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今年是《中国劳动关系学院学报》创刊20周年。中国劳动关系学院于2007年5月23日、5月31日分别召开了"纪念《中国劳动关系学院学报》创刊20周年院外专家座谈会"和"纪念《中国劳动关系学院学报》创刊20周年座谈会",回顾了学报20年办刊历程,充分肯定了所取得的成绩,总结了办刊经验,提出了今后的办刊目标,力争站在更高的起点上,实现学报的创新与发展。  相似文献   

《中国劳动关系学院学报》(原《工会理论与实践》)是中华全国总工会和国家新闻出版署等机关批准,在国内外公开发行的学术刊物。本刊是中国人文社会科学核心期刊、RCCSE中国核心学术期刊、北京高校人文社科学报名刊和全国高校社科精品期刊。  相似文献   

《中国劳动关系学院学报》(原《工会理论与实践》)是中华全国总工会和国家新闻出版广电总局等机关批准,在国内外公开发行的刊物。本刊是中国人文社会科学核心期刊、RCCSE中国核心学术期刊、北京高校人文社科学报名刊和全国高校百强社科期刊。  相似文献   

《中国劳动关系学院学报》(双月刊)是由中华全国总工会主管、中国劳动关系学院主办的学术刊物。本刊设有"工会研究""劳动关系研究""职工队伍研究""劳动法律研究""专家特稿"等栏目,欢迎工会干部、学界同仁不吝赐稿。一、用稿标准1.选题应为重要理论问题或前沿、热点问题,有较强的理论和现实意义。2.研究方法科学,论证充分,结构合理,逻辑严谨,文字流畅。3.符合论文学术规范和学术道德规范,严禁剽窃,学术不端检测重合度在10%以下。4.文章篇幅10000-15000字。  相似文献   

正《中国劳动关系学院学报》(双月刊)是由中华全国总工会主管、中国劳动关系学院主办的学术刊物。本刊设有"工会研究" "劳动关系研究" "职工队伍研究" "劳动法律研究" "专家特稿"等栏目,欢迎工会干部、学界同仁不吝赐稿。一、用稿标准1.选题应为重要理论问题或前沿、热点问题,有较强的理论和现实意义。2.研究方法科学,论证充分,结构合理,逻辑严谨,文字流畅。3.符合论文学术规范和学术道德规范,严禁剽窃,学术不端检测系统文字复制比在10%以下。  相似文献   

《中国劳动关系学院学报》(双月刊)是由中华全国总工会主管、中国劳动关系学院主办的学术刊物。本刊设有“工会研究”“劳动关系研究”“职工队伍研究”“劳动法律研究”“专家特稿”等栏目,欢迎工会干部、学界同仁不吝赐稿。  相似文献   

正《中国劳动关系学院学报》(双月刊)是由中华全国总工会主管、中国劳动关系学院主办的学术刊物。本刊设有"工会理论研究"、"劳动关系研究"、"工人运动史"、"劳动法律研究"、"调查与思考"等栏目,欢迎工会干部,学界同仁不吝赐稿。一、用稿标准1.选题应为重要理论问题或前沿、热点问题,有较强的理论和现实意义。2.研究方法科学,论证充分,结构合理,逻辑严谨,文字流畅。3.符合论文学术规范和学术道德规范,严禁剽窃,学术不端检测重合度在10%以下。  相似文献   

<正>《中国劳动关系学院学报》(双月刊)是由中华全国总工会主管、中国劳动关系学院主办的学术刊物。本刊设有"工会理论研究"、"劳动关系研究"、"工人运动史"、"劳动法律研究"、"调查与思考"等栏目,欢迎工会干部、学界同仁不吝赐稿。一、用稿标准1.选题应为重要理论问题或前沿、热点问题,有较强的理论和现实意义。2.研究方法科学,论证充分,结构合理,逻辑严谨,文字流畅。3.符合论文学术规范和学术道德规范,严禁剽窃,学术不端检测重合度在10%以下。  相似文献   

