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Thousands of barium enemas are performed in the United States each year without incident. Occasionally complications arise, only a few of which are fatal. Perforation is the most frequent serious complication of this procedure. Two instances of fatal perforation, one colonic and the other vaginal, are described, and the relevant literature is reviewed.  相似文献   

A 30-year-old woman, with history of depression, was found dead after the ingestion of an unknown quantity of Xanax (alprazolam), Tramal (tramadol) and alcohol. At the autopsy only a slight decomposition and a diffuse visceral congestion were noticed. Biological samples obtained at autopsy were analysed to detect the presence of alprazolam, tramadol and alcohol. Blood concentrations of alprazolam, alcohol and tramadol were 0.21 mg/l, 1.29 g/kg and 38.3 mg/l, respectively.  相似文献   

A series of fatal motorcycle accidents from a 7-year period (1977-1983) has been analyzed. Of the fatalities 30 were operators of the motorcycle, 11 pillion passengers and 8 counterparts. Of 41 operators 37% were sober at the time of accident, 66% had measurable blood alcohol concentration (BAC); 59% above 0.08%. In all cases where a pillion passenger was killed, the operator of the motorcycle had a BAC greater than 0.08%. Of the killed counterparts 2 were non-intoxicated, 2 had a BAC greater than 0.08%, and 4 were not tested. The results advocate that the law should restrict alcohol consumption by pillion passengers as well as by the motorcycle operator. Suggestions made to extend the data base needed for developing appropriate alcohol countermeasures by collecting sociodemographic data on drivers killed or seriously injured should be supported.  相似文献   

Abstract:  The Toolmarks Laboratory prepared a report concerning a traffic accident involving the death of a road workman. The driver of the vehicle that hit the workman claimed that the wheels had failed to respond when turning left at a roundabout. A traffic investigator photographed the rack and pinion assembly of the steering system, which was subsequently removed and brought to the Toolmarks Laboratory. The rack and pinion assembly of the steering system was rebuilt, and examination showed that the system functioned properly. Specifically, the front wheels responded correctly to the steering input. Laboratory photographs of the steering system were taken in two different positions, from the same angles as the investigator's photographs at the scene of the accident. It was clear that the steering system had not been assembled properly in the garage.  相似文献   

Fat embolism is usually associated with long bone fractures or other trauma. The diagnosis is usually clinical, and in most cases, emboli are not fatal and not usually seen on gross examination. At the Los Angeles County Coroner's Office, we autopsied the victim of fatal macroscopic fat embolization to the lungs. The patient died during buttock enhancement surgery when fat from liposuction was injected into her buttocks. Fat embolism from liposuction and fat injection is reportedly rare, and macroscopic embolization is rarer still. Varicose veins can occur in the area of the sciatic notch and are known to cause painful sciatica symptoms. We suggest them as a potential conduit for macroscopic fat to reach the lungs. Simple pre‐operative questioning for sciatica symptoms and possible radiologic study to rule out sciatic varices seem prudent before undertaking buttock‐enhancing surgery. Careful fat injection with pre‐aspiration is always advised.  相似文献   

Approximately 50% of all suicides performed worldwide are strangulations. This article presents options for the medicolegal examination of hanging. The pathogenetic mechanisms and clinical pictures of victims are discussed. Examples of the process of diagnosis and expert conclusions are given. This article is intended for physicians and forensic pathologists. The literature focusing on asphyxia by strangulation is reviewed. Data from Vilnius Hospitals and the State Forensic Medicine Service concerning strangulations performed between 2012 and 2014 are analyzed and include the findings of 5650 autopsies (36% asphyxia) and 4 survived victims. The predominant symptoms were neurological, cardiovascular, and respiratory symptoms. After asphyxia, patients should consult by a psychiatrist, ophthalmologist, gastroenterologist, and endocrinologist. A ligature mark was the most observable sign of asphyxia by neck strangulation. Only complications in the poststrangulation period were treated. Mechanical asphyxia must be identified as the main injury in the clinical diagnosis and encoded as ICD‐10.  相似文献   

Ninety-nine bicycle and motorcycle accidents were analyzed that had taken place from 1980 to 1984 in and around Frankfurt on the Main. The postmortem examinations were done in the Center of Forensic Medicine at the University of Frankfurt. Twenty-five percent of the bicycle riders were children up to the age of 15 years and 25% were elderly people over the age of 60. Most of the people involved in motorcycle accidents were between 17 and 24 years of age. The greatest amount of accidents took place in the summer, but in October there was also a peak. On weekdays, Thursday was the day when most of the accidents happened and Sunday showed the least. About 50% of the bicycle accidents happened in the city; 44% of the motorcyclists had lethal accidents on normal roads in the country. The most dangerous situation for bicycle riders was created by fast vehicles following them, but intersections proved to be a danger point, too. Nearly 40% of the motorcycle accidents were not caused by other vehicles. The most frequent cause of death was head injuries (45%), followed by injuries of the internal organs and spine. Many bicycle riders caused the accidents themselves (43.6%). Most of the fatal motorcycle accidents were caused by others (56%). In all of the cases studied, 30% of the participants involved had a relevant blood-alcohol concentration.  相似文献   

