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DNA analysis is one of the primary methods of identification in DVI practices. The external environment of a mass disaster often results in severe fragmentation, decomposition and intermixing of the remains. However, DNA profiling still can be achieved even on cases involving partial, severely decomposed remains. This report shows the DNA profile of shipwreck victims using identifiler plus marker from tissue sample exposed to environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Allele frequencies for 16 previously described autosomal SNPs were tested in 1020 unrelated individuals originating from three different continents (Africa, Asia and Europe). The populations analyzed included Africans from Benin Gulf (180), Asians from Mongolia (160) and Europeans from Italy (680).  相似文献   

The tsunami catastrophe of December 2004 left more than 200,000 dead. Disaster victim identification (DVI) teams were presented with the unprecedented challenge of identifying thousands of mostly markedly putrefied and partially skeletised bodies. To this end, an adequate body tagging method is essential. Conventional body bag tagging in terms of writing on body bags and placing of tags inside body bags proved unsatisfactory and problem prone due to consequences of cold storage, formalin (formaldehyde) embalming and body numbers inside storage facilities. The placement of radio frequency identification device (RFID) microchips inside victim bodies provided a practical solution to problems of body tagging and attribution in the DVI setting encountered by the Austrian DVI team in Thailand in early 2005.  相似文献   

As part of the disaster victim identification (DVI) response to the 2009 Victorian bushfires disaster, a number of scientific disciplines contributed to the human identification process--forensic pathology, anthropology and odontology, as well as fingerprinting and DNA profiling. The DNA laboratory received 182 post-mortem (PM) samples from 120 DVI cases and 236 reference samples corresponding to 163 missing persons (and two non-DVI cases). DNA analysis yielded full DNA profiles for 102 DVI cases and 190 ante-mortem (AM) samples (relating to all 163 missing persons), respectively. Subsequent comparison of DNA profiles, through direct and kinship matching, resulted in the submission of 76 DNA reports to the DVI Reconciliation Centre which assisted in the identification of 67 deceased. This paper describes the contribution of DNA analysis towards the DVI response to the 2009 Victorian bushfires disaster.  相似文献   

目的 筛选并确证器官组织特异性circRNAs分子标记物,应用于法医器官组织溯源.方法 从TSCD数据库及文献中,筛选出器官组织特异性circRNAs,设计并验证引物.收集心脏、大脑、肝脏、皮肤、骨骼肌、肺脏等人体组织样本,经总RNA提取、RT-qPCR、琼脂糖凝胶电泳等步骤对候选circRNAs进行组织表达水平分析,...  相似文献   

The human mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) genome is commonly analyzed in various disciplines, such as population, medical, and forensic genetics, but conceptual and scientific exchange between them is still limited. Here we review several aspects of the mtDNA phylogeny that are particularly--but not exclusively--of interest to the forensic community. Among the issues that arise, we emphasize the importance of integrating evolutionary concepts into the forensic routine. We also discuss topics such as mtDNA mutation-rate heterogeneity and the weight of evidence, ethnic affiliations of mtDNA profiles, and the abuse of reference databases. Finally, we show the usefulness of coding-region variation in a forensic context.  相似文献   

Forensic science is crucial for the administration of justice and case investigation.in China,political-legal organizations,including the courts,public security,procuratorate,and judicial administration,developed their own forensic practices before 2004.As a result,the frequent and repeated appraisals undermined judicial authority and credibility.Thus,a law was published in 2005 to improve the uniform forensic management system by the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress,leading to the establishment of the Forensic Administration of the Ministry of Justice in 2006.During this process,the increased accreditation and interflow highlighted the role of consensus in forensic standards for forensic service providers to avoid uncertainty regarding the methods used and interpretation of results.in 2017,a policy document was promulgated again to strengthen the importance of the uniform standards,which also proposed to establish a new national technical committee for the standardization of forensic science by the General Office of the State Council.in 2018,despite the continuing problems concerning uniformity,the Forensic Administration of the Ministry of Justice was merged into the Public Legal Services Administration.Yet,there is still a long way to go for the national technical committee for the standardization of forensic science.This paper analyses the evolution of forensic standards internationally and nationally,discusses the existing problems,and proposes relative solutions.Moreover,it discusses the future of standards development with the deepening of the reformation of both the national standardization and judicial system.  相似文献   

