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从《德国国际刑法典》看国际犯罪的国内追诉   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
范红旗 《法学杂志》2006,27(1):115-117
《德国国际刑法典》及相关立法是德国为实施《国际刑事法院规约》所做的重大努力,该法不仅完善了德国对于违反国际法之犯罪的国内追诉制度,也为世界各国提供了一个可资借鉴的法律模式。该法在立法模式和管辖权方面对于我国同类立法具有重要的启示意义。  相似文献   

Crimes against humanity are supposed to have a collective dimension with respect both to their victims and their perpetrators. According to the orthodox view, these crimes can be committed by individuals against individuals, but only in the context of a widespread or systematic attack against the group to which the victims belong. In this paper I offer a new conception of crimes against humanity and a new justification for their international prosecution. This conception has important implications as to which crimes can be justifiably prosecuted and punished by the international community. I contend that the scope of the area of international criminal justice that deals with basic human rights violations should be wider than is currently acknowledged, in that it should include some individual violations of human rights, rather than only violations that have a collective dimension.  相似文献   

On 1 July 2002 new provisions for the prosecution of genocide,crimes against humanity and war crimes came into operation withinthe Australian Commonwealth Criminal Code. The offences wereintroduced as a part of Australia's ratification of the RomeStatute of the International Criminal Court. Through the enactmentof these crimes within the broader context of the Criminal Code,Australia has, perhaps unwittingly, created a basis to prosecutecorporations for these crimes even under the universal jurisdictionprinciple. A current investigation by the Australian FederalPolice into the possible role of mining company Anvil MiningLimited in facilitating a military offensive in the town ofKilwa in the Democratic Republic of the Congo indicates thatAustralia, like many nations today, is grappling locally withthe possibility of corporate involvement in international crime.As a potential source of action against companies implicatedin international crime, the possible reach of the AustralianCriminal Code provisions warrants consideration. This articleoutlines the application of the new Australian internationalcrimes provisions to corporations and argues that, if used appropriately,these will represent a positive development toward corporateaccountability.  相似文献   

20 0 0年 1 2月 1 5日联合国在意大利西西里岛巴勒莫市召开关于制定《联合国打击跨国有组织犯罪公约》① 外交大会 ,来自世界各国的代表正式通过并签署了这部公约。这部公约是继《国际刑事法院罗马公约》于 1 998年 7月 1 7日诞生之后由联合国主持通过的具有里程碑意义的国际刑法公约。它是国际社会长期以来努力同跨国有组织犯罪进行斗争的结果。 1 998年 1 2月 9日 ,联合国通过第 55/1 1 1号决议 ,决定设立联合国特设委员会 ,授权该委员会起草联合国打击跨国有组织犯罪公约及其三个附件。该委员会成立后于 1 999年 1月 1 9- 2 9日在奥地利…  相似文献   

汉斯·凯尔森(Hans Kelsen)教授一生著作等身,其研究领域涉及公法学、法哲学、国际法学、政治学、社会学、人类学等诸多学科.他创立的"纯粹法学"理论在中国影响颇深,学习过西方法律思想史的人多少都会对其"极端纯粹"思想所表现出来的天真可爱留有印象.  相似文献   

Organ trafficking and trafficking in persons for the purpose of organ transplantation are recognized as significant international problems. Yet these forms of trafficking are largely left out of international criminal law regimes and to some extent of domestic criminal law regimes as well. Trafficking of organs or persons for their organs does not come within the jurisdiction of the ICC, except in very special cases such as when conducted in a manner that conforms to the definitions of genocide or crimes against humanity. Although the United States Code characterizes trafficking as “a transnational crime with national implications,” (22 U.S.C. § 7101(b)(24) (2010)), trafficking is rarely prosecuted in domestic courts. It has thus functioned in practice largely as what might be judged a “stateless” offense, out of the purview of both international and national courts. Yet these forms of organ trafficking remain widespread—and devastating to those who are its victims. In this article, we begin by describing what is known about the extent of organ trafficking and trafficking in persons for the purpose of removal of organs. We then critically evaluate how and why such trafficking has remained largely unaddressed by both international and domestic criminal law regimes. This state of affairs, we argue, presents a missed chance for developing the legitimacy of international criminal law and an illustration of how far current international legal institutions remain from ideal justice.  相似文献   

