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徐澜波 《检察风云》2008,(17):64-65
航空客运合同通常采用的是票证形式,所以预订的航空机票日期发生认识错误和事实上的错误,往往被认为非重大认识错误.因为<民法通则>、<合同法>上的"重大误解"是指行为人、当事人对行为内容、合同内容有重大误解.……  相似文献   

贾淑英 《证据科学》2002,9(3):152-153
本人从2001年8月24日的中国消费网看到一篇题为<患者受欺诈,获得双倍赔>的报道.该报道介绍说:发生在辽宁省某市的两起医疗纠纷案件,经由人民法院依据<消费者权益保护法>(以下简称<消法>)的规定,判决医院承担民事损害赔偿责任,同时依据<消法>第 49条的规定判决医院双倍返还手术费.这两个案件的判决在当地开了医疗过失双倍赔偿的先河,被消费者保护团体认为是一种创新,"既拓宽了<消法>保护消费者权益的范围,加大了保护消费者权益的力度,也为解决医疗纠纷提供了新的渠道,值得提倡." 本人认为, 虽然医疗过失责任能否适用<消法>尚存争议,但根据<消法>第49条规定的适用条件,医疗过失责任不能适用<消法>第49条规定却是非常明确的.因此,法院适用<消法>第49条判决医院双倍返还手术费是错误的.本文将结合上述两个案例,具体阐明医疗过失责任不能适用<消法>第49条规定的法理.  相似文献   

我国现行的公证法规对公证赔偿责任制度无明确的规定.作为在全国范围内适用的<中华人民共和国公证暂行条例>和<公证程序规则>,仅规定了对错误或不当的公证文书,公证处及同级司法行政机关、上级司法行政机关应当予以撤销,因公证处的过错撤销公证书的,所收的公证费应退还当事人.而对于因错误公证或不当公证对当事人造成的损失应如何处理法律没有规定,这不能不说是法律的一项空白.可以说,我国现行法律制度中关于公证赔偿责任的规定尚付之阙如.此亦使公证实践适用这一责任制度因缺乏依据而成为不可能.  相似文献   

黄京平  左袖阳 《法学家》2006,1(1):57-63
一、2005年刑法学研究概况 (一)2005年以来,刑法学理论创新势头不减,著述丰富.主要个人学术专著有:<受贿罪研究新动向>、<管制刑研究>、<规范刑法原理>、<刑事政策立场与范畴>、<身份犯研究>、<行政刑法学>等等.主要编著有:<中韩刑法基本问题研讨"首届中韩刑法学术研讨会"学术文集>、<惩治恐怖主义犯罪理论与立法>、<中国区际刑法问题专论>、<中国刑法罪刑适用>、<刑事法问题研究>、<刑法总论研究>、<有组织犯罪研究>、<刑事法问题思索与研究>、<刑事一体化与刑事政策>、<惩治恐怖主义犯罪理论与立法>、<犯罪形态研究精要>等等;新译外国刑法著作:<死刑的全球考察>、<德国刑法学总论第1卷犯罪原理的基础构造>等;新译外国法典:<丹麦刑法典与丹麦刑事执行法>、<挪威一般公民刑法典>、<瑞典刑法典>等等.此外,发表的学术论文不啻千篇.  相似文献   

新<律师法>与<刑事诉讼法>存在立法性冲突,导致新<律师法>施行后的执法性报复.学术界和实务界对新<律师法>的法律效力见解不一.根据<宪法>、<立法法>等规定,全国人大与其常委会的关系不能成为确定新<律师法>与<刑事诉讼法>法律位阶关系之根据.全国人大与其常委会不属于<立法法>中的同一机关,但"视为"同一机关具有现实合理性.全国人大常委会法制工作委员会对新<律师法>法律效力的答复存在形式上的不妥当性与内容上的不合法性.应通过个案解决的立法技术以及法律适用规则的完善,为新<律师法>与<刑事诉讼法>的立法性冲突提供解决对策,也为国内法律冲突提供制度化化解路径.  相似文献   

案例:某银行(甲)与某企业(乙)签订了<借款合同>和<抵押合同>,并由某公司(丙)为乙方的借款进行保证担保,并与甲方签订了<保证合同>,承担连带保证责任.乙方对自己抵押的房产、土地进行了抵押登记.在<借款合同>、<抵押合同>、<保证合同>条款中约定:如合同期限届满,不履行或不完全履行合同时,违约方自愿接受强制执行.三方当事人申请公证机构对<借款合同>及附件合同<抵押合同>和<保证合同>进行了公证.  相似文献   