Y染色体短串联重复序列在性犯罪案件及父系亲缘关系鉴定中具有特殊的应用价值,但是,采用常规标准的Y-STRs尚不能区分同一父系来源的男性个体。13个快速突变Y-STRs被证明可以相对提高男性谱系分化的分辨率和同一父系男性个体的相对分离,拓展了Y-STRs在法庭科学领域的应用范围和价值。  相似文献   

法医遗传学经过近30年发展,已经形成了一套系统的理论和技术体系,相关技术和方法在实际工作中发挥着重要作用。随着实际应用需求的变化和相关基础学科研究的进展,法医遗传学的研究也出现了新变化。本文针对法医遗传学领域的研究进展和发展趋势进行综述,希望能对相关研究和实践提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

目的调查Qiagen Investigator@ DIPplex试剂盒30个InDels多态性位点在中国汉族、藏族、维吾尔族人群中的群体遗传学数据,评估其法医学应用价值。方法采集汉、藏、维吾尔族各90名无关个体静脉血,提取DNA。使用3130xL毛细管电泳对该270份样品进行分型,通过统计计算相关的群体遗传学参数。结果实验得到270份样品的分型及基因型频率,30个InDels未明显偏离Hardy-Weinberg平衡及连锁平衡,在汉族、藏族、维吾尔族三个人群中的随机匹配概率分别为1.42×10(-11)、7.19×10(-12)、4.74×10(-13),累积非父排除率(CPE)均大于0.9951。结论该组插入缺失位点在中国的汉族、藏族、维吾尔族人群中具有较高的多态性,能达到较高的个体识别能力,可以作为现有STR检验体系的补充。  相似文献   

The anthropocentric nature of forensic sciences has been changing continuously over the years and this process is continuing today. Due to its universality and multilateral implementation, and the fragmented nature of forensic epistemology, the information provided by forensic genetics can play a pivotal role in forensic science. At the same time, the link between forensic genetics and non-human forensic biological evidence has become unquestionable. It may highlight the modern requirements of forensic science, and this connection is also able to provide useful and sufficient examples for developmental processes in wildlife forensics. Obviously, the local formations, organizations, and operations of wildlife forensics can be different worldwide, but the detection and punishment of wildlife-related criminal behavior, as well as the prevention of further crimes, play a relevant role in these processes everywhere.  相似文献   

In crime cases with available DNA evidence, the amount of DNA is often sparse due to the setting of the crime. In such cases, allelic drop-out of one or more true alleles in STR typing is possible. We present a statistical model for estimating the per locus and overall probability of allelic drop-out using the results of all STR loci in the case sample as reference. The methodology of logistic regression is appropriate for this analysis, and we demonstrate how to incorporate this in a forensic genetic framework.  相似文献   

The probative value of animal forensic genetic evidence relies on laboratory accuracy and reliability. Inter-laboratory comparisons allow laboratories to evaluate their performance on specific tests and analyses and to continue to monitor their output. The International Society for Animal Genetics (ISAG) administered animal forensic comparison tests (AFCTs) in 2016 and 2018 to assess the limitations and capabilities of laboratories offering forensic identification, parentage and species determination services. The AFCTs revealed that analyses of low DNA template concentrations (≤300 pg/µL) constitute a significant challenge that has prevented many laboratories from reporting correct identification and parentage results. Moreover, a lack of familiarity with species testing protocols, interpretation guidelines and representative databases prevented over a quarter of the participating laboratories from submitting correct species determination results. Several laboratories showed improvement in their genotyping accuracy over time. However, the use of forensically validated standards, such as a standard forensic short tandem repeat (STR) kit, preferably with an allelic ladder, and stricter guidelines for STR typing, may have prevented some common issues from occurring, such as genotyping inaccuracies, missing data, elevated stutter products and loading errors. The AFCTs underscore the importance of conducting routine forensic comparison tests to allow laboratories to compare results from each other. Laboratories should keep improving their scientific and technical capabilities and continuously evaluate their personnel’s proficiency in critical techniques such as low copy number (LCN) analysis and species testing. Although this is the first time that the ISAG has conducted comparison tests for forensic testing, findings from these AFCTs may serve as the foundation for continuous improvements of the overall quality of animal forensic genetic testing.  相似文献   

