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东亚和拉美大多为发展中国家,从总体上看,东亚的国际竞争力水平要强于拉美。其主要原因,是因为拉美在国际竞争力的发展过程中,在政府作用和国民素质两大要素上做得不如东亚成功。文章通过对东亚和拉美国际竞争力发展的差异成因分析和比较,联系我国实际,得出要重视和恰当发挥政府作用及重视人力资源开发,提高国民素质两点启示。  相似文献   

提高国民素质、培养创新精神是学校教育的宗旨和重点.共青团院校在面临知识经济的挑战时,要主动改革、大胆变革,探索富有特色的创新教育之路,以在激烈的教育竞争中求得生存,并发挥应有的积极作用.  相似文献   

工会档案工作者要努力提高自身素质陈菊莲档案是历史的真实记录,是人类文明进步的阶梯。科学管理和有效利用档案,对于人们正确地总结过去,指导现在,规划未来,对于加快经济建设、推动科技进步、提高国民素质都有重要的作用。就我们工会院校来说,随着教育事业的发展...  相似文献   

李德昌 《工友》2010,(2):30-31
主持人语:人不读书则不智,刀不磨砺则无锋。现在,社会进入知识爆炸的时代,知识翻新的速度加快,那种一套“四书五经”读千年的时代早已过去。读书,是为了国民素质的提升,是团队建设的需要。对于职工个人来说,哪怕你已经是研究生学历,如果你不想落伍的话,那么,你还得多读书!  相似文献   

党的十六大报告强调指出:形成全民学习、终身学习的学习型社会,促进人的全面发展。这是我们党第一次将形成“学习型社会”写入党的纲领性文件,是全面提升国民素质、实现全面建设小康社会目标的迫切需要,是在知识经济条件下增强国力、实现中华民族伟大复兴的重大举措,也是新形势下工会实践“三个代表”重要思想的重大课题。笔者认为,工会创建学习型组  相似文献   

江总书记在“七一”讲话中深刻阐述了“三个代表”重要思想的科学内涵,对坚持先进文化前进方向,全面提高国民素质提出了明确要求。天津铁路分局在落实《讲话》精神,实践“三个代表”中,认真履行教育职能,把培育“四有”职工队伍作为自己的重要职责,用先进文化感召人、教育人、凝聚人,不断加强企业精神文明建设,为企业改革、发展、稳定作出贡献。一、落实根本任务要求,用先进文化教育人几年来,我们用邓小平建设中国特色社会主义理论武装和激励广大职工群众,在职工中形成了凝聚人心,统一思想的正确指导思想和共同理想。特别是从1…  相似文献   

周常林 《工友》2013,(10):55-55
青春岁月,在春风里、阳光下、风雨中,或手拿收音机、录音机,或面对工地上的大喇叭,听歌、唱歌、优美的旋律,舒展身心,久而久之,纾解心情的方式竟成为难以改变的习惯。喜欢听歌,尤其喜欢听民歌、老歌。民歌老歌,多有一种特殊的魄力,唤得记忆深处最动情的片段,好似童年陪伴外祖母住过的老房子,至今那稻草秸上的  相似文献   

正中国移动推出4G套餐,40元包300兆流量,按照每秒百兆的速率,这个套餐3秒就用完了,3秒40元,一个小时就是48000元。如果晚上忘了关闭4G连接,一觉醒来,你的房子都快成移动公司的了。——当当网CEO李国庆这则微博段子,被大量转载孩子写作文,就应该是,东北的学生写出来就是黑土味的,陕西的学生写出来就是黄土味儿的,江南的学生写出来就是烟雨蒙蒙的,但是实际情况是,我看到的大部分作文,八个字:不辨男女,不说人话。  相似文献   

预防重于治疗的观念正不断深入人心,现在,气温骤降,冬天已经开始,针对今年冬天短的特点,人们应该如何养生?冬季是人们进补的最佳时期,中医学认为,这一节气的到来是阳气潜藏,阴气盛极,草木凋零,蛰虫伏藏,万物活动趋向休止,以冬眠状态,养精蓄锐,为来春生机勃发作准备。人们也希  相似文献   

2007年的春节,带着妻儿,我回到了故乡。故乡的天空里已是满荡荡的南风,所以,第一次坐飞机的儿子说:"回家,怎么摇摇晃晃?"这次回家,我还带了永胜兄的诗集《原色》的打印稿。由于父母年事已高,且身体羸弱,已离开  相似文献   

This article considers the structure in which women’s gendered identity is subsumed under nationalist identity formed around the notion of patriotic-patriarchy. By focusing on the case of Korean women in Japan, who regard themselves as North Korea’s overseas nationals, this article examines how women’s emancipatory identity was connected to their positive redefinition of “patriotic motherhood” within the limits of nationalist discourse. Especially in the process of decolonization and self-identification as North Korea’s nationals overseas, which was done largely by way of learning the public language given by the North Korean organization in Japan, women secured their position in joining the public life of nationalist cause. By taking an historical perspective, the article considers how language of emancipation shifts from the process of decolonization, with a potentially serious gap between the demise of “patriotic motherhood” and the rise of a new form of gendered identity, to a more decentered terrain of postcolonial everyday life found among the younger generation.  相似文献   

