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Tong DY  Wu XY  Cai GQ 《法医学杂志》2003,19(4):199-200
目的对干尸DNA的分析,为法医进行陈旧检材分析积累经验。方法用经典的酚/氯仿提取DNA,WizardDNAclean-upsystem纯化,用PromegaPowerplus16system进行PCR,扩增STR,将线粒体DNAhv1区分别用三对重叠的引物进行全序列测定。结果STR位点图谱清楚,线粒体DNA测序结果理想。结论此法用于陈旧检材DNA分析,结果理想。  相似文献   

Zhang WL  Lu JP  Yan JJ 《法医学杂志》2006,22(4):303-304
运用常规的尸体检验方法对干尸进行检验,根据季节、现场、尸体保存方法等探讨干尸形成的条件和机理。发现在上海温暖潮湿南方地区,干尸形成多见于气温较低、环境干燥季节,死亡前多有脱水和绝食经历,且伴有翻动尸体及通风等人为干预因素。  相似文献   

The Philippines and South Korea have long had difficult corruption problems. More recently, both have experienced significant democratization. This article compares the two cases, first developing an analysis of corruption in each country, then laying out their reform strategies and assessing their effectiveness, and finally exploring the contrasting relationships between democratization and corruption that are found in these countries. The Philippines confront reformers with more difficult challenges, beginning with the size and decentralization of the society, but other contrasts are important as well. The political will required to produce successful reform has been lacking in the Philippines, for a variety of reasons, while recent anti-corruption initiatives in Korea have had stronger backing. Recent Korean reforms also emulate the successful approaches of Singapore and Hong Kong in important ways. By itself, democratization will not check corruption in either country, but where reform is accompanied by significant resources and where democratic accountability complements political will--more true of Korea than of the Philippines--significant progress can be made.  相似文献   

Of the 110 species of genus Papaver, only Papaver somniferum and P. setigerum are controlled poppies in Korea. All poppy samples share similar morphology therefore it is important to check if they contain controlled substances such as morphine and codeine for forensic purpose. Since the alkaloid content of Papaver plants varies according to their growing stage, chemical components analysis alone is not enough to identify exact species. In 2010, hundreds of poppy plants suspected to be P. somniferum were found in Jeju Island, South Korea. They had a slightly different but overall similar appearance to P. somniferum. Using GC-MS analysis, codeine, rhoeadine, papaverine, protopine, noscapine, setigeridine and trace amounts of morphine were detected in these samples. Although their chemical components were different from what has been described in literatures for P. setigerum, they could be assumed to be P. setigerum based on their morphological features and GC-MS results. Also, chromosome numbers using their seeds showed 2n=44 and the numbers were in accordance with those of P. setigerum. Nucleotide substitution or insertion/deletion of ITS (internal transcribed spacer), 18S rRNA (ribosomal RNA), rbcL (large subunit of ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase), trnL-trnF IGS (intergenic spacer), trnL intron and psbA-trnH were assessed as universal genetic markers for P. setigerum. Also, genetic analysis using six target genes involved in the biosynthesis of benzylisoquinoline alkaloids, including TYDC (tyrosine/dopa decarboxylase), SAT (salutaridinol-7-O-acetyltransferase), BBE (berberine bridge enzyme), COR (codeinone reductase), CYP80B1 ((S)-N-methylcoclaurine 3'-hydroxylase) and NCS (norcoclaurine synthase) were tested as Papaver-specific genetic markers by the existence of their PCR products. From the results, the sequences of the 6 universal genetic markers and 6 Papaver-specific genetic markers for P. setigerum were identified and then Genbank accession numbers of them were registered in NCBI. Also, the trnL intron and psbA-trnH nucleic acid sequences of the 7 Papaver species were identified and registered.  相似文献   

针对儿童的性犯罪案件数量每件都在上升,与其相对照的是,对这类犯罪的惩处可以说是软弱无力. 韩国针对儿童的性犯罪现象日益严重.而且,这种状况已经威胁到韩国的社会安全网络.每年,都有一些儿童因为遭到性犯罪的侵害而丧命.尽管如此,由于这样的犯罪存在取证难和社会并不重视儿童的基本权益等原因,检察机关更多的是从加害者的角度出发来处理此类案件,使一些本来应该遭到严厉处罚的施暴者仍然逍遥法外,并且促使这类犯罪行为不断升级.  相似文献   

