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Five years earlier, 1- and 2-year-old children who had been injured seriously enough to require hospital ER treatment had been recruited from the ER. For this study, as many of these children as could be found participated. The majority of former 1-year olds recalled nothing about these highly stressful events, whereas most former 2-year olds recalled a great deal. For those former 1-year olds who did recall the target events, quality of recall was problematic. In particular, they made considerable source confusions or intrusions into their accounts of details from other related events, producing an account that amalgamated various events into one recollection. Forensic implications are discussed.  相似文献   


We describe two experiments designed to verify whether the source monitoring (SM) model categories and the cognitive interview (CI) contribute to distinguishing true from false statements. We used a 2 Type of Interview (Structured/Cognitive) × 2 Statement Condition (True/False) design with 18 interviewers in a sample group of 240 gender-matched university students being interviewed about a film fragment. In Experiment 1, participants who lied exculpated the protagonist from rape, whereas in Experiment 2 their lies were aimed at accusing an innocent person. As dependent variables we used criteria from the SM: details, supporting memories, thoughts and feelings and cognitive operations. The results suggest that the statements of honest participants interviewed using the CI provided more overall information than those obtained under any other condition. When a lie is aimed at exculpating someone from criminal behaviour, statements involve more cognitive operations and less sensory, temporal and contextual information, but only when the structured interview (SI) is used. When the lie is aimed at falsely accusing someone, the SI and the CI produce similar results. We discuss the forensic importance of these findings.  相似文献   

Privacy notices are instruments that intend to inform individuals of the processing of their personal data, their rights as data subjects, as well as any other information required by data protection or privacy laws. The goal of this paper is to clarify the current discourse regarding the (in)utility of privacy notices, particularly in the context of online transactions. The perspective is a European one, meaning that the analysis shall be geared towards the European Data protection framework, particularly the European Data Protection Directive. The paper discusses the role that privacy notices play under the European data protection framework today, summarizes the main critiques regarding the use of privacy notices in practice and develops a number of recommendations.  相似文献   

目的 研究光盘表面不同区域留存的生产源特征的成因、特性 ,比较各种特征稳定性和特定性的差异。方法 通过寻找光盘表面各种生产源痕迹特征的规律和特点 ,为鉴定光盘生产加工来源提供准确依据。结果 研究表明 ,光盘表面不同区域的生产源特征稳定性、特定性存在差异。结论 根据各种生产源特征自身特性不同 ,加以区别使用 ,有助于正确做出只读光盘生产源鉴定  相似文献   

After viewing a crime video, participants answered 16 answerable and 6 unanswerable questions. Those in the "voluntary guess" condition had a "don't know" response option; those in the "forced guess" condition did not. One week later the same questions were answered with a "don't know" option. In both experiments, information generated from forced confabulation was less likely remembered than information voluntarily self-generated. Further, when the same answer was given to an unanswerable question both times, the confidence expressed in the answer increased over time in both the forced and the voluntary guess conditions. Pressing eyewitnesses to answer questions, especially questions repeated thrice (Experiment 2), may not be an effective practice because it reliably increases intrusion errors but not correct recall.  相似文献   

Gender stereotypes may negatively affect perceptions of women professionals' credibility, including forensic experts. This study investigated the impact of behavior-based and appearance-based factors on women expert witness's credibility. Jury-eligible adults were shown one of 16 conditions depicting a woman expert which varied based on combinations of three primary independent variables: (1) attire, (2) cosmetic use, and (3) posture. Expert attractiveness and participants' sexist attitudes served as covariates. Results revealed that women experts were seen as marginally more credible when wearing a skirt suit with a closed posture stance than when wearing a pant suit with a closed posture. Secondary analyses indicated expert attractiveness and participant sexist attitudes accounted for the most variability in credibility scores. Credibility of women expert witnesses may be impacted by irrelevant peripheral cues. Findings can inform discussions aimed at mitigating extraneous factors that inadvertently undermine the reception of women expert witness testimony.  相似文献   

静修与心理健康   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
西方心理学和精神医学界很早便注重对静修的研究,根据Roger Walsh等人的报告,静修可能导致很多好处,在生理方面,它能降低觉醒程度,增进大脑半球不同区域的同步性;在心理方面,它能促进放检,解除 催眠状态,以及促进领悟,自我理解和自我控制技能的发展,概括地说,就是有助于人的成长。高级的静修还有助于超个人目标的实现,但将静修用于心理治疗,还应该注意预防情绪不稳定,心理冲突等一系列问题。  相似文献   

颜钧是泰州学派的重要传人,他在传扬泰州学派思想的过程中试图从理论上建立一条人人皆可进入儒学殿堂的通道,认为人人可以通过"性情神莫"登堂入室;同时他对儒学理论本身进行了至简至易的独出心裁的诠释,构建出一套新的简易儒学,以期唤起"自我"的觉醒,对明清之际早期启蒙思想产生了催化作用.  相似文献   

