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ON September 16, 2004, a warehouse full of stock for a Chinese shoe shopping center in Elche, Spain was completely burnt down, causing 1 million euros worth of damage. From March 12 to 16, 2005, 114 containers of Wenzhou-pro-duced shoes worth more than RMB 100 million (US $12 million) were confis-  相似文献   

正The secret to China’s development is not any particular policy or method, but rather its political economy China has achieved a complete victory in its fight against poverty In December 2020,President Xi Jinping announced that all remaining rural poor population had moved out of poverty under the current standard.  相似文献   

王毅 《北京周报(英文版)》2021,(10):I0006-I0008
主席女士,各位同事:很高兴代表中国政府向联合国人权理事会第46届会议致辞。人类正在同新冠肺炎疫情进行艰苦卓绝的斗争。病毒是我们共同的敌人,战胜疫情是我们承担的使命,团结合作是我们唯一的选择。这场世纪大流行给全人类带来巨大灾难。1亿多人染疫,200多万生命消逝,1.3亿人口返贫。全球不平等加剧,南北差距拉大,发展权受到新的挑战。  相似文献   

ACCORDING to official statistics, there are now 130 million (equivalent to half the American population) migrant workers in Chinese cities. This means that China has more migrant than urban workers, and that they constitute the main Chinese industrial workforce. To those familiar with China, this phenomenon is an important signal for social change. The term farmer carries quite different connotations in China from what it does in the West, where farming is a profession taken up by well-educated people and involves large-scale mechanical production. Also known as agricultural industrial workers, fanners have a social status equal to that of urban dwellers. In China, being a fanner is synonymous with low social status. Chinese fanners have a comparatively poor education and live on a small patch of farmland (per capita farmland is less than 1 mu, 1 mu = 1/15 hectare). Some farmers work in non-agricultural industries, or go to cities as migrant workers, but do not enjoy the same political rights and social  相似文献   

As the world’s largest Marxist ruling party with more than 91 million members,the Communist Party of China(CPC)has been in power for over 70 years in the world’s most populous country.What are the secrets behind its enduring vitality?Putting people first The people are the CPC’s source of strength.  相似文献   

随着经济建设的快速发展,我国现有30多个百万人口以上的大城市开始了地铁的前期工作,沈阳地铁1号线已于2005年11月正式破土动工。文章从全球反恐的视角分析指出,在恐怖主义日益猖獗的今天,城市地铁已经成为恐怖势力袭击的首选目标。因此,提出要站在全球反恐的高度,积极借鉴其他城市地铁的经验教训,规划、建设、管理高质量、高安全的地铁。  相似文献   

Best-selling author John Naisbitt and his wife Doris have co-written the upcoming book China's Megatrends:The Eight Pillars of A New Society.The two recently visited China to promote the new book.A U.S.citizen,John Naisbitt has proven himself a guru at predicting social trends in various countries.His series of books,which started with his first Megatrends in 1982,has sold more than 14 million copies around the world.The new book is based on the research of the Naisbitt China Institute in Tianjin Municipali...  相似文献   

THE bamboo plant, fargesia spathacea, is the staple food of the giant panda anda cultural icon in Chinese history. In sharp contrast to other plants, the bambooonly blossoms every 60 to 80 years, and perishes soon after. It takes one tothree decades for its seeds to grow. In the past 3 million years bamboos haveundergone more than 50,000 extensive blooms. Pandas survived by migrating,but this is no longer an option owing to the sharp decrease of bamboo forests. The lasttwo bloomings of bamboo caused 250 giant pandas to starve to death.  相似文献   

正More than 3.5 million people find themselves currently displaced from Afghanistan due to the deteriorating security situation in the country,according to UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) Filippo Grandi.Significant movements across borders are not yet taking place.  相似文献   

As environmental protection becomes an increasingly common concern, and new technologies such as 5G and the Internet of Things continue to improve, more and more Chinese drivers are embracing electric and intelligent vehicles. In addition to U.S. electric carmaker Tesla, domestic startups such as Nio, Li Auto and Xpeng, as well as multinationals such as Volkswagen, have all expanded their market shares. According to the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers (CAAM), new-energy vehicles (NEVs) accounted for 2.06 percent of total auto ownership in China in the first half of 2021, numbering 6.03 million units. Of the registered NEVs, 4.93 million units, or 81.68 percent, were fully electric vehicles (EVs).  相似文献   

正Xinjiang's Aksu has achieved a green transformation in the past three decades ‘When the apples in Aksu turn red, the whole country's apples are ripe." This is a proverb often quoted by fruit growers in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. Apples in other parts of China tend to be picked in August and September, while those in Aksu Prefecture, the main apple-planting area in Xinjiang,  相似文献   

