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Law and Emotion: A Proposed Taxonomy of an Emerging Field   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Scholars from diverse fields have begun to study the intersection of emotion and law. The notion that reason and emotion are cleanly separable—and that law rightly privileges and admits only of the former—is deeply engrained. Law and emotion scholarship proceeds instead from the belief that the legal relevance of emotion is both significant and deserving of (and amenable to) close scrutiny. It is organized around six approaches, each of which is defined and discussed: emotion-centered, emotional phenomenon, emotion theory, legal doctrine, theory of law; and legal actor.Drawing on the analytic value of the proposed taxonomy, any exploration of law and emotion should strive to identify which emotion(s) it takes as its focus; distinguish implicated emotion-driven phenomena; explore relevant and competing theories of the emotions; limit itself to a particular type of legal doctrine; expose underlying theories of law; and make clear which legal actors are implicated. Directions for future research are discussed and cross-disciplinary collaboration encouraged.
Terry A. MaroneyEmail:

After a brief presentation of issues that preceded the current disillusionment with the indeterminate sentencing practices in juvenile justice, the authors describe a determinate sentencing model being proposed in Virginia. Then, data are discussed comparing length of sentence under the proposed model to incarceration periods under the present indeterminate structure according to offense history, age, gender, and race. Finally, some immediate implications of the proposed model of sentencing are discussed.  相似文献   

Artists’ career management has become an urgent topic in the scholarship of arts administration and the creative economy in many Western countries. Although Chinese creative and cultural industries have also experienced significant attention and growth, the worklife experiences of Chinese cultural workers are rarely discussed in the international academic literature. Addressing that gap, this study investigates artistic careers and professional development of a small sample of emerging Western classical musicians in a Chinese second-tier city. We found similar patterns in career portfolios and strategies of career entrepreneurship between Western and Chinese musicians, although differing career opportunities and explicit career strategies seem related to local context.  相似文献   

通过构建涵盖创业教育内容、创业环境感知、个体知识与技能、家庭创业资源与创业教育评价变量之间关系的理论模型,运用结构方程模型对浙江102所高校的16210份有效问卷进行实证分析和检验,结果显示:创业教育的内容直接显著正向影响创业教育评价;创业环境感知正向中介了创业教育内容、创业教育评价;个体知识与技能正向调节了创业教育内容与创业教育评价;家庭创业资源分别调节了创业环境感知与创业教育评价、创业教育内容与创业环境感知,但是在创业教育内容与创业教育评价之间存在调节作用不显著。性别、学科、专业、家庭背景、创业活动经历在创业教育行为上存在显著差异。据此提出如下建议:优化创业教育的内容选择,构建分层分类的创业教育学习框架;创设鼓励创新创业的校内环境;营造自由、开放、容忍失败的创业文化氛围;构建面向不同能力结构维度学生群体的立体式创业教育系统;培养具有创业文化资本的潜力学生,发挥优秀学生的核心节点效应。  相似文献   

财务预警的行业差异模型研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
现有的财务预警系统大多没有考虑行业差异因素对预警指标的干扰,从而使财务预警的准确性和科学性受到了不同程度的削弱.应当在传统的预警模型基础上加入行业差异变量,对现有财务预警模型进行必要的修正,可使模型的预测能力更为精准和科学,由此帮助现代企业提高应对风险的能力.  相似文献   

我国专利诉讼的民行二元分立架构造成纠纷解决周期长的突出问题,严重制约了司法保护的效率。《中华人民共和国专利法》(以下简称《专利法》)司法解释二所采取的先行裁驳、另行起诉制度设计仅是在现行民行二元框架下的权宜之计,要想从根本上解决民行二元分立所导致的专利案件审理周期长的问题则需要在建立完整的知识产权专门审判体系的基础上进行两大程序的整合。我国专利诉讼体系改革的方向是建立适度集中统一的专利诉讼体系,其具体内容包括建立和完善包括一审法院和上诉法院在内的完整的知识产权审判体系和赋予审理侵权案件的法院对专利有效性的适度的相对审查权。  相似文献   

