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Book Reviews     
Book Review in This Article:
G ood L ife /G ood D eath : A D octor's C ase F or E uthanasia and S uicide . By Dr. Christiaan Barnard
A M atter of L ife . By Robert Edwards and Patrick Steptoe
G enetics and the L aw II. Edited by Aubrey Milunsky, M.B.B.Ch., M.R.C.P., D.C.H. and George J. Annas, J.D., M.P.H.
L egal A spects of H ealth P olicy : I ssues and T rends . Edited by Ruth Roemer and George McKray
F ederal R egulation : H ospital ATTORNEY'S DESK REFERENCE. By the American Society of Hospital Attorneys
I ndustry W age S urvey : H ospitals and N ursing H omes , S eptember 1978  相似文献   

《The Modern law review》1969,32(1):107-118
Book reviewed in this article: Independent Africa: The Challenge to the Legal Profession. By L. C. B. Gower. Censorship of the Movies: The Social and Political Control of a Mass Medium. By Richard S. Randall. Race, Peace, Law and Southern Africa. Background Paper and Proceedings of the Tenth Hammarskjöld Forum. By Rita F. Taubenfeld and Howard J. Taubenfeld The Law Relating to Public Order. By Ian Brownlie. The Insanity Defence. By A. S. Goldstein. Essays on Mental Incapacity and Criminal Conduct. By Helen Silving. Emmet on Title. Fifteenth Edition. By J. Gilchrist Smith Judicial Review of Administrative Action. By S. A. de Smith. D. G. van dee Keessel's Dictata ad Justiniani Institutionum Libros Quattuor. Edited by B. Beinart, B. L. Hijmans D. G. van der Keessel's Dictata ad Justiniani Institutionum Libros Quattuor, observato ordine compendii auctore Johanne Frederico Böckelmann. Edited by B. Beinart and P. South African Mercantile and Company Law. By J. T. R. Gibson. Second Edition.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book Review in This Article:
THE P olitics of R egulation Edited by James Q. Wilson
T he G reat B illion D ollar M edical S windle By Keith Alan Lasko, M.D.
A merican L aw of M edical M alpractice By Steven E. Pegalis, J.D., and Harvey F. Wachsman, M.D., J.D.
H idden V ictims : T he S exual A buse of C hildren By Robert L. Geiser  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
T ender M ercies , by Rosellen Brown
P sychiatrists and the L egal P rocess : D iagnosis and D ebate , edited with commentary by Richard J. Bonnie, LL.B.
F orgive and R emember : M anaging M edical F ailure . By Charles L. Bosk
T he S wine F lu A ffair : D ecision -M aking on A S lippery D isease . By Richard E. Neustadt and Harvey V. Fineberg  相似文献   

《The Modern law review》1971,34(1):109-120
Book reviewed in this article: English and American Judges as Lawmakers . By L. L. Jaffe Venturing to do Justice . By R. E. Keeton The English Penal System in Transition . By J. E. Hall Williams . Labour Law . By J. B. Cronin and R. P. Grime . Foundations of Wage Policy . By K. S. V. Menon History of the Law of Charity 1532–1827. By Gareth Jones Welsh Studies in Public Law . Edited by J. A. Andrews The Scottish Debate : Essays on Scottish Nationalism . Edited by Neil Mac Cormick Asian Contract Law . Edited by David E. Allan Contract . By F. R. Davies . The Law of Contract . Third edition. By G. H. Treitel . Sutton and Shannon on Contracts . Seventh edition. Edited by Aubrey L. Diamond , W. R. Cornish , A. S. Grabiner and R. S. Nock .  相似文献   

《The Modern law review》1972,35(4):434-448
Book reviewed in this article: Accidents , Compensation and the Law . By P. S. Atiyah The High Court of Delegates . By G. I. O. Duncan The Restraint of Trade Doctrine . By J. D. Heydon The Conflict of Laws . By J. H. C. Morris , D.C.L. F.B.A Copinger and Skone James on Copyright . Eleventh edition. By E. P. Skone James , M.A., Barrister. Terrell on the Law of Patents . Twelfth edition. By Douglas Falconer , M.B.E., B.SC., William Aldous , M.A., and David Young , M.A. Locus Standi and Judicial Review . By S. M. Thio , LL.M., PH.D. Canadian Constitutional Law in a Modern Perspective . Edited by J. Noel Lyon and Ronald G. Atkin . Reflections on the Constitution and the Constituent Assembly . By L. J. M. Cooray , LL.B.(Cey.), PH.D. (Cantab.) The Legal Régime of Hydrospace . By E. D. Brown . The Human Right to Individual Freedom . Edited by Luis Kutner . Primitive Law , Past and Present . By A. S. Diamond .  相似文献   