This article explores how the May 30th, 1925 Incident forced American Young Women's Christian Association (YWCA) Secretaries in China to rethink their relationship with imperialism and governmental power and to redefine, in collaboration with Chinese YWCA Secretaries, the Chinese National YWCA's institutional mission. It examines the American YWCA Secretaries’ efforts to challenge extraterritorial privileges granting foreign nationals immunity from Chinese laws, among a host of other ‘unequal,’ that is, non-reciprocal rights and prerogatives, claimed by the foreign governments and based on treaties signed with the Chinese Government. It restores the American YWCA Secretaries' voices to the historical narrative of the Western response to the May 30th Incident and reveals their agency and subjectivity. Although American YWCA Secretaries failed to achieve the goal that they defined for themselves when the May 30th Incident occurred – to reorder state-to-state relations between the USA and China on a more equitable, just and ‘moral’ basis – they nonetheless achieved some success in injecting their moral discourse into the US China policy debate. Moreover, their response to May 30th produced a significant feminist achievement: they dismantled the unequal and imperialist power relations within their own organization.  相似文献   

随着我国加入世贸组织步伐的加快 ,我国企业将面临更加激烈的国际竞争 ,产品质量已经成为企业参与市场竞争的头等要素。顾客对质量的严格期望是一种世界范围的趋势 ,这就要求企业各部门和各项有关工作 ,都要从目标质量出发 ,综合地、系统地掌握和处理好自身与外界的关系 ,要提供自身应有的质量保证作用。  相似文献   

Correspondence in value orientation between parents and their offspring may be due to actual transmission processes between generations, but it may also be due to influences from the general value context in society that are common to parents and their offspring. This common value context is referred to as Zeitgeist. The present study deals with one family relationship value (i.e., parents’ and adolescents’ obligations toward the family). Participants were 1,252 immigrant and 726 national adolescent–parent dyads from 10 Western countries. There were significant relationships between the value placed on family obligations among parents and offspring, and these were independent of gender. Zeitgeist effects, both intergenerational and intragenerational, were found. The strength of these Zeitgeist effects depended on the basis for defining Zeitgeist, either a person’s own ethnic group or the wider community including both nationals and immigrants. For explaining national adolescents’ acceptance of their family obligations, both the ethnic and the national Zeitgeist played a role, whereas in the immigrant groups only the ethnic Zeitgeist played a significant role. In short, in an immigration context it makes sense to distinguish the influence of a person’s own ethnic group from the influence of the wider community, including other ethnic groups. Explanations are suggested and implications are discussed.
Paul VedderEmail:

职代会是民主管理的重要、有效的组织形式之一,是医疗卫生行业实施“院务公开”的主要载体,是充分尊重和保障医院职工民主权利,切实职工民主管理和民主监督,有效调动职工当家作主积极性,凝聚职工智慧和力量,提高医疗服务质量和服务水平,推动医院持续健康发展,为人民群众提供更好医疗服务的有效机制.  相似文献   

随着中国经济发展和人口结构变迁,新生代农民工这一就业群体已逐渐登上就业舞台并发挥越来越重要的作用。由于新生代农民工大多接受过一定的职业素质教育,他们较之于老一辈农民工有更加现代的观念和人生定位,对于自身就业和未就业预期有更多的权衡和判断。新生代农民工已经成为国家工业化、城市化、现代化的重要动力,探讨如何深化新生代农民工的职业素质教育以促进这一群体就业显得尤为重要。  相似文献   

This essay addresses the link between sex trafficking and European citizesnhip by examining several anti-trafficking campaigns launched in post-socialist Europe. In illustrating which techniques are used in the production of images, it points to the highly symbolic and stereotypical constructions of femininity (victims) and masculinity (criminals) of eastern European nationals. A close analysis of female bodies dispayed in the campaigns indicates that the use of victimizing images goes hand in hand with the erotization of women's bodies. Wounded and dead women's bodies are read as attempts to stabilize the current political and social transformations in Europe by capturing women within the highly immobile boundaries of the sign ‘Woman’. The essay suggests that the representation of violence is thus violent itself since it confirms the stereotypes about eastern European women, equates the feminine with the passive object, severs the body from its materiality and from the historical context in which trafficking occurs, and finally confines women within the highly disabling symbolic register of ‘Woman’ as to maintain an imaginary social order in Europe.  相似文献   

近年来,高校思想政治理论课的教学难度在不断提高,尽管教改已经取得了一些成绩,但实现两课的功能和价值依然任重道远。思想政治理论课教学的实效性、主体性和实践性是改变现状的有效途径。思想政治理论课教师的素质则是思想政治理论课创新的关键因素。  相似文献   

企业要提高自身的市场竞争力,就必须重视职工素质教育培训,通过加强培训提高职工队伍政治、文化、技术的整体素质,构筑企业人力资源的核心竞争力。企业要想在激烈的市场竞争中立于不败之地,获得企业职工培训的最大效益,就要加快职工培训的创新发展,通过营造激发创新性的培训环境,培养职工的求知欲和创新力,引导广大职工自觉树立“终生学习”的新观念,把企业真正建成学习型组织,最终实现企业与职工的“双赢”。  相似文献   

在开展脱贫攻坚工作的过程中,工作贫困问题得到越来越多的关注,推动和实现工作贫困群体的更高质量就业问题亟待解决.本研究利用2017年北京市职工队伍调查数据,分析了工作贫困者就业质量影响因素.结果 显示:劳动报酬因素对工作贫困者就业质量的总体作用相对薄弱;工作时间因素对工作贫困者就业质量的解释力度较弱;职业发展因素和职业尊...  相似文献   

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