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The suicidal infliction of two gunshot wounds to the head represents a critical issue for medicolegal investigation. In principle, simultaneous infliction with two firearms or third parties' involvement, i.e. two consecutive gunshots, have to be considered. We report for the first time on a case of suicidal infliction of two simultaneous gunshots to the head (oral, temporal) with Action 4 expanding ammunition. A male had robbed two service guns and committed suicide thereafter under the influence of high-dose alcohol and cocaine. Interestingly, Action 4 ammunition had been used, leading to an uncommon gunshot wound morphology and extensive backspatter. At the scene, these findings caused confusion; moreover, the number of gunshot wounds was unclear, until autopsy revealed two gunshot wounds to the head, which had obviously been inflicted simultaneously. Expanding ammunition like QD-PEP and Action 4, used by several German federal state police forces, can cause an atypical gunshot wound morphology, most probably due to its peculiar deformation behaviour. Investigators should be careful when interpreting gunshot wound morphology at the scene after usage of such expanding ammunition. With regard to reconstruction in cases of two gunshot wounds to the head and two guns at the scene, two simultaneous gunshots should be taken into consideration.  相似文献   

A white man in a remote area of Alaska shot himself simultaneously with two revolvers--a .41 magnum and a .44 magnum. Only three examples of two-gun suicides are described in the literature.  相似文献   

A total of 103 suicidal and 29 homicidal gunshot fatalities were evaluated. In 42% of the suicides, characteristic findings like blood spatters and/or powder soilings, could be found on the shooting hand by naked-eye inspection indicating the importance of an accurate examination of the deceased's hands at autopsy for a preliminary diagnosis. Petechial hemorrhages of the conjunctivae due to the gas pressure after discharge of the weapon were observed in 22% of those cases with contact shot wounds to the head/neck, but not in cases of distant shot injuries following the use of non-high velocity ammunition. Therefore, conjunctival petechiae can be regarded as an additional but optional sign of contact head shots in cases without alterations possibly influencing the development of conjunctival pin-point bleedings. The evidence of such findings can be of practical importance if the entrance shot wound cannot be examined for whatever reason.  相似文献   

We report a fatal head injury caused by a tear-gas cartridge and point out the underestimated potential injury of this type of weapon. Gas pressure wounds and the death mechanisms are also described. A review of the literature and forensic considerations of head injury without projectile are presented.  相似文献   

The deposition of backspatter on the firearm or person shooting can greatly assist the reconstruction of shooting incidents. Backspatter was investigated in experimental transverse gunshots (9-mm Luger) to the heads of calves (n = 9) from shooting distances of 0 to 10 cm. The firearms were examined with a magnifying glass; the surgical gloves and the right sleeve worn by the person shooting were examined with a stereomicroscope. On the firearms, backspatter of blood was found in five of the nine cases, and one or both gloves showed bloodspatter deposits in six and the right sleeves in four cases. Most droplets were 1 to 3 mm and circular or elongated. In addition, a fine spray of tiny blood deposits was present on the firearm and textiles in four cases. The distribution of the droplets on the firearms varied: the areas included regions shielded by prominent parts, and the droplets were predominantly located on the extensor side of the fingers and the radial aspect of the hands and sleeves. Backspatter of tiny bone fragments was recovered from the firearm and sleeve in only one case, but tissue (bone, fat, muscle, skin) was present on the ground in front of the entrance wound in seven cases. A careful investigation, including appropriate lightning and magnification, is necessary for reliable statements concerning the absence of backspatter or the extent of backspatter present.  相似文献   

Single gunshots can cause multiple entrance wounds, almost always after the bullets have first struck intermediate targets. The phenomenon is commonly seen with relatively high-velocity jacketed ammunition and consequent separation of jacket and core. We herein present two representative cases with a discussion of the mechanism of injury.  相似文献   

We describe dangerous multiple self-inflicted brain-penetrating injuries caused by a nail gun device after a suicidal attempt for the first time in Iran. At the first forensic visit, we could not explain the manner of injuries. The authors reviewed the literature on the topics, and clinical presentation, radiographic findings, and forensic medical records are discussed.  相似文献   