文书工作管制是美国经济管制、社会管制之外的第三种重要的政府管制形式.美国联邦管制的增长,刺激了制作政府报告和保存信息记录的负担的增长.1980年,美国国会以<文书工作减负法>替代了1942年的<联邦报告法>,1995年又制订了新的<文书工作减负法>.之后,1996年的<信息技术管理改革法>、1998年的<政府文书工作消除法>、1999年的<政府信息安全法>、2002年的<电子政府法>、2002年的<联邦信息安全管理法>、2002年的<国土安全法>等重要的信息法律,对1995年的<文书工作减负法>作了些微增订.  相似文献   

<醒风流>和<二度梅>这两部才子佳人小说,在情节、语言、人物及其活动场景等方面有着诸多雷同之处,因袭关系明显.通过书中的仪征地名沿革、清代官制变化等线索,考定<二度梅>的成书当在乾隆十三年之后,远晚于成书在康熙十一年的<醒风流>,而且<二度梅>中有三条材料呈现出因袭<醒风流>的明显痕迹.因此可以论定:<二度梅>确实承袭了<醒风流>.  相似文献   

本文认为新修订的<中华人民共和国民事诉讼法>将"违反法律规定,管辖错误"作为提起再审的理由之一,值得商榷,因为其对民事诉讼的既判力产生了过度的破坏,不利于法院生效裁判的稳定性与权威性;民事诉讼法对管辖错误已经规定了一些相应的救济措施,并能起到有效的救济,若再将再审作为其救济的途径,势必是对司法资源的一种浪费,有违诉讼效益的原则.所以文中从既判力原则.诉讼效益、管辖错误等三个方面提出了反对的理由.  相似文献   

论我国军事刑事诉讼的立法模式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<十届全国人大常委会的立法规划>中已经将制定<军事法院组织法>、<军事检察院组织法>和修改<刑事诉讼法>纳入立法规划.因此,在理论上探讨军事刑事诉讼的立法模式具有重要的现实意义.  相似文献   

The discussion of “error” has gained momentum in forensic science in the wake of the Daubert guidelines and has intensified with the National Academy of Sciences' Report. Error has many different meanings, and too often, forensic practitioners themselves as well as the courts misunderstand scientific error and statistical error rates, often confusing them with practitioner error (or mistakes). Here, we present an overview of these concepts as they pertain to forensic science applications, discussing the difference between practitioner error (including mistakes), instrument error, statistical error, and method error. We urge forensic practitioners to ensure that potential sources of error and method limitations are understood and clearly communicated and advocate that the legal community be informed regarding the differences between interobserver errors, uncertainty, variation, and mistakes.  相似文献   

Megyesi et al.'s (J Forensic Sci, 2005, 50, 618) paper was important to forensic anthropology as it introduced a quantitative framework for estimating time since death in human cadavers, based upon physical appearance by way of scoring on a novel scale. However, errors concerning rounding, temperature scale, and incorrect use of a statistical regression model render their predictive formula unusable. Based upon only their more reliable data, a more appropriate regression model to predict accumulated degree days (ADD) from total body score (TBS) is presented. The new model is also a superior fit (r2 = 0.91) and produces markedly narrower confidence intervals than the original, which also allowed impossible, negative ADD values. Explanations of the shortcomings in the original analysis and calculations are presented, which it is hoped will help forensic scientists avoid making similar mistakes.  相似文献   

法财产基本类型与本质属性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在传统法学理论中,财产关系与财产行为关系对立,主体与客体的关系同主体与主体的关系相混淆,并且财产本身有公私之分,这种理论既不能简明法财产的本质,也不能解释现实生活中不同类型的财产。事实上财产的本质是一束权利(权力)义务(职责)关系,不同类型的财产是这种权利(权力)义务(职责)关系的不同组合。并且,只有原生财产才能够进行比较清楚的划分,衍生财产是难以在法律上进行具体的划分的,它具有无限的衍生性。  相似文献   

谢望原 《法学家》2012,(2):56-65,177,178
本文从刑法上承诺之正当化根据入手,重点研究了中国刑法理论以及刑事审判关于被害人承诺的理解和处理案件的基本立场。承诺之正当化的根据乃是意思自治;在中国,被害人承诺是一种超法规的正当化事由;没有达到法定年龄的人的同意是无效承诺;重型精神病人无论是同意和他人发生性关系,还是同意他人拿走自己的财物等,其"同意"都不能排除相对行为人的强奸或盗窃等行为的犯罪性。中国刑法学一般将基于认识错误的承诺分为"事实错误"与"动机错误"两类。事实错误不能排除相对行为人之行为的犯罪性,动机错误则可以排除相对行为人之行为的犯罪性。  相似文献   

