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恢复性司法是西方国家在刑事司法领域推行的一项新制度,由于其坚持"修复社会关系、保障被害人合法权益",弥补了以国家追诉主义为中心的刑事司法制度的缺陷,被越来越多的国家所接受,借鉴其先进理念,对完善我国刑事司法制度具有较大意义。  相似文献   

林海 《特区法坛》2007,(4):10-11
随着我国司法改革不断深入,为已经和将要进行的各项改革提供理论依据成为当务之急。一系列事实表明,对各项司法改革最好的诠释应当是践行现代司法理念。那么对于现代司法理念的内涵应该如何正确把握?现行司法制度与现代司法理念的差异在哪里?应从哪些方面完善我国现行的司法制度,使之符合现代司法理念?本文将从以上三方面展开论述。  相似文献   

我国现行的司法制度来源于建国初所确立的人民司法理念,并且基于人民代表大会制度的基本原则,司法一词一直没有在建国后制定的四部宪法中得到规定,说明司法制度截至目前仍然属于执政党政策调整的范围.我国司法管理体制,主要是审判组织体制、检察组织体制和党委政法委对政法工作的领导体制等等.党的十八届三中全会与四中全会通过的《中共中央关于全面深化改革若干重大问题的决定》和《中共中央关于全面推进依法治国若干重大问题的决定》,提出了深化我国司法管理体制改革的六项建议,为当下司法体制改革的具体实践提供了理论依据并为其指明了发展方向.  相似文献   

1952年至1953年的司法改革运动是新中国成立后第一次司法改革,其理念与制度产物仍影响着现今司法体制的建构.司法改革运动的一条隐形动因是破解"案多人少",重塑审判工作模式,为新中国司法制度提供"人民属性"的法理诠释,并尝试建设"政治维度"、"人民维度"和"法律维度"和谐共生的新型司法制度.1957年整风期间,法学界对司法改革运动进行了反思与批判,但囿于意识形态干扰,最终酿成"反击右倾扩大化",导致"案多人少"的矛盾更加突出,司法制度全面倾斜"政治维度",进而演变成为新中国法制建设的灾难.  相似文献   

作为一项刑事司法革新运动,恢复性司法以其全新的理念和良好的实践效果而越来越受到各国刑事司法理论界和实务界的重视。但是恢复性司法在我国目前还面临着自身定位、理念以及制度设计上的种种缺陷,这已成为阻碍其在我国进一步发展的瓶颈。本文试从探讨恢复性司法制度相关利弊的基础上来对其在我国如何更好地发展做一论述。  相似文献   

中国特色社会主义司法制度是一个科学系统,不仅包括一系列独具中国特色的司法规范、司法组织、司法机构、司法程序、司法机制、司法制度和司法人力资源体系,而且包括独具中国特色的司法理念、司法理论、司法政策、司法文化、司法保障等丰富内容。具体而言,中国特色社会主义司法制度主要由以下四个方面的体系构成。一是司法规范体系。包括建构中国特色社会主义司法制度、司法组织以及规范司法活动的各种法律规范。  相似文献   

谢敏仪 《法制与社会》2012,(26):297-298
新刑事诉讼法的修改将体现恢复性司法的社区矫正、附条件不起诉及刑事和解程序引入其中,这是我国司法制度改革的重要里程碑.本文分析了恢复性司法理念在新刑事诉讼法中的体现,并从公诉工作的视角剖析如何在司法实践中更好地实现恢复性司法理念.  相似文献   

树立现代司法理念,实现司法理念的现代化是法院现代化的重要内容。现代司法理念是司法制度的先导,也是现代司法制度必要的理念支撑。民事审判领域亟需树立法律至上、权利平等、程序公正、被动裁判等现代司法理念,这需要我们进行进一步的研究。  相似文献   

中国司法建设三十年的成就、经验与展望   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
徐昕 《政法学刊》2009,26(1):5-9
改革开放以来,中国司法经过三十年建设,基本形成了健全的司法制度,树立了科学的司法理念,取得了良好的司法效果,也积累了丰富的经验和教训。中国司法建设的未来是现代司法、中国传统和社会主义司法三大元素合理配置的过程。未来中国的司法建设将以现代司法元素的扩张为主要方向,兼顾中国传统和社会主义司法两大元素中的优势,不断整合,最终迈向具有中国特色的社会主义现代司法制度。  相似文献   

