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The brain drain has become a growing problem for China's overseas education, especially after the Tiananmen Incident of June 1989. Brain drain is a symptom of a home country's social, economic, or political problems. In China, political alienation, low income, poor living conditions, insufficient research facilities, and mismanagement of high‐level manpower are the major factors pushing intellectuals to seek development opportunities abroad.

Beijing has found it difficult to bring students back home. Restrictions often anger students abroad. Family members also discourage students from returning. Many students find it difficult to adjust to the home environment after years living abroad; some are afraid that they will be punished at home for their outspoken political opinions abroad. However, Beijing has limited control over students overseas. Also, after the 1989 June crackdown, most host governments have decided to allow Chinese students to stay.

Concerned with the brain drain problem, Beijing is adjusting its policy of study abroad. There are various policy scenarios. Each has its merits and limitations, and each will lead to different consequences. Some technical solutions are also worth considering. Although a brain drain will still occur in the future, the tendency can be reduced if appropriate measures are adopted. China's future policy on overseas education depends on the future domestic situation and foreign relations. Apparently, a continued open policy of overseas education is in the interest of the students and the country. For an effective and long‐term policy, some strategic adjustments are necessary. Beijing needs to shift its attention away from the symptoms and concentrate on to the causes of the brain drain. Also, Beijing needs to redesign its future strategy to balance the benefits and costs of overseas education, instead of attempting to eliminate the brain drain.

The brain drain is not permanent. More professionals will return home as the economic and political situation significantly improves. The experience of Taiwan and South Korea in coping with their brain drain problem is a valuable reference for Beijing.  相似文献   

蔡娟  张赟 《青年论坛》2014,(1):104-107
师德自觉是高校青年教师的文明素养,是社会主义核心价值观在教师身上的本质体现和外在表现。教师优良的道德品行和道德习惯,源于他们内在的素质自觉和外在的行为自律。高校青年教师师德自觉,不仅是高校办学质量的重要元素和高校未来发展的重要依托,而且是青年教师自身健康成长和充分发展的重要抓手。增强高校青年教师师德自觉,关键要加强师德教育:一是加强政治道德教育,增强高校青年教师政治道德自觉之基;二是加强职业道德教育,增强高校青年教师职业道德自觉之本;三是加强学术道德教育,增强高校青年教师学术道德自觉之源。高校青年教师必须以加强师德教育为抓手,以师德自觉为准绳,勇于担当起政治道德自觉、职业道德自觉、学术道德自觉的责任和使命,成为师德自觉的践行者和表率,为中国高等教育事业的发展提供不竭动力。  相似文献   

现阶段,我国社会主义经济建设发展到一定阶段,各行各业都迫切需要大批高素质的技能型人才,大力发展高职教育已经成为我国教育改革和发展规划中必不可少的内容,而加强“双师型”教师队伍建设是提升高职教育的基础.通过对高职院校“双师型”教师匮乏现状的分析,提出建设“双师型”教师队伍首先要系统分析“双师型”教师能力素质,同时改革高职教师补充渠道,并定期组织培训学习,还要创新“双师型”教师职称评价体系等建议.  相似文献   

高校大学生创业教育存在内容滞后、方式单一、与实践脱节以及缺乏专业师资等问题,严重制约了大学生创业的认知和热情,造成大学生创业率和成功率极低的现实。"互联网+"时代的到来,为大学生创业教育带来新的机遇与挑战。大学生创业教育,急需政府和高校改变思想观念和认识,深化教育课程改革,搭建有效创业平台,走与地方产业相结合的特色之路。  相似文献   

论“微时代”背景下“90后”大学生思想政治教育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在"微时代"与"90后时代"的交叉影响下,"90后"大学生群体希望保护别人,使别人受到益处的倾向通过微博的影响力得到彰显,但是其对他人缺乏理解和尊重,成熟度不高这些问题也在"微时代"背景下扩大化了。这就对高校思想政治教育工作提出了新的挑战。这就要求高校思想政治教育工作必须坚持以社会主义核心价值体系为指导,以加强大学生思想政治教师队伍建设、发挥大学生主体性和营造健康的校园网络环境为手段进行高校思想政治教育。  相似文献   

大学生人际交往能力的培养是全面提高学生综合素质的重要内容之一,是当前高等教育人才培养的重要课题。随着网络信息技术的飞速发展,网络成为当代大学生生活、学习的重要载体和工具。通过开展网络人际关系现状的实地调查和分析,研究网络环境下大学生人际交往的现状和特点,提出切实有效的培养方案,以此来提高网络环境下大学生人际交往的能力和素养,促进当代大学生在网络学习环境中掌握良好的网络人际沟通和互动能力,是当前思想政治教育的重要研究课题。  相似文献   

Che‐po Chan 《当代中国》1999,8(22):381-403
This study investigates the political orientation of Chinese university students after the 1989 movement. By drawing on survey data, it aims to judge whether there is a persistence or discontinuity in the students’ political orientation. It is found that students’ political beliefs remained the same before and after 1989 but their involvement in politics has changed to a pragmatic approach. The impact of the 1989 movement and the opportunity structure available on campus in the 1990s has contributed to the political pragmatism of university students. The relationship between economic activism and political pragmatism among the student population is also explored in this study.  相似文献   

随着全面推进大学体育素质教育的深入,终生体育的思想将成为方向。高校体育要从多方面激发和培养学生对体育锻炼的兴趣和习惯,使学生通过在校期间的体育锻炼,形成终身体育锻炼的意识和习惯。体育教师要通过教学,在潜移默化中促进学生终身体育意识的形成。  相似文献   

