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On January 20-25, 2007, eleven people from China NGO Network for International Exchanges,China UN Association,the Chinese People's Association for Peace and Disarmament,the Chinese Association for International Understanding,the Contemporary World Research Center and the China-Africa Business Council attended the 7th World Social Forum (WSF) held in Nairobi,capital city of Kenya.  相似文献   

From 5 to 7 September 2007, the 60th Annual Conference of the Department of Public Information/ Non-Governmental Organizations (DPI/NGO) was held at the UN headquarters in New York. 1726 representatives from more than 500 NGOs in 62 countries around the world participated in the Conference. Focusing  相似文献   

美国107届国会(参院的100个席位中,民主党50席,共和党49席,表明倾向民主党的独立人士1席。众议院的435个席位中,共和党221席,民主党211席,独立人士占2席,还有1个因病故而空缺的席位)的新议员达53人,其中,希拉里以美国第一夫人的身份当选纽约州参议员,创下美国历史上首位“第一夫人参议员”的记录。本刊将分期介绍本届国会53名新议员情况。  相似文献   

Dissident Irish Republicans have increased their violent activities in recent years. These “spoilers” reject the 1998 Good Friday Agreement power-sharing deal between Unionist and Nationalist traditions in Northern Ireland. Instead dissident IRAs vow to maintain an armed campaign against Britain's sovereign claim to Northern Ireland and have killed British soldiers, police officers, and civilians in recent years. These groups have small political organisations with which they are associated. The assumption across the political spectrum is that, whereas Sinn Fein enjoyed significant electoral backing when linked to the now vanished Provisional IRA, contemporary violent Republican ultras and their political associates are utterly bereft of sympathy. Drawing upon new data from the Economic and Social Research Council 2010 Northern Ireland election survey, the first academic study to ask the electorate its views of dissident Republicans, this article examines whether there are any clusters of sympathy for these irreconcilables and their modus operandi. The piece assesses whether there are any demographic, structural, ideological, religious, or party trends indicating Republican dissident sympathies. It also assesses the extent to which dissidents are seen as a threat and examines whether this perception is shared evenly across Northern Ireland's two main communities.  相似文献   

The Chinese Association for International Understanding(CAFIU) held the 2nd Plenary Session of the 10th Executive Council in Beijing on April 29.Present at the Session were Vice-Chairman of the NPC Standing Committee and President of CAFIU Mr.Zhou Tienong  相似文献   

望加锡港作为印度尼西亚的重要贸易港口,在印度尼西亚的经济发展史上具有重要地位。华人早在16世纪建城之前已在望加锡开展贸易活动,之后在望加锡的经济政治发展历程中扮演着重要角色。本文主要结合华人在望加锡的一系列活动梳理了16~17世纪在荷兰东印度公司控制前后,望加锡港由早期建立到不断发展的过程,侧面说明华人对望加锡乃至印度尼西亚经济发展所作出的贡献。  相似文献   

<正>In late October,at the invitation of friendly organizations in Cambodia and Laos,a Chinese NGO Delegation visited the two countries.The delegation was made up of 6 members from the Chinese Association for International Understanding,Chinese People’s Association for Peace and Disarmament,China NGO Network for International Exchanges and China Foundation for Peace and Development respectively.Though the visit lasted  相似文献   

肖彩雅 《东南亚》2011,(2):67-72
中国人移居缅甸历史悠久,尤其在19世纪初至20世纪初,华侨不断地涌入缅甸,缅甸华侨社会由此发生了巨大的变化。这一时期仰光华侨社会的变化与19世纪缅甸社会历史的发展进程,特别是三次英缅战争(1824~1826年,1852年、1885年)有着密切的关联。在这一时期,仰光华侨社会随着缅甸社会的变化而变化,诸如华侨的籍贯构成、经济活动、人口分布、社会组织关系等。在移民与贸易的互动作用下,这一时期仰光华侨网络逐渐形成并成为缅甸华侨网络最重要的组成部分。  相似文献   

The forces associated with economic globalisation and the apparent supremacy of market forces have unleashed a range of political and social processes that have served, and were indeed designed, to enrich and empower the few at the expense of the majority. These include phenomena such as the rise in armed conflict, threats to food security, the loss of livelihoods and traditional ways of life of millions of people worldwide, the commodification of social provision, assaults on national sovereignty, and the privatisation of citizenship. However, the author argues, the most significant impact of globalisation is the 'localisation' of social and political struggle, and the emergence of new forms of international solidarity. Many NGOs have too readily succumbed to the view that globalisation in its present form is inevitable and irreversible, and have accommodated to it by trading their essential values for technical professionalism, often imported from the private sector. However, if NGOs are to assume their place as part of a transformational movement for social justice, they must rediscover and foster the values of citizen participation and develop a genuine respect for diversity.  相似文献   

