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公共行政中的公民参与论析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
公民参与公共行政是民主发展的要求,在政府层面和公民层面都具有重要意义,也必然对社会和谐产生积极影响。由于历史文化传统和政治民主建设的现状等原因,我国公民参与权还没有得到很好的保护和体现,公民参与公共行政的意识和能力还比较差。公民参与的实现是一个过程,它取决于公民与政府观念的转变和能力的提高、公共组织结构和功能的完善、基层组织自治的发展和公民社会的兴起等因素。  相似文献   

试论网络参与下的政府决策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
公民参与政府决策是公共决策科学化、民主化的客观要求。随着网络技术的发展,网络参与作为公民参与政府决策的一种新方式,越来越成为公民政治参与的有效途径。因此,探索在网络参与环境下如何趋利避害,使公共决策更加科学、合理、民主并符合社会全体成员的需要,具有重要的现实意义。本文以政府决策为研究对象,以网络参与为研究视角,通过案例实证分析,探讨了网络参与和政府决策之间从冲突走向协商的可能性和途径,以期引起学术界对此问题的进一步研究和思考。  相似文献   

The changes brought about by the Digital Age have not triggered significant increases in political participation or meaningful reductions in longstanding social power asymmetries, which are now increasingly negotiated in policy contexts that involve mass media (surveillance, big data, net neutrality). At the same time, new technology and communication patterns have opened fissures in public opinion about the limits of free expression while also creating new legal risks for citizen-communicators. This article suggests that universities need to recalibrate their curricula to meet the exigencies of this moment, which should include an increased emphasis on media law and policy courses and initiatives. The article outlines a rationale for action, and some strategies, based on the need to: (1) expand citizens’ expressive agency by equipping them with the knowledge to shield themselves from overt restraints and subtle forms of coercion; (2) deepen citizens’ civics knowledge, enhance their political efficacy and enable their political participation; (3) facilitate citizens’ engagement in reemerging debates about the meaning and scope of the First Amendment; and (4) spur citizen involvement in confronting pressing constitutional and media policy issues whose resolution will ultimately shape the broader balance of social power.  相似文献   

我国在国家层面推进法治建设有其合理性和必然性,但要真正建立起法治社会,公民的参与对社会法律信仰的建立和公民法治意识的形成是十分重要的.我国已经采取了一系列措施用来保障公民参与的机会和权利,但由于受现有制度设计、政治文化务件、公民主体意识等因素的制约,使公民参与法治建设缺少一定的广度和深度,需要我们在制度建设、人文环境优化以及公民主体意识的提升方面做出切实的努力.  相似文献   

公民参与公共决策是公民个人或组织通过直接或间接方式影响公共政策制定的行为,其目的是实现公共资源的有效配置,达到公共利益的最大化、合理化。随着市场经济和民主政治的发展,公民主体意识、利益意识和自主意识逐渐形成,公民不再只是被动地接受政府所提供的公共产品和公共服务,还会就公共产品和服务的质量提出自己的意见或建议。公民在公共决策中的主体地位日益凸现。因此,公共决策中的公民参与已成为政府和公民普遍关注的问题。本文探讨了我国公民参与公共决策的必要性,分析了公民参与公共决策所面临的问题与困境,并提出一些建议和措施,旨在为公民参与公共决策提供借鉴。  相似文献   

Scientific and economic consensus points to the need for a credible and cost-effective approach to address the threat of global climate change, but the Kyoto Protocol to the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change appears incapable of inducing significant participation and compliance. We assess the Protocol and alternative policy architectures, with particular attention to their respective abilities to induce participation and compliance. We find that those approaches that offer cost-effective mitigation are unlikely to induce significant participation and compliance, while those approaches that are likely to enjoy a reasonably high level of implementation by sovereign states are sorely lacking in terms of their anticipated cost effectiveness. The feasible set of policy architectures is thus limited to second-best alternatives.  相似文献   

从新公共服务理论引发出对公民参与的反思   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文以新公共服务理论为导火线,对新公共服务理论提倡的公民参与进行正反分析。笔者首先从理论、实践、个人、社会、公共管理等层面对公民参与进行正面剖析,然后从实际出发,对公民参与现状进行反思,分析了为何一些理论大力提倡公民参与,而公民参与兴趣越来越减退的种种原因,并提出了解决这一问题的几点对策。  相似文献   

试论政府治理模式转变下公民参与机制建设   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
陶学荣  林琼 《行政与法》2006,(11):11-13
20世纪80年代以来,随着全球化时代、信息时代的来临,政府治理变革运动正在不断地走强,在这种政府治理理念的倡导下,当代公共行政越来越关注“公民导向,”重视公共问题解决过程中的公民参与。但在公共管理中公民参与的实际操作过程中,存在着“效率”与“回应”的两难处境。如何走出“效率”与“回应”的两难处境,构建政府治理模式转变下的公民参与机制,是本文探讨的主要内容。  相似文献   

当前,我国各地政府开展的公民参与政府公共服务绩效评估活动,拓宽了公民参与政府社会管理和公共服务的路径。本文在阐释政府公共服务绩效评估中公民参与内涵的基础上,分析了我国政府公共服务绩效评估中公民参与的现状,并提出优化公民参与政府公共服务绩效评估的路径:强化和提高公民的参与意识与能力;增强公民与政府间公共服务绩效信息的对称性;加快公民参与绩效评估的制度化建设;鼓励和发展独立性和专业化的第三方评估组织;建立健全评估中政府与公民的互动机制。  相似文献   