目前 ,随着改革的不断深入 ,高校呈现出管理方式社会化 ,办学形式多样化 ,学生结构复杂化的特点 ;校园与社会相互交叉渗透 ,造成高校校园及周边治安环境日趋复杂。针对这种现状 ,高校自身以及各级政府相关职能部门应该积极采取有效治理措施 ,为高校广大师生打造一片安宁、祥和的学习、工作和生活的晴空。  相似文献   

广播电视事业的迅猛发展对播音主持专业教育提出了新的更高要求,聘请一线播音员主持人担任专业教师是办好播音专业的重要条件。外聘教师不仅要按照思想品德好、专业水平高、执教能力强的标准选好,更要通过加强组织管理,认真搞好教学质量监控,把外聘教师用好。  相似文献   

当前的公安高等教育正处于向职业化教育转型的重大变革时期,公安高校的教师应当认真思考自己在公安职业教育中的角色定位。英语教师要根据各类招录公安民警英语能力的差别,制定出符合公安岗位需求并带有学校品牌特色的培养目标,精选教材,实施多样化的考核机制,突出实训特征,为公安一线输送具有公安英语实战能力的高素质警官。  相似文献   

Qinghua Wang 《当代中国》2013,22(80):332-350
Party control over higher education in reform-era China has been a relatively neglected topic in the extant literature. Seeking to remedy this neglect, this article focuses on an aspect of the topic that has remained unstudied in Western scholarship: namely, the post-1989 regime's efforts to strengthen and professionalize political education (PE) in universities by intensifying the ‘disciplinary construction’ of PE. The article finds that these efforts have been partially successful in meeting the regime's objectives. The training of PE teachers has been considerably professionalized; PE courses have become more attractive and effective; and more students tend to accept the Party-sponsored views and policies taught in PE courses, and to support Party leadership.  相似文献   

Luo Xu 《当代中国》2004,13(41):779-799
This article portrays China's university students of the 1990s and the differences between these youths and earlier generations. Corresponding to the political apathy and commercial ardor of post‐1989 China, the once appealing political idealism and activism of the 1980s was quickly replaced by a sort of fast‐food consumer culture that dominated Chinese society and campuses in the 1990s. Many students chose to distance themselves from sensitive political issues, though they still followed current affairs closely and held a strong nationalist outlook. They learned how to reconcile with existing social conditions and made their decisions, on career or politics, based on the principle of individual interests. Being compelled to shift their status from the ‘proud children of heaven’ to ordinary members of society, students readily went to great lengths to merge in and be submerged by the secular world.  相似文献   

大学办高职作为一种职业教育形态,无论是对中国高等职业教育的发展,还是对大学本身的发展都具有积极意义.一般本科院校如何改变普通高等教育原有的内在逻辑和思维习惯,并按照高职人才培养的教育模式、管理体制和运行机制来办高职,从而既保证高职教育的特色和质量,又不影响学校的非高职人才培养和学术研究水平,是大学办高职必须重点研究和解决的问题.  相似文献   

现阶段经济社会发展的特点、高等教育发展现状以及劳动力市场上供需双方的认知心理特点及大学毕业生自身综合素质、能力的差异造成了大学生就业过程中的"马太效应",增加了大学毕业生总体的就业难度,极易造成社会的不稳定.应从构建现代化社会流动模式、加大政府宏观调控,调整高等教育结构,引导劳动力供需双方树立正确观念、引导大学生提高素质能力三个方面着手解决这一问题.  相似文献   

随着科学发展观日益深入人心,在高等教育自身发展与区域经济社会发展及其相互关系的共同推动下,创造产生了大学园区这种高等教育发展的新形式。它是地方高等教育发展的一个重要趋势,具有深刻的历史必然性。  相似文献   

高校辅导员在大学生职业指导工作中拥有诸多优势,加强高校辅导员队伍的职业指导职能,探索出一条适合高校模式的职业指导教师的培养途径,利于促进高校职业指导教师队伍建设,使其向职业化、专业化、专家化的专兼职职业指导教师发展。  相似文献   

新形势下,高校师生关系与传统的师生关系相比发生了许多微妙的变化,这种变化在很大程度上是消极的,并且影响到了高等教育人才培养的质量和高等教育的健康发展,对构建和谐校园十分不利。应正确应对师生关系的这种变化,积极探索教育教学的应对措施,以提高人才培养的质量和促进高等教育的健康发展。  相似文献   

在高校专业课中开展双语教学,是高等教育教学改革的有益尝试,是素质教育的重要途径,也是教育“面向世界、面向未来、面向现代化”的基本要求。在高校专业课双语教学中,教师要在保留专业学科特点和保证教学质量的前提下,营造双语学习的氛围,在课前、课中、课后等基本教学环节中给学生提供运用外语的机会,并采用多种方法启发、引导学生卓有成效地学习专业学科范围内的外语知识,进而提高学生的学识水平和综合素质。  相似文献   

在高校,师德与教风相辅相成、互相建构。高校师德建设情况会直接影响到教风,反之,教风优良与否也会作用于师德建设,二者紧密相联。因此,高校教师要在教风建设过程中努力加强自身建设,提升个人素质,不断提高道德修养。将身教与言教相结合,以身教实践言教,以自身的良好修养和高尚品格影响学生;要树立终身学习的理念,与时俱进,不断丰富自身学识,提高教学水平,做良好教风的践行者和促进者。  相似文献   

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