当今教育领域,理解课程理论已经成熟,它给以开发范式为基础的学校音乐学科课程带来了新的教育评估视野。课程领域所出现的理论转型,使我们开始一种以理解课程范式为基础的音乐课程理念的思考。音乐课程开发范式中音乐的界定具备科学技术概念的含义,如乐理学习对音高、音质、音色、音的力度、音程等的物理属性的界定,它将这种音乐体系看作是“文化无涉”的具有普遍性的“科学体系”。而作为理解课程范式的起点和理论框架,将音乐作为文化的界定表明,音乐理解课程已经显示出音乐是作为一种文化表征,因此,音乐课程被理解为历史文本、政治文本、种族文本、性别文本、现象学文本等以及后结构主义、解构主义和后现代文本。  相似文献   

我国中小律师事务所发展模式与建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
金鹰 《法治研究》2011,(6):101-107
我国中小律师事务所的发展可以分为四种模式:坚持专精、保持规模,选定专业、专注发展,专业连锁、品牌连接,专业分工、紧密整合,每一种模式都有自身的优点,也都需要具备特定的条件。但不管采用哪一种发展模式,都需要注意技术专精、差异化发展、组织整合与开放式创新。  相似文献   

对我国法学教育改革创新的理性思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘海中 《政法学刊》2003,20(4):83-85
我国当前的法学教育虽然获得较快的发展,但在教育理念、教学方式、同质化方面与社会经济发展的要求有较大差距。加入WTO后,这种差距将越来越明显,对我国法制建设和“依法治国”战略的实施带来滞后影响。面对机遇和挑战,必须对当前我国法学教育存在的弊端进行改革,重新对我国法学教育进行定位,并加强国际法学教育交流,借鉴世界先进法学教育理念与模式,加快我国法学教育的发展。  相似文献   

课程衔接是教师职前教育课程建设的关键,也是当前课程改革亟待破解的瓶颈。深化教师教育课程改革,需要切实加强学科专业课程与教育专业课程、教育通识类课程与学科教育类课程、教育学类课程与心理学类课程以及教育理论性课程与教育实践性课程之间的相互联系和贯通,重视引导并指导师范生在不同课程所激发和产生的学习经验之间加强深层次关联。唯此,教师教育课程改革才可能真正促进师范生在职前专业教育阶段的学习效果最优化,进而达成教师教育的整体目标。  相似文献   

我国高职院校创新创业教育发展迅速,但创新创业教育质量评价研究相对滞后。以高职院校学生为调查对象,在31个省市共收集有效问卷28232份,通过学生自我认知来评价创新创业教育过程要素和教育成效,并分析教育过程要素对教育成效的影响。结果表明:高职院校创新创业教育质量评价总体上处于中等偏上水平,且以培养学生创业精神、激发学生创业意愿为主,对提升学生创业技能相对不足;不同背景的学生对创新创业教育质量评价存在显著差异;教育过程要素对创新创业教育成效具有显著影响,影响大小依次为政府支持、师生共创、创业竞赛、创业实践、课堂教学、个人资源。建议通过确立创业型技术技能人才培养目标、校企共同构建理实一体化课程体系、扩大师生共创项目制度供给、完善政府和社会的功能定位等措施,深化创新创业教育改革。  相似文献   

This article briefly reviews the literature on three areas of psychological injury, post-traumatic stress disorder, chronic pain, and traumatic brain injury, preparatory to presentation of an integrated biopsychosocial and forensic model of multifactorial causality. The model is the first in the field to (a) cover in one model the three types of psychological injury, (b) while including a full range of causality factors relevant to forensic psychology (such as pre-event, event-, post-event, and unrelated factors), and (c) while addressing the relevance of biopsychological and stress as a cohering factors in all conditions. (d) The model emphasizes the importance of individual differences, for example, in causality of symptom presentation. (e) The model acknowledges that in individual evaluations, psychologists need to consider threats to validity, response biases, and possible malingering, and verify whether pre-event factors fully explain post-event presentation.  相似文献   

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