诉讼观念的变迁与当代司法改革   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文通过对改革开放以来公民诉讼观念变化的静动态分析 ,阐述了 2 0年来公民诉讼观念由“高涨”跌为“冷淡”这一现象 ,剖析其主要原因是司法体制改革滞后、司法效益低下与司法权威失落 ,折射出人们对司法制度的评价发生了改变。鉴于此 ,文章从法官素质建设、公民诉讼权利的程序保障和司法的社会监督等司法制度层面进行了应对性的阐述 ,并进而强调司法制度改革是实现公民诉讼观念良性转变之重要途径。  相似文献   

This volume is a special issue commemorating Black History Month in the United States. The five papers contained in the volume address a wide variety of issues in the area of race, crime, and justice.  相似文献   

An examination of the organ weights associated with victims of drowning, asphyxiation and trauma was undertaken to determine (a) the effects of asphyxiation compared to a trauma group, and in turn, (b) the effects of drowning compared to an asphyxiation group. Included in the study were 217 drowning deaths, 166 pure asphyxiation deaths and 381 trauma deaths. The effects of asphyxiation (compared to trauma) resulted in elevated mean organ weights for the lungs, liver, kidneys and spleen (with mean increases of 17.8, 10.5, 10.3 and 23.4%, respectively). Effects of drowning (compared to asphyxiation) resulted in elevated mean organ weights only with the lungs and kidneys (with mean increases of 30.0 and 4.4%, respectively). Only the mean heart and brain weight remained constant across all experimental groups. A picture of drowning is suggested in which elevated lung and kidney weights are the result of both asphyxiation and the aspiration of water that occurs with drowning, whereas elevated spleen and liver weights in drowning victims are associated with only the effects of asphyxiation. In addition, the common autopsy finding of a small, anemic spleen in drowning, rather than caused by some pathophysiological mechanism of death, is hypothesized to be a postmortem phenomenon.  相似文献   

"Control" of health care costs is often portrayed as a struggle between external, "natural" forces pushing costs up and individuals, groups, and societies trying to resist the inevitable. This picture is false. Control includes strenuous efforts by some to raise costs, and by others to resist those increases, and/or to transfer costs to someone else. But all such forces originate in the purposes and interests of individuals and groups. Health care cost control is a struggle among conflicting interests over the priorities of a society, and claims of "inevitability" are simply part of the political rhetoric of that struggle. International experience supports certain conclusions. First, there is no basis for the claim that limits on expenditure growth must threaten the health of (some members of) a society. Second, there is a substantial variety of experience with cost control. Failure in the United States is often presented as evidence of the impossibility of control, but most other countries have succeeded. Finally, control requires the direct confrontation of interests, with substantial build-up of stress. Advocates of expansion are more successful if they can transform compressive forces into efforts to shift the burden onto someone else. Pressures from providers in every country for "privatization" and/or payment by users reflect this recognition of economic interest.  相似文献   

An examination of the organ weights associated with victims of drowning, asphyxiation and trauma was undertaken to determine (a) the effects of asphyxiation compared to a trauma group, and in turn, (b) the effects of drowning compared to an asphyxiation group. Included in the study were 217 drowning deaths, 166 pure asphyxiation deaths and 381 trauma deaths. The effects of asphyxiation (compared to trauma) resulted in elevated mean organ weights for the lungs, liver, kidneys and spleen (with mean increases of 17.8, 10.5, 10.3 and 23.4%, respectively). Effects of drowning (compared to asphyxiation) resulted in elevated mean organ weights only with the lungs and kidneys (with mean increases of 30.0 and 4.4%, respectively). Only the mean heart and brain weight remained constant across all experimental groups. A picture of drowning is suggested in which elevated lung and kidney weights are the result of both asphyxiation and the aspiration of water that occurs with drowning, whereas elevated spleen and liver weights in drowning victims are associated with only the effects of asphyxiation. In addition, the common autopsy finding of a small, anemic spleen in drowning, rather than caused by some pathophysiological mechanism of death, is hypothesized to be a postmortem phenomenon.  相似文献   

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