正Lithuania,a country of less than 3 million people,has drawn international attention by playing the "Taiwan"card.Yet there was little time for Lithuania to indulge in the pleasures of basking in the global spotlight before the Baltic country bumped into strong countermeasures from the Chinese side.The offender here is the Lithuanian Government,which has allowed the Taiwan authorities to set up a "representative office" in Lithuania under the name "Taiwan"despite the Chinese Government's strong opposition.This is seen as a serious breach of China's sovereignty and territorial integrity.On August 10,the Chinese Foreign Ministry announced its decision to recall China's ambassador to Lithuania and demand that the Lithuanian Government recall its ambas s ador to China.  相似文献   

When the word "battle," or any other war-affiliated term, pops up in a movie title, you're usually in for an action-packed, loud, at times cruel, but ever-grand spectacle: Dunkirk, Pearl Harbor, Hacksaw Ridge, Enemy at the Gates. Yet there's more to it than meets the eye. Three prestigious directors-Chen Kaige, Hark Tsui and Dante Lam-are behind the 176-minute-long war epic The Battle at Lake Changjin, shot with the help of an unprecedented 70,000 extras and China's largest-ever production budget of $200 million, that follows the Chinese People's Volunteers (CPV) who joined the battle at Lake Changjin, or Chosin Reservoir, in the northeast of the Korean Peninsula during the War to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea (1950-53).  相似文献   

This paper investigates whether the 22 million or so urban recipients of the Minimum Livelihood Guarantee (the zuidi shenghuo baozhang), whose per capita family income falls below a locally set poverty line, can be called a ‘class’. It also explores if they experience ‘class consciousness’. It draws on theoretical writings on class and class consciousness, and on some seven dozen unstructured interviews in households of urban dibao recipients in Lanzhou, Guangzhou, Wuhan, and three smaller Hubei cities in 2007–2010, mainly using material from 2010. It finds that, unlike the former working class, while these people do not comprise a ‘class’ as such, their consciousness of their plight, stripped bare of all the illusions that clouded it in Maoist times—again as distinguished from the bygone working class—is more faithful to their actual circumstances than it is specious.  相似文献   

Successive governments have sought to address the enduring problem of corruption in Macao. Yet the institutional framework for dealing with corrupt practices has singularly failed to live up to political promises and public expectations of clean government. The Ao Man-long case, in which a former Secretary for Transport and Public Works was found guilty of corrupt practices involving an estimated $800 million (about US$100 million), rocked public confidence in the anti-corruption institutions and gave credence to the widely-held view that an expanded gaming industry had provided more opportunities for illicit behavior. Diagnosing the causes of failure suggests that neither a lack of resources nor the absence of rules serves to explain the continuing high levels of bureaucratic corruption. Rather the explanation for the failure of the institutional framework lies in the content of the rules and the way in which they are implemented. While this situation continues to persist, it is unlikely that the problem of bureaucratic corruption will be resolved or that its wider impact on the government's legitimacy will be reduced.  相似文献   

ONE of the 12 busiest ports on the Sino-Vietnamese border, Hekou saw its total import/export volume leap a stunning 126 percent in the first quarter of this year, compared with the same period in 2004. The total figure stood at an impressive RMB 913.27 million (approximately US $11 million). Hekou Yao Autonomous County in southern Yunnan stands out from other Chinese counties. Covering an area of  相似文献   

THE Shanghai Welfare Lottery was set up in July 1987. Annual ticket sales have shot up from a few million yuan in the first yearto billions. Its total and per capita sales were the highest of all China welfare lotteries for five consecutive years.  相似文献   

刘信一 《思想战线》2007,(1):137-140
中韩两国的交流越来越密切,庞大的中国市场和廉价劳动力对韩国具有很强的吸引力。截至2006年6月底,韩国对华投资累计总额达到152亿美元。如此迅猛的韩国的投资增加集中在中国的制造业。如果努力解决好韩国企业投资中国时遇到的各种妨碍因素,可以激发韩国企业更积极地对中国的投资欲望。2008年北京奥运和2010年上海世博会的召开,将会使韩国企业,特别韩国中小企业的对华投资趋势一直持续下去。  相似文献   

TO THE POINT: Lenovo Group, one of the world's largest computer producers, reported the biggest loss in its history, up to $226 million. But its executives claimed the PC maker is shifting into high gear and hopes for a domestic IPO in the near future. Coincidental^, the mainland secu- rities watchdog decided to reopen the IPO gate for companies after an eight-month hiatus due to the global credit crunch. Hainan Airlines successfully secured a 3-billion-yuan ($439 million) cash injection to boost its capita...  相似文献   

Market Value: Although its pre-sale estimate was RMB 680,000-1.68 million (US $80,000-200,000), this set of vertical scrolls fetched RMB 2.882 million (US $350,000) at the China Guardian Auctions Company Spring 2005 auction.  相似文献   

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