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公民的司法参与权研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
公民享有司法参与权是人民主权的有力体现,也是公民实现政治参与的重要途径。宪法和相关法律为公民的司法参与权提供法律依据,正当程序和司法民主理念则是公民司法参与权的法理基础。我国公民司法参与权的表现形式多种多样且范围十分广泛,但我们仍需要通过增加诉权的宪法保障、规范细化陪审制度和人民监督员制度等途径予以完善,以保障公民司法参与权的实现。  相似文献   

张晓薇 《河北法学》2004,22(10):81-83
诉讼保险以商业运作模式为基础,通过投保将诉讼的成本和负担转移给保险公司,甚至社会。诉讼保险制度保障了老百姓接近正义的权益。引进诉讼保险不失为一种比较可行的对策。  相似文献   

In 2016 Her Majesty's Courts and Tribunals Service embarked on a significant modernisation programme with a view to developing online courts. In pursuit of this ambition the Courts and Tribunals (Online Procedure) Bill seeks to introduce new procedural rules to govern the online jurisdiction, giving the Lord Chancellor and an Online Procedure Rule Committee the power to mandate which proceedings will be conducted online and what assistance will be provided to users. In this study we analyse survey data and case decisions to highlight the importance of channel plurality and digital support in light of the shift to online courts. Our findings identify the groups most at risk of digital exclusion, and the expectations the judiciary sets in relation to internet access, capability, and the design of online systems. We conclude by detailing what our findings mean for safeguarding access to justice in the digital age.  相似文献   

本文阐释了获得司法正义的概念及其重要性,检讨了当前中东欧国家法律援助的现实状况,并依据可适用的国际人权公约中关于获得司法正义的标准和一些比较的标准,对中东欧国家的法律援助状况加以分析,进而简要描述了世界上一些国家的法律援助制度,介绍了改进现状的某些可行机制,并就一些在构建和改革法律援助制度过程中可能出现的实际问题展开探讨。  相似文献   

以法工委为编写主体的法律释义在我国的司法应用中具有特殊地位。通过对我国人民法院332份涉及援引法律释义的裁判文书的梳理发现:法院对法律释义的司法功能尚未形成统一的认识。法工委的设立和职责兼具特殊性,法律释义通过对法律概念内涵外延、特征、功能作用的阐述,对法律条文的解释,对实践中具体情形的说明,对法律适用主体的明确,对处罚情形的考量,从立法精神进行解释,对立法规定的理由等立法背景资料的介绍说明等方式对司法实践产生间接性影响。法律释义对当事人和法院仍具有现实功能。法工委编写的法律释义在司法应用中遇冷的现实,与法工委的立法权威性地位存在偏差,但法律释义仍有存在的必要。学者应在编写法律释义过程中发挥自身优势,立法过程应始终坚持公开原则,以改善目前法工委编写的法律释义在司法应用中的困境。  相似文献   

目前我国的诉权研究视野比较狭窄、法理根基的探讨比较单薄,基于诉权与宪政之间的内在逻辑联系,从宪政的维度更能够厘清诉权的来源、属性与价值,这有助于拓宽诉权的思考空间,深化对诉权的理论研究,凸显加强诉权的宪法保障之重要意义。  相似文献   

非常感谢中国社会科学院法学研究所夏勇所长和《环球法律评论》杂志 ,提供这个珍贵的机会 ,使中欧人权学术网络 ① 得以从其于 2 0 0 3年 3月在北京组织召开的“获得司法正义的权利”学术研讨会上发表的众多学术论文中精选出 7篇 ,以“主题研讨”的形式在《环球法律评论》上刊出。我打算就“获得司法正义的权利”运动的情况和国际标准进行简单的阐述 ,并对以此为专题的研讨会发表几点看法。1 概念。实际上 ,时至今日 ,“获得司法正义的权利”(accesstojustice)这一概念的涵义究竟为何 ,学界和法律界并未达成广泛的共识。② 长期以来 ,在最…  相似文献   

In 2013, Minnesota's Fourth Judicial District was one of four courts in the country selected by the U.S. Department of Justice, Office on Violence Against Women to receive a Family Court Enhancement Project (FCEP) grant, a multiyear demonstration initiative designed to build the capacity of court systems and partner stakeholders to improve child custody decision making in cases involving domestic violence. The FCEP enabled the project sites to explore, implement, and assess new and innovative court and noncourt procedures and practices. This article is an exploration of the outcomes of this project.  相似文献   

This article addresses a little discussed yet fundamentally important aspect of legal technological transformation: the rise of digital justice in the courtroom. Against the backdrop of the government's current programme of digital court modernisation in England and Wales, it examines the implications of advances in courtroom technology for fair and equitable public participation, and access to justice. The article contends that legal reforms have omitted any detailed consideration of the type and quality of citizen participation in newly digitised court processes which have fundamental implications for the legitimacy and substantive outcomes of court‐based processes; and for enhancing democratic procedure through improved access to justice. It is argued that although digital court tools and systems offer great promise for enhancing efficiency, participation and accessibility, they simultaneously have the potential to amplify the scope for injustice, and to attenuate central principles of the legal system, including somewhat paradoxically, access to justice.  相似文献   

美国刑事司法统计制度概述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郑霞泽  周勇 《中国司法》2007,(5):98-100
刑事司法统计制度(System of Criminal Justice Statistics)是预防犯罪与刑事司法领域中数据收集、统计分析和发布出版以及统计机构方面各种制度的总称。通过刑事司法统计获得的数据资料通常是一个国家研究和评估其犯罪趋势、制定和完善预防犯罪与刑事司法政策的重要依据。一、  相似文献   

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