《The Modern law review》1967,30(5):591-606
Ethics in Medical Progress: A Ciba Foundation Symposium. The Constitutional History and Law of Southern Rhodesia 1888–1965. By Claire Palley. Uganda: The Development of its Laws and Constitution. By H. F. Morris and James S. Read. Deutsches Staatsangehörigkeitsrecht. By Alexander N. Makarov. Civilians and the NATO Status of Forces Agreement. By G. I. A. D. Draper. The Doctrine of the Legal Equality of States. An Inquiry into the Foundations of International Law. By P. H. Kooijmans. Les Conditions de Recevabilité des Requêtes Individuelles Devant la Commission Européene des Droits de L'Homme. By Anne-Marie Nay-Cadoux. European Institutions. Co-operation, Integration, Unification. Second edition. By A. H. Robertson, B.C.L. (Oxon.), S.J.O. (Harvard). Resale Price Maintenance. Studies edited by B. S. Yamey. Principles of Local Government Law. Third edition. By C. A. Cross, M.A., LL.B. An Outline of English Law. By H. K. Black and D. J. Latham Brown. The Law of Real Property. By R. E. Megarry, Q.C., M.A., LL.D., and H. W. R. Wade, LL.D., D.C.L. Third edition. Archbold: Criminal Pleading, Evidence and Practice. Thirty-sixth edition. By T. R. Fitzwalter Butler and Marston Garsia, Barristers-at-Law. The English Bar: A Priesthood. By Barnett Hollander.  相似文献   

《The Modern law review》1981,44(2):227-248
Modern Legal History. By A. H. Manchester. The Due Process of Law. By Lord Denning. Human Rights and World Public Order. By M. McDougal Labour Relations: Heritage and Adjustment. By Sir Otto Kahn-Freund. Le Divorce par Consentement Mutuel dans les Legislations Européennes. By Daniel Dumusc Cases and Materials on Civil Liberties. By Paul O'Higgins. Civil Liberties: Cases and Materials. By S. H. Bailey, D. J. Harris and B. L. Jones.  相似文献   

《The Modern law review》1967,30(3):348-366
Book reviewed in this article: Spencer Bower & Turner : Estoppel by Representation. Second edition by Sir Alexander Kingcome Turner. Cases and Materials on Constitutional and Administrative Law. By Geoffrey Wilson. Ideology and Crime. A study of Crime in its Social and Historical Context. By Leon Radzinowicz. Williams on Title. 3rd. edition by W. J. Williams. Land Values: The Report of the proceedings of a Colloquium held in London on March 13 and 14, 1965, under the auspices of the Acton Society Trust. Edited by Peter Hall. Detention before Trial. A Study of Criminal Cases Tried in the Toronto Magistrates' Courts. By Martin L. Fiedland. Japanese Criminal Procedure. By Shigemitsu Dando. Translated by B. J. George , Jr. The Spirit of the Common Law. By Richard O'Sullivan, q.c. Cambridge Essays in International Law. Essays in Honour of Lord McNair. By R. Y. Jennings and Others. Family Property among the Yorubas. By G. B. A. Coker, ph.d., ll.m. of Gray's Inn, Barrister-at-Law; Justice, Supreme Court of Nigeria. Second Edition. Law and Social Change in Ghana. By William Burnett Harvey. The Native and Customary Courts of Nigeria. By E. A. Keay and S. S. Richardson. Morality and the Law. By S. E. Stumpf. An Introduction to Roman Legal and Constitutional History. By Wolfgang Kunkel. Translated by J. M. Kelly. Permanent Sovereignty Over Oil Resources. By Muhamed A. Mughraby.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Tudor Royal Proclamations, Volume I Edited by P aul L. H ughes and James F. Larkin
THE ROBINSON-PATMAN ACT Summary and Comment By D aniel J. B aum  相似文献   

