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Sex trafficking has been described as an enormous, serious and growing problem that must be combatted, but also as a moral panic based on a very small number of cases. This article explores the measures that have been proposed to combat sex trafficking by politicians, the national police and the National Council for Crime Prevention in Sweden between 2007 and 2017. The analysis shows that sex trafficking is partly used by the actors to justify their own work. The measures that all three actors describe as central are crime victim support, co-operation, information, education and expanded legislation. The underlying problems associated with sex trafficking, according to the three actors, appear to be prostitution, drug use and foreign women crossing Swedish borders. Much of the responsibility for the provision of information and education is delegated from government agencies to a wide range of actors. This desire for comprehensive societal engagement stands in stark contrast to the small number of sex trafficking cases in Sweden. The measures to combat sex trafficking are thus largely characterized by the hunt for an elusive crime.  相似文献   

Weil Vitrinen keine "sonstigen selbst?ndigen R?umlichkeiten" iSd § 2 Abs 2 WEG 2002 (§ 1 Abs 1 WEG 1975) sind, kann an diesen weder nach dem WEG 1975 noch nach dem WEG 2002 selbst?ndiges, sondern blo? Zubeh?r-WE begründet werden und bestehen. Ist dennoch nach dem WEG 1975 selbst?ndiges WE an Vitrinen im Grundbuch einverleibt worden, wird deshalb nicht die gesamte Begründung von WE an der Liegenschaft nichtig, da eine rechtskonforme, künftige Gestaltung (hier: der Vitrinen als Zubeh?r-WE) keine ge?nderte Summe der Nutzwerte/der Mindestanteile verlangt. Bis zur vertraglichen Gestaltung (= neuer WE-Vertrag samt Verbücherung des Zubeh?r-WE) ist das "WE" an den Vitrinen als schlichtes Miteigentum anzusehen. Zur Richtigstellung der Parteibezeichnung im Zivilprozess.  相似文献   

《Global Crime》2013,14(4):312-326
This article analysed the relationship between crime categories and unemployment rates using a set of panel data for 14 states in Malaysia with data spanning from 1982 to 2008. It is well documented that crime and unemployment are negatively related in Malaysia; the same is the case for both violent and property crime. Increases in unemployment rates cause the consumption expenditure to decrease, especially among households, hence, causing potential earnings from illegitimate activities to drop and discouraging a person from committing a crime. However, the significant properties of the t-statistics indicate that it is important to consider the labour market conditions in employing appropriate policies in fighting crime. That being said, unemployment can indirectly explain hunger, poverty, decreasing standards of life and economic downturn.  相似文献   

The concept of Conciliation Ethics in the Qur?an is a crucial aspect of Islamic Law: Conciliation features notably in the Qur?anic text which gives rise to Islamic rules and regulations, Conciliation is an important dispute resolution method in an Islamic legal system, and Conciliation-related Qur?anic textual analysis reveals a broad range of legal language and concepts. Traditional studies of Conciliation in the Qur?an have often focussed on the process of ?ul? (Reconciliation) through intermediaries, particularly in marriage and between groups of Muslims, whilst there is a dearth of Western scholarship in this area. Using Classical Arabic tafsīr (exegesis) and Western literature on Conciliation as a general concept, this paper examines holistically and analytically the concept of Conciliation Ethics in the Qur?an, investigating its scope, constituent elements, emphasis and purpose. This paper argues, based on a manual survey of the entire Qur?an, that Conciliation is not limited to isolated contexts or verses where ?ul? is mentioned explicitly. The paper finds that Conciliation is a pervasive concept throughout the hierarchy of social relationships. It is achieved through behaviours such as good conduct (i?sān), attitudes such as ‘Differentiation’ and ‘Externalisation’ and preventative strategies of dispute avoidance, and sometimes includes a contract or Reconciliation process. It is emphasised in the Qur?an through a range of stylistic features and is of fundamental importance in maintaining the fabric of society.  相似文献   

In this address I make the case for continuing to focus criminological research on gender, sexism, and racism within our lives and within our profession. I also provide a brief case study of a topic many would feel falls well outside our field: reproductive rights. Data are reviewed to reveal the impact of gender on the lives of women—notably the devaluation of work done by women, particularly if the work is deemed feminist. Afterward, recent data on the persistence of both sexism and racism in our field are reviewed. Despite gains made by women (notably in the membership of the field), the highest positions in our professional association are held by men, particularly by White men. Data on the importance of reproductive rights to women are then considered, notably the fact that nearly one third of women will need abortion services by the time they reach middle age. Finally, I review recent efforts by conservatives to recriminalize abortion, specifically through the passage of laws making abortion difficult to arrange, or even outlawing the provision of abortion services. These efforts directly involve the criminal justice system in the criminalization of women's bodies.  相似文献   