吴亮 《北方法学》2015,(3):64-71
美国的投票式分区管制将票决制度运用于土地规划,是一种最强程度的公众参与。实践表明,土地规划领域有适用票决制度的必要,票决制度体现的公众参与特征包括决策者与参与者之间的双向沟通关系,决策结果对公众参与具有高度的依赖性。在信息公开制度健全、议题限制、平等保护审查等条件下,居民投票不会沦为"愚众政治",与专业机构判断的对立也会缓解,而且也不会"压迫少数人的意见"。我国应在涉及健康、生命安全的公共项目选址决策中引入票决制度,并同时完善信息公开配套机制,以及加强对居民投票决策不违反公益要求的程序管控。  相似文献   

政治认同是关系国家政治稳定和发展的重要问题。扩大公民权历来是罗马加强政治认同的重要手段。元首制前期,为了保证罗马政治制度的稳定延续,公民权政策相较于之前更加完善,表现出有条件地逐步地授予公民权的特点。公民权政策的进一步完善既延续了扩展公民权、提高公民政治参与程度的传统,又保证了准公民及新公民对于罗马政治的认同。  相似文献   

网络在中国的迅猛发展,深刻地影响着公民的政治参与程度和热情,推进了现代民主政治的发展进程。本文从网络政治参与的内涵和特点入手,客观地分析了网络政治参与给我国民主政治建设、政治稳定等方面带来的双重影响,并提出规范网络政治参与的对策。  相似文献   

提高公众参与度 完善公共政策的形成机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
公众参与公共政策制定是公众影响公共政策的重要途径之一,也是实现自身利益的最直接、最有效的参与方式。随着我国市场经济体制的完善和民主法制建设的推进,公众作为公共政策制定主体的重要组成部分,其参与的意识和要求也随之增强。因此,明确公众参与的意义,正确引导公众有序参与公共政策的制定,已成为现代政府迫切需要解决的问题。  相似文献   

This article considers higher education 'widening participation' policy and practice, focusing upon attempts to widen access in relation to applicants from under-represented socio-economic groups and educational backgrounds. Some key United Kingdom approaches are described and discussed in the light of the concept of affirmative action. The article also examines the legal support for widening participation.  相似文献   

公民参与公共政策制定是民主政治发展的必然趋势,是确保社会价值公平分配的重要途径。随着我国社会主义市场经济体制的完善和民主法制建设进程的推进,公民作为公共政策制定主体的重要组成部分,其参与的意识和要求也随之增强。因此,构建完善的公民参与机制已成为政府迫切需要解决的问题。本文采用SWOT分析法对公共政策制定中公民参与的优势、劣势、机会及威胁等四个方面进行分析,并在此基础上提出其完善的路径。  相似文献   

Alfons Bora 《Law & policy》1998,20(1):113-133
In German law, administrative procedures concerning high‐risk technologies generally involve an element of public participation. This form of "participation for all" often causes a great deal of contention. A well‐known example of this development can be found in the Genetic Engineering Act of 1990, which provided for citizen participation at a public hearing ( Ero¨rterungstermin ) whenever someone applied for a license to release genetically modified plants. Four years later, as a consequence of the experience gained while implementing the law, this provision was removed in the 1994 First Amendment to the Genetic Engineering Law ( Bundestag‐Drucksache 720/93). Decisions on deliberate release are now made on the basis of written submissions. This article will argue that while there had certainly been good theoretical reasons for implementing a direct, oral form of public participation, in this case failure was predestined by the facts of the situation. In conclusion, the article makes a special plea for continued empirical research into the circumstances of the hearings, in order to explore better the possibilities for implementing functional equivalents to this form of public participation.  相似文献   

Power to the people? Restoring citizen participation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article investigates a lost ideal--citizen participation in health policy. We begin by mapping the different types of participation. We then suggest what direct citizen action has achieved in the past, why it ought to be restored today, and how we might go about reviving it. A changing social environment--marked by globalization, immigration, a culture war, and managed care--could be addressed by robust, local, democratic health reforms. Finally, we contrast the top-down health sector with education and crime policies that take communities far more seriously.  相似文献   

法治湖南建设是法治国家建设的逻辑演绎。以公民政治参与为逻辑起点,阐述公民政治参与对法治湖南的建设的价值,描述法治湖南建设过程中公民政治参与所取得的成绩及存在的困惑,从而提出法治湖南建设中提升公民政治参与的路径选择。  相似文献   

Most past research on crime and crime prevention has focused on their occurrence in urban settings. Relatively little attention has been given to crime and citizen crime prevention in small town/rural areas. The present study uses secondary data from the National Crime Survey: Victim Risk Supplement, 1983 to investigate citizen participation in five crime prevention domains within large urban areas and small town/rural areas. The results suggest that, while there are some similarities in citizen participation, various factors have different degrees of impact in different locations. Further, differences in crime prevention participation are more a function of the type of crime prevention than of the size of the local population.  相似文献   

This article addresses a little discussed yet fundamentally important aspect of legal technological transformation: the rise of digital justice in the courtroom. Against the backdrop of the government's current programme of digital court modernisation in England and Wales, it examines the implications of advances in courtroom technology for fair and equitable public participation, and access to justice. The article contends that legal reforms have omitted any detailed consideration of the type and quality of citizen participation in newly digitised court processes which have fundamental implications for the legitimacy and substantive outcomes of court‐based processes; and for enhancing democratic procedure through improved access to justice. It is argued that although digital court tools and systems offer great promise for enhancing efficiency, participation and accessibility, they simultaneously have the potential to amplify the scope for injustice, and to attenuate central principles of the legal system, including somewhat paradoxically, access to justice.  相似文献   

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