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Whenever a new U.S. President swears in, China-U.S. relations will go through a period of mutual adaptation. But this time, after Barack Obama came into the White House there was a good beginning in China-U.S. relations which have remained rather stable over the short span of the change of administration. We have good reason for high hopes that the two countries will join hands in moving toward a viable, all-round partnership in the 21st Century. However, from a historical perspective and in view of the actual distinctions between the two countries, we should remain sober-minded.  相似文献   

Since George W. Bush assumed the presidency in early 2001, a tense situation had occurred in the relationships among world big powers. In the aftermath of September 11,significant improvement has been made in Sino-U.S. and Russia-U. S. relations. In the meantime, corresponding changes have taken place in EU-U. S.and Russia-China relations.  相似文献   

China-U.S. relationship is the most important one between two big powers in the world today. It is both bilateral and global by nature. How to handle this relationship is closely linked with the fundamental interests of the U.S. and China, as well as peace and stability in the Asia Pacific region and even in the world. So, a profound examination of the nature of U.S. strategy toward China and its evolution over the years will help to fully understand the opportunities and challenges China will meet in the course of peaceful development.  相似文献   

The lack of strategic trust between China and the U.S.has attracted a great deal of attention recently in both countries.An article carried in Stars and Strips newspaper said that "bilateral distrust is at an all-time high," and the two are engaged in a "new kind of Cold War".1 Several newspapers in China carried this story and several Chinese scholars also gave their take on the situation.2 The author of this paper believes that this is an exaggerated and one-sided view and does not reflect the reality of the state of China-U.S.relations.  相似文献   

President Bush won the election with higher support than expected in this U. S. election. The Republicans also occupied greater proportion in both the Senate and the House of Representatives. This reveals that U. S. society tends to be more conservative. The election process and result shows that the influence of the monologue financial groups on e- conomic policy, the influence of religious right-wingers on ideology and state politics, the influence of the military industrial groups on de…  相似文献   

To predict the future development of China-U.S. relations, w should attach importance to the three new characteristics of this bilateral relationship. First, we should see clearly the changes of the principa contradiction in Sino-American relations, which is the key link in understanding the bilateral relationship from the strategic and  相似文献   

After the U.S.mid-term elections in November 2014,the Obama administration entered a"lame-duck"period.As the Republicans have controlled both the House of Representatives and the Senate,public opinion generally holds that the Obama administration is due to face greater difficulties over the next two years.But as the U.S.political system allows the President of the United States to act more independently in the field of foreign affairs than in that of internal affairs,he can still make a difference here without being hindered by political affairs,even during the last two years of his presidency.In recent history,Ronald Reagan was a typical case in point:he achieved significant success in foreign affairs during the last two years of his tenure.Bill Clinton and George W.Bush  相似文献   

The Republic Party won comprehensive victory in the 2004 U. S. general election. Not only did it keep presidency, expand seats in the Senate and the House of Representatives, it also achieved certain progress in governors' elections. The victory in election by the Republic Party reflects the fact that America society pays utmost concern to se- curity and the mainstream of the trend of thought is conservative. What merits special attention is that what influence the idea of putting security…  相似文献   

1. The development of China-U.S. relations in 2007 will be influenced mainly by the following factors: (1) The trend of U.S. economic development; (2) The changes in U.S. domestic politics; (3) the Iraq issue; (4) The Taiwan question; (5) The way China deals with China-U.S. relations.  相似文献   

Eight years ago, Professor John J. Mearsheimer of the University of Chicago argued that a Sino-U.S. confrontation was inevitable in the first 20 years of the 21st century. In the light of the 20 years' development in Northeast Asia since the end of the Cold War, however, all scenarios and explanations given in The Tragedy of Great Power Politics are incorrect.  相似文献   

On February 12, 2013, North Korea announced it had successfully conducted its third underground nuclear test. After such a dangerous move, the U.S. and South Korea tightened their bilateral security cooperation and beefed up defense measures. This caused tensions to escalate on the Korean Peninsula, and the situation appeared to spin out of control. The crisis pushed China and the U.S. together to work on this issue. This article will analyze those deep-seated factors affecting bilateral cooperation and make an initial exploration of its prospects while providing an overview of their joint actions to solve the North Korean nuclear issue.  相似文献   

加拿大与美国的NMD   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
冷战结束后 ,北美防空协定的职能逐渐由大气层内防御扩展到外层空间 ,导弹防御是重要内容。作为该协定缔约国 ,加拿大与美国有相同或相似的安全担忧和战略观点 ,因此 ,从国家利益出发 ,加拿大有可能放弃目前的等待与观望的政策 ,在适当的时候通过该协定加入美国的导弹防御计划。  相似文献   

美国对外政策与俄美关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
冷战后特别是“9·11”以来,美国始终谋求巩固由它领导的单极秩序及其超级大国地位,导致许多国家对美作为“世界领袖”的民主性及其管理世界的方法产生了怀疑。目前,俄美之间对共同利益还缺乏一致性的评价,也没有准备好建立平等的战略伙伴关系。其中一个重要原因就是两国对全球化时代的挑战与威胁,以及两国活动中的全球性因素有不同理解。美对外政策使国际关系进一步复杂化,美国应将建立新的国际秩序和确定它在其中的作用尽快提上议事日程。新的国际秩序应该是世界大国重奏“协奏曲”,并使之成为改变当代世界和在各个领域维系平衡的基础。  相似文献   

美日“2 2会议”最终协议的达成将导致日美同盟体制发生根本变化。其直接结果是实现美日军事合作全球化,在中国周边形成以日美同盟为核心和支柱的“战略网”,对中国的安全产生直接影响,同时为日本谋求军事崛起提供契机。  相似文献   

strategic games played out between China and Japan are inextricably linked to the U.S.' Asia-Pacific strategy. From a historical perspective, changes in Japan's domestic politics today can be traced back to the 1945-1951 reforms when Japan was under the control of the U.S.. The Diaoyu Islands dispute is directly related to the U.S.-Japan peace agreement in 1951 that excluded both the Chinese mainland and Taiwan. While current changes in Sino-Japanese relations are also connected to some structural factors like changes in the balance of power between China and Japan and Japan's domestic politics edging to the right, another important external cause that should not be ignored is the U.S. effort to rebalance to the Asia-Pacific. Therefore, in order to improve Sino-Japanese relations, we should not only try to find the causes and relative countermeasures from both sides, but also we should properly understand those factors originating from the U.S., particularly the U.S.' Asia-Pacific strategy.  相似文献   

她无疑真鼓励女人坚持自我杨功的最好教材.从一天不鸣,到身家数十亿.这成功来得如此惊骇,乃丑可队让人目瞪口呆.  相似文献   

A New View on Sino-U. S.Relations Sino-U. S. relations seem to have emerged into a more positive light in recent years. China and the United States have sustained a strong relationship since 9/11, for the simple reason that international relations at present require mutual support.  相似文献   

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