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This article describes the results of a pilot study that tested the feasibility of estimating quantitatively the regional and economic impacts of NSF-supported Engineering Research centers. For regional impacts, we combined estimates of the direct plus indirect and induced economic impacts of ERC expenditures generated from a regional input–output model with estimates of the additional impact on the state due to center-based start-up companies, licensing income from intellectual property produced by the center, the cost savings enjoyed by local firms that had hired center graduates, and advice and consulting to local firms by center faculty. For national economic impact, a suitably modified version of the regional approach was employed, supplemented by use of a consumer surplus model to estimate the net public benefits of newly commercialized technologies based in center research. As the project proceeded, it became clear that efforts to focus solely on economic impacts that could be quantified relatively easily would greatly underestimate the actual national economic impact of ERCs. The types of impacts included and the kinds of data collected from centers and their collaborating companies were therefore expanded in the later case studies. Results of the first three cases are described here; findings from the remaining two studies did not change our overall results or conclusions. The profile of regional and, especially, national economic impact estimates varied widely across the centers studied. Only some of these variations could be attributed to ERC characteristics; most were the result of variations in the amount and type of data that could be obtained from the centers involved and the companies they worked with. We concluded that even the most conscientious and costly data collection efforts would be unlikely to yield comparable data across centers because the accessibility of key data, especially proprietary data, will differ unpredictably from center to center. Further, focusing on narrowly-conceived, quantifiable economic data alone should be avoided in these kinds of impact studies. Doing so distorts the amount and characteristics of actual impacts, many of which—perhaps most of which—cannot feasibly be converted to monetary terms. Such a narrow focus will greatly underestimate the impact of ERC-like centers, masking the much broader and, based on our findings, larger and more significant impacts on society.  相似文献   

CONSAD analysts investigated the effects of the ATP-sponsored project on controlling dimensional variation in manufacturing (the “2mm project”). They looked first at the firm level to determine the technological changes that resulted from the project; the role played by the ATP; and the direct impacts on automobile production and maintenance costs. They then used macroeconomic interindustry modeling to project preliminary impacts on the national economy of adoption of the technology by the automobile industry. A challenge was to estimate the impacts based on preliminary and partial information characterizing industry experience. Some potential effects of the ATP-sponsored project were considered too uncertain at this early stage to attempt quantification and were omitted from the analysis. The results of the macroeconomic analysis provide a very preliminary projection of national economic impacts of this ATP-sponsored project. This paper is based on a study performed by CONSAD Research Corporation of a project funded by the Advanced Technology Program.  相似文献   

This research examines the impact of research and development (R&D) consortia on the competitiveness of American companies. It also concludes that since passage of the 1984 National Collaborative Research Act, which allows companies to jointly perform research, only a few R&D consortia have been formed and they do not have much impact on companies through applications of new technology. It is suggested that R&D consortia may have more impact on firms that are catching-up technologically or for which the particular research is tangential to their core business. He holds a Ph.D. in public policy from the George Washington University (1988), and has worked for the National Science Foundation, the Congressional Office of Technology Assessment, and the National Academy of Sciences. His interests focus on technology, economic competitiveness, and government policy. He has recently published on these topics in Research Policy (August 1990), and Policy Studies Review (Spring 1991, forthcoming).  相似文献   


Illinois has enacted legislation with a directive to enhance the economic development of companies in the state by encouraging new-product development. The policies and strategies used at Illinois State University to carry out an increased participation in technology transfer leading to enhanced industry/university interaction are presented. Identifiable factors leading to local project success have been the university's ability to develop inter-departmental research groups, provide the proper motivation to the group members, and set up a structure for commercialization of the new products developed by these groups.