正《中国劳动关系学院学报》(双月刊)是由中华全国总工会主管、中国劳动关系学院主办的学术刊物。本刊设有"工会理论研究"、"劳动关系研究"、"工人运动史"、"劳动法律研究"、"调查与思考"等栏目,欢迎工会干部、学界同仁不吝赐稿。一、用稿标准1.选题应为重要理论问题或前沿、热点问题,有较强的理论和现实意义。2.研究方法科学,论证充分,结构合理,逻辑严谨,文字流畅。3.符合论文学术规范和学术道德规范,严禁剽窃,学术不端检测重合度在10%以下。  相似文献   

《中国劳动关系学院学报》(双月刊)是由中华全国总工会主管、中国劳动关系学院主办的学术刊物。本刊设有“工会研究”“劳动关系研究”“职工队伍研究”“劳动法律研究”“专家特稿”等栏目,欢迎工会干部、学界同仁不吝赐稿。一、用稿标准1.选题应为重要理论问题或前沿、热点问题,有较强的理论和现实意义。2.研究方法科学,论证充分,结构合理,逻辑严谨,文字流畅。3.符合论文学术规范和学术道德规范,严禁剽窃,学术不端检测系统文字复制比在10%以下。4.文章篇幅12000字以上。  相似文献   

This editorial introduces 16 articles originating at the 1999 Women's Studies Network (UK) conference. It begins by telling the story of the long process by which we published the articles, considering some of the implications of this process for equality of access to the global production of knowledge in women's/gender studies. It then proposes an analytical framework for understanding this collection in terms of the development of a materialist discursive feminism. Finally, it explains how the articles have been organised, and outlines each contribution, paying attention to the way the articles are both located within and constitutive of the framework.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the changing status of research of women and education during the 1970s. All articles published in the American Educational Research Journal, the Journal of Educational Psychology, Child Development, Sociology of Education, and the Journal of Educational Measurement from 1973 through 1978 are included in this study. A total of 2239 research articles are identified and examined for article content and authorship. Of these articles, 13.5 per cent deal with women and education, 15.9 per cent are authored by women solely and 28.0 per cent are co-authored by women and men. There is a significant increase in the number of articles on women and education, and it appears that proportionately more of these articles are written by women; however, there is no proportional change in women's authorship of (1) total articles written by women, (2) articles on women and education, or (3) articles on topics other than women and education. It is concluded that women and education became a legitimate topic for scholarly inquiry during the 1970s, but that this increased legitimacy did not benefit women specifically.  相似文献   

新中国创建后 ,刘少奇、邓小平都曾在不同时期对工人阶级和工会理论进行了深入的研究 ,并发表了一系列纲领性的文章和讲话 ,从而为工会组织的前进和发展 ,提供了强大的思想武器和理论依据。  相似文献   

The study of adolescence may have come of age, but it remains debatable whether research appropriately considers the ethnic diversity of adolescence. Given a heightened interest in supporting a more inclusive approach to adolescent research, this study takes stock of how seriously we actually are pursuing a more inclusive study of adolescence. To do so, this study examines the extent to which six leading journals dedicated to the study of adolescence publish articles that include ethnic participants, report the nature of that inclusion, and present findings that consider the ethnic dimensions of their samples. Although results reveal some diversity among journals, trends do emerge. For example, the study of adolescence is quite international: overall, more than 40% of 1283 empirical articles (published from 2000 to and including 2006) report findings from non-U.S. samples. If we remove international studies from our analyses, we find that the vast majority of studies (93%) describe the ethnic composition of their samples. That finding diverges considerably from reports from other fields of research. Also unlike other fields of research, studies from journals on adolescence do tend to include ethnic groups. The majority (68%) of articles actually do not have samples with a majority of participants from European American groups. Over 40% of articles present empirical analyses relating to identified ethnic groups, and at least 19% present findings that focus on one ethnic group (rather than comparing one to another). We do, however, find relatively ignored groups (such as Native and Asian Americans) and a tendency to lump diverse groups into five dominant ethnic groups or into “other” groups. We place these findings in the context of research on adolescence and explore their significance. Roger J.R. Levesque is Professor of Criminal Justice, Indiana University. He is Editor of the Journal of Youth and Adolescence.  相似文献   

