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由于司法会计鉴定既是一种诉讼活动,也是一种科学活动,具有很强的交叉性,目前司法会计鉴定并不为很多司法界人士所熟悉,造成实践中出现了许多不规范现象,常导致延误鉴定时间,甚至出现错鉴的情况,这就要求司法会计鉴定人在进行司法鉴定工作之前,与办案人员协调配合,做好鉴定前期的准备工作.笔者认为,在刑事案件的司法会计鉴定中,鉴定准备工作应着重关注鉴定资料和鉴定要求两个方面的问题.  相似文献   

关于完善我国司法鉴定制度的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
<正> 一、关于鉴定人制度的建立 我国目前尚无独立于公、检、法系统之外的鉴定机构体系和完善的鉴定人资格的审查、考评、授予制度,实践中出现不合格鉴定人从事鉴定、鉴定人超越委托鉴定范围或其知识能力范围进行鉴定、某些学术组织利用司法机关不太熟悉鉴定业务的弱点而擅自从事鉴定业务的现象。国外采取制定全国鉴定人名册,然后由法院从中选出适合的鉴定人来完成鉴定工作的作法值得我们借鉴。笔者认为,在我国有必要立法建立起如下鉴定人制度:  相似文献   

郭兆明  黄巍  王旭 《证据科学》2013,(4):454-462
眼损伤法医学鉴定是法医临床学鉴定中的难点和研究热点,也是最容易出现错误鉴定的地方。本文针从两例错误鉴定入手,分析错误鉴定主要原因,一是鉴定人未关注病历材料中显示的重要信息,对病历材料中反映的既往病史、损伤动态发展及检查结果未予重视:二是鉴定人不具备眼损伤检查的基本技能,过度依赖外部信息。三是鉴定人不具备眼损伤的基础专业知识.对各类信息缺乏准确认识.对常见的眼损伤转归及预后不掌握。因此,结合上述问题,笔者建议鉴定人应当采取以下对策阻止或减少错误鉴定的发生,(1)完整审阅病历资料、影像学资料是基础;(4)实施细致、完善检查是关键;(3)准确把握鉴定标准是核心;(4)加强鉴定人专业技能和法律意识的提高是根本。  相似文献   

由于检察机关查办案件的案情复杂化和数额巨大化,司法会计鉴定工作在办案中的重要作用日益显著。检察机关的司法会计鉴定人在实施检验鉴定前,要认真研究分析案情,明确鉴定目的和委托要求,拟定详细的检验鉴定方案。有时还应根据案件的需要和现有材料的收集情况,建议委托人修订恰当的鉴定目的和委托要求。如发现送来检验的鉴定材料明显不足时,应要求送检人补充检材,必要时,还可以协助或引导案件承办人员补充、收集和固定有关财务会计的资料证据,进一步完善相关证据链,保障办案质量,提高办案效率。  相似文献   

朱俊艳  陈腾  孔晗  朱杰 《法医学杂志》2007,23(3):231-232
对于眼部损伤,法医学鉴定的焦点往往主要集中在对视功能的检查上,以明确被鉴定人损伤后是否存在夸大视力障碍程度或者伪盲现象,针对盲人眼部受损后,如何进行损伤程度鉴定的案例以往文献报道较少[1,2],是临床法医学鉴定面临的一个新问题,作者遇到一例,法医鉴定时争议颇多,报道如下。  相似文献   

虚假伤残鉴定骗保行为是近年来较为常见且典型的虚假司法鉴定现象,其主要体现为"人伤黄牛"勾结鉴定人骗取保险金、被保险人勾结鉴定人骗取保险金,以及伤者、"人伤黄牛"与鉴定人三方勾结骗取保险金等情形.当前对虚假伤残鉴定骗保行为的刑法规制存在罪名适用不一与鉴定人主从地位认定迥异等失范问题.虚假伤残鉴定骗保行为的罪名适用应遵循穷...  相似文献   

Liu X  Peng JX  Chang L 《法医学杂志》2002,18(2):82-85
目的研究人体损伤鉴定标准在操作方面的一致性问题,找出操作方面可能产生鉴定失真的因素。方法选择本所1998年连续的符合设定条件的102个案件,请来自不同鉴定机构的鉴定人员9人对这些案件进行评定,并对评定资料进行统计学处理,采用spss10.0软件来分析有关项目和数据。结果研究提示同一鉴定机构不同鉴定人之间鉴定分歧较小,不同鉴定机构之间的鉴定人鉴定分歧较大;鉴定工作经验和专业培训教育是减少鉴定失真的重要因素。结论人体损伤鉴定标准具有很强的专业性,准确操作与统一解释和培训以及评定人员的经验有关。  相似文献   