In the newly emerging field of biotechnology, Japan so far is generally considered to be lagging somewhat behind the US. Through the judicious application of industrial policy to encourage the growth of the industry, however, Japan is rapidly gaining on the US lead. Joint ventures between large Japanese companies specializing in areas such as chemicals and food and new American biotechnology companies play a key role in the technology-transfer process. This paper analyzes the dynamics and potential of Japanese efforts in biotechnology. Certain structural features of the Japanese economy, such as extensive corporate financial resources, traditional fermentation expertise, and, in particular, government policy to encourage high-technology research and development, serve to increase Japanese competitiveness in the field.  相似文献   

Increasingly more research has examined the creation of university spin-off firms as are seen as an important source of regional and national economic growth. However little is known about the factors influencing the formation of university spin-off in Asian countries, especially in Korea. This paper contributes to the literature on academic entrepreneurship by deepening our understanding on determinant factors of university spin-off in the case of Korea. We investigate organizational and institutional factors highlighted in the literature as influencing the creation of university spin-off companies. The Korean government has implemented the INNOPOLIS Research Institute Spin-off (IRIS) program to enable universities to create new firms within special research and development (R&D) zones to commercialize public R&D output. The capability of universities to establish new firms through the program varies; consequently, this study utilized 122 universities from 2013 to 2015 to analyze determinant factors that affect university spin-offs. Panel logit and negative binomial analysis results indicate that university location has the highest positive influence on IRIS. Government-sponsored funding has a negative impact; however, the likelihood that universities create spin-offs and the number of IRIS firms are positively and significantly affected by publications, patents, research funding, and number of university spin-offs.  相似文献   

Since 1958 NASA has invested approximately $3.7 billion in life sciences R&D in the support of the successful human space flight program. There are numerous studies documenting the spin-off technologies that can be traced to NASA research and development activities. Most of these studies describe the technologies and their uses; however only a few measure the economic impact of the spin-offs and most of these are benefit/cost studies that tend to overstate benefits or underestimate costs. This study takes a different approach, measuring only economic impacts to the companies that developed successful spin-off products from NASA life sciences investments. A personal interview was conducted with each company and the benefits are conservatively estimated as the value-added by the NASA technology to the company's output and the amount of additional private R&D stimulated by the NASA R&D.This pilot study of fifteen companies, using a very conservative measurement technique, found a large return to companies that have successfully commercialized NASA life sciences spin-off products. Value-added benefits totaled over $3.7 billion in life sciences R&D in the support of the successful human space flight program. There are numerous studies documenting the spin-off technologies that can be traced to NASA research and development activities. Most of these studies describe the technologies and their uses; however only a few measure the economic impact of the spin-offs and most of these are benefit/cost studies that tend to overstate benefits or underestimate costs. This study takes a different approach, measuring only economic impacts to the companies that developed successful spin-off products from NASA life sciences investments. A personal interview was conducted with each company and the benefits are conservatively estimated as the value-added by the NASA technology to the company's output and the amount of additional private R&D stimulated by the NASA R&D.This pilot study of fifteen companies, using a very conservative measurement technique, found a large return to companies that have successfully commercialized NASA life sciences spin-off products. Value-added benefits totaled over 1.5 billion and a NASA R&D total investment in these 15 technologies of 64 million was found to stimulate an additional64 million was found to stimulate an additional 200 million in private R&D.  相似文献   

This paper reports on the economic contributions and impact of the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Program in Michigan during the first decade. The Michigan SBIR experience is examined to learn how researchers and small businesses use the SBIR Program, whether to start or strengthen businesses, how they view SBIR after a decade, and how the program has served Michigan businesses that have successfully carried out Phase I, Phase II, and Phase III SBIR projects. From the beginning of the SBIR Program, MERRA has coordinated annual SBIR conferences for Michigan companies. The MERRA staff has helped small businesses prepare suitable R&D projects and write effective SBIR proposals. Numerous SBIR awards have resulted from MERRA supportive efforts, and the MERRA small business outreach activity has kept MERRA in touch with successful firms to assist them in getting the best results from their SBIR projects and to assess progress. For this study, in-depth evaluations were made of various Michigan firms that won SBIR awards, including both mature small businesses and start-up companies to learn in what ways their SBIR experiences are parallel and in what ways they diverge. The study covers those that have used SBIR funds to diversify and add new areas of business to existing core areas. Other companies examined were created by researchers associated with universities, industry, or research organizations who utilized SBIR awards to assist in starting new businesses. Also considered were Michigan companies at different levels of development that have employed SBIR awards as seed money to perfect innovative new products for marketing.  相似文献   

