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试论规范研究生学术道德之途径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究生学术道德腐败问题在近几年日益严重。主要有内因和外因两方面原因。因此,要规避研究生学术道德腐败,实现学术的创新繁荣和健康发展,就必须扭转社会不正之风,培育良好的学术氛围,完善研究生评估机制,加强学风建设和规范化教育。研究生更要以身作则,自觉遵守学术规范,不断提高自身的学术素养和学术道德规范意识。  相似文献   

研究生学术道德腐败问题在近几年日益严重。主要有内因和外因两方面原因。因此,要规避研究生学术道德腐败,实现学术的创新繁荣和健康发展,就必须扭转社会不正之凤,培育良好的学术氛围,完善研究生评估机制,加强学风建设和规范化教育。研究生更要以身作则,自觉遵守学术规范,不断提高自身的学术素养和学术道德规范意识。  相似文献   

湖北省是一个教育大省,据统计,至2001年,在70多所高校中,女教师占教师总数的35.75%,女教师总人数为1.2万人。作为省妇女群体中知识素养较高、工作能力较强的特殊群体,她们是否已完全适应时代的挑战?她们自身的生存发展状况如何呢?为此,我们对湖北省普通高校女知识分子生存发展状况进行了问卷调查。本次调查共发放  相似文献   

加强研究生团建工作,既是加强和改进研究生思想政治教育的有效途径,更是新时期巩固团的阵地连设.拓宽团的服务领域的必然要求。分析当前研究生团建的基础上,对研究生团建的指导思想和运作模式进行探索,下次起到增强共青圆工作的覆盖面.充分发挥共青团组织在研究生群体的积极作用。  相似文献   

小非 《农村青年》2009,(7):32-35
两个1982年出生的青年。身份悬殊:一个是在读女研究生,一个是小山村里的农民。谁能料到。在网上认识一年后,他们冲破世俗结婚了。消息很快引起轰动,女研究生缘何远嫁“种田郎”?他们幸福吗?他们对未来有何打算……  相似文献   

素质教育是社会发展的根本和要求,但长期的教育实践中,如何更好地进行素质教育,特别如何是面对求学阶段的学生?历奇教育通过其独特的教育模式,向人们展示了其教育的魅力。同时其对学生主动、互助学习能力及健全人格品质培养的教育,良好的教育功效引发我们对教育理念和方法更多的思考。  相似文献   

我国高校正面临着改革深化的现实,高校思想政治教育面临着种种的机遇、挑战与选择,透视高校思想政治教育现状,打破已经不适应高校现状的旧的思想政治教育范式,在改革深化的背景下如何认识高校思想政治教育的职能,发挥思想政治教育生命线作用,是每一位思想政治教育者的责任。  相似文献   

韩国流行音乐文化主要是指源自韩国的流行音乐,包括舞曲、现代节奏蓝调、流行电音、嘻哈音乐等。近几年来,以韩国流行音乐为代表的"韩流"潮在全球得到流行与传播。韩国流行音乐也深受国内青年女大学生的欢迎,到中国进行商业演出等活动的韩国明星不断增加。显然,韩国流行音乐文化已经对中国的年轻女性产生了深刻的影响。在这种背景下,通过对华南师范大学80名青年女大学生开展问卷调查,并结合相关文献进行综合分析,可以进一步了解韩国流行音乐文化对中国青年女大学生的影响。  相似文献   

称眼前这位女性为“鸽女”并不足奇,因为仅仅两年多的时间,这位普通的农家女就依靠自身的拼搏从养殖肉鸽的“门外汉”一下成长为三里五乡养鸽方面的“土专家”,她不仅将所学的技术毫无保留地传授给一些养殖户,而且通过饲养肉鸽增加了收入,养鸽两年来她每年的经济收入都达到了10万元。是怎样的动力促使她在肉鸽养殖方面得以迅速发展?一种强烈的好奇心促使笔者对这位被群众亲切称为“农家鸽女”的入进行了专访。  相似文献   

金香郁 《农村青年》2008,(10):48-50
2007年2月2日,成都警方在一出租房内,抓获一名多起利用色相、绑架抢劫案的女主犯方珍。经查实,办案人员发现方珍在当地不仅是一名优秀教师,还是个有口皆碑的市人大代表、作协会员,她曾自筹资金办学,单人骑摩托车纵横全国20000多公里,呼吁社会各界支持山区教育创下吉尼斯纪录。  相似文献   

Starting symbolically from a place of transit and mobility such as the Galleria in Naples, I look at the pace of immigration movements to Italy from both ex-colonial territories and other countries. Precarity characterizes the migrant condition in Italy: entrance and stay permits; work and housing, which are difficult to obtain and always temporary; bureaucratic control is severe and the right to citizenship is distant. The collective amnesia of the colonial enterprise obscures the fact that at least some of the guests of today were the hosts of yesterday. I analyse these, and other aspects, in the literature of migration that in recent decades has emerged in Italy, focusing on women’s writing and confronting the problem of how long it will take for this literature to receive recognition in the Italian literary canon. In women’s narratives, precarity emerges in the journey of emigration, described as a real odyssey; in tensions over identity and language; in contrasting cultures of departure and cultures of destination; in the problematic concept of ‘home’. Racial and gender differences subsumed in the colour of skin are a recurrent motif. For women, hardships may be more deeply felt: isolation and loneliness is augmented by the distance from children and family; the relationship between past and present more troublesome as it often leads to a double oppression. Independence is more fiercely fought for in the affirmation of identity. Finally, I show that, alongside conditions of isolation and despair, strength and hope in the new life emerge from these writings, touching on the importance of writing in Italian and on the motives leading to this choice.  相似文献   

陈染是女性主义写作的代表作家之一。女性意识,就像一把双刃剑,给她的小说带来了一种细腻优雅的空灵之气,但过强的女性意识同时也给她的创作带来了无法解决的困境,使得她的创作缺乏全面性及宽博;在艺术上也呈现出一种焦灼急躁的气息,失之直露,阻碍了小说的审美效果。  相似文献   

在急剧变化的知识经济时代,对企业、组织和社会都提出了新的挑战,对女职工更是如此。女工组织必须负担起教育培育"四有"女职工队伍的职责。  相似文献   

Data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) 1993 Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance (YRBS) of a sample of U.S. female adolescents (N = 7839) were compared to a cohort of 9th through 12th grade high performance female athletes (N = 141) with regard to risk-taking behavior on eight items related to sexual activity (i.e., ever engaged in sexual intercourse, age of first sexual intercourse, number of lifetime sexual partners, current sexual activity, condom use, use of the birth control pill, contracting a sexually transmitted disease (STD), and incidence of alcohol or drug use prior to last sexual activity). Chi-square analyses (p < .05) showed that with the exception of alcohol or drug use prior to last sexual activity, and use of birth control pills, the six other risk-taking behaviors were significantly different between the U.S. female sample and the female athletes. In all instances, except for contracting an STD, U.S. females reported engaging in sexual risk-taking behaviors more frequently than the high performance athletes, and furthermore, were more likely to be sexually active than the high performance athletes (50% vs. 21%). Among the high performance athletes, only lifetime sexual activity showed significant difference by grade, with sophomores and seniors reporting more frequent involvement in sexual activity. These findings suggest that participation in a high performance sports activity is positively associated with some reduced sexual risk-taking behaviors for adolescent females.  相似文献   

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