Abstract: Bodies found in water present several diagnostic challenges for the forensic examiner, such as the identification of the time and mechanism of death, the postmortem submersion time, and above all the circumstances of drowning. We report the case of a 33‐year‐old security guard found dead in Venice, in the water of the lagoon, who at autopsy presented a previously undiagnosed hydrocephalus with macrocephaly. The victim remained asymptomatic until 2 months before death and had never undergone a neurological or radiological examination. In the article, we emphasize the need to perform a thorough autopsy in all suspected drownings, discuss the etiopathogenesis of the neurological disease and hypothesize a possible relationship between the hydrocephalus and the drowning accident. Finally, we discuss the major clinical and forensic implications of macrocephaly and hydrocephalus in adults.  相似文献   

This paper deals with a fatal stab wound suffered by a 29-year-old man and nonfatal injuries of 35-year-old and 67-year-old saw operators. Rip saw is a machine that is specially designed for making a rip cut, a cut made parallel to the direction of the wood grain. Rip-saw-related injuries mostly occur when a person is struck by the cutting material, which usually involves splinters of irregular shape and diameter. When the splinter strikes the body diagonally, the injuries may include abrasions, lacerations, and cut wounds; in situations where the victim is struck directly, the most common injuries are oval- or star-shaped stab wounds with a varying width of abrasions around the wounds. Therefore, such injuries may come across as injuries produced by a knife-like instrument, which is an added difficulty in the interpretation of such injuries.  相似文献   

Fatal and near-fatal animal bite injuries   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Fatal and near-fatal maulings of humans by pit bulls have recently become a topic of major public concern, resulting in the passage of laws in some jurisdictions that make the owner of a pit bull criminally liable for manslaughter if his or her pet causes a human death. The authors recently investigated two cases in which children were fatally injured by pet dogs. In the first case, a 17-day-old girl suffered fatal abdominal injuries when attacked by a pregnant Siberian husky. A 2-year-old girl expired from neck wounds inflicted by a pit bull or a rottweiler or both. Because no expert would testify as to which dog caused the fatal injury, the owner of the animals was not charged under a statute which specified criminality only if a pit bull caused the fatal injury. We also examined a 12-year-old boy who attempted to pet a circus tiger; the animal grabbed his arm with its claws and bit off the arm at the shoulder. The arm could not be reattached, but the child survived. These cases and the differentiation of animal bites from other injuries will be presented.  相似文献   

Fatal choking in infants and children   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Food asphyxiation in infants/children follows a different pattern from the adult "cafe coronary." In the absence of ethanol intoxication, infants/children are prone to mishandling nonfriable, firm, slippery foods/objects with a rounded contour. The Dade County Medical Examiner's files were searched from 1956 to mid-1983 for accidental pediatric choking deaths. Seventeen food and six foreign body asphyxiations were found. The male/female ratio was 1.4/1 and 1/1, respectively. The white/black ratio was 0.9/1 for food asphyxiation whereas no black victims were encountered choking upon foreign objects. Seventy-eight percent of all victims were between 2 months and 4 years of age. Infants/children asphyxiated on items such as a hot dog, hard candy, peanut, toy rattle, tissue paper, balloon, marble, etc. The choking event was recognized by nearby adults in most instances. Risk factors include the availability of riskful foods/objects, natural diseases with difficulty feeding, poor eating habits, and uneducated or ignorant parents/others at the scene. Although public education, package labeling, and changes in food/object design may be appropriate, the ubiquituous risk foods and small foreign objects will, on occasion, escape the eye of even the most watchful parent.  相似文献   

Data from national files on fatal crashes are analyzed to reveal that young drivers, especially sixteen and seventeen year olds, are more often responsible for fatal crashes than are older drivers. This is particularly the case for young males. Moreover, those killed in crashes for which teenagers are responsible are disproportionately people other than the teenaged drivers. A possible explanation for these facts lies in the "macho" culture of teenaged males. Potential countermeasures include those directed to limiting the driving exposure of teenagers as well as technological devices to moderate the injury-producing forces in crashes.  相似文献   

