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王利明 《当代法学》2021,35(1):3-14
人格尊严的至高无上性,也必然要求我国《民法典》人格权编立法充分彰显人格尊严的基本理念和精神,这是整个人格权法的价值基础,人格权独立成编的宗旨就在于维护人格尊严.在人格权的行使过程中,人格尊严和自治也会发生冲突.在此情形下,如果法律对私法自治没有任何限制,就意味着要尊重当事人的自治,但由此会带来导致不利于人格尊严的结果....  相似文献   

In 2013, the Arizona Snowbowl Ski Resort began spraying artificial snow made from reclaimed wastewater on Arizona's highest peak, a place the Hopi people call Nuvatukya'ovi, “Snow‐on‐top‐of‐it.” As one of the Hopis’ most sacred places, the home of the katsinam and the southwestern boundary marker of their aboriginal territory, the Hopi have fought for decades to stop development of the ski resort, which today sits on US Forest Service land. Viewing the history of this dispute through the lens of Atuahene's notion of a “dignity taking,” this article argues that despite never having been relocated, the indignities that the Hopi have suffered by US dispossessions of much of their aboriginal territory are the product of a series of bureaucratic sleights of hand that only bear the mark of legality if one ignores history and denies the enduring right to self‐determination and sovereignty that Hopi have continuously claimed with regard to the totality of their aboriginal land.
  • Yuuyahiwa,

  • Ayamo Nuvatukya'ove'e.

  • Oo'oomawutu,

  • angqw puma naayuwasinaya,

  • pewi'i.

  • They are preparing themselves [for a journey],

  • Over there at the snow‐capped mountains [San Francisco Peaks].

  • The clouds,

  • From there, they are putting on their endowments [of rain power],

  • To come here.

  • A Hopi katsinam song recalled by Emory Sekaquaptewa (from Sekaquaptewa and Washburn, 2004, 468)

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    我国宪法文本中作为人权限制理由的四个利益范畴之关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
    刘连泰 《法律科学》2006,24(4):37-44
    我国宪法文本中依次出现了四个限制人权的理由公共利益、国家利益、社会利益和集体利益。国家利益是公共利益的形式表达,社会利益是公共利益的实质表达,集体利益是公共利益的除外形态。  相似文献   

    Sarah Arduin 《Law & policy》2019,41(4):411-431
    This article argues that regulatory scholarship can be harnessed to promote human rights, in this case the rights of persons with disabilities. It argues that the regulatory regime of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (the Convention) establishes a human rights metaregulatory regime. It shows that the Convention delegates all of the regulatory functions to four different actors, to the effect that no single actor has the full range of regulatory competencies. The implication of this high degree of delegation is that the Convention establishes a three‐party framework whereby the interaction between the regulatee and the two regulators is mediated by an oversight body. While organically independent, each actor is functionally interdependent so that an equilibrium is established. At a time where the effectiveness of the UN human rights treaty system is under assault, this article argues that the metaregulatory regime of the CRPD provides an optimistic vision for the future of human rights treaties.  相似文献   

    意大利刑事诉讼在历史上是典型的职权主义模式,1989年意大利大力借鉴美国的对抗制修改《刑事诉讼法》使之成为混合模式的代表.但是Knox案引发了美国对意大利刑事诉讼的诸多质疑,包括允许多种诉讼并存同一审判、公诉人使用品格证据、法庭不隔离陪审团、法官在判决意见中假设犯罪动机等.我国刑事诉讼的演进路径与意大利相似,Knox案在美国的争议有助于加强对意大利混合制和美国对抗制之差异的了解,进而有助于对我国以审判为中心的司法改革有所启迪.  相似文献   

    The vital role of the private entities activity was an undeniable reality for the Albanian post-totalitarian society. The economic regime based on the freedom of economic initiative led to the creation and operation of an increasing number of private companies performing their activities in various areas of life. With the passing of time, the positive impact of these activities performed by privately owned entities was associated with some illegal conduct that contained elements of criminal offences. Breach of environmental and work safety regulations, smuggling, corruption in the private sector, as well as laundering of criminal proceeds were among the main violations which began to take place in the framework of privately owned businesses. First, this paper aims to present some of the main speculations and trends of corporate crime in Albania and the possible institutional and practical aspects contributing to illegal corporate behaviour. Further, the study is focused on the legislative actions taken to respond to the challenges of a new form of crime carried out in complex collective organisations. The conclusion of this paper addresses some policy matters. On a first glance, a special emphasis covers the essential role of the companies in promoting internal incentives which encourage lawful conduct, and on the other side is noted that the authority of the law and proper law enforcment in the respective area, remain determinant factors for encouraging and ensuring compliance to law provisions.  相似文献   

    武腾 《华中电力》2022,(1):20-32
    《民法典》第597条第1款的主要规范目的是,无权处分不影响买卖合同的效力。只要承认权利人的追认会产生所有权变动的效果,就适宜承认存在效力未定的处分行为。区分负担行为和处分行为,在解释论上具有可取之处。在传统债法上,无权处分致使给付不能的,存在适用债务不履行责任抑或权利瑕疵担保责任的争论,两方面规定在构成要件上有实质区别。我国《民法典》合同编实行救济进路,第三人享有所有权、抵押权等权利致使所有权不能转移的,当事人可以选择适用《民法典》第597条第1款或第612条,两者在违约责任的构成要件和效果上并无实质区别。《民法典》第612条中规定的第三人“享有权利”文义范围较窄,应当对其进行目的论扩张,将第三人“过去享有权利”且主张权利的一些情形纳入其中;即使买受人构成善意取得,仍可认定出卖人违反权利瑕疵担保义务。  相似文献   

