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论清江文化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
萧洪恩教授的《论清江文化》详尽分析了什么是清江文化,什么不是清江文化,并从流域、文化、产业诸角度将清江文化界定为以土家族为主,包括该地区其他民族所共同创造的流域文化。萧教授认为,在清江流域这个自然条件有限的地区,它的现代化发展之路与其是传统的工业化,不如是文化产业化。  相似文献   

正With its important ecological status and comprehensive strength,the Yangtze River Economic Belt has great untapped potential.President Xi Jinping’s remarks at a symposium on the development of the economic belt held in Wuhan on April 26,after a tour along the Yangtze River in central China’s Hubei and Hunan provinces,refl ect the country’s vision for high-  相似文献   

WITHIN China's westerndevelopment strategy, amajor issue to be- - resolved is how soil erosion in the reaches of the YellowRiver may be arrested, and anotheris how the amount of sand flowinginto the river may be reduced. Thepeople living on the Loess Plateaumay emerge from poverty and settheir minds at rest as to the threat offloods only when this problem issolved.The Yellow RiverThe Yellow River is the secondlongest in China, having a totallength of 5,464 kilometers. Itssource is in Qi…  相似文献   

Nothing is like a river. It seems coming from nowhere, far back into antiquity. It is originated from drops of water and converged into a long stream that flows ceaselessly. It benefits the vast expanse of land and nourishes all the living on it.  相似文献   

An ancient city dating back 2,500 years, Wuhu has played different roles in different historic periods. As a modern city, it exemplifies the merits of the open-ing-up policy.  相似文献   

一、问题的提出北京是特大型缺水城市,水资源严重短缺,1999年-2008年连续9年干旱,平均降水量457.1mm,仅为多年平均值的78%,平原区地下水也存在逐年下降的趋势。同时,依据《北京市环境质量报告书》,温榆河水系是全市地表水环境质量最差的水系,大部分河段达不到水体功能要求。水资源短缺和水生态环境恶化已经成为北京市尤其是温榆河流域社会经济可持续发展的主要瓶颈之一。  相似文献   

<正>Hubei's poverty alleviation and reform measures win recognition In front of a restaurant in Wuhan,central China's Hubei Province,on a hot summer night,people waited for more than two hours for its famous special dish—spicy crayfish,a kind of snack food that has gained increasing popularity in China in recent years.People usually get together to eat the spicy dish  相似文献   

A recent documentary film about five folk artists from the region along the Yellow River moved the audience with its recording of the challenges of these people to survive in modern days and their love for the art sprung from their hometow ns. The movie, titled The River in Me, is from an idea of Su Yang, a con temporary musician from Yinchuan, capital city of northwest China's Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region. He later became one of the five characters in the film.  相似文献   

CHENGDU,thecapitalofSichuanProvince,hasalwaysbeenfamousforitsnaturalresourcesandbeautifulscenery.ButtheFunanmyer(alsocalledtheJinjiang),whichflowsthroughthecity,hadbecomeseriouslypollutedandharmfultopeople'shealth.Fiveyearsago,thelocalgovernmentsetouttocleanuptheriverandbytheendoflastyearthesituationwasbroughtundercontrol.NowtheFunanRiverandthegreenareasflankingitnotonlyaddcharmtoChengdu,butfunctionas"lungs"tOhelpkeepthecity'sairclean.Duringtheclean-up,adelegationfromEnglandVisited.Them…  相似文献   

EVERYONE, from every class and background, has found a way to make it in Dongying. Each has a different story, but a story with a common theme: it's all worked out well - the changes that have unfolded in their adopted city.  相似文献   

正Originating on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, the Yangtze River is China's longest waterway, running more than 6,300 km through 11 provincial-level regions before emptying into the East China Sea.A number of the country's economic powerhouses, megacities and major riceproducing areas are located along the basin of the Yangtze, the world's third longest river. The Three Gorges project on the upper middle reaches of the river is the world's largest hydropower project. The vast multi-functional water control system consists of a dam stretching 2,309 meters long and 185 meters high,  相似文献   

HAVING worked in the television industry for 15 years, I've been to various Chinese, European and American cities, but of all of them I like my hometown, Harbin in Northeast China's Heilongjiang Province, the best. My affection stems neither from Harbin's beauty nor my nostalgia, but from the city's distinctive glamour.Harbin's unique culture came into being because of two major events: the Niizhen, ancestors of the Manchu ethnic group, establishing their capital in what is now Harbin 800 years ago, and the influx of foreign immigrants in the 20th century. Both of these groups introduced distinct cultural elements to Harbin.  相似文献   

In Foshan, culture and economy are parallel lines of development. Its traditional culture having evolved into a contemporary economic force, the two are indivisible. Foshan's goal is to accelerate its ongoing fusion of culture and economy, thereby promoting all-round social development.  相似文献   

正Coordinated regional development has long been a focus of the Chinese Government.For instance,over the past few decades,the government has rolled out the western region development plan as well as its strategy of revitalizing northeast China.It has also developed economic zones in regions such as the west coast of the Taiwan Straits and the Yangtze River Delta.At present,another such regional development zone,  相似文献   

IF China has become the world's manufacturing center over the past 30 years,then the Pearl River Delta(PRD)in Guangdong Province is undoubtedly the nation's"factory."But despite decades of rapid development and dizzying economic growth,the area s labor-intensive industries are now facing growing cost pressures.How have the enterprises of the PRD reacted?  相似文献   

HEHeilongjiangRiverliesinnortheasternChina.Called"Luoshui"durinqtheSpringandAutumnandWarringStates(770-221B.C.)periodsandthe"WangjianRiv-er"duringtheTangDynasty(618-907),Heijiangmeans"blackdragon"inChinese.The4,363-kilometerHei-longjiangRiverbecamepartoftheboundarybetweenChinaandRussiaafterRussiainvadedandsackedChina'sOuterHingganMountains(today'sStanovojMountains).Theriver,China'sthirdlongestaftertheYangtzeandYellowrivers,resemblesastrong,mysteriousdragonlyingamidthewidem0untainra…  相似文献   

July, 2003: Guangdong provincial government first proposes the concept of the Pan-Pearl River Delta Regional Cooperation.August 8-9, 2003: Joint meeting of directors of the planning commissions of the nine relevant inland provinces/ autonomous region held. Zhong Yangsheng, executive vice-governor of Guangdong, makes a speech. Attendees discuss basis ideas, development goals and measures for regional cooperation and reach  相似文献   

In January 1896, the Swedish explorer and adventurer Sven Hedin (1865-1952) followed the Keliya River in the Tarim Basin in Xinjiang to trace its end in the desert. He wanted to find out where exactly it ran out...  相似文献   

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