The argument most often noted from the Panel on Youth Report is that essential to the transition-to-adulthood period is a youth's participation in work and other nonschool contexts. This article summarizes the criticisms of the suggestion that this youth participation should be fostered institutionally. The criticisms are placed into four sections; each section also contains a comment, sometimes in support of the criticisms, sometimes in support of the report.The discussion reported here was originally written under the auspices of HEW Contract No. HEW-100-75-0010, and published as Chapter II of the Third Annual Report of the Interagency Panel for Research and Development on Adolescence (Heyneman, 1975b).Maintains an interest in the fields of adolescence as well as international and comparative education. Has published articles in theSociology of Education, theInternational Review of Education, theComparative Education Review, African Studies Review, Education in Eastern Africa, theJournal of Developing Areas andPaedagogica Historica.  相似文献   

匿名审稿制作为代表国际发展趋势的审稿制度,已为学界达成共识,具有其独特的价值、功能。但它的实施还需要强有力的监督作保障。  相似文献   

This scoping review offers an opportunity to examine the spread and reclaiming of feminist theoretical tenets in a central domain of youth studies. We examined critically the development of the academic literature on Israeli girls and their bodies, based on a girlhood studies perspective. Data consisted of the 255 academic works (articles, book chapters and graduate theses) published on the topic since Israel’s inception. The analysed variables included: decade, language, discipline, topic, focus population, approach and genre. The findings outline a gradual increase overtime of works on the bodies of girls, dominated by health-related topics and quantitative methodologies, alongside a relatively small number of studies on sub-populations of girls and based on a critical approach. The discussion situates the trends found regarding study populations, topics and approaches in the global and local literature on girls, highlighting signs of an emerging girlhood studies perspective in the reviewed literature in the past two decades.  相似文献   

The article analyses framing of Queen Sofia by the Spanish gossip press as an embodiment of the traditionalist model of womanhood existing in Spain. The paper presents results from the content analysis of extensive press coverage on the Consort (173 articles published between May 2011 and May 2014) from the leading gossip magazine ¡Hola! Through the use of gender stereotypes’ categorization, it displays a coherence between the content of the Queen’s discourse in the magazine and the conservative vision of womanhood developed within the Spanish patriarchal model. Final results show that despite a superficial modernization of the Queen’s image obtained thanks to the fact of focusing the discourse on her public activity, ¡Hola! frame on Queen Sofia corresponds to the portrayal of the ideal of traditionalist Spanish woman. She is thus presented in roles of a mother, grandmother and wife rather than an independent and professionally accomplished woman. Moreover, she is described as a strongly emotional woman, worshipping her family, whose public actions are motivated more by a feeling of obligation toward her family and the country than by a will of having a professional career.  相似文献   

成人高校学报规范化编排质量不高是由多种因素造成的,其中作者因素、编辑因素、<中国高等学校社会科学学报编排规范>因素和成人高校学报载文因素是主要的.只有正视问题,积极探索,才能进一步提高成人高校学报编排的质量.  相似文献   

The years after 1900 saw the emergence of the “neo‐populist” tradition as a leading tendency of economic thought in the study of the Russian peasantry. By the 1920s Aleksandr Vasil'evich Chayanov had become one of the most influential spokesmen of this tradition. His school was dispersed in 1930. But in the Western study of modern peasantries, his work is once more increasingly influential. The article considers Chayanov's place in the development of economic thought and of political controversy, and tries to locate this in the context of the history of the Russian peasantry itself. Problems and theories in the allocation of labour supplies are particularly examined. Finally, we raise the question of ideology in economic thought.  相似文献   

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