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synopsis:A large number of women.hold high-ranking posts in Chi-nese political institutions and organizations and become an impor-tant force on the Chinese political arena,where they have fullydemonstrated and proved their talent and ability in the state’spolitical policy making and administration.  相似文献   

This paper basically discusses the financial crisis that is taking place in Europe. There is a fear that this economic crisis will take hold of Europe if it is not controlled. Europe is one of the biggest economies of the world so almost all the countries over the globe are also having a threat of facing the financial crisis. This paper also looks for the opportunities that the Balkan countries will have due to this financial crisis in Europe. The fall in the economy of Europe has also affected the economic conditions of the countries of Balkan region especially Albania and the GDP values of these countries have decreased.  相似文献   

The series of big scandals in the US and other countries have been sensational news around the world. Big companies with good corporate governance mechanism also suffer from the unethical behavior done by the corporate leaders. When good corporate governance mechanism are not able to prevent corporate leaders from doing unethical behaviors, then this is a sign for a corporation to look for another mechanism that can prevent corporate leaders from doing unethical behaviors. Therefore, this paper proposes that shame value may be able to lead people to think before taking any action so that unethical behavior can be minimized. This idea is developed on the basis of assumption that in the nature of people, doing unethical behavior can make people feel ashamed. By adopting shame value as a corporate culture, a firm can instill a value to the corporate leaders and other employees as an early warning system to prevent them not doing unethical behaviors. Shame value as a corporate culture creates a role model through corporate leaders to strengthen the implementation of shame value as a corporate culture and formulate the policy that can motivate employees to hold this value. Apart from that, employing values explored from religion of conduct to strengthen and maintain shame value in the organization is also suggested. Nevertheless, the limitation of shame values is that it cannot be instilled in all organization as corporate culture since the boundary of shame is different for different cultures.  相似文献   

赵丽宏 《民主》2013,(5):62-64
杜甫在草堂的日子,不感觉寂寞,有田园天籁,有纯朴乡邻,有诗书相伴,还有一批默默无言,宠辱不惊,饱含情趣的朋友。这些朋友,是草堂四周的花树。这些花树,都是杜甫亲手栽种,杜甫为它们浇水锄草,观察欣赏它们成长的姿态。草堂的宅园之中,有桃树、松树、桤树、柏树、柳树、榆树、棕树、梧桐、楸树、桂树,还有梅、李、橘、橙、梨、枇杷、丁香、丽春和栀子。池塘里,有莲、荷、菱,杜甫日日遇见它们,绿叶遮荫,翠枝拂袖,丝丝缕缕的花香如无形纤手,在杜甫身畔挥动,抚摸着他的身心。  相似文献   

汤礼春 《侨园》2013,(1):32-33
我去过不少名山大川,黄山、庐山、衡山、武当山、张家界,但没有哪一座山能像大瑶山那样令我难以忘怀.大瑶山不仅集众山风光于一身——雄、奇、险、绝、幽、峻、秀、丽,而且又有浓厚的民族风情,有碧水飞瀑,有苍苍莽莽的原始森林,有奇珍异卉,有鲜美可口的山野美食.  相似文献   

历史雄辩地证明:铁人精神是大庆的传家宝,每一次学铁人、做铁人、踏着铁人的脚步走,都意味着油城人面貌的新变化、大庆的大发展、油田建设的新突破。今年是大庆油田发现50周年,推动大庆科学发展、和谐发展、跨越发展,任务艰臣,责任重大,使命光荣。在改革开放的新时期,英雄的大庆人必将高举大庆精神、铁人精神的旗帜,解放思想、与时俱进、居安思危、团结拼搏,以奋发有为、永不言败的精神状态,以敢于碰硬、顽强拼搏的昂扬斗志,以时不我待、只争朝夕的进取意识,满怀激情、满怀信心地去开创大庆科学发展、和谐发展、跨越发展的新局面,开创更加美好的明天。  相似文献   

汤策程 《民主》2006,(2):35-37
魏源(1794—1857),我国近代著名的思想家、史学家、文学家,湖南邵阳人。他曾长期在江苏或给陶澍、贺长龄等做幕僚,或在兴化、高邮、东台等地为官。因此,魏源有邵阳、南京、扬州三处故居。为了探寻魏源的与时俱进的精神,前不久我沿着魏源的足迹及仕宦行踪,走访了邵阳、南京、镇江、高邮、兴化、东台、扬州等地,琐记如下。  相似文献   

一直以来,最美女教师张丽莉的英雄事迹,感动着我们,牵动着亿万人民的心。究其原因,在于张丽莉以其至善、至美、至爱的壮举,为世人树起道德标杆,扬起精神旗帜。张丽莉精神,就是临危不惧、舍己救人的英雄气概,爱岗敬业、教书育人的职业道德,关爱学生、无私奉献的高尚情操,勤奋向上、追求卓越的进取精神,乐观豁达、善良包容的崇高品质。她在生死关头奋不顾身、舍生忘死的英雄  相似文献   

论上海都市型工业的发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
都市型工业是一种与传统工业相联系的,轻型的、微型的、环保的、低耗的新型工业,是以大都市特有的信息流、物流、人才流、资金流和技术流等社会资源为依托,以产品设计、技术开发、加工制造、营销管理和技术服务为主题,以工业园区、工业小区、商业楼宇为活动载体,适宜在都市繁华地段和中心区域内生存和发展,增值快,就业广,适应强,有税收,有环保,有形象的现代工业体系。  相似文献   

