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中小城市仲裁工作是一个很容易被人们忽略的角落。笔者以自己的经验和思考,总结出了在中小城市发展仲裁事业的全局思路和具体应该采取的措施,为我国中小城市的仲裁事业发展提供了有益的借鉴。  相似文献   

法治社会的“法”与“治”   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
“依法治国”,“法治”为其要义。近些年来,学界政界,对法治议论者甚多,其中不乏有胆有识之高论。但何谓法治之“法”,何谓法治之“治”,何“法”可用之于“治”,“法”与“治”关系如何,法治本质与特性如何,似鲜有平心静气、细致深入之论者。就此而言,此处严存生教授之文可谓棋高一筹,令人一新耳目。文中释论人之本性,法之明善及法之属性;治之自治与善治,治之于官而非民,治出于民及其属性等等,均有学理说服与发微启迪之长。推呈学界,或能复引精粹之玉。不仅如此,意味更为深长者,“依法治国”之“法治”,究竟寓意何在?其与“法制”究竟有何不同?前者一定是观念上的进步,抑或传统“治”国之策的另一种表达?  相似文献   

本体论的兴衰与哲学时代主题的转换   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从历史上看,本体论的演化经历了一个曲折的过程.早期,本体论的兴盛说明了哲学研究的重心是探讨世界的"本原","形而上"的追索构成了古代哲学的主题.近代以来,认识论的繁荣与本体论的衰落是同一个过程的两个方面,哲学研究中对"形而上"问题的质疑和对精确科学的推崇把哲学变成了所谓的"科学之科学".哲学主题的"科学化"一方面使哲学蒙上了"科学"的表象,另一方面也使之远离了人类的终极关怀和至上理想.然而,现代人文精神的失落和科学技术发展带来的人类生存危机提醒人们:科学和人文是人类社会发展的双轨,哲学的科学化是不符合哲学的本性和社会发展的要求的,世界范围内兴起的对本体论研究的热潮证明了哲学的当代主题乃是人与世界的和谐共处问题,哲学在其中起着人类生活信念重建和理性对待世界的双重任务.  相似文献   

《莺莺传》和《霍小玉传》都是中唐传奇的佳作,是少有的与城市舆论有关的故事,而且因为舆论的参与,促成了这两篇传奇的发展以及在意义上的延伸。中唐长安的城市舆论对两场轰动京城的爱情的反应,在其过程中呈现出接受和颠覆的两种状态,表现出时代性的"逐情"观念。从两篇传奇在城市舆论中复杂的状态入手,可以解析中唐社会中复杂的情感道德倾向。  相似文献   

刑事法律的欧洲化与刑事法律领域的欧洲一体化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
<正>一、导论自欧盟《马斯特里赫特条约》生效以及司法与内务领域的欧洲政策被描绘出轮廓以来,司法与内务发展成为欧盟立法的主要领域之一。现在,我们又处在一个重要的历史性壮举的开端。2003年6月,欧洲议会达成了建立欧洲宪法的草拟性条约。对于未来的欧盟条约使用“宪法”这个术语并不仅仅是个装饰。这一成就使我们明白,欧盟一体化必须根植于一个条约性的文件中——这个条约性的文件不仅仅与欧洲人的公民身份有关,  相似文献   

Stuart A. Scheingold's, ThePolitics of Rights, has left a considerableimprint on sociolegal scholarship. A centralfigure in the intellectual genealogy ofsociolegal studies, Scheingold has contributedto both instrumental and constitutiveapproaches to the study of law. Informing aninstrumental perspective, Scheingold's focus onlaw's symbolic life provides the foundation forexamining rights discourse and litigation aspolitical resources. Informing a constitutiveoutlook, Scheingold encourages an understandingof how law shapes our imaginations,aspirations, and expectations. After reviewinghis contribution to instrumentalism andconstitutivism, this essay suggests howScheingold offers the grounds for seeing theseoften divergent approaches as complementary.  相似文献   

美国作家塞林格发表于1951年的代表作《麦田里的守望》在语言形式、叙述视角、叙述方式等方面体现了后现代叙事本的三大特征:他用“低俗”的语言消融了高雅化与通俗化的界限;从独特的青少年的视角来观察世界,打破了权力话语和美学观念;以非人格化叙述的“无言”搁置了真理和终极意义。塞林格的创作极大地影响了二十世纪下半期西方后现代学创作的发展,是后现代叙事本的经典之作。  相似文献   

