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China s role in the world has become an important topic of dis-cussion among international relations experts.Debate over theissue has persisted in the Chinese academic community sincethe mid-90s,①and to this day studies continue to delve deeper.Revi-tali…  相似文献   

In this study, we investigated if and how gender differences in the propensity to initiate a negotiation are affected by the gender of the counterpart in the negotiation. We enlisted 204 Swedish students to take part in an experiment in which they had to decide whether to initiate a negotiation for higher compensation. In line with previous research, we found that men were more likely than women to initiate a negotiation: 42 percent of the male and 28 percent of the female participants initiated a negotiation. The gender difference, however, was only large and statistically significant when the negotiation counterpart was a woman. With a female negotiation counterpart, women were less likely than men to initiate a negotiation by 24 percentage points, while with a male negotiation counterpart, the gender difference was only 5 percentage points and not statistically significant. This result suggests that the gender of the negotiation counterpart should be taken into consideration when analyzing gender differences in initiation of negotiation.  相似文献   

China-Africa cooperation in the modern time started after the inauguration of China-Africa relations in 1956. At that time, the focus of cooperation was in the political area, with China supporting the movement of national independence of Africa and Africa supporting China's cause of unification. From 1978 to 1999, with great changes in both China and Africa, China-Africa cooperation entered the second phase. China had begun to implement the policy of reform and opening up, and African countries had moved from seeking national independence to developing national economy.  相似文献   

According to the 2015 National Security Strategy, the United States continues to rely on Europe as its most likely, most capable military partner for dealing with the most vexing security challenges. However, the conventional wisdom in Washington holds that European allies are not terribly capable militarily or very willing to use force. So why would the United States rely on such lax partners? In fact, the evidence on European defense spending, capabilities, and willingness is decidedly mixed, with many positive trends among the negative ones. To build on the positive, the United States can bring to the table assets and resources necessary to facilitate the transatlantic partnership before it needs to be exercised.  相似文献   

Theresa May promised a new role for the United Kingdom in the world, dubbed “Global Britain.” But what challenges arise from supposedly being more open to the world while decoupling from the European Union? This article explores how much the UK can meet the expectations stemming from a new, unabashedly global posture. Examining the rhetoric of British foreign policy since 1945 is juxtaposed against the emerging language of global openness after Brexit to illustrate what the UK's partners might expect for trade, security, and global governance. In evaluating the strategic benefits of using the rhetoric of globalism after EU withdrawal, this article examines the British state's capacity to find the administrative resources, public expenditure, and elite consensus necessary to redefine the country's position in world affairs. While the political expediency of devising a new role cannot be faulted, the strategic value of “Global Britain” appears limited in light of this analysis.  相似文献   

Africa plays an important role in China's rise. Sino-African ties bolsters up Chinese influence. African enthusiasm for taking a leaf from China's experience to shake off poverty has boosted China's soft power. Africa defends China as a responsible partner against Western slander of practicing neocolonialism. Africa provides China with the driving force for sustainable development. Africa supports China's national unification and demonstrates political solidarity with China. In recent years Africa's success in enhancing collective strength through deepening solidarity has won admiration and respect. Its strategic status is on a steady rise. It is our sincere hope that Africa will walk on the road of prosperity as soon as possible.  相似文献   

This article qualitatively and empirically analyses the OSCE's efforts to promote democracy after intra-state war in Georgia. This regional organization is rooted in a comprehensive approach to security that directly links security to democratic values. Therefore, the OSCE is a particularly appropriate subject for studying the issue of democracy promotion in the context of conflict-resolution processes. Georgia provides a difficult environment for such a goal. Given that its two secession conflicts are ‘frozen’, democracy can, especially in this context, be considered a well-suited means to indirectly contribute to conflict resolution. By contrasting the democratic development in Georgia with OSCE activities since 1992, this article will assess OSCE democracy promotion efforts. When these efforts are measured with regard to progress in peace and democratic quality, the effectiveness of external democracy promotion by the OSCE has to be called into question. However, the article argues that democratization is a long-term process in which internal factors play a decisive role. The OSCE, like other international organizations, can only reach its normative goals to the degree of the reform orientation and political will of the target state's government. The potential for impact is limited, but can be increased by commitment and context sensitivity.  相似文献   

