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磨砺“权力制衡”之剑——试论行政监督中的以权制权   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
行政监督的实质就是权力对权力的制约,就是居于优势地位的权力对相对弱小的或起码平行的权力主体的约束。因此,行政监督的效能如何,关键取决于行政监督系统能否具有独立的、位高权重的地位。本文在借鉴了中国古代和西方国家行政监督可资借鉴的成功经验的基础上,在客观的剖析了我国现行行政监督体制中存在的诸多问题的基础,提出了在经济全球化和社会主义市场经济条件下构建强有力的行政监督体制的对策和设想。  相似文献   

中国海事法院审判在三十年的实践中促进中国海事海商法律不断发展完善,海事法院公正透明的司法审判不仅为中国航运物流企业的发展提供了有效保障,而且使中国逐渐成为亚太海事司法中心,赢得了全球的认同和赞誉.提出应进一步提升海事审判“软实力”,为建设海洋强国和经济腾飞保驾护航.  相似文献   

董彪 《行政与法》2007,(7):91-95
人类社会需要公权力,也离不开公权力,但是公权力容易恶性膨胀和异化并造成严重恶果的事实警醒我们对于公权力保持谨慎的态度。在一个理性而自由的社会中,公权力介入私人生活领域对于私权进行限制应当具有正当性理由。在主观法权思想和社会连带思想等不同语境中证成公权力限制私权的正当性不无必要。这一对公权力介入私人生活的正当性的研究也构成了划分公权力与私权利的界限、准确定位公权力的基础。  相似文献   

论阐明权的界限   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张力 《法律科学》2006,24(3):82-92
规范阐明权的核心问题之一就是明确阐明权在民事诉讼中的适用范围,在我国阐明权的界限应当如下第一,对于大部分民商事案件,都应当适用阐明权;但是,对有关身份关系的诉讼、有关公益的诉讼、特别程序案件不适用阐明权。第二,阐明权适用的诉讼事项主要应是实体事项或者可以决定实体权利归属的程序事项。第三,阐明权适用于当事人,当事人的诉讼代理人,特殊情形下的案外人,以及有权启动再审程序的人。第四,阐明权的基准时通常应当是言词辩论终结时。  相似文献   

Research on primary confessions has demonstrated that it is a powerful form of evidence. The goal of the current research was to investigate whether secondary confessions – the suspect confesses to another individual who in turn then reports the confession to the police – could be as persuasive. In Experiments 1 and 2, participants read a murder trial containing an eyewitness identification, a secondary confession, and character testimony, and made midtrial assessments of the evidence. Results indicated that the secondary confession was evaluated as the most incriminating. In Experiment 3, participants read summaries of four criminal trials, each of which contained a primary confession, a secondary confession, eyewitness identification, or none of the above. The two confession conditions produced significantly higher conviction rates. Our findings suggest that secondary confessions are another powerful and potentially dangerous form of evidence.  相似文献   

胡和平  罗维 《政法学刊》2012,(2):110-114
当前价值多元化的社会环境对警察素质和道德提出严峻考验。面对此形式,有必要重新审视自身传统文化资源和国外警察文化资源,古为今用,洋为中用,批判地继承和吸收,以促进当代公安文化的建设,增强公安文化软实力。传统文化中的"忠"、"仁"、"勇"、"公廉"这四种传统文化精神完全可以对接当代公安文化的建设。  相似文献   

权利社会与权力配置   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文在揭示权利本质的基础上,通过对古代权力社会的对比,得出当今社会是权利社会的结论.权利成为人们生活的基础和核心,人的一切活动既基于权利开展,又以权利为归宿.紧接着,试图从权利与权力的关系找到在权利社会中如何进行权力配置的切入点.权力来源于权利,权力的初衷是对权利的保护,而权力的不合理设置也会导致侵犯权利,它们之间的这种辩证关系要求我们对权力进行科学合理的配置在明确控制权力的指导思想下,要合理的配置中央与地方之间以及立法、司法和行政机关之间的权力.  相似文献   

论依法行政下的行政权   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
依法治国的关键是依法行政.现时的中国,由于历史和现实原因,学术界对依法行政已达成共识,即加强对行政权的控制.但行政权的内涵、目的及其运行中具有的特性,要求法律不仅应该为行政权的行使提供保障,而且基于法的阶级意志性及强制性,也必须由法律对行政权的行使予以保障才能实现其运行的目的.  相似文献   

More power to the WTO?   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

周越 《行政与法》2005,(1):12-13
本文结合对党的十六届四中全会《中共中央关于加强党的执政能力建设的决定》的学习,对以江泽民同志为核心的第三代领导集体提出的最新课题加以解读,从“执政能力建设”科学命题提出的背景、科学内涵和“执政能力建设”的方法和途径等角度做出了有益探讨。  相似文献   