A 41-year-old police officer committed suicide in his office by firing a contact shot to the left temple. When the body was found 12 hours later, the German shepherd dog the officer had been in charge of had caused considerable damage on the lower half of the face and the adjacent parts of the neck. The clothing of the suicide was undamaged. Blood traces in the shape of paws were found at the place of death. The wound margins of the postmortem animal injury were nicked and jagged by the canine teeth. The entrance and exit wounds were not affected by the soft tissue defect. The findings gathered are discussed in reference to the relevant literature.  相似文献   

Case report on five fatal gunshot injuries in which discharge of the cranial contents had occurred owing to a skull blast. Despite an appreciable explosive action with destruction of the bony cranium, the brains were not completely destroyed. In analogy to the "Kr?nlein shot", comparative reflections were made concerning wound ballistics. The case reports show that injury patterns resembling "Kr?nlein shot" may arise in cranial blast shots in rare cases despite destroyed projectile parts and even in a mouth shot.  相似文献   

In cases of suicidal gunshots, the capacity to act may be preserved for a certain period of time, so that the suicide may be completed with another method. In the presented case a 74-year-old man was found hanged on the first floor of his house with two gunshot wounds in the chest. Both on the ground and the upper floor traces of suicidal acts were detected. As shots to the precordial region suggest rapid incapacitation, a suicide extending over two floors seemed almost impossible without knowledge of the cause of death and evaluation of the ability to act. The autopsy findings confirmed vital signs of hanging. Moreover, a through-and-through gunshot wound of the chest and abdomen affecting the spleen and a shot lodged in the body without injuring the lung were found. The injury findings thus sufficiently explained the preserved ability to act. The presented case shows characteristics of a complex suicide not yet described so far, but could be clearly classified as suicide in congruity with the pertinent literature.  相似文献   

A decomposed body was judged at the scene to have two gunshot wounds of the thorax and three of the head. Confirmed at autopsy, the condition of the remains precluded conclusions about the precise nature of the defects. Preparation and reconstruction of the skull disclosed seven large cranial defects and a series of fractures. This preparation allowed the application of well-known principles of gunshot wound analysis. Although the analysis of specific gunshot wound defects is well covered in the literature, there are few examples of the application of gunshot wound principles to complex wound cases. Three entrances and three exits were identified. A seventh defect resulted from bullet passage. Finally, the wounds were sequenced.  相似文献   

Multiple self-inflicted gunshot wounds to the head are rare and usually present a challenge to the pathologist and to the police in determining the manner of death. We report a case of two suicidal gunshot wounds to the head. The literature is reviewed, and the pertinent findings, including location of the wounds, location of the brain injuries, types of weapons used, and criteria important to determine the manner of death, are discussed.  相似文献   

We report a case of a 58-year-old man who committed suicide using a modern crossbow. The victim shot himself in the chest with a conical field-tip arrow from close proximity. We first presumed that this was a case of homicide committed with a firearm. We were, however, subsequently proved wrong. The reasons for the primary statement were as follows: the external morphology of the entrance wound being typical of a firearm discharged from long distance; the perforation found on the victim's clothing; the absence of the firearm at the place of death; the absence of the arrow in the wound. All of these reasons forced us initially to conclude that the case was one of homicide. In the reported case, the man, after having been shot with an arrow, was further able to act, even though the abdominal aorta and liver were seriously injured. While the arrow was in the wound, the injuries may not have led to massive bleeding because of incomplete tamponade of the defects by the arrow shaft. Pulling the arrow out of the victim's wound track initiated massive bleeding. Despite all these injuries, the man was capable of pulling the bow string again and reloading the crossbow with the arrow used in the first attempt. This case demonstrates that forensic investigations into crossbow injuries can be very difficult, especially when the bolt has been removed from the body.  相似文献   

Automatic weapons such as machine guns and submachine guns are found in the German-speaking region only in special army and police units and appear accordingly rarely in homicides, suicides and accidents. In the following, the findings in two cases of death with the use of machine and submachine guns are presented. The first case was a fatal accident during shooting on a training area (current machine gun of the German army, calibre 7.62 x 51 mm), the second case was a killing during a physical conflict (submachine gun MP 40 from World War II, calibre 9 x 19 mm). In the case with the machine gun autopsy disclosed typical entry holes corresponding to the calibre, but unusually large exit wounds with tissue bridges in the wound ground, measuring 4 x 2.5 cm in diameter. By contrast, the second case (submachine gun) showed "normal" entry and exit wounds. The differences are mainly caused by deviating ballistic data of the ammunition used. They are discussed against the background of literature on wound ballistics.  相似文献   

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