在刑事法治系统中,立法与司法是两个非常重要的子系统。研究刑法学方法,①对于这两个子系统的良性运转,进而促进刑事法治系统的良性运转,具有重要意义。一立法完善,对于中国刑事法治而言,是一项重要的制度建设工作。二十世纪八十年代以来的刑事立法,始终贯穿着这一主题。(一)立法完善的含义与意义完善之意,指(使之)完备美好。②立法完善,即通过立法程序使法律、法规进一步完备的过程与结果。刑法的立法完善亦然。废除、修改非正当、不合理的规定,增补与社会现实相适应的内容,是刑法立法完善工作的基本方式。制定立法解释,是刑法立法完善工作…  相似文献   

大量证据显示国际刑事审判的展开促进了国际刑法的发展,而在国际刑法发展的进程中,出现了一系列新的观念和原则并逐渐得到国际社会的广泛认可,诸如灭绝种族罪、危害人类罪和战争罪的定义,以及合法性原则、补充性管辖原则、个人刑事责任原则和国际合作与司法协助原则等。国际刑事法院的建立在国际刑法制度发展中具有里程碑式的意义,联合国、联合国宪章以及联合国大会的一系列决议为国际刑法的发展发挥了至关重要的作用。  相似文献   

随着金融市场的发展,犯罪防控的形势日益严峻,金融犯罪刑事司法政策一直致力于回应金融市场当前面临的现实发展状态及问题。但是政策效果受到立法制约和影响,且与金融监管联系紧密。为了寻求金融犯罪刑事司法政策的完善路径,首先需要理解金融犯罪司法规制的能力范围,了解金融的特性,理解刑法的局限。在此基础上,有针对性地落实宽严相济刑事政策,并且发挥金融犯罪刑事司法政策的独立价值。  相似文献   

吴华蓉 《犯罪研究》2006,(4):69-72,75
目前,网络正以燎原之势推动着全球化进程,“天涯若比邻”早已不是人类遥不可及的梦想,“数字化生存”方式正全方位地改变着我们的生活。然而,不可否认的是网络带来了方便和快捷,也带来了矛盾和冲突。历史多次证明,每一项新技术的发展必然会给原有的法律体系带来冲击,网络也概莫能外,并不可避免地带来一系列法律问题,对传统法律规则形成强烈的冲击,其中最早表现出来的就是网络犯罪刑事司  相似文献   

This is a theoretical and empirical investigation into the causal link (if any) between international criminal trials and preventing violence through exemplary prosecutions. Specifically how do representative trials of persons accused of having the greatest responsibility for the most serious crimes of concern to the international community as a whole, supposedly bind recurrent violence? The argument pursued is that by using an accused as an example, a court engages in an indirect and uncertain substitution of personal rights for social harmony and order. These prosecutions combine a peculiar rhetoric, logic and aesthetic, all which substitute the responsibilities for a society in general to a particular individual in order to redeem that society by transferring its communal responsibility onto the individual punished as a form of atonement or expiation. International and domestic trials, as well as truth and reconciliation commissions, are part of a suite of options addressing communal mass violence that can work in tandem. However, because those convicted do not have a monopoly on criminality, nor do those merely reconciled have a monopoly on virtue, exemplification through punishment only targets a few on behalf of the many. Indeed such a redemptively sacrificial economy distinguishes legal justice from mere vengeance.  相似文献   

