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<正>In contemporary international discourse,the “global China” concept,as it’s generally used,risks imagining China in the first instance as a hegemony-seeking project.Some explain this as a reasonable position to assert within a realist international relations perspective.It’s certainly guiding Washington thinking,becoming explicitly clear in a recently published summary fact sheet about America’s national defense strategy,obsessing over China as a rising threat.  相似文献   

China's battle against the novel coronavirus disease(COVID-19)has now seen progress.While health workers deserve the most credit for their contributions,the community of scientists has also provided powerful support.President Xi Jinping,who inspected research,diagnosis and treatment facilities of COVID-19 in Beijing,acknowledged the contribution of experts and researchers who are also on the frontline of the battle.  相似文献   

正The 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) conveyed a clear message that the CPC will stick to its chosen path. The political and economic  相似文献   

<正>President Xi Jinping's first state visit to the United States in September represented a forthright and forward-looking exchange of views aimed at expanding bilateral cooperation,evident in the issues that were addressed and the results reached.Hotbutton issues such as cybersecurity,investment and the South China Sea were all subjected to discussion during the visit,which will no doubt exert a positive influence  相似文献   

THE closure of Shanghai-based home décor chain La Maison last March struck a dissonant note in the cheerful theme song that Saint-Gobain, the Fortune 500 company that owns it, blares in Chinese marketplaces. The case brings to mind the sudden exit of other international brands and Chinese branch offices, most recently Best Buy and Barbie. Look a little further back and we recall Bertelsmann shut down all its 38 bookstores in China  相似文献   

MANY water projects of a massive scale have achieved fame around the world; few people have not heard of the Aswan Dam in Egypt, the Hoover Dam in the U.S. and the Itaipu Dam where Brazil,  相似文献   

新中国成立60年来,发展战略、运行机制、产权结构、开放格局构成了中国经济秩序演变的主线,体制转轨、结构转化、国际背景、大国经济则构成了经济层面的中国特色.无论是从历史视角还是从当下视角看,中国经济发展均有区别于其他经济体的异质性.其为中国经济发展模式的形成提供了可能性,但这种可能性当前尚未完全转化为现实性.转化的关键在于两点:一是中国经济增长保持持续和经济发展持续实现;二是中国经济学人的理论创新.  相似文献   

正For Chinese carmakers attending the natior's largest trade fair,the country's pledge to further open up the economy will bring more opportunities than challenges.Authorities recently announced that China would ease foreign equity restrictions in the automobile industry and significantly lower import tariffs for vehicles as part of the country's broader push for economic opening up.  相似文献   

追问存在的意义是海德格尔思想的主题。形而上学遗忘了存在问题。海德格尔后期走入语言,敢语文-存在思想。他通过词这分析揭示了存在与语文的源始统一性。语言的本质在于存在之言说即道说。思存即思存在现象学地展现和给予亦即存在之历史,存在历史在思中形成语言,语言是存在的家,语言亦是此在的家,存在在语言中生成并保持其本真历史。  相似文献   

Esity graduates has remained a constant headache for the Chinese government since the beginning of the new millennium. MyCOS HR Digital Information Co., Ltd. conducted a survey on the employment situation of university graduates from 2006 to 2008. and its subsequent report, Tire 2009 Employment Blue Book of University Graduates, shows that even when the job market was performing well. the employment rate for fresh graduates remained low. One-third of university graduates and 40 percent of advsnced vocational school graduates only managed to find a job some time after finishing their studies.  相似文献   

The financial turmoil that originated in the United States is rapidly spreading throughout the world, and China's economy has been inevita- bly affected. To avoid risks, some foreign-  相似文献   

In early December 2009 a 30-second commercial promoting China-made products debuted on CNN in major overseas markets. This advertisement, jointly commissioned by the Ministry of Commerce and four trade associations, marks the first branding campaign for China undertaken by the government.  相似文献   

WORLD foreign direct investment (FDI) fell significantly in 2012. Global data are unavailable for the second half of the year, but United Nations Conference on Trade and Development statistics show that FDI fell by eight percent worldwide in the first six months to US $668 billion. Many large economies suffered severe declines-FDI into the U.S. fell by 39 percent and into  相似文献   

大学招生平等不仅是考生的基本权利,而且也是重要的国家利益.只有遵守宪法平等原则,招生考试才能真正为社会服务,各地高校才能实现教育资源的最佳配置,中国高等教育才能实现国家利益的最大化.不论是为了国家、地方、学校还是个人的长远利益,招生平等都是我们不得不认真对待的宪政问题.  相似文献   

In a speech at Oxford Union in April,Fu Ying,Chinese Ambassador to the United Kingdom,discussed China's strengths,weaknesses and objectives. Her main points follow:The splendid fireworks of the Beijing Olympics are seen as marking China's  相似文献   

Why and How the CPC Works in China,edited by Xie Chuntao,a professor with the Party School of the Central Committee of the CPC,records how the Communist Party of China established the People’s Republic and began the construction of a modern socialist country.This time span is  相似文献   

人类的现代化进程自文艺复兴就开始启动,而中国却迟至19世纪中叶才开始了被动式的启动。其中的原因固然十分复杂,但以下几个方面的因素对于中国现代化的发展起了非常重要的负面作用:一、过早形成的大一统国家观的影响;二、人口增长速度过快,阻碍了劳动生产率的提高和资本积累的增加;三、长期的重农抑商政策所带来的负面影响;四、中国的传统文化太注重人文精神、鄙薄科学精神;五、中国历史上对外扩张的政治性因素之动因远远大于其他方面的动因。  相似文献   

近代科技革命之所以与中国无缘,其主要原因在于:古代中国注重政治伦理的探讨,而缺乏对自然本源的探索;注重实用科学而排斥科学理论的研究;没有充分认识数学在科学发展中的重要作用;重农抑商的政策束缚了科学技术的产生和发展。  相似文献   

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