《The Modern law review》1943,6(4):245-256
Book reviewed in this article: PUBLIC ASSISTANCE. Vol. 1. American Principles and Policies . By Edith Abbott. CLARKE HALL AND MORRISON'S LAW RELATING TO CHILDREN AND YOUNG PERSONS, INCLUDING THE LAW OF ADOPTION . Second Edition by A. C. L. Morrison JOHN A. F. WATSON, THE CHILD AND THE MAGISTRATE . With an Introduction by the Lord Chief Justice of England YOUNG OFFENDERS . By A. M. Carr-Saunders, Hermann Mannheim, E. C. Rhodes. DIGEST OF INTERNATIONAL LAW . By Green Haywood Hackworth. TREATIES AND CONSTITUTIONAL LAW: PROPERTY INTERFERENCES AND DUE PROCESS OF LAW . By W. B. Cowles A PERMANENT UNITED NATIONS . By Amos J. Peaslee. TOWARDS A UNITED STATES OF EUROPE . By Abraham Weinfeld. PALMER'S COMPANY LAW . Seventeenth Edition. By His Honour Judge Topham. PRINCIPLES OF MERCANTILE LAW . By J. Charlesworth.  相似文献   

The Enforcement of Morals. By Patrick Devlin. Legal Systems and Lawyers' Reasonings. By Julius Stone. Law in Society. By Geoffrey Sawer. [London: Oxford University Press. Clarendon Law Series: edited by H. L. A. Hart. Advocacy in Our Time. By O. C. Mazengarb, C.B.E., Q.C., M.A., LL.D. Salmond on the Law of Torts. Fourteenth edition. By R. F. V. Heuston, M. A., LL. B., Professor of Law in the University of Southampton, of Gray's Inn and King's Inn, Dublin, Barrister-at-Law. Jurisdiction and Illegality. By Amnon Rubinstein. Die Erforschung des Sachverhalts im Prozess. By Erich Döhring, Professor at the University of Kiel. A Casebook of Administrative Law. By J. A. G. Griffith and H. Street. Tribunals and Inquiries―A Guide to Procedure. By Neville D. Vandyk. Capital Gains Tax. By G. S. A. Wheatcroft, assisted by A. E. W. Park and John E. Talbot. Corporation Tax. By Peter M. B. Rowland and John E. Talbot with Annotations to Finance Act 1965 by S. Michael Young and John Silberrad. Disarmament and International Law. By Allan Gotlieb. United Nations Forces. By D. W. Bowett with the assistance and collaboration of Dr. G. P. Barton, H. C. Carnegic, Wing-Commander A. E. Cobus, J. G. Collier, M. Hardy, Dr. Rosalyn Higgins and Professor L. B. Sohn. The Theory of Nationalisation. By Konstantin Katzarov. Criminal on the Road. A Study of Serious Motoring Offences and those who commit them. By T. C. Willett. Curtis and Ruoff on The Law and Practice of Registered Conveyancing. Second edition. By Theodore B. F. Ruoff, C.B.E., Chief Land Registrar. Banking Law for Trustee Savings Banks. By C. L. Lawton, Barrister-at-Law. The Practitioner's Guide to Hire-Purchase Cases. By Harold Brown, Q.C. The Mercantile and Industrial Law of Scotland. By J. J. Gow. The Quantum of Damages in Bodily and Fatal Injury Cases. Second edition. By M. M. Corbett and J. L. Buchanan. Law Relating to Hospitals and Kindred Institutions. Fourth edition. By S. R. Speller, O.B.E., LL.B. Introduction to Modern Hindu Law. By J. Duncan M. Derrett, M.A., PH.D., of Gray's Inn, Barrister-at-Law, Professor in Oriental Laws in the University of London, Tagore Professor of Law for 1953, University of Calcutta. Le Droit de Visits des Parents Séparés de leurs Enfants en Suisse, en France et en Allemagne. By Maurice Marthaler. A Deliktuális Felelösség a Társadalom és a Jog Fejlödésének Történetében (Delictual Liability in the History of the Evolution of Society and Law). By Ferenc Mádl. Das Deutsche Seerecht. First edited by Georg Schaps and others. Third edition. By Hans Jürgen Abraham. Criminal Law in Nigeria (excluding the North). By C. O. Okonkwo and M. E. Naish.  相似文献   

