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SIXkilometersawayfromGyangzeCountyseatinTibetAutonomousRegionandlocatedonthesouthernbanksoftheNyangRiveratanaverageof4,000metersabovesealevel,NudoiVillageisanexampleofculturalandethicalprogressinChina.Itissaidthatthepeoplehereliveandworkinperfectharmonyandpeace,andhelpeachotherwithoutstealing,robbing,arguingandcheating.Withdoubtfulmindsandmorethanalittlecurious,wedrovetothevillageintheafternooninearlywinterThevillageissurroundedbyaring-likemountainandinfrontofitisaleveledplain.Oneafterano…  相似文献   

THE history of Tianjin, a port city near the Chinese capital Beijing, dates back some 600 years to 1404. The old city had a population of 80,000, and over the years, its people have borne witness to Tianjin's many changes. As time passed, the origi-nal city grew older, and a large concentration of traditional, single-story houses formed within the new city. In 1995, Tianjin began to renovate its run-down areas. Residents were relocated, and although happy to move into their brand-new apartments, when the day came, they were also a little sad at leaving their past behind.  相似文献   

德国和中国的监狱受刑人法律地位各有不同的演变。中德法律都通过立法形式对受刑人享有的权利作了明确规定 ,并注意集中的专门规定与各章节具体条款内容的规定相结合 ,而对专门条款都采用重点列举兼概括规定的形式。  相似文献   

HumanmemorybrightensadarkwinterinastrangelandWHILEinBostonin1993,ImetanelderlyAmeri-canman.Onehotsum-merdayheinvitedmetoarestau-rant.Atthetable,hecarefullybroughtoutasmallhandkerchiefwrappedbundleOpeningit,IfoundanoldpaPercoveredbox,theorigi-nalblackfadedtograybythepas-sageoftime.Iwassurprisedtoseethatinsidewasamemorialnote-bookofChinesericepaper.IsawthatitwasfullofpartingwordswrittenbyhisChinesefriends:"WordPeace,"Longlivethevic-toriousalliedcountries-"Thedatewasthethirty-fourthyearof…  相似文献   

Football Football, or to be more exact, soccer, was first played in China in the Han Dynasty (206 BC -AD 220). Then, as now, the actual ball was made of leather, but inflated with hair and other soft fillings rather than air. That the so-called beautiful game has such a long history in the celestial kingdom may come as a sur-  相似文献   

CHINA'S Three GorgesWater Conservancy Project,with the huge amount ofhydropower it generates, istransforming some of thetraditionally tourist-oriented cities alongthe Yangtze River. Manufacturing isbooming, and Hubei's Yichang City hasseen the birth of a phoenix - the YichangChangjiang Machine Technology Co.,Ltd. (Changjiang Machine).Changjiang Machine rose from theashes of the now defunct ChangjiangMachine Tool Plant. The new company,with its advanced production facilities,occupies…  相似文献   

I am personally grateful to fate-and to our president-for giving me the opportunity to live and work for almost five years in this wonderful country. It was very likely the most interesting, intense and most professionally productive period of my life. My very own Chinese Five-year Plan period was especially fascinating for the fact that every year, barring 2006, marked a significant social or political event in the country that won the attention of the global community. The year 2007 saw the 17th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC). At the time, the CPC boasted 75 million members. The congress made an in-depth, comprehensive analysis on the state of Chinese society. I can make that claim with authority-I studied the main documents presented at the congress, for which Russian translations were available.  相似文献   

ON a world map we can see the outline of China like a rooster crowing at dawn; and Northeast China refers to the rooster’s head. Covering an area of about 810,000 square kilometers, it is slightly larger than Chile and twice size of Paraguay. The region’s population exceeds 100 million, almost equal to that of Mexico, a country that ranks 11th in the world by population.Traveling about 300 kilometers towards northeast from Beijing we arrive at the Shanhaiguan Pass, which is commonly recognized as the eastern end of the Great Wall, as well as the strategic passage between North China and Northeast China.  相似文献   

向囚犯提供安全套,不仅可以避免囚犯自身在狱内感染HIV,而且可以保护公众健康,因为大多数囚犯最终会被释放出狱,由此造成艾滋病从监狱向社会传播。回溯狱内提供安全套在美国的演进事实,并从法律、监管安全、公共卫生、经济资源四个角度对其影响因素进行论述,寄望域外经验能为我国监狱管理提供有价值的启示和借鉴。  相似文献   

