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This article discusses the challenges that continue to exist in the struggle for full and equal citizenship in Norway, focusing particularly on the multidimensional citizenship that has been central to the overarching project of women's movements. It reports on comparative research on the social, economic, multicultural, and intimate dimensions of citizenship which offers grounds to regard Norway as an example of good practice and supportive policies in relation to gendered citizenship, and at the same time highlights that fully equal and just citizenship remains to be achieved, particularly for minoritized women.  相似文献   

民主政治建设视野下的公民和公民意识内涵研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
加强公民意识教育是推进我国民主政治建设的基础性和战略性主张,其首要的就是要对公民和公民意识有所认识和理解。要正确认识公民的内涵,需要走出三大误区。公民意识的内涵丰富而深刻,但从当今我国民主政治发展的实际来看,公民意识主要包括:作为前提的主体意识、处于核心地位的权利和义务相统一的意识、起关键作用的民主参与和平等意识以及作为重点的法治意识等几个方面。从某种意义上说,公民意识是演绎公民角色的逻辑起点。  相似文献   

Traditional approaches to business history have assumed masculine norms. As such, women have either been ignored or treated as marginal. Though women's and gendered history have changed the face and interpretations of most branches of historical research, business historians reacted slowly. The recent refocusing of the business ‘malestream’ is still in its infancy, but its potential to make profitable contributions is far reaching. To date American historians have done much of the refocusing, but Europeans are now involved in incorporating female endeavours. In examining the reshaping of male business cultures this article considers both the deconstruction of the ‘master’ narrative and the alternatives offered by gendered business histories  相似文献   

Women,Citizenship and Difference   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article focuses on the representation of youth as a key moment of transition in contemporary western societies, set between the dependent state of childhood and the supposed maturity and independence of adult status. Young people are viewed as gendered, racialized and sexualized beings who also occupy specific class locations, and are assumed to move through crucial points of transition as they leave full-time education and enter the job market, as well as the (hetero)sexual and marriage marketplaces. The article examines some of the main discursive configurations and treatment regimes through which ‘troubled teens’ are constructed and managed, especially in relation to notions about disordered patterns of consumption and transition. The paper considers the moment of the ‘discovery’ of adolescence in the late nineteenth century, going on to examine young women's particular relationships to discourses around consumption in the contemporary British youth research literature, and to debates about ‘disrupted transitions’ and citizenship in the 1990s. The article ends with a brief examination of one approach to the ‘problem of troubled teens’ in the USA: Specialty Schools that offer a combination of educational, therapeutic and correctional regimes aimed at young people who have been identified in relation to various disorders of transition and consumption.  相似文献   

Iceland has for some years enjoyed an international reputation as one of the most gender-equal societies in the world. It has also received a fair amount of international attention for an innovative approach to making parental leave compatible with gender equality by dividing the period into three equally long parts with non-transferable periods reserved for both parents. Still, there is a fairly long period that needs bridging from when parental leave ends and public day-care for children begins. During this intervening period parents have to find their own solution for childcare. We interviewed Icelandic parents about their use of parental leave and the bridging of the care gap period and argue that this gap is a major hindrance in the realization of the gender equality goals of the law on parental leave. We also note that unequal division of parental leave is generally not considered to violate the ideal of gender equality.  相似文献   

In response to critics’ claims that a discussion of sexuality and nationalism vis-à-vis the Israeli-Palestinian conflict bears no relation to the author’s previous work, or to such discussions within the US or European contexts, this paper details the complex interconnections between Israeli gay and lesbian rights and the continued oppression of Palestinians. The first section examines existing discourses of what the author has previously called “homonationalism,” or the process by which certain forms of gay and lesbian sexuality are folded into the national body as the Muslim/Arab Other is cast as perversely queer, within Israel and the diasporas. The operations of homonationalism ensure that no discussion of gay and lesbian rights in Israel is independent from the state’s actions toward Palestine/Palestinians. The second section contains a critique of Israel’s practices of “pinkwashing” in the US and Europe. In order to redirect focus away from critiques of its repressive actions toward Palestine, Israel has attempted to utilize its relative “gay-friendliness” as an example of its commitment to Western “democratic” ideals. Massive public relations campaigns such as “Brand Israel” work to establish Israel’s reputation within the US and Europe as cosmopolitan, progressive, Westernized and democratic as compared with the backward, repressive, homophobic Islamic nations, which, in turn, serves to solidify Israel’s aggression as a position of the “defense” of democracy and freedom. The final section looks at the ways in which accusations of “anti-Semitism” function in academic and activist contexts to suppress critiques of the implicit nationalism within Israeli sexual politics.  相似文献   


This paper considers the consequences of economic and political change in the early 1990s for women's situation in the Polish labour market. New types of employment emerged in various sectors of the Polish economy around the mid-1970s. Some, such as finance, insurance, education and health care became highly feminised. Under the Communist system, many regulations were introduced to allow women to combine paid labour with taking care of the household. In the new post-Communist economic situation, these gender-specific regulations work against women, making them less attractive to employers. In a situation of high unemployment, employers in the growing private sector can afford to make specific demands of their employees: that they be young, male, and mobile. Women are thus in a worse situation in the labour market even though they are often more educated than the men with whom they must compete for work. There is urgent need to introduce mechanisms to create a more equal labour market.  相似文献   

The published collection of Jean Rhys's correspondence opens with two undated photographs of Rhys on facing pages. The author's pose is nearly identical in the two images: her head rests on her hands and her large, dark eyes, rimmed with black liner, look directly out at the viewer. In both pictures, Rhys's hairstyle is exactly the same - though the colour and texture have changed - and the vivid pattern on her clothing is also similar. Both are portraits of a strikingly beautiful woman, and together they suggest a narrative embodying several concerns central to Rhys's early fiction: the exhibition of feminine beauty, the passing of time, and the social, biological and economic consequences of ageing for women. The strong continuities between the two photos, along with their striking differences, serve as a visual representation of the need for women to appear unchanging, to weave a narrative or create an image of the self that keeps the past and present contemporaneous in order to maintain value in the sexual marketplace. The inter-relations of gender, value, age and expenditure suggested by the two photographs are articulated in Jean Rhys's early novels, which depict the economy of investment and loss that women face as they age. In Rhys's texts - and particularly in her two first-person narratives - there is an attempt to recreate in prose the simultaneous experience of past and present, not simply as an example of modernist experimentation with narrative continuity, but also as a specifically gendered response to the economic and social consequences of ageing for women.  相似文献   

新生代农民工及其市民化研究述评与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新生代农民工及其市民化是学界重点关注的问题之一。现有研究内容丰富,研究方法趋于全面,实证调研分析显著增加。然而,有关新生代农民工及其市民化的研究也存在不足,研究内容有待进一步拓展,研究方法有待进一步完善。今后应从更广的学科范围、充分利用定性与定量相结合的综合性研究方法研究新生代农民工问题,研究重点包括:结合新生代农民工融入城市的宏观背景进行深入、综合性的理论研究;对于新生代农民工相关的现行政策进行评估研究;农民工市民化的战略定位和制度设计的前瞻性、统一性问题研究;新生代农民工与其他群体之间及新生代农民工内部的比较研究。  相似文献   

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