秋季,指中国农历七、八、九月,包括立秋、处暑、白露、秋分、寒露、霜降6个节气。秋季,署夏的高温已降低,人们烦躁的情绪也随之平静,秋风带来宜人的景色,此时切勿因眼前的美景忽视了养生。  相似文献   

大学生必须学会培养自己获取知识和信息的能力,掌握使用图书馆必要知识和技能,了解图书馆的整体情况和具体运作是掌握打开知识宝库的钥匙;大学生学会有效利用图书馆来扩充、更新知识,有利于完善组建大学生个性发展的知识结构。  相似文献   

Gender-based differences in political knowledge are pervasive in the United States and abroad. Previous research on the source of these differences has focused on resource differentials or instrumentation, with scholars arguing either that the gender gap is real and intractable, or that it is an artifact of the way the concept is measured. Our study differs from past work by showing that (1) male–female differences in political knowledge persist even when knowledge is measured with recommended practices, but that (2) knowledge gaps can be ameliorated. Across laboratory, survey, and natural experiments, we document how exposure to information diminishes gender-based differences in political knowledge. The provision of facts reduces—and often eliminates—the gender gap in political knowledge on questions covering a range of topics.  相似文献   

游江 《学理论》2009,(9):23-24
做好在高校“高知识群体”教师中发展党员工作对提高党在高校的影响力、凝聚力和战斗力具有重要作用。通过对近年来我校在“高知识群体”教师中发展党员工作的回顾,认真总结经验,积极探索在新形势下进一步做好在“高知识群体”教师中发展党员工作的新途径。  相似文献   

从知识论的角度对警察院校道德教育进行审视,长期以来警察院校道德教育的成效式微是由于在教育中忽视了缄默知识。缄默知识在警察道德教育中具有重要意义,在缄默知识视野下的警察道德教育应该充分重视缄默知识、营造良好的校园文化氛围、重视实践教学。  相似文献   

本文利用近年来一些学者提出的知识仓库概念,探讨知识仓库在虚拟企业中的决策应用。针对虚拟企业的风险和管理特点,拟定出知识仓库在虚拟企业中的建立原则,提出了一个基于知识仓库的层次化决策支持体系模型,给出了知识仓库的构建过程和基于知识仓库的决策过程。  相似文献   

马克思主义哲学既要正确解释世界,也要能动改造世界,它是两种功能的辩证统一。《知识经济批判》把知识经济放在马克思世界历史理论中考察,积极研究并充分肯定了知识经济对当代社会发展和哲学理论方面的影响,正确评述了知识经济在当代社会发展中的地位及其丰富历史唯物主义的内涵。但知识经济批判的内容与任务远不是《知识经济批判》一书所能完成和担当的,仍需要在实践的基础上不断丰富与发展,并用它能动地指导人们改造世界的实践活动。  相似文献   

江西特色产业集群要走自主创新的发展路径,首先要形成一种自主创新的意识;其次作为自主创新主体的企业,必须将组织纳入知识创新认知新模式,自觉地进行科学发现、技术发明、知识创造、新知识首次应用以及模仿等各种知识创新。  相似文献   

Citizens, Knowledge, and the Information Environment   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
In a democracy, knowledge is power. Research explaining the determinants of knowledge focuses on unchanging demographic and socioeconomic characteristics. This study combines data on the public's knowledge of nearly 50 political issues with media coverage of those topics. In a two-part analysis, we demonstrate how education, the strongest and most consistent predictor of political knowledge, has a more nuanced connection to learning than is commonly recognized. Sometimes education is positively related to knowledge. In other instances its effect is negligible. A substantial part of the variation in the education-knowledge relationship is due to the amount of information available in the mass media. This study is among the first to distinguish the short-term, aggregate-level influences on political knowledge from the largely static individual-level predictors and to empirically demonstrate the importance of the information environment .  相似文献   

The unusual size and persistence of the gender gap in political knowledge is perplexing in comparison to other dimensions of politics. Building on situational explanations of political engagement, this article claims that women’s and men’s specific adult roles lead to an enlargement of the gender gap in knowledge. The present study analyses men and women’s levels of political knowledge at different life stages by means of two unique datasets specifically collected to measure what people know about politics. Findings show that adult roles provide more opportunities for men to gain political knowledge than for women. Furthermore, the comparison of levels of political knowledge in two such dissimilar countries as Finland and Spain suggests that while gender equality policies are successful in tearing down some of the obstacles that hinder women’s contact with the political world, they are still insufficient to completely bridge the gender gap in political knowledge during adulthood.  相似文献   

Counter‐knowledge refers to flaws in citizens' mental models arising from utilization of rumours, inappropriate knowledge structures, outdated routines or procedures. When counter‐knowledge is applied to civil servants, it may result in problems of efficiency, equity and motivation. This paper examines the relationship between counter‐knowledge and open‐mindedness to model a framework for improving city marketing and policy development. This study tested two measurement models. While the theoretical model represents the effect of counter‐knowledge on city marketing and that the latter has a negative effect on open‐mindedness, the alternative model involves that counter‐knowledge has a positive indirect impact on open‐mindedness. These relationships are examined through an empirical investigation of 203 Spanish city halls. The results show a potential positive indirect effect of counter‐knowledge on open‐mindedness through city marketing programmes. This paper clarifies the existing literature, which tries to contribute to the discussion of city marketing, and helps us to obtain meaning out of the relationship between counter‐knowledge, city marketing and open‐mindedness. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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