《The Modern law review》1967,30(4):465-487
Modern Trade Union Law. By Cyril Grunfeld. The Mental Element in Crime. By Glanville L. Williams. Cases on Criminal Law. By J. W. C. Turner and A. LI. Morbid Jealousy and Murder. A Psychiatric Study of Morbidly Jealous Murderers at Broadmoor. By Ronald Rae Mowat. The Accused: A Comparative Study. Edited and with an Introduction by J. A. Coutts, M.A., LL.B. The International Law of Fisheries. By Douglas M. Johnston. The New Nations in International Law and Diplomacy. Edited by William V. O'Brien. The Effect of Independence on Treaties. Edited by D. P. O'Connell. The Law of Hire-Purchase. By A. G. Guest. With Practice, Precedents and Pleadings by J. C. Tylor. Marine Cargo Claims. By W. Tetley, B.A., LL.L., of the Bars of Montreal and the Province of Quebec. Laytime. By Michael Brynmǒr Summerskill, M.A., B.C.L., A.C.I.I. Hudson's Building and Engineering Contracts. By I. N. Duncan Wallace, M.A. Land Drainage. By A. S. Wisdom. Outlines of Central Government. Including the judicial system in England. By John J. Clarke. Politics and Law. By Gerhard Leibholz, Justice Associate of the Federal Constitutional Court in Karlsruhe, Professor at the University of Göttingen, Titular Professor at the College of Europe at Bruges. Potter and Monroe's Tax Planning (with precedents). By D. A. Shirley and Stephen J. L. Oliver. La Proliferazione delle Riviste Giuridiche in Italia dopo il 1945. Dati e opinioni a cura di Angelo Grisoli. The International Academy of International Law Report presented to the VII International Congress of Comparative Law. Parental Custody and Matrimonial Maintenance. A Symposium. B.I.I.C.L. The Law and Practice of Administration of Estates. Fourth edition. By D. Meyerowitz. Business Law: By Neil Merritt and Howard Clayton.  相似文献   

《The Modern law review》1977,40(1):97-119
On Guilt , Responsibility and Punishment . By Alf Ross . Social Justice . By David Miller . Judges on Trial . By Shimon Shetreet ; edited by Gordon J. Borrie . The Modern Family Solicitor . By C. D. Wickenden . Statutory Interpretation . By Professor Sir Rupert Cross . Contempt of Court . By C. J. Miller . The Crossman Affair . By Hugo Young . Competition Law of Britain and the Common Market . By Valentine Korah. C.I.F. and F.O.B. Contracts . Volume 5 of British Shipping Laws . By David M. Sassoon . Lowndes and Rudolf's The Law of General Average and the York -Antwerp Rules . Volume 7 of British Shipping Laws . By the Hon. Sir John Donaldson , C. S. Staughton and D. J. Wilson . Temperley's Merchant Shipping Acts . Volume 11 of British Shipping Laws . By Michael Thomas and David Steel . Unfair Dismissal Cases . By John E. Mc Glyne . Archbold : Pleading , Evidence and Practice in Criminal Cases . Edited by Stephen Mitchell . Irish Land Law . By J. C. W. Wylie . Preston and Newsom's Restrictive Covenants Affecting Freehold Land . Sixth Edition by G. H. Newsom assisted by G. L. Newsom . Children , Courts and Caring . By Donald Ford . Law and Fertility in Europe : a joint production of the International Union for the Scientific Study of Population and the European Co-ordination Centre for Research and Documentation in Social Sciences. Cyprus in Search of a Constitution . By Polyvios G. Polyviou . The Canadian Bill of Rights . Second, Revised, Edition. By Walter S. Tarnopolsky . Law and Society . By L. C. Green . Defining International Aggression : The Search for World Peace . By Benjamin B. Ferencz . League of Nations Conference on the Codification of International Law , 1930. Edited by Shabtai Rosenne .  相似文献   

