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提升政府透明度是建设"服务型"政府的要求和目标,有助于预防腐败现象的发生,提高公众的参与程度和满意度。新加坡是世界上政府透明度最高的国家之一,拥有一流的电子政务平台以及最为清廉的公务员队伍。我国与新加坡同处亚洲和儒家文化圈,都是后发展国家,新加坡的经验值得我们学习借鉴。本文首先对政府透明度进行了理论层面的研究,构建了政府透明度理论分析框架。其次,以理论分析框架为指导,从政党和执政者、政策法规、社会文化、公众的素质和能力、平台建设五个方面分析了新加坡提升政府透明度的做法。最后,文章总结了新加坡对我国建设透明政府的启示,即完善信息公开法律,确保法律的执行;培育社会文化,提供隐性支持;鼓励公众参与,提升参与能力;推进电子政务建设,丰富沟通参与渠道。  相似文献   

新加坡作为东南亚地区小国取得了骄人成就,而其立国之本主要是靠智慧,其中各种智库发挥了非常重要的作用。新加坡综合性国际问题智库主要有东南亚研究所、东亚研究所、防务与战略研究所、南亚研究所、政策研究所、新加坡国际事务研究所等。新加坡多数著名智库都属于政府部门设立的研究机构,有着政府需求、依托大学、分工合作、专业开放等共同的特点。总体来讲新加坡智库运作都比较成功,主要的经验可以归纳为定位准确、高管参与、独立管理、人才为先等几个方面。新加坡智库的各种经验和教训对我国目前培育和建设新型智库应该具有参考和借鉴意义。  相似文献   

新加坡图书馆的现代化管理及其借鉴   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近年来,新加坡的图书馆事业迅速发展。新加坡积极实施图书馆的中长期发展计划,建立科学和高效的管理体制和运行机制,注重人力资源的管理与开发,完善图书馆自动化管理系统。目前,我国图书馆现代化管理水平尚有不少差距,新加坡图书馆的现代化管理经验可资借鉴。  相似文献   

近年,中国企业在新加坡的投资迅速扩展,在新加坡上市的中资企业已颇具规模.中资企业在新加坡投资与经营为我国企业实施"走出去"战略提供了有益的经验,促进了企业经营管理机制的转换,提升了企业的国际竞争力.不过,中资企业在新加坡投资仍面临着一些亟待解决的问题.  相似文献   

工业化、现代化进程中的社会文化变迁:对新加坡的个案分析--兼谈广东珠江三角洲的精神文明建设曹云华在亚洲国家中,日本和“四小龙”的工业化和现代化是最为成功的,它们为其它亚洲后发展国家提供了许多有益的经验。本文主要以新加坡华人为研究对象,分析该国在工业化...  相似文献   

论民族传统文化在新加坡国家建设中的地位作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
论民族传统文化在新加坡国家建设中的地位作用黄松赞本文探讨民族文化同新加坡国家建设的关系。研究这个课题的意义在于,它关乎对民族传统文化的看法,关乎民族传统文化在新加坡过去和未来的文化政策中的地位以及人们对新加坡文化及其文化政策的理解。一、民族文化在新加...  相似文献   

创意时代的东亚文化经济发展趋向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着知识经济的兴起,一种新的经济形态——“文化经济”正在迅速崛起。在今天,作为这种新的文化经济最直观显形的创意产业已经成为世界经济中的“朝阳产业”,成为推动经济增长,增强国家、地区或城市综合竞争力的重要因素。目前,许多国家、地区和城市已经纷纷将文化经济、文化贸易设定为战略目标,将创意产业定位为国家战略产业。本文主要分析东亚的日本、韩国、新加坡和中国台湾地区的创意产业发展趋向,并对其创意产业发展的经验进行了总结,以期对我国的创意产业起到借鉴和启示作用。  相似文献   

新加坡的政治文化是东西方文化相融合的产物,是独具特色的新加坡政治发展道路的文化根源。本文拟探讨东西方政治文化在新加坡的功用,就新加坡现代化过程中的文化选择作一评估。  相似文献   