Yuncheng is a city in the southwestern part of North China's Shanxi Province. It has a handicapped population of 223,000 or 4.5% of the total population of 4.985 million. The city has made big progress in protecting the rights and interests of handicapped people since the handicapped associations were set up at the city and county levels.  相似文献   

THIRTY-three-year-oldMichaelZ.McDermott,1.90meterstall,hasaspecialloveforChineseculture.HefirstactedasMike,thesonoftheAmericanhouseholder,intheChineseTVseries100Broadway,directedbyaleadingChinesefilmdirectorYingDa.ThenhetookanotherroleinanEnglishfilm,TheSummerPassion,directedbyaChinese-Americandirector,tellingthelovestoriesofyoungAmericansinBeding.NowheisplayingtheleadinanewTVseriescalledTheChineseRestaurant.Hehasbecomeawell-knownforeignactorinChinesefilmcircles.Michaelpreferstou…  相似文献   

加入WTO给公安监管工作带来了新的机遇与挑战。面对经济领域的激励竞争和法制、文化、教育等领域的交流与震荡 ,公安监管部门必须立足工作现状与实际 ,围绕“服务经济建设”这一中心 ,认真研究新形势下面临的新情况和新问题 ,并结合国际准则与惯例 ,大力拓展职能作用 ,切实落实应对之策 ,迎接“入世”带来的挑战与发展机遇。  相似文献   

The aging of China's population is accelerating,and the contradiction between the growing needs of the elderly for a better life and the unbalanced and insufficient development of the existing old age care services is increasingly prominent.The advantages of smart old age care combined with the development of innovative old age care services,has initiated a new wave of development of old age care in China.Along with the intensive introduction of national policies,pilot projects and explorations have been deployed throughout the country.The current development trend of smart old age care mainly focuses on data and smart equipment.The core of the former is data collection,evaluation and utilization.The latter focuses on the use of equipment and the general control of the data platform.The innovation of smart old age care mainly includes the innovation of old age care concepts,synergy mechanisms,technology means,service modes and service content.  相似文献   

JEAN-HUGUES Depigny and his wife are from France. They have lived in China for 10 years and are known by the Chinese names Yang Peiyi and Yang An. Their home is resplendent in Chinese furnishings and ornaments. Jean-Hugues Depigny is vice president of Airbus China customer services in Beijing. Airbus and China have been in cooperation since 1985, when China Eastern Airlines, formerly the CAAC East Regional Administration, became its first client in China. Since then, Airbus and the China aviation manu-  相似文献   

越狱犯罪的主体是在押的罪犯,由于受到人身自由的限制,受到家庭等其他社会关系的影响,或者因为自身性格特点等原因,一些罪犯不认罪伏法,或无法适应监狱生活等,从而产生逃离监狱的心理。罪犯脱逃既然是一种行为表现,必然受其特定的心理活动支配。因此,根据脱逃犯的个性特点、经验、社会关系等,对其进行心理分析,推测其逃跑的心理路线,准确地对其行为动向予以分析判断,成为追捕逃犯的关键。  相似文献   

CHINA,acountrywithacivilizationof5,000years,hasaccumulatedawealthofheritage,comprisingbothessenceanddross.Atdifferenttimesandinthecontextofvarioussocial,economicandpoliticalsituations,essencehasbeenregardedasdross,anddrossasessence.Historyadvancesgraduallywithinthesecycles.Humanity,withitsmanyracesandnations,iscomposedofnumeroussocialandculturalforms,bothprogressiveandbackward.Theculturalconceptsofvariousnationsandracessometimesclashandsometimesblend,butultimatelypromotehumancommunicationand…  相似文献   

讷河监狱服刑人狱内手机诈骗案具备"裸聊"、"约炮"以及"骗财骗色"这些舆论热点因素,一度占据各网络热搜榜首,如今案件虽已处理结束,但我们应该客观分析案件的发生原因,进行有针对性的整顿,同时也应该清醒的认识到,监狱的安全是相对的,不是绝对的。  相似文献   

现代性是当下全球化时代的中心话语,掌握着当今世界的主导话语权。传统现代性的弊病不断凸显,特别是导致“人”的问题日益严重,后现代主义思潮的影响日益增大,需要对传统现代性带来的“现代病”进行揭露、批判和反思,也需要从现代性的角度重新审视当下的服刑人员。时代呼唤人本理念和人的现代化,还给“人”以主体地位。现代化文明监狱也应该调整改造目标.以马克思主义人学理论为基础,把服刑人员的现代化作为现代化文明监狱改造工作的价值诉求。  相似文献   

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