《The Modern law review》1973,36(1):100-110
Race and the Law . By Anthony Lester and Geoffrey Bindman . Government Contracts . By Colin Turpin . [ By -Passing the Jury ; and The Jury at Work . The Justification of the Law . By Clarence Morris . The Sale of Goods . Fourth edition. By P. S. Atiyah . Australian Mercantile Law . Fourteenth edition. By Sir Keith Yorston and E. E. Fortescue . Edited by P. E. Powell , q.c. Cases and Materials on Contract . Second edition. By R. E. Mc Garvie , C. L. Pannam and P. J. Hocker . The Evolving United Nations. Edited by Kenneth J. Twitchett. World Society. Edited by B. Landheer and Others. The United Nations : The Next Twenty -Five Years. Edited by Louis B. Sohn. Jackson's Matrimonial Finance and Taxation. By Joseph Jackson, q.c.  相似文献   

The Letters of Frederic William Maitland. Edited by C. H. S. Fifoot. Chitty & Jacob's Queen's Bench Forms. Nineteenth edition. By I. H. Jacob, LL.B. Studies in Criminal Law. By Norval Morris and Colin Howard. Ventures in Criminology. Selected Recent Papers. By Sheldon and Eleanor Glueck. Hendrick the Axe Collector. A Study in juvenile criminal guilt. By Denis Hart. Forgery Detection–A Practical Guide. By Wilson R. Harrison, M.SC., PH.D. The Law of Carriage by Inland Transport. Fourth Edition. By Otto Kahn-Freund, M.A., LL.M., DR.JUR., with the assistance of John Hucker, LL.B. Chalmers on Bills of Exchange. Thirteenth edition. By David A. L. Smout. Carver's Carriage by Sea. Eleventh edition. By Raoul P. Colinvaux. Scrutton on Charter Parties and Bills of Lading. Seventeenth edition. By Sir W. L. McNair, Sir A. Mocatta and M. J. Mustill. Developments in the Law of the Sea, 1958–1964. The British Institute of International and Comparative Law: International Law Series No. 3. Linje-Konferanser og Kartell-Lovgivning. (With summary in English.) By Arvid Frihagen. The Sources of the Law of International Trade, with Special Reference to East-West Trade. Edited by Clive M. Schmitthoff. The Changing Structure of International Law. By Wolfgang Friedmann. Protection of Human Rights under the Law. By Gaius Ezejiofor. Conflict of Interests. International Law in a Divided World. By Rosalyn Higgins. The Law of Delict. Sixth edition. By R. G. McKerron. [Cape Town: Juta & Co. Ltd. Stocked and distributed in the United Kingdom An Outline of the Constitutional Development of Malta under British Rule. By Professor the hon. J. J. Cremona, LL. D., B. A. (Malta), B. A. (Lond), PH. D. (Lond.), D. Litt.(Rome), F. R. Hist. S., Attorney-General and Member of the Consultative Council, Malta.  相似文献   

《The Modern law review》1967,30(2):222-240
Delict. By D. M. Walker. [Edinburgh: W. M. Green & Son. The A. G. Davis Essays in Law. Edited by J. F. Northey. Civil Procedure in Italy. By Mauro Cappelletti (Professor of Comparative Law at the University of Florence) and Joseph M. Perillo (Assistant Professor of Law, Fordham University). The Structure, Function and Law of a Free Trade Area. The European Free Trade Association. By John S. Lambrinidis. Allgemeiner Teil des Burgerlichen Rechts. Zweiter Band. Das Rechtsgeschäft. Dr. Iur. Werner Flume, Professor at the University of Bonn. Cases and Statutes on Real Property. By Gavin Lightman and Graham Battersby. An Outline of the Land Law. By E. Swinfen Green Family Law. By E. L. Johnson. Second edition. A Guide to Divorce. By Henry Palmer and Patricia Marks. Road Traffic Offences. Fifth edition. By G. S. Wilkinson. Byles on Bills of Exchange: the Law of Bills of Exchange, Promissory Notes and Cheques. Twenty-second edition by Maurice Megrah, M.COM. Trends in Consumer Credit Legislation. By Barbara A. Curran. Consumer Credit in Canada. Proceedings of a Conference on Consumer Credit in Saskatoon, May 1966. Edited by Jacob S. Ziegel and R. E. Olley. Gibson's Probate. 17th edition by H. J. B. Cockshutt and A. G. Coates. Studies in the Laws of Succession in Nigeria. Edited by J. Duncan M. Derrett. Nigerian Cases and Statutes on Contract and Tort. Edited by J. L. McNeil and R. Rains. The Legal Problems of Foreign Investment in Developing Countries. By E. I. Nwogugu. Trial by Jury. By Samuel W. McCart.  相似文献   

