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士绅阶层是影响乡村政治的一支重要政治力量。在晚清科举废除过程中,其作为社会文化重心的独特地位逐渐被动摇。随着民国时期新教育的不断扩张及新知识阶层离乡步伐的加速,乡村士绅出现了严重的侵蚀化现象。优秀分子的离开及乡村管理者的食利倾向使得士绅群体迅速劣质化,整个乡村政治处于破产和崩溃边缘。  相似文献   

源于1930年代特殊政治文化语境的作家的政治激情,导致了人们对文学审美的特殊的偏颇性的理解,导致了广大读者对文学的特殊接受和偏颇性的审美预期,也导致了作家对文学审美的特殊的偏颇性的选择。在一个“非常态”的政治语境下,要在文学中追求“常态”的表达,不仅难以做到,即使做到了,这样的作品也许很难获得最广大的读者。从政治文化心理支配下的文学表达这一独特的角度,可以使我们对30年代中国文学的审美风貌的形成根源,有更加深入的理解和认识。  相似文献   

1930年代中后期,较少政治倾向的纯文学十分繁荣,拥有大量的出版空间,在各个体裁领域均有丰硕成果.如果文学的外部环境保持稳定,纯文学完全有可能继续发展下去,成为文坛主流,但这种可能性因为抗战的发生而没有变为现实.对于这种可能性的揭示具有重要的文学史意义.  相似文献   

肖周录 《法学研究》2014,36(1):190-207
判例汇编,是指将审判实践中形成的典型案例进行系统地整理和编纂,用以规范和指导司法审判的活动。陕甘宁边区时期,边区政府与边区高等法院针对边区实际,将司法机关在审判实践中形成的典型判例进行汇编。判例汇编的倡导者是边区政府,而具体实施者是边区高等法院。边区制定法不完善、司法队伍建设不能满足司法审判需要、人民群众文化素质低、观念落后等社会原因促使了边区判例汇编的形成。边区判例汇编具有分类汇编与共性概括汇编相结合、正反判例相结合等特点。边区判例汇编作为典型案例的集合,具有总结边区司法审判经验、提升边区司法审判人员素质、补充边区制定法不足、减少诉讼及化解社会矛盾等重要历史价值。边区判例汇编虽然有形成仓促、汇编形式略显粗糙等缺点,但这种方式却有力地促进了边区的法制建设。  相似文献   

The primary goal of censuses has always been to collect reliable information on the state’s population and provide a basis for governmental decision-making. This study examines the categories used in the 1930 census and links them to the context in which they were generated. We treat the census as a tool of state power, which can be discerned from the definitions of its categories and the way in which statistics are collected and used. The guiding question of the study was “how does the 1930 census differ from previous censuses and how can these differences and changes be explained?” We find that as in earlier censuses, Statistics Sweden used extracts from the parish books on the individual level to collect information for the 1930 census, but also used diverse supplementary sources including tax registers, income tax returns and language surveys. Thus, unlike in most countries, Sweden did not send out census takers or questionnaires to the population. Many of the new or updated variables we see in the 1930 census such as income, wealth, and number of children born, can be related to the political and social debate concerning the poor working class and the establishment of the welfare state. The inclusion of categories such as ethnicity, religion, and foreign nationality can be seen as part of a normative approach wanting to control, monitor and correct deviant elements of the Swedish population.