Hyperglycemia and new onset diabetes have been described with certain antipsychotic medications and some of the initial presentations are fatal diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA). We report 17 deaths due to DKA in psychiatric patients treated with second generation antipsychotic medications. Death certificates and toxicology data were searched for DKA and hyperglycemia. We reviewed the medical examiner records which included the autopsy, toxicology, police, and medical examiner investigators' reports. The decedents ranged in age from 32 to 57 years (average 48 years). There were 15 men and two women. The immediate cause of death was DKA in all. The psychiatric disorders included: 10 schizophrenia, three bipolar/schizophrenia, two bipolar, and two major depression. The most frequent atypical antipsychotic medications found were quetiapine and olanzapine followed by risperidone. In 16 deaths, we considered the medication as primary or contributory to the cause of death.  相似文献   

Pulmonary thromboembolism (PE) is found commonly in forensic pathology practice, as it typically causes sudden death. It is attributed to a wide variety of predominantly acquired etiologies. Although likely etiologically multifactorial, some common proximate causes include: surgery, pregnancy, injury, inactivity of any cause, cancer, obesity, or serum hyperviscosity. On occasion, no apparent predisposing condition is identified. In these instances, occult hereditary thrombophilias may play a causal role. Deaths referred to the Office of Chief Medical Examiner (OCME) of New York City between December, 2000 and September, 2003 and due to PE were retrospectively reviewed. Molecular analysis (FRET) was performed on selected cases for three common hereditary thrombophilias: mutations in factor V Leiden (FVL), prothrombin G20210A (PT), and methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR).During the study period, 124 of 15,280 deaths were primarily attributable to PE. Of those, 34 were selected for molecular analysis. One or more mutations were detected in 35% of those, five of which were clearly causally related to death. Given the potential benefits to surviving family members, our data indicate that postmortem molecular testing for the common hereditary thrombophilias is warranted in at least selected cases.  相似文献   

Consumption of amphetamine derivatives has considerably increased in Germany since the early nineties. Again and again intoxications with lethal outcome have also been reported, especially after physical activities such as intensive dancing. The authors present a case of an obviously suicidal intoxication of a 21-year-old man who was found dead with marked cuts on the right forearm. Toxicological tests showed in particular 3, 4-methylene-dioxymethamphetamine (MDMA). The results of the hair analysis revealed chronic consumption, but no cellular liver damage could be demonstrated. When examining the body fluids and organs, the highest concentrations by far were measured in the lungs (36.6 mg/kg), the liver (29.7 mg/kg) and the brain (29.1 mg/kg). The concentration in heart blood amounted to 10.8 mg/kg and was thus markedly higher than in peripheral blood (7.2 mg/kg). In the muscles concentrations ranged between 14.3 mg/kg and 20.2 mg/kg. On the basis of these concentrations and the available pharmacokinetic data the amount of MDMA probably consumed is assessed. It is demonstrated that for this assessment the concentrations in the muscular system are of special importance, as redistribution of highly lipophilic substances from the surrounding tissue is possible also in peripheral blood.  相似文献   

Fatal intoxications with butane and/or propane are rare although the inhalation of such liquid gases in order to induce hallucinations is not uncommon amongst youngsters, the number of which is difficult to evaluate. Thus the possibility of gas intoxication should be taken into consideration in all cases of unclear death of youngsters, in which case the macroscopic and histological findings will be unspecific whereas the chemical-toxicological analyses, especially of the native brain, lung and liver tissue, lead to definite conclusions.  相似文献   

Trihexyphenidyl (THP) is an anticholinergic agent with forensic toxicological interest. We present a case of a 59-year-old woman with a history of paranoid disorder, who was found dead in the house where she lived alone. The autopsy findings revealed no marked pathological changes. Toxicological analysis based on gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) analysis revealed THP and its major metabolite (hydroxy-THP) in blood and urine, with THP concentrations of 0.053 and 0.560 mg/L, respectively. The blood and urine ethanol concentrations were low 0.096 and 0.100 g/L, respectively. Based on these results, we determined the cause of death to be THP poisoning. It is suggested that rare case of death associated with THP overdosage should be taken in conjunction with central nervous system depressants (benzodiazepines, ethanol) and/or with other pathological disorders. Thus, our case could not be supportive for this allegation.  相似文献   

Fatal intravenous injection of monooctanoin   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Monooctanoin, a hydrophobic solvent, is used clinically to dissolve gallstones via intrabiliary infusion. We report a therapeutic misadventure in which an intravenous injection of the drug resulted in respiratory and cardiac arrest and death. Autopsy findings included pulmonary lipid embolization, detection of monooctanoin in the lung parenchyma, and histopathological evidence of multifocal pulmonary hemorrhagic infarcts. Respiratory compromise has been observed in the standard treatment of patients. In addition, deaths in laboratory animals have been attributed to hemorrhagic pneumonitis. This case illustrates the potential adverse effects of the inappropriate administration of monooctanoin.  相似文献   

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