Single fibers retrieved from a victim's garments and adhered to the suspect's automobile have frequently been used to prove the relationship between victim and suspect's automobile. Identification method for single fiber discrimination has already been conducted. But, a case was encountered requiring discrimination of artificial leather fragments retrieved from the victim's bag and fused fibers from the bumper of the suspect's automobile. In this report, basic studies were conducted on identification of artificial leathers and single fibers from leather materials. Fiber morphology was observed using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), color of these leather sheets was evaluated by microspectrophotometry (MSP), the leather components were measured by infrared micro spectrometry (micro-FT-IR) and the inorganic contents were ascertained by micro-X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (micro-XRF). These two methods contribute to other analytical methods too, in the case of utilized single fiber analytical methods. The combination of these techniques showed high potential of discrimination ability in forensic examinations of these artificial leather samples. In regard with smooth surface artificial leather sheet samples, a total of 182 sheets were obtained, including 177 colored sheets directly from 10 of 24 manufacturers in Japan, and five of them were purchased at retail circulation products. Nine samples of suede-like artificial leather were obtained, 6 of them were supplied from 2 manufacturers and 3 sheets were purchased as retailing product. Single fibers from the smooth surface artificial leather sheets showed characteristic for surface markings, and XRF could effectively discriminate between these sheets. The combination of results of micro-FT-IR, color evaluation by MSP and the contained inorganic elements by XRF enabled to discriminate about 92% of 15,576 pairs comparison. Five smooth surface samples form retailing products were discriminated by their chemical composition into four categories, and in addition color information to this result, they were clearly distinguished. Suede-like artificial leather sheets showed characteristic extra-fine fibers on their surface by the observation of SEM imaging, providing high discriminating ability, in regard with suede-like artificial leather sheets were divided into three categories by micro-FT-IR, and the combination of these results and color evaluation information, it was possible to discriminate all the nine suede-like artificial leather sheets examined.  相似文献   

个体识别SNPs位点组合筛选与法医学应用价值初探   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的筛选用于包括中国主要民族在内的多个群体个体识别的SNPs位点组合体系。方法以Kidd实验室筛选的86个SNPs位点、欧洲SNPforID组织构建的52-plex SNPs复合检测体系为基础,收集和整理这些位点在HapMap数据库中11个人群的分型数据,计算各位点杂合度和Fst值,筛选杂合度〉0.4,Fst值〈0.06,并在研究人群中处于Hardy-Weinberg和连锁平衡的位点组合。针对这些位点,采用MassARRAY分子阵列技术对自行收集的8个人群(尼日利亚人、坦桑尼亚查加人、印度人、丹麦人、俄罗斯汉特人、中国汉族、藏族、维吾尔族)308份样本进行分型,统计群体遗传学参数。结果按本文标准共筛选出66个SNPs位点,均符合Hardy-Weinberg平衡,之间互不连锁,平均杂合度和Fst值分别为0.475、0.014。在本文收集的8个人群中的随机匹配概率在1.45E-24~4.72E-27之间,累积非父排除率为0.999 995 608~0.999 997 876之间。结论本文筛选的SNPs组合系统具有较强的个体识别能力,可用于本文调查的HapMap数据库中11个人群和本文收集的8个人群的个体识别鉴定。  相似文献   

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