Sweden has several extraordinary longitudinal population databases built on the country’s excellent parish registers dating back to the 18th century. While the Swedish censuses have rarely been used as sources of data for historical analysis, this work demonstrates that the 1930 census has great potential to support new research.  相似文献   

Greendale, Wisconsin, was intentionally created with many of the design and planning principles that active-living advocates promote today. This case study examines the processes behind sustaining these particular planning and design principles over time in light of economic and regional challenges that have faced not just Greendale but most town centers over the last fifty years. Despite these challenges, the walkable nature of Greendale's center remains strong today, in terms of both activity and community identity. While many circumstances are specific to this particular town, useful lessons can be drawn for those new urbanist (NU) communities being developed in greenfields and suburbs today, many of which are strikingly similar to Greendale - relatively small, low density, and located within metropolitan areas. Greendale's success resulted from (1) attending to the retail/commercial product mix; (2) attracting nonresidents to use the community's retail and public space; and (3) capitalizing on community investment not simply from residents' organizing efforts but, more important in this case, from corporate community involvement by a Greendale business firm whose interests and values coincided with those of the community.  相似文献   

The author is a former Loyalist prisoner who recently carried out a piece of research in the Loyalist community of the Greater Shankill District of Belfast. That research was designed to explore with a range of community activists (including Loyalist paramilitaries) the potential for an alternative strategy to the current system of punishment beatings and shootings. The author argues that this can only be achieved by distinguishing between the types of activities that attract the attention of Loyalist paramilitaries and focusing intervention only upon those areas where it may readistically have an effect, i.e. that matter relating to the internal discipline of Loyalist paramilitary members and disputes between groupings relating to drugs will by necessity fall outside any potential intervention. He goes on to offer the outline of a programme designed as an alternative to punishment beatings which could prove to be effective within those parameters despite the acknowledged difficulties.  相似文献   

就1930年代思想潮流整体状况而言,是不利于童话文体的发展的,但当时的文学语言口语化运动却维持着童话的文体独立性,促进了童话文体的修辞建设,并影响着童话文体泛化的发展方向。对1930年代文学语言运动与童话文体的发展关系的揭示,有助于我们更好地理解文学语言变迁对于中国现代文学文体发生发展的决定性作用。  相似文献   

Evasion in private international law differs from fraud of law in domestic law, which has been generally agreed upon in academic and judicial circles. However, in China’s private international law, the theories on “evasion,” are very confusing and quite a few Chinese academicians appear more declined to accept it as natural phenomenon in conflict of laws. Similarly, both Chinese judges and legislators take a conservative approach towards it. By comparative and historical methods, the definition of evasion is to be clarified in this paper. Also, it is to argue that evasion differs from fraud of law in the context of domestic law and it is necessary to elucidate it.  相似文献   

上世纪三十年代我国加强了银行立法,以实现金融垄断。1931年《银行法》是其颁布的第一部银行法,对银行设立条件、资本额、监管体制等均采取严格主义,有一定进步性。但为将钱庄纳入垄断金融体系,该法以许多规定否定钱业习惯法,以打击其势力,体现了法律规则与习惯规则调整社会秩序的不同效力,也是阶级利益冲突在法律上的反映。从钱业习惯法与银行法的冲突,可见习惯法有其存在的合理性,能弥补国家法的缺陷,实现社会法律多元化。  相似文献   

论紧急救治权与医疗欠费的矛盾及其对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
紧急救治权是我国卫生法规定的公民在患病急危时,有得到医师紧急抢救的权利。而在当前却存在日益增多的急诊欠费与紧急救治权之间发生矛盾的案例,严重妨害了患者的紧急救治权。如果仅依靠追究医师的法律责任来解决该矛盾,只是治表之策,而建立急诊欠费的补偿机制才是根本对策。因此,应当通过社会建立急诊“绿色通道”会员制度,医院共同参与建立“医疗欠费共担基金”,政府建立紧急救治欠费补偿基金,聘请律师对恶意欠费依法追缴等对策保障患者紧急救治权。  相似文献   

In 1930s Britain an average of almost 7000 road deaths and many more injuries were recorded each year. Most fatalities occurred among cyclists and pedestrians. In the course of the decade the Pedestrians’ Association pressed for the no-fault compensation of road accident victims other than motorists and their passengers. A bill, initially welcomed by ministers, passed the House of Lords but failed to progress further owing to last-minute government opposition. This article explores efforts to change the law and the reasons why they failed. Carnage on the roads largely explains reformers’ motivation; government reluctance to offend the motoring lobby explains their failure.  相似文献   