Hong Kong law is characterized by a mixture of legal sources and traditions, originating from the constitutional government-based structure in the mid-1800s to the new laws, which were promulgated at the beginning of the 20th century. Since Hong Kong’s return into the People’s Republic of China in 1997, the development and forms of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Laws have been influenced by the Constitution of the People’s Republic of China of 1982, the Sino-British Joint Declaration of Hong Kong issues of 1984 as well as the Basic Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of 1990. The government of China continues to undertake measures, promoting a high degree of autonomy within the Hong Kong as well as its political stability and economic prosperity. All these measures contribute to the promotion of the rule of law and unification of China.  相似文献   

One of ATP’s legislated mandates is to accelerate industry’s development and commercialization of new technologies. This survey of 28 projects funded in 1991 found that ATP helped cut technology development cycle time by 50% in most cases. Slightly more than half of the interviewees provided quantitative estimates of the economic value of reducing cycle time by a single year. Most interviewees expected the positive impact on cycle time experienced in the applied-research stage to flow through to later stages in the technology development cycle allowing them to enter the marketplace more quickly. Cycle-time improvements in other technology development projects were attributed by the companies to their ATP project. Two types of acceleration were implied: (1) overcoming delays in starting technology development projects, and (2) speeding up performance of research once it is under way. This paper is based on work performed by the author when she was serving as an industry consultant to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). The author acknowledges the contributions of Rosalie Ruegg, Richard Spivack, Ernesto Robles, and Gregory Tassey, all of NIST, to the study. In addition, she expresses appreciation to the 28 company representatives who participated in the project interviews.  相似文献   

The International Development Research Centre, an agency created two decades ago by the Canadian Parliament and operated by an international board of governors, supports and funds research and development activities outside Canada. Initially it concentrated on building research capacity in developing countries and funding research projects. In the mid-1980s a significant part of the centre's attention shifted to technology transfer. In response to this new emphasis, the author developed what he calls a framework—a set of elements to consider in formulating research projects—for the purpose of improving the chances of transferring and implementing the research results. This article describes the utilization framework, using past research projects to illustrate its eight elements, and briefly describes how the centre has applied it. J. Andre Potworowski, until recently a consultant to the International Development Research Centre in the areas of technology transfer and research utilization, now is a principle with the Hickling Corporation in the management of technology. He has a Ph.D. in physical chemistry from the University of Toronto and an MBA from the Harvard Business School. He also has had various advisory positions with the Science Council of Canada; the Department of Energy, Mines and Resources; the Ministry of State for Science and Technology; and the Secretariat of the Prime Minister's National Advisory Board on Science and Technology.  相似文献   

In the newly emerging field of biotechnology, Japan so far is generally considered to be lagging somewhat behind the US. Through the judicious application of industrial policy to encourage the growth of the industry, however, Japan is rapidly gaining on the US lead. Joint ventures between large Japanese Companies specializing in areas such as chemicals and food and new American biotechnology companies play a key role in the technology-transfer process. This paper analyzes the dynamics and potential of Japanese efforts in biotechnology. Certain structural features of the Japanese economy, such as extensive corporate financial resources, traditional fermentation expertise, and, in particular, government policy to encourage high-technology research and development. serve to increase Japanese competitiveness in the field.  相似文献   

In this paper we present technology transfer strategy of petrochemical process to Iranian industries. Petrochemical industries import requested technology by some known strategies such as Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), Licensing, Joint Venture (JV), Turn-key, Reverse Engineering (RE) and Research & Development (RD). The strengths and weaknesses of each strategy was evaluated according to our situation and condition. In first step, the related literature and previous studies we investigated to find indexes for technology transfer of petrochemical process. By prepared questionnaire and referring to petrochemical experts, through AHP method, the significance of indexes related to each strategy was evaluated and analyzed. The result shows that make JV with an International company who owns the know-how technology and strong background in requested technology, will help us to succeed in our investment. Licensing, also, is an appropriate alternative for some technology transferring projects that no JV could be created.  相似文献   