新加坡地处东南亚重要交通枢纽,东西文明交汇,国土虽小但种族、宗教多元。由于特殊的地缘政治等因素,新加坡政府在处理种族、宗教问题上十分注重和谐,而全球化的进程对新加坡维持宗教和谐局面既是机遇也是挑战。本文分析了新加坡宗教如何与时代紧密结合,把握全球化所带来的发展机遇,同时也考察了新加坡宗教自身如何应对全球化所带来的新挑战,总结新加坡政府、宗教团体、社会三个层面的经验,以期为我国宗教的和谐发展提供参考。  相似文献   

儒家传统文化在新加坡现代化中的作用很大,贡献也是多方面的,但它并非是新加坡现代化的动力所在,而只是推进现代化的有效工具。它被用以防治道德失范、建构民族精神、维护社会秩序、寻求政治理论支持、打造清廉有效的政府形象。新加坡在现代化进程中植入"孔孟的真精神",并对之进行选择性吸收,即将儒家传统文化作为一种历史文化资源来参考、择取和利用,并赋予儒学新的时代意义,这也许就是儒家传统文化的现代出路所在。  相似文献   

中俄教育合作极具战略意义,是中俄人文领域合作行动计划的优先方向。2019年,中俄各类教育方案框架内的学生交流人数达10万人,新冠肺炎疫情暴发后,两国相互间留学的人数变化不大。截至2021年12月,获得教育部批准或者省级教育主管机构批准的中俄合作办学机构有20个,本科层次合作项目70个,专科层次合作项目21个,硕士层次合作项目4个,理工科项目数多于人文社科类,办学层次仍以本科学历教育和专科教育为主。中俄高等教育交流与合作取得了丰富成果,但是还存在着中俄高等教育国际化法规不完善,留学生在各自对外交流总体量中所占比例尚小,缺乏基于学科对接、优势互补的实质性合作等不足。目前,中国迫切需要进一步建立和完善高等教育国际合作法律体系,优化制度、政策环境;高校要树立国际化观念,增强国际化能力;通过与俄罗斯高校的合作促进我国高等教育质量提升;为“一带一路”域内国家培养优质劳动力资源。  相似文献   


The higher education landscape in South African (SA) has recently experienced a wave of student movement organised under the #MustFall campaign, where students demanded quality and accessible higher education. This movement spoke against the colonial character of the curriculum, demographic representation, institutional cultures, and architecture of the university in South Africa today, which excludes the majority of the students who cannot access higher education in South Africa. It is in this context that the high cost of higher education was questioned, with some questioning the very “idea of the university”, and the role of the university in a society contending with income inequalities, unemployment, and poverty. This article seeks to position food at the centre of decolonising tools towards a sustainable African university of the future. Looking at growing levels of hunger, and the lack of access to food among our students, I argue that in putting food at the centre, regarding our understanding of the curriculum, shape, size, and future of the university in South Africa, we might begin to transform the exclusivist, uncaring and elitist spaces that define a university. In trying to rethink the ‘‘idea of the university’’ in South Africa I look at one of the enduring institutions of knowledge in African societies—uMakhulu (“Senior Mother/Grandmother”) as a body that can reconnect the African university to its matriarchal heritage, in order to define a university that can feed itself beyond the narrow neoliberal understanding of sustainability.  相似文献   

1945年越南独立建国后,越南进行了三次以中小学教育改革为主的重大教育改革.经过这三次改革和几十年的发展,越南的中小学不仅在学校和学生的数量上大幅增加,教育目标和教学计划有了较大的改进,而且教科书和教学设备等也有所改善.然而,越南的中小学教育在物质条件、师资力量和教学质量上还存在一定的困难.因此,越南要实现21世纪"社会化、现代化、规范化、多样化和民主化"的教育目标,还有很长的路要走.  相似文献   