司法鉴定意见是鉴定人进行科技实践的产物,因而出现错误鉴定意见是不可能完全避免的。在法定的重新鉴定之外,由原司法鉴定人在程序规定的范围内通过"复核鉴定"自我纠正司法鉴定意见的错误不失为一种有效的对策。基于此,以面向社会服务的司法鉴定机构和鉴定人为研究的视野,以复核鉴定为基本形式,探讨司法鉴定意见纠错的机制并创设相应的制度,将有利于诉讼和司法鉴定。  相似文献   

Although eyewitness memory and identification have captured substantial research interest in the past decades, an understanding of the types and prevalence of errors typically made by eyewitnesses is lacking. The purpose of the present research was to begin the development of a taxonomy of eyewitness error, employing standardized stimuli and established techniques. Respondents were exposed to a crime scene modeled on SWAT-training scenarios for systematically varied exposure times, and were then asked to describe what they had seen. The stimuli and questions employed were prepared with the aid of senior police field training officers. As anticipated, eyewitness performance in general was subject to a variety of inaccuracies. Physical errors, such as mistakes in the clothing or physical characteristics of the perpetrator, or in details of the environmental context, predominated. However, other less-expected errors were also observed: in relatively low numbers of cases, witnesses inferred emotional states or intent on the part of the perpetrator or victim. Some contributed wholly artificial backstories, reported the future actions of the perpetrator or victim as memories, or even inserted themselves into the scene. The pattern of results was shown to interact with exposure time, gender of the perpetrator, and the presence or absence of weapons in the scene. The results of this study are consistent with reconfigurative theory dating to Bartlett (1932), with subsequent research, and with more recent work under the aegis of Gestalt/Feature-Intensive Processing theory. These findings provide information on types and prevalence of eyewitness error which should prove useful in investigative and courtroom settings.  相似文献   

历经两年辛劳编纂,《中华大典·法律典·法律理论分典》以790万字的四大卷巨秩奉献于世人。编纂者满怀对中国传统法律文化的守望之责与传承之殷,在资料收集的范围上突破"律令体制"的框范,回归"礼法体系"的本貌,并创制了一套通古达今的编纂体例。为了使清末法律人物能进入大典,破格辑录有关他们生平的资料。但在出版前一刻忍痛斧削金文资料也感到无奈和不解。在谨守《中华大典》编纂原则和规则前提下,编纂者对资料的排序、抬头等技术细节上有所变通。  相似文献   

Thousands of medical errors are occurring daily in physician's offices, in hospitals, and even upon discharge from the hospital, leading to unnecessary injury and death and costing billions of dollars. We have a systems approach that has been proven to be tried and true in aviation, nuclear energy and many other industrial settings. Being honest when medical mistakes occur, reporting them to national clearing house, objectively searching for root causes, avoiding the fixing of arbitrary blame, and then, where possible, implementing safeguards to minimize the occurrence of future mistakes, is the best way to enhance patient safety. But until the medical establishment takes medical errors and patient safety more seriously, and until the general public rises up in protest, it is up to the state and federal governments to take the lead in protecting the lives of innocent Americans by creating a public policy.  相似文献   

Existing studies either overlook the importance of the juridical enforcement of employment protection legislation in determining the labor market consequences of dismissal payments or else neglect the possibly judicial biases caused by a tight labor market due to the assumption of exogenous judicial errors. By calling for endogenously determined judicial errors, this paper not only traces the effect of a firing litigation on employment, but also explores the possible effects of labor market conditions on judicial mistakes. We show that worse labor market conditions (a larger dismissal pay) will induce judges to be more favorable toward fired workers (firms). Thus, a higher level of unemployment (a larger dismissal pay) will decrease (increase) the possibility of a type-1 error and increase (decrease) the possibility of a type-2 error. It is also shown that, while a policy that lowers a type-1 error will increase the employment level, a lower type-2 error, somewhat surprisingly, will not necessarily have a positive effect on employment. Besides, in departing from the findings of previous analyses, we find that dismissal pay can either increase or decrease the employment level, with this crucially depending on the probability of juridical mistakes.  相似文献   

对古籍新整理本特别是公认的典范之作进行平议,将有助于进一步提高古籍整理出版的质量。中华书局校点本《史记》是人们学习和开展《史记》研究工作最常用的权威本,并被认为是古籍整理方面成绩优异的代表作之一。实际上,校点本仅正部分就新生字差错80余处,径自改移增删、脱漏校改符号等古籍整理失范之处不少,吸收学术成果不足,漏校、误校问题亦多。随着当代学术研究的深入,对《史记》有重加整理的必要。  相似文献   

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