正Those who visit China with some frequency usually exclaim,in a mixture of surprise and admiration,that it is a country that changes with each passing year.Modernity and development have lightening speed here,and it is a phenomenon that exceeds the observation or simple perception of the visitor.From one of the planet’s poorest and most backward countries,in  相似文献   

In the paper, the formation and causes of world economic system and order are deeply analyzed. Professor Su quotes some experts on international relations to prove his arguments. In the last part of his paper, Dr. Su spends a lot to expound the world economic system and the rise of the developing world in the new century.  相似文献   

India's economy scored remarkable advancement in recent years. The average annual growth rate reached 8%, peaking at 9% in 2007-2008. At this speed, the economic gross of India will surpass that of Japan by 2032, making India the third largest economy just after the United States and China. Meanwhile, India has been building up its military strength. It has an army of 1,300,000 men, the third largest in the world. It not only has deterrent nuclear weapons and a large number of advanced missiles, but also a team of aircraft carriers. Its national defense budget has grown by 30% since 2000. In 2007 this budget reached US$28 billion, an 11% increase from the previous year. The rapid growth of economic and military strengths lays a solid foundation for India's quick rise. However, its genuine rise also has to be backed up by a strong soft power.  相似文献   

The Orthodoxy has been in existence in Russia for more than 1000years and has fully merged itself into the nation,creating a strongsense of religious culture.During the long years of the reigns by differ-ent regimes from the Czarist Russia to the Soviet Union and then to thenew Russia,the religion went through the process of ups and downs inits development.Having once played a very important role in the social  相似文献   

The frustration of non-nuclear weapon states about the lack of progress in nuclear disarmament has reached boiling point: a vast majority of them have supported a resolution in the UN General Assembly that establishes a negotiation forum for concluding a prohibition of nuclear weapons in 2017. Rising tension among the nuclear powers and populist movements feeding nationalist emotions make it unlikely that the situation will change for the better in the near future. It is thus possible that the NPT might be eroded or, in the worst case scenario, simply collapse because of diminishing support.  相似文献   

Since the seventies,world economy has been engaged in adjustment princi-pally in the following three fields.First,the shift of economic developmentmode from that of aggregate quantitative growth to that of quality-effective-ness.Second,the reform of economic system with more and more countries realiz-ing market economy.Third,the economy getting more opened as economic global-ization further avdances.  相似文献   

While divisive inter- and intraparadigm debates over theories and methodology abound in thhe discourse of International Relations, issues surrounding geographically based divides between developed and developing world International Relations scholars have received considerably less attention. Trends of globalization and internationalization in the past decade have strengthened the argument that such divides must be bridged. This article first investigates whether there have been changes in the level of dialogue between core and periphery IR scholars throughout the 1990s by looking at publishing practices in twenty leading IR journals worldwide over seven years. It suggests explanations for the continuing lack of communication based on interviews with IR scholars from the developing world.  相似文献   

The World Bank is increasingly active in the area of climate change mitigation. While it justifies this engagement with its poverty reduction objective and its capacity to pave the way for new business activities in developing countries, critics blame the World Bank as a ??climate profiteer?? and as an unfair competitor in private markets. Our econometric analysis of over 2,000 projects registered until May 2010 under the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) of the Kyoto Protocol allows us to compare the activities of the Bank with those of other, primarily private actors. The results indicate that hardly any of the CDM projects can be considered as strongly pro-poor. Nevertheless, in comparison to the rest of the CDM projects, the Bank??s portfolio shows a relatively clearer orientation towards poor countries. Within these countries, however, the Bank does not show any particular pro-poor focus, and tends to implement those projects that are commercially most attractive. Moreover, there is no evidence of the Bank phasing out its activities once the market becomes fully operational, which goes against its professed pioneering and catalytic role in carbon markets.  相似文献   

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