董兴建 《证据科学》1999,6(2):88-90
在目前的法医学鉴定中,有不少损伤的鉴定结论存在异议,追溯其原因,不全是鉴定体制或者鉴定人的主观意志所左右,有相当大一部分是由于这些损伤的特殊性造成的.这一类损伤,就是界限性损伤.  相似文献   

徐斌 《刑事技术》2002,(2):54-55
在临床法医学鉴定工作中,有一种现象往往被误解成“做作性障碍(Facitousdisorder)”或“诈伤(Simu-lation)”:被鉴定人并没有受到任保方式的伤害,或者只是受到了某种较轻微的损伤,但在陈述损伤过程中表现出了鲜明的个性特征,主诉的损伤与客观检验结果之间存在较大的差异,临床症状有很大的暗示性,临床体征不符合病理生理的机理,也缺乏客观依据。而实际上这是神经症中的个性反映。作者就近几年来鉴定的21例进行了回顾性分析,并简单讨论如下。1案例资料收集1991年8月至2000年4月间,21例由精神科医师与精神病相…  相似文献   

<正> 一、关于鉴定权的双重性根据中国刑事诉讼法的规定,司法鉴定是指公安机关、检察机关或法院在各自的诉讼活动中,指派或者聘请专家担任鉴定人,对案件中涉及的专门性问题进行鉴别和判定的诉讼活动。作为法定的一种独立证据,鉴定结论是鉴定人就案件中涉及到的专门性问题进行分析判断后所作出的书面结论。这一规定表明鉴定权的享有和运用对于公民能否拥有充分的  相似文献   

不得不说,做一个杂志人是自在的。大数据时代,随着信息发布载体日趋多样化,媒体的概念也一再变化并拓宽,但是,在万千媒体中,最古老却也最常变常新永不落伍的,就是杂志。我从不相信那种纸媒将会在几年之内消亡的断言。当然,任何时候都会有某一家杂志被关停,但抛弃它的一定不是时代。  相似文献   



This study examines the phenomena of intertemporal decision making??decisions involving costs and benefits that occur at different points in time. Two models of intertemporal time discounting are the exponential and hyperbolic models. Previous work in behavioral economics and psychology is relied on to make the case that the discounting of delayed outcomes (both gains and losses) may be hyperbolic rather than exponential.


Data were collected from 478 university undergraduate students who responded to a hypothetical scenario involving drunk driving. The potential gains and losses of drunk driving were delayed at five different intervals from ??tonight?? to ??10?years from now??, respondents were also asked to provide estimates of both the risk they would get caught if they did drink and drive and the probability that they would drink and drive under the conditions described in the scenario.


Our results imply that individuals have hyperbolic time preferences for both rewards and gains, and that??unlike severity, the effect of which may be muted by risk??these discount functions appear to be operating independently of changes in the risk certainty of detection. Consistent with hyperbolic discounting, for example, when the benefit of drinking and driving was delayed by 1?week the self-reported intention to drink and drive increased by nearly 10%, however, when the gain was delayed by one month, intentions to drink and drive increased by only 4%. A smaller effect was found for delayed costs.


Avenues for additional research include the possibility of negative discount rates and the implications of persons?? awareness of their discount rates.  相似文献   

Retributivists believe that punishment can be deserved, and that deserved punishment is intrinsically good or important. They also believe that certain crimes deserve certain quantities of punishment. On the plausible assumption that the overall amount of any given punishment is a function of its severity and duration, we might think that retributivists (qua retributivists) would be indifferent as to whether a punishment were long and light or short and sharp, provided the offender gets the overall amount of punishment he deserves. In this paper I argue against this, showing that retributivists should actually prefer shorter and more severe punishments to longer, gentler options. I show this by focusing on, and developing a series of interpretations of, the retributivist claim that not punishing the guilty is bad, focusing on the relationship between that badness and time. I then show that each interpretation leads to a preference for shorter over longer punishment.  相似文献   

‘Catch Us If You Can!!!’ is the improbable nameof an Italian weblog managed by Lorenzo Litta and mastermindedby veteran IP expert Stefano Sandri. Although it is rarely possibleto measure what a blog achieves, it is usually quite feasibleto identify what it tries to do. In this instance the bloggers’objective is to raise their readers’ sensitivity towardsintellectual property rights issues and to create a greaterawareness of the parameters of protection and permitted usein a culture which places a  相似文献   

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