    人是不愿来到这个世界的 ,他们来到时是根本没有尊严的 ,看看每个人从母腹中赤身裸体地失落于人世间时大哭大闹的情景 ,就可以确信这点。但是人一旦来到这世间 ,又大多不肯离去 ;实在没有办法必须离去时 ,也要有尊严 ,这或许是人对来到世间时没有尊严的一种求偿。争取人道死亡的权利说白了就是有尊严地面对和走向死亡的权利 ,这是人在人世上的最后一个要求。具有讽刺意味的是 ,人的一生要求很多 ,但其两个最根本的要求却无法得到满足 ,这就是生不生和如何死。所以 ,人的存在自始完全是一种矛盾构成。当人不愿生的时候他被赤裸裸地拽出来 ,当人不愿死的时候他却被以各种方式抛弃在土中、水中和空气中 ,或是因战争 ,或是因疾病 ,或是因莫名其妙的意外事故等等。更有甚者 ,当人厌世、不堪蒙受羞辱、不能承受生的痛苦而选择死去时 ,旁人又斥责他们怯懦、没有意志 ,或者强留住早已在痛苦之中挣扎的生命。人们说这是爱惜和尊重生命 ,是人道主义。可他们忽略了他们所说的人道主义是以别人的一种无可逆转的痛苦生存为代价实现的。质言之 ,是用他人的痛苦成全他们的善良和人道 ,而对于被留住生命的人来说 ,这无疑是残酷和不人道。所以 ,争取人道死亡的权利 ,其实是在争取一种基本人权 ,这里实际隐喻着深层次的矛?  相似文献   

    组织体罪责理念下单位故意的认定:以污染环境罪为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
    我国理论通说和司法实践在认定单位犯罪时习惯以自然人的行为和意志为关联和前提,这种个体主义的思路存在诸多缺陷。单位既不能被还原为单个的自然人,也不是自然人的简单集合,组织结构、管理制度、经营方式等客观因素是单位的重要组成部分。单位具有独立的意志和刑事责任。需以整体主义的视角判断组织体罪责,单位犯意仍需区分故意与过失。单位故意是个体在单位内的决策机制或默认规则之作用下最终形成的意志,既有自然人意志的主观色彩,也深受单位客观因素的影响。从整体上把握单位的决策机制、管理制度的政策倾向、管理运营的惯常模式可以帮助认定单位故意。  相似文献   

    A novel screening method for shed skin cells by detecting Staphylococcus epidermidis (S. epidermidis), which is a resident bacterium on skin, was developed. Staphylococcus epidermidis was detected using real‐time PCR. Staphylococcus epidermidis was detected in all 20 human skin surface samples. Although not present in blood and urine samples, S. epidermidis was detected in 6 of 20 saliva samples, and 5 of 18 semen samples. The ratio of human DNA to S. epidermidisDNA was significantly smaller in human skin surface samples than in saliva and semen samples in which S. epidermidis was detected. Therefore, although skin cells could not be identified by detecting only S. epidermidis, they could be distinguished by measuring the S. epidermidis to human DNA ratio. This method could be applied to casework touch samples, which suggests that it is useful for screening whether skin cells and human DNA are present on potential evidentiary touch samples.  相似文献   

    黄进才 《河北法学》2006,24(1):44-48
    中国加入WTO,对现行税制的冲击无疑是巨大的.由此而引致的税收犯罪是新型的和复杂的.也使我国的税收犯罪立法面临着严峻的挑战.如何从容应对挑战并准确预测税收犯罪立法的发展态势,让刑法的公正内涵与保护外延,在WTO规则面前获得淋漓尽致的发挥,这是摆在法律工作者特别是刑事立法工作者面前的一项十分重要而又紧迫的任务.  相似文献   

    《Federal register》1983,48(79):17393-17394
    Section 2003 of the Social Security Act, as amended, authorizes $2.45 billion for allocation to the States for Social Services Block Grants--Fiscal Year 1983. Public Law 98-8, enacted March 245, 1983, appropriates an additional $225 million for Fiscal Year 1983. This notice contains State allotments and explanations of how the allotments were determined; conditions for receipt of these funds and other information.  相似文献   

    《Federal register》1982,47(228):53502
    This issuance sets forth the individual allotments to States for Fiscal Year 1984 pursuant to Title XX of the Social Security Act, as amended. The allotments to the States published herein are based upon the authorization set forth in Section 2003 of the Act and are contingent upon congressional appropriations actions for the fiscal year. If the Congress enacts and the President approves an amount different from the authorization, the allotments would be adjusted proportionately.  相似文献   

    死刑与人权问题,在一定意义上反映着一个国家对生命权的尊重程度和社会文明程度.近些年来,死刑问题已成为我国刑法理论界和司法实际工作上的一个热点问题.无论是主存派还是主废派当前能达成的共识是,我国现阶段仍不能废除死刑,只能是逐步减少死刑.因此,就如何在保留死刑的前提下,保障死刑适用上的人权问题进行分析阐述.  相似文献   

    International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue internationale de Sémiotique juridique - This paper’s aim is to promote greater interest in courtroom practices of...  相似文献   

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