司法鉴定立法权属如何界定,是直接影响司法鉴定立法的关键问题.文章从现行法津规定、法学理论、司法实践等角度对司法鉴定的实质进行了分析,提出司法鉴定除启动、采信属诉讼制度外,鉴定活动、鉴定机构、鉴定人的管理就是行政职能范畴,地方可以通过立法对面向社会服务司法鉴定进行规范.  相似文献   

陈婴虹 《行政与法》2009,(4):115-119
在当今中国强国家--弱社会的环境下,要使民间调解能够持续、稳定而繁荣,必须理性地界定公力与民间调解的关系.否则,就会导致民间调解异化为一种行政性的纠纷处理方式.在转型期的中国,民间调解的发展应该在接近政府和加强自治这两个对立的取向之间取得平衡.  相似文献   

孙韬  熊明 《行政与法》2013,(8):104-107
我国检察权的本质属性是法律监督性.这种本质属性是通过我国检察机关的一般性质、工作内容以及工作方式表现出来的.而从检察权概念的学术争议与检察权的司法属性来看,检察权应承载司法职能.本文在提倡检察机关应直接参与社会管理活动的背景下,重新审视了导致检察权司法职能弱化和行政化倾向的主要原因.认为只有正确理解检察机关的地位和作用,在社会管理中充分发挥检察权的司法功能,才能实现检察权参与社会管理.  相似文献   

沉默权是在英美法国家产生并发展起来的一项刑事诉讼制度,它具有保护人权、程序正义、维护公平等价值,同时也存在对社会治安、实体公正以及司法效率的不利影响。英美国家在沉默权发展过程中不断进行修正,使其不致走向极端。我国在引进这一制度时,也应采取有限沉默权原则。  相似文献   

Conclusion Thus power appears as both a topic within an already constituted realm of legal analysis, and as one of the motors that drives the constitution of this realm. This second foundational level is only available to reflexive thought that can place its analysis within the world of law it analyses so as to monitor its own possibility-conditions. Power therefore presents itself as shaping the very language employed to articulate it so that the analytic language of legal education can become a resource in its own right. In drawing upon this resource we have found that power and truth are mutually implicated. Contrary to the counter-reflexive and implicit view of legal culture, this means that knowledge of the power/truth relation is also an outcome of this relation. This suggests that power is a positive factor in the determination of any legal meaning and developments within legal disciplines. Through the disowning of legal culture's counter-reflexivity it is possible positively to characterise the character and operation of power across the constituted and constituing levels. At the constituted level it shapes discourse and speakers from the inside as well as externally. At the constituting level — which can no longer be treated separately — it individualises/collectivises those very subjects, their positions and world, and distributes a conceptual and linguistic framework for its self-comprehension.  相似文献   

试论公共权力的异化及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从公共权力异化的两种现象——公共悖论和权力腐败出发,分析了公共权力在行使过程中之所以会产生异化,其原因主要有二:一是人的因素,二是制度的因素。公共权力的异化在很大程度上降低了公众对公共管理的满意程度,动摇了公共权力合法性的基础。因此,文章结合我国现实,提出了一系列制约公共权力异化的对策。  相似文献   

张遂  雷建国 《行政与法》2007,1(9):84-86
国家刑罚权是一柄双刃剑,既能保证人权,也容易侵犯人权,因此必须以宪政的精神对刑罚权予以规制,特别是要以正当法律程序对其规制,使刑罚权更加谦抑、更符合人道性,这也是契合宪政之道的。  相似文献   

政治体制改革与经济体制改革促进了中国社会自组织能力、自治能力的提高,这首先表现为第三部门的发展壮大.第三部门的发展对政府权力运作方式的变革具有积极意义,带来了全新的政府与社会的关系模式.  相似文献   



Third Party Policing (TPP) involves partnerships between police and third parties where the legal powers of third parties are harnessed to prevent or control crime problems. This paper explores the characteristics and mechanisms of TPP as a crime control strategy, focusing on how the partnership approach in policing can help sustain crime control gains over the long run. Using the ABILITY Truancy Trial as an example, I examine how policing can contribute to long-term social change for high-risk young people living in poor-performing school districts and high-risk communities.


The ABILITY Trial includes 102 young truants randomly allocated to a control (business-as-usual) or an experimental condition. The experimental condition activates the key theoretical components of Third Party Policing (TPP): a partnership between police and participating schools that activates and escalates (where needed) jurisdictional truanting laws (the legal lever).


The paper presents a theoretical discussion of TPP and uses the ABILITY Trial to highlight the way TPP works in practice. Baseline data are presented for the ABILITY Trial. Outcome results are not presented.


Third Party Policing partnerships rest on the capacity of police to build relationships with third parties who have a stake in the crime problem, who possess responsive regulation legal levers, and who have a clear mandate to offer long-term solutions and help sustain the crime control gains. Partnerships, I argue, offer long-term solutions for police because they activate latent mechanisms, building the capacity for third parties to both maintain short-term gains and sustain the crime control gains beyond the lifespan of the initial police intervention.  相似文献   

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