The International Crimes Tribunal in Bangladesh was re-established in 2010 in order to hold the perpetrators of the 1971 War accountable for international crimes; namely, war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide. The Trial has already begum to operate and has been dealing with various challenges. The basis of the trial proceedings is the International Crimes (Tribunal) Act 1973. The Parliament of Bangladesh enacted the Act in accordance with international law shortly after the War. This paper assesses the key legal issues that arise from the context of the 1973 Act, and will provide a reflection on trial proceedings in light of international law. It concludes that any initiatives to address the impunity of perpetrators and offer redress to the victims of gross human rights violations should be applauded, while any trial proceedings that do not follow appropriate standards for a fair trial and offer the right of due process should be deprecated.  相似文献   

Greg Taylor 《Ratio juris》2004,17(3):346-380
Abstract.  This article considers the various suggestions that have been put forward by German scholars to replace the traditional concept of intention, which the author has criticised elsewhere ( Taylor 2004 ). The debate on this topic has become a minor academic industry in Germany, and should be better known as the English-speaking world struggles with its own concepts of intention. Despite the great amount of effort and ingenuity devoted to this topic in Germany, however, the author concludes that only one theory of intention, that put forward by Professor Wolfgang Frisch, shows any substantial degree of promise.  相似文献   

This paper examines the changing relationship between the disciplines of international criminal law (ICL) and international human rights law; I particularly focus on the associations of the former with comfort and the latter with discomfort. It appears that a shift may be taking place in that ICL is being refashioned from a field enforcing human rights law to one which has assumed an entirely independent status. Indeed, ICL appears to be crowding out international human rights law. The inquiry begins with the question whether ICL is becoming the preferred discursive framework for practitioners, academics, and politicians. A contemporary desire for certainty over contention, action over discourse, and simplicity over complexity is revealed; in short, a preference for comfort over discomfort. The second half of the paper is dedicated to highlighting some of the concerns attached to this preference and suggesting possible techniques for addressing these concerns. Employing the idea of ‘discomfort’, I refer to the relevance of (1) Michel Foucault’s Ethics of Discomfort, (2) Judith Butler’s idea of the Language of Discomfort, and (3) draw on Franz Kafka’s literary exploration of the Comfort in Discomfort. The ideas culminate in a call for relearning the comfort in discomfort of contention, discourse and complexity in international law.  相似文献   

The year 2006 proved to be another productive year for the InternationalCriminal Tribunal for the Prosecution of Persons Responsiblefor Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law Committedin the Territory of the Former Yugoslavia since 1991. This articleexamines the eight judgements rendered by the Tribunal in 2006and highlights the principal developments in international humanitarianand criminal law at the Tribunal.  相似文献   

邹国勇 《时代法学》2007,5(1):102-109
在传统上,德国国际私法的渊源包括制定法、德国缔结或者参加的各种国际私法条约、习惯法和判例法,但是随着欧盟国际私法统一化的深入发展,尤其是欧洲共同体在公司法、合同法、物权法、知识产权法、破产法和国际民事诉讼程序法等领域的立法不断加强,欧盟法中的国际私法规范逐渐渗入德国国际私法,从而使德国国际私法的渊源突破了传统的范围,越来越多地打上了欧盟法的烙印,呈现出“欧盟化”倾向。  相似文献   

冷战结束后,国际人权法获得了较为广阔的生长空间,国际刑法也进入复兴和快速发展的阶段。国际人权法对国际刑法各个领域的影响都十分明显,从基本原则到具体规则,从实体法到程序法,从刑罚制度设计到刑罚的执行,并努力在保护被害人与保障被告人权利两者之间保持微妙的平衡。然而,透过国际人权法推动国际刑法发展的帷幔,不难发现其背后"人权"和"主权"之间的紧张博弈:为保护人权,国际人权法引领着国际刑法试图突破国家领土的藩篱进而穿透国家主权的坚硬"铠甲";国家则奋力祭起"主权"大旗并诉诸"司法独立"的坚固盾牌,抵御某些外部政治实体利用国际刑事司法机构干涉其内政、侵蚀其"司法独立",以最大限度地维护国家利益。  相似文献   

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