According to recent research on laypersons’ punitive attitudes people’s sentencing decisions are primarily driven by a desire for retribution. The research designed to test this notion, however, can be criticized for suffering from several limitations. Three online-based studies were conducted with samples from Western Europe with the aim of replicating the findings of Carlsmith (J Exp Soc Psychol 42:437–451, 2006) in which participants’ punishment motives were inferred from their behavior in a process tracing task. In the present research, this approach was adopted and modified in order to provide a more conservative test for the notion that people mainly care about retribution. Although these modifications strongly influenced the overall pattern of results, retribution still was the most important punishment motive in all three studies.  相似文献   

It is America's distinctive practice to tie private health insurance to employment, and recent proposals have tried to retain this link through mandating that all employers provide health insurance to their employees. My primary approach to these issues is neither economic, nor historical, nor political but ethical. After a brief historical overview, I outline a general approach to evaluating the ethical significance of linking the distributions of distinct goods. I examine whether an unjust distribution of jobs spoils justice in the distribution of health insurance, taking as a central example gender inequities in employment and exploring their impact on job-based health insurance. Second, I explore the possibility that justly awarding jobs guarantees justice in employment-sponsored insurance. However, linking the distributions of different goods remains problematic, because such links inevitably undermine equality by enabling the same individuals to enjoy advantages in many different distributive areas. Finally, I examine recent proposals to reform America's health care system by requiring all employers to provide health insurance to their employees. I argue that such proposals lend themselves to the same ethical problems that the current system does and urge greater attention to alternative reform options.  相似文献   

Lukas 《Juristische Bl?tter》2010,132(1):61-62
Eine Verpflichtung des Arbeitgebers als Adressat der Bestimmung des § 1157 ABGB auf Bekanntgabe der im Rahmen der Betriebsorganisation zur Verhinderung von Arbeitsunf?llen durch andere Arbeitnehmer zust?ndigen Arbeitskollegen ist grunds?tzlich zu bejahen; dieser Anspruch besteht auch gegenüber einem bereits ausgeschiedenen Arbeitnehmer. Soweit der gesch?digte Arbeitnehmer zur Feststellung der für den Arbeitsunfall verantwortlichen Personen darauf angewiesen ist, hat er auch ein Einsichtsrecht in die entsprechenden, vom Arbeitgeber auch nach Europarecht zu dokumentierenden Dienstpl?ne und Aufzeichnungen, die – im Umfang des Einsichtsrechts – gemeinschaftliche Urkunden iSd § 304 ZPO sind. Insoweit ist auch unter dem Aspekt des Grundrechts auf Datenschutz ein "überwiegendes berechtigtes Interesse" des gesch?digten Arbeitnehmers zu bejahen.  相似文献   

Luka Burazin 《Ratio juris》2016,29(3):385-401
The idea that particular legal institutions are artifacts is not new. However, the idea that the “law” or “legal system” is itself an artifact has seldom been directly put forward, due perhaps to the ambiguities surrounding philosophical inquiries into law. Nevertheless, such an idea has recently been invoked more often, though not always developed in detail in terms of what the characterization of the “law” or “legal system” as an artifact entails ontologically, and what consequences, if any, this has for philosophical accounts of law. As a result, the primary aim of this paper is to attempt an inquiry into what the claim that “law” by its nature or character is an artifact entails, and what an artifact theory of law might look like.  相似文献   

Premised on a body of literature suggesting target-interviewer rapport is a critical component of successful interviews, we explored the effect of two interpreter-related variables – the physical placement of the interpreter in the room, and the nature of the relationship between the interpreter and the target – on target-interviewer rapport. A total of 125 bilingual (Spanish/English) participants viewed a mock crime video and were then interviewed, via an interpreter (or not). Interpreters either built rapport with the participant immediately prior to the interview or did not, and were either seated beside the interviewer or behind the target, commensurate with recommendations from training manuals. When the interpreter and target engaged in a short rapport-building session prior to an investigative interview, the target rated their interaction with the interviewer less negatively compared to when rapport building did not occur. Furthermore, when the interpreter sat behind the target, the target viewed the interaction more negatively than when the interpreter sat beside the interviewer (triangular configuration). These findings suggest ways in which interpreters can be utilized more effectively, especially in terms of seating configuration, rapport development between a target and interpreter, and importantly, the potential for that target-interpreter rapport to transfer to the target-interviewer relationship.  相似文献   

It has been reported that 10-15% of drowning victims do not aspirate water. We have revisited the original studies quoted to reach this conclusion and find it is without foundation. Sudden cardiac standstill is known to occur on land and, therefore, may also occur when the victim is in water. In the absence of the common finding of significant pulmonary edema in the victim's respiratory system, to conclude his or her death was caused by "drowning without aspiration" is unwise. All causes of sudden death that might occur in which respiration may not take place should receive serious consideration when examining bodies with such findings that are found in water.  相似文献   


This article reproduces much of a recent report on transfer price manipulation prepared by the Law Reform Commission of Papua New Guinea, (Transfer Pricing Manipulation Report No 12, November 1981). It is considered appropriate to publish this material here, given the clarity of the report and the importance of this abuse on the economies of countries, particularly in the developing world.  相似文献   

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