《The Modern law review》1972,35(5):558-568
Book reviewed in this article: The Law of Demurrage (being the second edition of the Law of Demurrage and the Claim for Demurrage). By Hugo Tiberg . An Introduction to the Law of Contract . Second edition. By P. S. Atiyah Law Relating to Business . By P. S. Bradbury . Family Law . Fourth edition. By P. M. Bromley . Law and Practice in Matrimonial Causes . By Bernard Passingham . Tolstoy on Divorce . Seventh edition. By D. Tolstoy and C. Kenworthy . Family Law . By B. D. Inglis , J.D., LL.D., Professor of English and New Zealand Law Modern Developments in the Law of Trusts . By George W. Keeton , M.A., LL.D. The Reception in Ceylon of the English Trust . An analysis of the case law and statutory principles relating to trusts and trustees in Ceylon in the light of the relevant foreign cases and authorities. By L. J. M. Cooray , LL.B.(Cey.), PH.D.(Cantab) Preston and Newsom's Restrictive Covenants (Affecting Freehold Land). Fifth edition. By G. H. Newsom , Q.C. Constitutions of the Countries of the World . Volume 1: Edited by A. P. Blaustein and G. H Flanz Judicial Protection Against the Executive . Volume 3. Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law  相似文献   

《The Modern law review》1969,32(4):450-474
Not in Feather Beds . By the Viscount Radcliffe, p. c ., g. b. e . Libel and Academic Freedom . By Arnold M. Rose . The Correspondence of Jeremy Bentham : Vol. 1, 1752–76, Vol. 2, 1777–80. Edited by Timothy L. S. Sprigge . Directives and Norms . By Alf Ross . The Logic of Choice . By Gidon Gottlieb . The Origins of the Fifth Amendment . The Right Against Self -Incrimination . By Leonard W. Levy . A Basic History of the U.S. Supreme Court . By Bernard Schwartz . On Law and Justice . By Paul A. Freund . The Supreme Court and Administrative Agencies . By Martin Shapiro . The Law of the Individual According to Age and Sex . By Colin A. Coode, m. a . The British Cabinet . By John P. Mackintosh . Australian Federalism in the Courts . By Geoffrey Sawer , Professor of Law, Australian National University. Australian Federal Constitutional Law . By Colin Howard , Hearn Professor of Law in the University of Melbourne. The Law of Theft . By J. G. Smith . The Theft Act 1968. By Edward Griew . The Mentally Abnormal Offender . A Ciba Foundation Symposium. Edited by A. V. S. de Reuck and R. Porter . C.I.F. & F.O.B. Contracts . Volume 5 of British Shipping Laws . By David M. Sassoon . Labour Law : Old Traditions and New Developments . By Otto Kahn -Freund , Professor of Comparative Law, Oxford University. Foreword by H. W. Arthurs, Professor, Osgoode Hall, Law School of York University. Preface by Otto Lang, Dean of Law, University of Saskatchewan. Manual of Public International Law . Edited by Max Sorensen , Professor of International and Constitutional Law in Aarhus University. The First British Workmen 's Compensation Act 1897. By David G. Hanes . Modern Diplomatic Law . By Michael Hardy . Justice and the Legal System in the U.S.S.R. Soviet Studies Series, edited by Robert Conquest . The Legal System of Israel . By Henry E. Baker . The Relevance of International Adjudication . By Milton Katz , Henry L. Stimson Professor of Law and Director of International Legal Studies at Harvard Law School. The Critical Problems of the Indian Constitution . By The Hon . Mr . Justice P. B. Mukharji . Religion , Law and the State in India . By J. Duncan M. Derrett . Selected Judgments of the Supreme Court of Israel . Volume III 1959/60. Edited by Asher Landau and Peter Elman .  相似文献   

《The Modern law review》1985,48(3):359-372
Book reviewed in this article: Corporate Crime in the Pharmaceutical Industry . By J. Braithwaite Roche versus Adams . By S. Aams Compensation for Criminal Damage to Property . By D. S. Greer and V. A. Mitchell Constitutional Development in the U.S.S.R. A Guide to the Soviet Constitutions . By Arryeh L. Unger Parliamentary Practice . By Erskine May  相似文献   

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