韩国以《宪法》、《刑事诉讼法》、特别法律和《犯罪被害人保护法》为主要内容,建构起系统而完备的犯罪被害人保护立法体系,对于切实实现犯罪被害人权益的全方位保护意义重大。我国应当借鉴韩国犯罪被害人保护立法的有益经验,确立对犯罪被害人宪法层面的观念保护、完善刑事诉讼法中被害人的权利、制定旨在实现犯罪被害人经济救助的专门法律。  相似文献   

MODSE模型的生理生化学及组织形态学研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的 探讨老年多器官功能障碍综合征 (multipleorgandysfunctionsyndromeintheelderly ,MODSE)的生理生化指标及组织形态学变化特点及其意义。方法 本实验采用盲肠结扎穿孔术 (cecalligationpuncture ,CLP)制作MODSE模型和青年多器官功能障碍综合征 (multipleorgandysfunctionsyndrome ,MODS)模型 ,并设立与以上两种模型相应的假手术对照组和未加任何处理的对照组 ;分别于术后 6,12 ,2 4,48和 72h监测生理生化学指标并同时采用常规HE染色法对各重要器官 (心、脑、肺、肝和肾 )的组织形态学变化进行研究。结果 MODSE组在 6h左右就可以观察到器官功能受到损害 ,2 4h左右达高峰且持续的时间很长 ( 72h还持续存在 ) ,而MODS组则在 2 4h左右才会出现器官功能受损且受损严重程度较MODSE组轻微 ,48h达高峰。结论 MODSE模型的器官功能障碍发生率较高 ,其器官结构与功能的损害发生亦较早而且严重 ,此结果为多器官功能衰竭死亡的法医学鉴定提供一定的实验依据。  相似文献   

一、概述世界上许多国家的刑法都没有规定通奸罪 ,曾经规定过通奸罪的国家随着时代的变迁也纷纷对其予以废止。而在深受儒教文化影响的韩国刑法中 ,至今仍保留着对通奸罪的规定。近年来 ,韩国国内对于刑法中规定的通奸罪也有过几次是否违宪的争论 ,韩国的宪法法院在三次违宪审查中 ,分别作出了通奸罪合宪的判决。① 虽然宪法法院始终认为通奸罪的规定是合宪的 ,但是主张其违宪的人越来越多。从三个宪法法院判决的结果来看 ,韩国法律还处罚通奸行为 ,但正在向不处罚的方向演变。自 1984年以来 ,韩国实际刑事犯罪的数量从 80 3792件上升到了 1…  相似文献   

韩国现行刑法中共有89个条文以法定刑的形式规定死刑.自从1997年12月对23名死刑犯执行死刑之后,尽管几乎每年仍然有人被判处死刑,但直到今天,韩国将近10年间没有实际执行过一例死刑.韩国国内就死刑存废问题有着激烈的争论,其中官方的宪法裁判所、大法院、法务部以及学界与国民中的部分人仍主张保留死刑制度,但废止死刑的动议在韩国也正在积极酝酿之中.在废除死刑制度之前应该考虑将能够把犯罪人与社会永久隔离起来的绝对终身刑作为替代刑罚,以绝对终身刑代替死刑制度是一个可行的方案.  相似文献   

论假登记担保   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
常亮 《行政与法》2005,(6):128-128,F003
目前我国大部分学者普遍认为韩国、日本的假登记相当于德国法上的预告登记制度,但实则不然。更多的情况下,假登记是用来担保债权的,是与抵押权相并列的不动产担保方式,是为了保障在债务不能实现的情况下担保的实现规则。笔者从假登记担保———这种不动产流质契约担保与预告登记的关系中思考我国不动产担保体系的应然性设计问题。  相似文献   

Serological and histological examinations of the muscles of the calf of an Egyptian mummy dated between the third and first centuries B.C. were performed. Human protein was identified, the ABO phenotype was determined as type B, and morphological disruption of the cells was observed.  相似文献   

本文简介了韩国加入《公民权利和政治权利国际公约》后的履约状况与疑难问题,特别介绍了该公约在韩国法律体系中的地位及履约机制。  相似文献   

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