A large amount of literature critiquing the nature and practice of higher education has emerged in the wake of globalisation. This special issue represents a range of intellectual debates around the challenges facing educators in globalised higher institutions, especially where Asian international students are concerned. Read together, the four articles contribute to an emerging body of critical research which de-essentialises solid forms of educational imaginary and embraces heterogeneity of knowledge domains and pedagogy in the ever-changing universe. With a shared vision of providing a high quality, equitable, and global learning experience for all students, these papers interrelate through four parameters: (1) pluralising the disciplinary knowledge base and diversifying curricula and programmes for all students to serve the global community, (2) calling for a progressive pedagogy which takes into account the ‘transcultural’ flow of knowledge on campus and offers students an equal access to quality-orientated education, (3) problematising the ‘imagineering’ of study abroad and proposing a reshaping of research and teaching practices away from a ‘pure’ cultural and intercultural preparation of mobile students and cultural essentialism, and (4) taking into consideration of the fluidity and personal agencies and internationalising effect of international students and moving beyond methodological nationalism.  相似文献   

R. A. Brown 《East Asia》1990,9(4):71-83
South Korean student anti-Americanism has attracted a great deal of attention in recent years. Previous studies have emphasized the political and historical causes and implications of anti Americanism. The present study approaches the problem from a social psychological and developmental perspective. South Korean students enter college without strong feelings or well-informed opinions about America, either negative or positive. They quickly acquire mostly negative feelings and opinions. They do not necessarily become anti-American, but they do become substantially less favorably inclined toward America—either more anti-American, or less pro-American, than they were before becoming college students. An explanation in terms of their experiences while preparing to become students is offered.  相似文献   

Korean student enter college singularly susceptible to the influence of their seniors, who tend to be critical of the Korean government and its relation to the United States, and by extension, the United States itself. One recent study involving 208 Korean college students suggested that the attitude of the great majority had become progressively less favorable, or more unfavorable toward the United States over a one-year-period, and more cynical concerning its motives. That study, however, did not control for age, and relied on students’ own impressionistic self-reports of their initial attitudes. The present study is a replication and extension of that one, using a panel of entering students, whose attitudes were measured during the first and last weeks of their first college semester. The results indicate that the change in attitude toward “anti-Americanism” occurs within this first semester.  相似文献   


While it is important that education be relevant to the context of students, education systems struggle to introduce curricula that relate to the context of students. In South Africa the national curriculum, which is outcomes based, attempts to address the local context of students by introducing critical outcomes restricted to learning areas, and guide classroom methodology, the selection of content and the motivations for teaching and learning. In this article I argue that due to centralisation and bureaucratisation, the national curriculum does not sufficiently address the context of students. In the analysis, I discuss critical aspects of the curriculum development process, and argue that in order to address the local context, the home curriculum must be introduced in schools. In this way the education system will be striving for the Africanisation of education.  相似文献   

甲午战后,在严重的民族危机唤醒下,以“求学”为良药,广大学子纷纷负笈东瀛,近代中国形成了轰轰烈烈的留学日本热潮。偏处腹地的四川,留日也蔚为风气,出现了留日学生这一群体。留日学生学成归国后,对清末四川的政治、军事、文化方面发挥了积极的作用,尤其在教育方面,留日学生对四川的教育变革做出了很大的贡献,推进了四川教育近代化的进程。  相似文献   


Based on an ethnographic case study of an Islamic university in Russia, I examine how the state-implemented and bureaucratized traditionalization of Islam in Russia affects the everyday life of Central Asian students and how this project ‘from above’ is entangled with their coping strategies. I show how religious education has become a resource for the state as well as for young students and their parents. The Russian state uses these official religious institutions to control the Muslim population by creating and promoting a state-approved version of ‘traditional Islam’ and producing official religious specialists. For the young Muslim students, however, Islamic education provides, in addition to religious knowledge, access to networks, social security and new economic opportunities. It thereby offers a way to cope with the uncertainty caused by high unemployment rates and other socio-economic difficulties among young people.  相似文献   

范宏伟 《东南亚研究》2006,(6):71-75,28
20世纪90年代以来,缅甸华文教育在经历了二十余年的沉寂后重新复苏,华校的数量和规模已经有了较大发展。缅甸华文教育的发展与缅甸国内的政治经济发展、中国的崛起和对华文教育的支持、中缅关系的亲善、华人的努力和有利的国际背景等五个方面密切相关。同时,目前缅甸华文教育在合法化、生源和师资方面还存在诸多的困难。  相似文献   

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