美国作家塞林格发表于 1 95 1年的代表作《麦田里的守望者》在语言形式、叙述视角、叙述方式等方面体现了后现代叙事文本的三大特征 :他用“低俗”的语言消融了高雅文化与通俗文化的界限 ;从独特的青少年的视角来观察世界 ,打破了权力话语和传统的美学观念 ;以非人格化叙述的“无言”搁置了真理和终极意义。塞林格的创作极大地影响了二十世纪下半期西方后现代文学创作的发展 ,是后现代叙事文本的经典之作  相似文献   

Methods of pyrazidole isolation from blood and urine as well as of its identification and quantification are developed. These methods allow one to isolate 53-55% of pyrazidole from blood and 90-95%, from urine.  相似文献   

To investigate the course of respiration and circulation in death by toluene inhalation, 25 dogs were allowed to rebreathe toluene vapor in a 1-1 plastic bag expanded with air, and electrocardiogram (ECG), electroencephalogram (EEG), blood pressure (BP) in the femoral artery and intrathoracic pressure (ITP) were registered. The respiratory movement continued two times longer than that of death by suffocation using a plastic bag of the same size. In the ECG, low voltage of R waves precipitously appeared several minutes after the beginning of the experiment and continued. The BP gradually reduced by half and kept the level for several minutes. The stage was considered toluene narcosis. Toward the end of the respiratory movement, the BP increased gradually. The analysis of the ECG complexes during the toluene inhalation revealed the direct effect of toluene to the septal and ventricular muscle of the heart. But in the end of the respiratory movement, it revealed ST segment elevation and upright T. In a few experimental animals, some of the transient arrhythmia with fluctuation of the BP appeared during the course, and in one of these dogs, fatal ventricular fibrillation occurred suddenly. These findings suggested that in most cases of sudden death in 'toluene-sniffing', the cause of death is severe hypoxia during toluene narcosis, but in a few cases, it is fatal arrhythmia due to the direct effect of toluene to the heart muscle.  相似文献   

For Caleb

In The Dispossessed, Ursula LeGuin imagines a non‐authoritarian society that privileges freedom and centers the individual's realization of her creative potentials in social context as the means to achieve the highest functioning, least repressive society. The concept central to this imagination of freedom and the ‘good life’ as expressed in her anarchic vision is that of disalienation, in the Marxist sense. In theorizing an anarchic society, whether or not a particular aspect of social organization is disalienating becomes for LeGuin the key criterion for assessing and determining the human efficacy of, in particular: the organization of work; the relationship between self, society, and nature; and the distribution of both social responsibilities and resources. This paper explores how LeGuin measures the alienating effects of a range of socio‐economic institutions, practices, and bodies of knowledge—from how we organize work, to how we establish the state and its governing power, to how we think about time—highlighting her critique of the alienating structures of our culture and the way they curtail human creativity and disarm individuals from developing freely and fully, that is, in a way that would benefit society as a whole and promote individual happiness.  相似文献   

A method for the determination of morphine is post-mortem blood by HPLC with electrochemical detection is described. Blood morphine levels in post-mortem cases are reported and the importance of these in causing death is discussed. These post-mortem levels are compared further with morphine levels in the blood of patients receiving morphine as an analgesic.  相似文献   

Sharing a legal status equal to that of males, females in India are by no means socially and economically equal, nor do they exhibit official and self‐reported crime rates any where near those of men and boys. As commonly found around the world, a distinct gender‐gap in arrests exists in India with overall male:female ratios of around 20:1. While commonly found in other third world countries, this ratio is about four times greater than occurs between males and females in economically developed countries. Self‐report data narrows this gender‐gap considerably. But, the remarkable thing about the criminality of women and girls in India is that their is so little of it. Due to the lack of basic data, explaining female crime in India remains a task yet to be undertaken. However, there is reason to believe that theoretical concepts of etiology developed in Western criminology may apply to India also. As such, the relatively minuscule offense rates for Indian females may reflect how their suppressed social position, in effect, inhibits their ability to initiate or engage in criminal conduct as such. Suggestions for future research on virtually all dimensions of female crime and justice are made.  相似文献   

一、德国青岛殖民史的新观察点把德国在山东与青岛的殖民史列入这次会议的范围之内 ,即把德国占领胶州湾当作中德文化的碰撞 ,把青岛看成是中德文化的一个交汇点 ,会给熟悉这段历史及其研究史的人们一种异样的感觉。可以说 ,这是对这段历史的观察点的又一次转移。 80年代以来 ,德国在山东的殖民史 ,特别是在青岛的经营史的研究 ,已经经历了一个大转折。多数学者已经不再仅仅从殖民侵略的角度来观察与评论这段历史 ,而是同时肯定了德国殖民者在青岛的城市与现代化方面所作出的成就。而 90年代以来 ,随着文化史的兴起 ,中外学术界对殖民史中东…  相似文献   

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