This paper examines the use of ethnic-specific crime data by law enforcement authorities as an instrument to formulate policies. The focus is on Bulgaria – one of the few East European countries whose criminal justice system keeps data on ethnicity – and the country’s Roma population. During the 1990s, Bulgaria’ s deep economic and social crisis impacted significantly on Bulgaria’ s Roma minority and, arguably, led to an increase in crime rates amongst the Roma. To date, however, the Bulgarian government has failed to adequately address this situation. The main argument that this paper puts forward is that over-policing of the Roma minority is a consequence of lack of adequate data on the Roma’ s involvement in crime, coupled with a crime-fighting strategy that is largely based on ethnic prejudice. As a result, a disproportionate number of Roma end-up in prisons or in long-term detention. Former inmates, in turn, influence their communities and establish a ‘revolving cycle’ of crime and social marginalisation, which is manifested in an increasing critical mass of the Roma male population in the criminal justice system.  相似文献   

从统一到一体:专利制度国际化进程及其发展趋势研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
唐春 《知识产权》2008,18(5):79-85
近年来,发达国家积极推进专利制度国际化,进行TRIPS协调、<专利法条约>(PLT)协调与<实质性专利法>(SPLT)协调,统一各国专利制度各项内容(统一化进程);进行PCT制度及其改革、相互利用和承认审查结果的协调,以促使各国共享申请、审查、授权、无效程序及其法律结果(一体化进程).在SPLT协调完成之后,专利制度国际化重点将集中在一体化授权的制度协调,最终可能会出现"全球专利制度".对此,我国应妥善加以应对.  相似文献   

Since 1989, when the Berlin wall fell, criminal organizations have undergone to deep changes. Globalisation has indeed brought about new opportunities for new criminal organizations, as well as creating new illegal markets. For most scholars, the Sicilian mafia, or Cosa Nostra (CN), has suffered the blows of these changes and entered a deep crisis. This article aims to show that CN is not in crisis, but it is rather experiencing the changes from a fordist to a psot-fordist regime of capitalist accumulation. In order to demonstrate this thesis, the author will analyse the flaws of previous mafia theorists, the changes in economy and also in culture.  相似文献   


Since 2015 the populist government of the Law and Justice Party in Poland has spearheaded a highly effective campaign against the country’s lawyers, encountering relatively muted social opposition. Using Bourdieuan lenses, the article traces the roots of that remarkable institutional weakness of the Polish legal profession to the highly formalist approach to law and legal thinking that Poland’s lawyers espoused. Prior to the fall of communism, and in democratic Poland, the role of lawyers in society was to act as guardians of “neatness” of the legal system – or that system’s internal clarity, cohesion, and completeness. Such a sterile approach to legal practice was initially attractive, among other reasons, because it protected the legal profession from difficult legitimacy challenges stemming from that profession’s pre-1989 coexistence with the communist regime. With time, however, the refuge that formalism offered became a trap that undermined lawyers’ political and economic power.  相似文献   

Lobbying presents an attractive postcongressional career, with some former congressional members and staffers transitioning to lucrative lobbying careers. Precisely why congressional experience is valued is a matter of ongoing debate. Building on research positing a relationship between political uncertainty and demand for lobbyists, we examine conditions under which lobbyists with past congressional experience prove most valuable. To assess lobbyist earnings, we develop a new measure, Lobbyist Value Added, that reflects the marginal contribution of each lobbyist on a contract, and show that previous measures understate the value of high‐performing lobbyists. We find that former staffers earn revenues above their peers during times of uncertainty, and former members of Congress generate higher revenue overall, which we identify by comparing revenues generated by individuals who narrowly won election to those who narrowly lost. These findings help characterize when lobbyists with different skillsets prove most valuable and the value added by government experience.  相似文献   

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