We study the economic value of both embodied technological change and Research and Development (R&D) investment as proxies for the inputs of innovative activities conducted by Vietnamese firms. Our main focus is on the profitability of young innovative companies (YICs), private innovative companies (PICs), and small and young companies (SYCs). In particular, we test whether YICs could prove successful in fostering economic development through their technological change activities. Results show that (a) although YICs are more R&D intensive and innovative than PICs and SYCs, in general they do not produce equivalent performance; however those specific YICs focusing on technological change potentially outperform their counterparts, and (b) PICs are more capable than the other types of firms in translating their innovative effort to higher profitability.  相似文献   

An important component of the Advanced Technology Program’s (ATP) economic evaluation plan for tracking project progress and outcomes is the administration of an electronic survey on a regular basis to participants in all projects funded since 1993. Progress of projects is compared against business plans and projected economic benefit goals outlined in their proposals. The resulting Business Reporting System (BRS) database is used for ATP project management and for evaluation research. Based on BRS data compiled through December 31, 1996, filed by 480 companies in 210 projects, funded in 19 competitions, this paper provides an overview of pathways to achieving targeted commercial and broader economic goals. Progress reports for the group of projects provide a variety of evidence of (a) opportunities for economic spillovers and national economic benefit and (b) activities supporting technology diffusion.  相似文献   

The convergence of biological, technological and economic realms of life has fostered the development of the bioeconomy as a new feature of contemporary society. As the meaning of life and the human body is redefined in the context of the bioeconomy, new challenges have emerged for ethics and law In the face of these challenges, it is imperative that the currency of regulatory frameworks is maintained through the processes of regular review and update. The National Health and Medical Research Council has recently released the new National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research to provide guidance for health research in Australia. The new National Statement will play an important part in supporting innovation and the development of the knowledge economy.  相似文献   

Using evidence‐based methods to help divorcing families requires the combined best efforts of legal professionals, courts, judges and administrators, mental health oriented service providers, and university researchers. Collaborative program development, implementation, and evaluation involve a complicated process of negotiation between professionals, yet this process is hardly ever described. The current article describes the processes we underwent in forging an alliance of researchers from Arizona State University's Prevention Research Center with professionals from the Maricopa County (Arizona) Family Court, a collaboration that involved a true dialogue and cooperation from the earliest stages and continuing throughout the project. A Community‐Based Participatory Research model was the underlying basis for our partnership; its lynchpin device was a Joint Planning Committee.  相似文献   

WTO体制下中国商事组织法三大变革析论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
邓瑞平  王国锋 《现代法学》2006,28(5):157-165
中国商事组织法存在的创新机制缺失、身份立法、经营范围僵化等问题,不仅使我国商事组织在加入WTO后更为激烈的国际竞争中处于不利地位,而且构成中国履行相关国际承诺的障碍。为此,应在肯定商事组织法原有原则的前提下弱化法定原则、确立国民待遇原则和规则效率原则,并在根据新原则对中国商事组织权利能力和行为能力制度重构的基础上,设计商事组织经营范围和外贸经营权的改革方案,具体讲,就是应废除三资企业法、《全民所有制企业法》、《乡镇企业法》和《私营企业暂行条例》,将其所调整的商事组织分别归属于《公司法》、《合伙企业法》和《个人独资企业法》,并引进有限合伙、有限责任合伙等形式丰富我国合伙企业的类型。  相似文献   

论股份有限公司制度在清末民初的演进   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
股份有限公司是一种企业组织形式,又是一种现代企业制度,两是有机统一、不能割裂的。股份有限公司这种企业组织形式自1872年引入中国后,与应有的现代企业制度割裂开来,先受洋务派的控制被扭曲为“官督商办制”,后被社会名流用于“救国之策”,直到五四时期中国发展的黄金岁月,才具备现代企业制度的诸机制,开始推动的持续发展。  相似文献   

风险投资组织形式的比较与选择   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
现有有关风险投资的研究多从风险投资家的作用、风险投资的契约形式、投资评估及决策程序、退出方式等角度进行阐述,很少对风险投资机构这一投资主体进行研究.然而不同的组织形式具有不同的效率,不同的国家和地区根据自身情况选择了不同的组织形式.影响风险投资组织形式选择的因素主要有资金来源、法律因素和政府扶植状况.鉴于我国有关法律与制度还不完备,我国现阶段应以公司制为主.可通过实行专家聘任制、经理人回报制度及引入阶段性投资机制解决现有公司制中存在的问题.  相似文献   

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