Wiki “communities” based on the open access ideology allow any visitor to easily add, remove or edit content. However, there are a slew of ethics and policy challenges inherent in their use. Open source software developers are faced with the dilemma of openly sharing their intellectual property and prevent others from claiming proprietary rights from the code they freely shared to the public? Intellectual Property rights licensing, ironically, is the route by which open software developers have chosen to regulate their free code in cyberspace. Open source code is generally free on the surface; but in reality, it comes with obligations which are enforceable by law. Aside from the potential liability for intellectual property infringement, the use of open software raises competition law and tort liability issues. The European Union has developed the European Public License which is written in conformity with the copyright, product liability and consumer protection laws of the 27 member states. The EU Commission has also proposed a new Directive which will extend the principles of consumer protection rules to cover licensing agreements of products like software. This paper will address the various legal issues that may arise in open source community sharing.  相似文献   

Limited research is published on teaching restorative justice in the criminal justice or justice studies curriculum in higher education. This article contributes to the discourse on restorative justice pedagogy by discussing a restorative justice seminar that is taught in a circle process with contemplative practices. Students learn the process of circles, one of the major processes in restorative justice practice, by modeling the practice with participation and leadership. Contemplative practices enhance the learning of restorative justice with meditation and reflection.  相似文献   


Time series analysis was used to test the hypothesis that Merseyside crime rate was reduced by a group practising Maharishi Mahesh Yogi's Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi programme. Previous research suggests that a phase transition to increased orderliness u evidenced by reduced crime rate should occur when the group size approaches the square root of 1% of the total population. Analysis of Merseyside monthly crime data and coherence group size from 1978 to 1991 shows that a phase transition occurred during March 1988 with a 13.4% drop in crime when the group size first exceeded the √1 % or Maharishi Effect threshold (p < 0.00006). Up to 1992, Merseyside crime rate has remained steady in contrast to the national crime rate which has increased by 45%. In 1987 Merseyside had the third highest rime rate of the eleven largest Metropolitan Areas in England and Wales; by 1992 it had the lowest crime rate. 40% below levels predicted by the previous behaviour of the series. There were 255,000 less crimes in Merseyside from 1988 to 1992 than would have been expected had Merseyside continued to follow the national crime trend. Home Office figures indicate savings to Merseyside could exceed £1250 million for the five year period. Demographic changes, economic variables, police practice, and other factors could not account for the changes.  相似文献   

变性人法律问题初探   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
对要求变性的人实施变性手术,带来一系列的法律问题,尤其是变性人的婚姻问题。为保证我国变性手术的健康发展,应尽早制定关于变性手术的管理办法,严格控制变性手术的适用对象和条件;设立许可证制度;制定变性手术的实施程序。  相似文献   

我国水质监测制度的缺陷及其完善——以相关法律为背景   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
乔刚 《行政与法》2006,(4):119-121
环境监测是环境保护工作中的重要制度,而水质监测则是环境监测的重要组成部分。本文以我国现行相关法律为背景,对我国水质监测的技术依据—水质标准—的制定权进行了考察,认为应由水利部门和环保部门共同制定,而监测权则应由环保部门专门行使,这是决策民主化和执行单一化的具体要求和体现。文章还指出了水质监测中法律责任机制的缺失,并提出了予以完善的建议。  相似文献   

船舶压载水排放的船旗国监控是防止压载水排放带来海洋外来生物入侵的第一道防线。在指出船舶压载水排放带来海洋生物入侵的现状和危害的基础上,分析了船舶压载水排放船旗国监控的内涵和法理依据,探讨了船舶压载水排放的船旗国监控与港口国监控的关系及协调,提出了中国建立压载水船旗国监控的立法紧迫性。  相似文献   

Eyewitnesses can be influenced by misinformation that they encounter when discussing the event with a co-witness. Some studies have found that an immediate recall of the event can inoculate eyewitnesses against such misinformation; others have found that it increases susceptibility to misinformation. These different findings may be due to methodological factors, so the aim of this study was to investigate the effects of three different recall conditions. An immediate cued recall, free recall or no recall was given to 88 participants after they watched a crime video. They then discussed the video with a confederate who introduced correct and incorrect information about the video. Accuracy and amount of recall was tested one week later. It was found that the immediate-recall questionnaire did not make participants more susceptible to misinformation in comparison to no-recall participants, indeed the data trended the other way, suggesting that immediate-recall inoculated participants against misinformation. Furthermore, the provision of correct post-event information increased memory accuracy, especially after immediate recall.  相似文献   

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