Mr.Wang Jiarui,Minister of the International Department of CPC Central Committee,Vice-Presidents of CAFIU,Council Members of CAFIU,Colleagues and friends,On such a beautiful spring day,I am so glad to be here to attend the second plenary session of the 10th Executive Council of CAFIU.I would like to start by extending warm welcome to all of you,who have made time out of your busy schedule to be present today.I also want to thank you for your trust and support to me in my past two years as president of CAFIU.  相似文献   

达雷尔·伊萨(Darrell Issa)。共和党保守派,选自加利福尼亚州第48选区。伊1953年11月1日生于克利夫兰。1976年获肯特州立大学文学预科、西恩纳高等大学文学士学位。信奉安蒂奥克基督教会(Antioch Christian Church)。曾是轿车报警器公司老板。1970-1972年在陆军服役,1980-1988年在陆军后备队服役。2000年当选联邦众议员,现为第1任期,任国际关系委员会、司法委员会、小企业委员会委员。妻子凯西,有1个子女,定居加州维斯塔。  相似文献   

Attheinvitationofthe″MoralRe-armament″Nor-wegianFoundationandtheFriedrich-EbertFoun-dationofGermanythedelegationoftheChineseAssociationforInternationalUnderstandingCAFI-UheadedbyVice-PresidentMr.ZhuDachengpaidavisittoNorwayandGermanyfromMay17to27.DuringthevisitwedidsomeresearchonthestateofNGOsinthetwocountries.Throughthevisitwehavefoundthattheso-called″matureNGOsphenomenonoftheWest″alsocalledphenomenonofthecivilsocietyisinfactanimportantoutcomeoftheevolutionofthecapi-talistpoli…  相似文献   

中国文化安全中的重要要素是汉字安全。汉字安全是指:汉字系统这项中华民族文化的重要载体处于没有危险的,即既没有外部的威胁又没有内部的混乱和疾患的客观状态;在中国国家文化中不失去其主导地位;保持合理的纯洁性;不给人民带来不便和害处;中国人使用汉字的权利不受外部强权的威胁和侵害。目前,汉字在中国媒体以及社会生活各领域中的应用方面存有潜在危机,人们对汉字安全问题的认识存有误区,不重视汉字应用的合理性、纯洁性和规范性,出现了汉字系统的混乱和疾患,给人民生活带来了一定程度的不便和害处,汉字安全的危机由此萌生。中国大众传媒过度使用英文字母缩略词对汉字安全构成外源性的冲击。海峡两岸以及港澳地区汉字字形不统一、中国人书写汉字能力下降以及不雅汉字的滥用,形成对汉字安全的内源性冲击。正视汉字安全的潜在危机,积极应对,维护祖国汉字体系的安全、完整和稳定,对于落实总体国家安全观,保持对自身文化的自信、耐力和定力,提升文化软实力,都具有极其重要的意义。  相似文献   

The article summarises issues identified in a study undertaken on behalf of the HIVOS Foundation of the Netherlands and the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs Development Division, which included a field study of 45 environmental NGOs in seven African countries. This generated an institutional database to support the aid strategies of the agencies commissioning the research, and forms the basis of an analysis of some of the broader issues concerning the role and behaviour of various types of NGO.  相似文献   

This article discusses the role that NGOs play, not in their traditional role as service providers, but as employers in the Egyptian labour market. Over the past two decades, NGOs have been offering attractive job opportunities to middle-class professionals who are disillusioned with the private sector and no longer interested in joining the state bureaucracy. The working conditions of the growing number of NGO employees, and NGOs' performance as employers, have not been investigated in the substantial academic and policy literature on NGOs, which so far has been almost exclusively concerned with NGOs' relationships with their ‘beneficiaries’, rather with than with their position as active players in a changing labour market.  相似文献   

Interest in partnerships between international NGOs and the corporate sector is growing as both sectors see their roles changing in response to increasing consumer awareness about social, environmental, and human rights issues. This article presents the case of the partnership between the sports goods industry, The Save the Children Fund (SCF), and various international and local organisations in the district of Sialkot in Pakistan. The author uses this case in order to discuss the important elements of a cross-sectoral partnership, the considerations for the various parties that enter into such partnerships, and the implications of these partnerships with the corporate sector for the future of NGOs and their vision of development.  相似文献   

小威廉·莱西·克莱(Wlliam Lacy Clay Jr.)。民主党自由派,选自密苏里州第1选区。克1956年7月27日生于密苏里州圣路易斯。1983年获马里兰大学理学士学位。信奉罗马天主教。当过国会议员助手。1983-1991年任该州州众议员,1991年起任该州州参议员。2000年当选联邦众议员,现为第1任期,任金融委员会、政府改革委员会委员。妻子艾维·卢埃林·克莱,有1子,定居圣路易斯。  相似文献   

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