics in K enya . By E lspeth H uxley and M argery P erham .
E mpire in A frica . By A lexander C ampbell .
F ilm . By R oger M anvell .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1940,11(3):293-312
Book reviewed in this article:
T he A merican P residency : A n I nterpretation , By H arold J. L aski .
T he U nemployment A ssistance B oard . By J ohn D. M illett .
T he U nemployment S ervices . By P olly H ill .
M en and I deas : E ssays by G raham W allas . With an introduction by G ilbert M urray .
M an and S ociety in an A ge of R econstruction . By K arl M annheim .
M editerranean P roblems . By G ordon E ast .
L abour and D emocracy in the U.S.A. By K enneth W hite .
F eeding the P eople in W artime . By S ir J ohn O rr and D avid L ubbock .
F eeding the N ation in P eace and W ar . By G eorge W alworth .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1940,11(2):268-271
Book reviewed in this article:
T he C onstitution of E ngland from Q ueen V ictoria to G eorge VI. By A. B erriedale K eith .
H ow B ritain is G overned . By R amsay M uir .
T he P olitics of D emocratic S ocialism . By E. F. M. D urbin .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1945,16(2):170-184
Book reviewed in this article:
G ermany , R ussia, and the F uture . BY J. T. M ac C urdy .
G ermany B etween T wo W ars : A S tudy of P ropaganda and W ar G uilt . By L indley F raser .
U nited S tates of G ermany . By K. K. D oberer .
I n S tates of G ermany . By K. K. D oberer .
I n T yrannos : F our C enturies of S truggle A gainst T yrannt in G ermany .
T he T yrants ' W ar and the P eoples ' P eace . By F erdinand A. H ermens .
R ebuilding B ritian —A T wenty Y ear P lan . By S ir E. D. S imson .
T he P eace C onference of 1919. O rganization and P rocedure . BY F. S. M arston .
P ublic O pinion and the L ast P eace . By R. B. M c C allum .
T he I nnocents AT C edros . By R. L. D uffus .
P oland B etween T wo W ars . By P rofessor F. Z weig .
T he D anube B asin and the G erman E conomic S phere . By DR. A ntonin B asch .
A S hort H istory of G ermany . By S. H. S teinberg .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1943,14(1):107-116
Book reviewed in this article: Vested Interests or Common Pool ? By Nicholas E. H. Davenport . An Essay on Economics By Joan Robinson Native Labour in South Africa By Sheila T. van der Horst Studies in National Income By A. L. Bowley Natinal Institute of Economic and Social Research. Diary of a Diplomatic Correspondent By George Bilainkein Social Structure By Henry A. Mess  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1943,14(2):197-208
Book reviewed in this article: Letters on Iindia By Mulk Raj Anand What Does Gandhi Want ? By T. A. Raman The Jewish Struggle By Jeremiah Ben -Jacob Let My People Go By Victor Gollancz Science and Ethics . By C. H. Waddington and Others. Administratin of Labour. An Essay on Problems of Social Economy. By František Klang , Vlandimir Outrata , Alexander Kunoš ř. The Russian Peasant and Other Studies . By Sir John Maynard . Soviet Planning and Labour in Peace and War . Four Studies. By Maurice Dobb . Downing Street and the Colonies . Political Representation of Africans in the Union .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1948,19(3):277-300
Book reviewed in this article:
O ur P artnership . By B eatrice W ebb . E dited by B arbara D rake and M argaret I. C ole .
T he I ntelligent M an's G uide to the P ost -W ar W orld . By G. D. H. C ole .
T he G oebbels D iaries . T ranslated and E dited by Louis L ochner .
N uremberg . T he F acts , the L aw and the C onsequences . By P eter C alvocoressi .
T he G reat A ssize . By J. H. M organ , K.C.
J uvenile D elinquency in an E nglish M iddletown . By H ermann M annheim .
T he H ome O ffice . By S ir A lexander M axwell .
T he A nalysis of P olitical B ehaviour : A n E mpirical A pproach . By H arold D. L asswell .
E ssays in S ociology . By M ax W eber .
Translated, with an Introduction, by H. H. G erth and C. W right M ills .
E ducation : T he N ew H orkon . By H. C. S hearman .
D iplomatic P relude , 1938–1939. By L. B. N amier . ( MacMillan .
S tudies in F inancial O rganisation . By T. B alogh .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1948,19(4):368-399
Book reviewed in this article:
A sian R elations . B eing A R eport OF THE P roceed INGS OF THE F irst
A sian R elations C onference , N ew D elhi
N ew P aths FOR J apan . By H arold W akefield .
M odern . J apan and S hinto N ationalism . R evised E dition . By D. C. H oltom .
R icher BY A sia . By E dmond T aylor .
I n THE P ath OF M ahatma G andhi . By G eorge C atlin .
F rom THE L eague TO U.N. By G ilbert M urray .
N egroes IN B ritain . By K. L. L ittle .
A lsos . By S amuel A. G oudsmit .
N oel A nnan .
S ydney O livier : L etters and S elected W ritings EDITED BY M argaret O livier , WITH SOME I mpressions BY B ernard S haw .
C harles R oden B uxton . A MEMOIR BY V ictoria DE B unsen .
T he D evelopment OF L ocal G overnment . By W. A. R obson . (R evised and E nlarged S econd E dition . Allen and Umwin .
A pple OF D iscord . By C. M. W oodhouse .
A lternative TO S erfdom . By J ohn M aurice C lark .
O rdeal BY P lanning . By J ohn J ewkes .
M alaya and I ts H istory . By Sir R ichard O. WINSTEDT.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article.
P arliamentary R eform , 1933–1960: A S urvey of S uggested R eforms .
O rganised G roups in B ritish N ational P olitics . By A llen M. P otter .
P arliamentary S ocialism : A S tudy in the P olitics Of L abour . By R alph M iliband .
K ey P roblems of S ociological T heory . By J ohn R ex .
M emoires of a P ublic S ervant . By L ord S alter .
H anged by the N eck . By A rthur K oestler and C. H. R olph .
H anged in E rror . By L eslie H ale , m . p .
T he C old W ar and its O rigins , 1917–1960. By D. F. F leming .
H istory of the S econd W orld W ar : T he S trotegic A ir O ffensive A gainst G ermany , 1939–1945. By S ir C harles W ebster and N oble F rankland .
F rom the D readnought to S capa F low . V olume I: T he R oad to W ar , 1904–1914. By P rofesser A rthur J. M arder .
T he K enyatta E lection : K enya 1960-61. By G eorge B ennett and C arl R osberg .
S outh A frica in M y T ime . By G. H eaton N ocholls .
A frica and the V ictorians . By R onald R obinson and J ohn G allagher with A lice D enny .
T he Y oshida M emoires : T he S tory of J apan in C risis . By S chigeru Y oshida . Translated by K enichi Y oshida .
A dvertisements for M yself . By N orman M aller .
C harles B ooth , S ocial S cientist . By T. S. S imey and M. B. S imey .
H istory of the S econd W orld W ar : T he W ar at S ea . Volume III, Part II. By C aptain S. W. R oskill .
C ouncil of E urope . S tatistical D ata , 1960.  相似文献   

《Political studies》1962,10(1):77-113

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