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This article presents the findings of a 12-month ethnographic study of the development of human trafficking vulnerability among African irregular migrants in Malta. It illustrates the role that European migration and asylum policies have played when fostering the development of trafficking vulnerabilities amongst asylum seekers following their arrival through the gates of Fortress Europe. It critically evaluates the discourse and discursive frameworks that have held dominion over the way in which academics and policy-makers have understood human trafficking practices, drawing attention to forms of human trafficking exploitation that are underrepresented within both trafficking literature and empirical studies.  相似文献   

Although a relatively small, yet growing group of scholars have been lamenting the exclusion of nonhuman animals from the scope of criminology for over thirty years now, animals have been historically present in criminological theorizing, legal practices, and research. However, this presence has not been of the form advocated for by scholars who variously identify themselves as non-speciesist criminologists, green criminologists, or ecological criminologists, who have been arguing largely for recognition of harms perpetrated against animals, or ‘zoological crime’. Instead, the longer history of animals in criminology is as offenders or as prototypes of criminality. In this article, we are concerned with the production – vis-à-vis the anthropological machine – of the ‘stupid’ animal and subhuman within criminology and criminal justice. Guided by the political philosophy of Giorgio Agamben, we trace the animal through criminological thought from the premodern period to Lombroso to contemporary criminological scholarship illustrating how the animal has been (ab)used to shore up the classifications between humans, between humans and animals, and the intelligent and the stupid. We also examine how historically through criminal trials of animals and the feebleminded, criminal justice has played an active role in buttressing these classifications and acting on these classifications to produce bare life, that is, life without form or value.  相似文献   

The purpose of our study has been to better estimate the number and types of crimes committed by asylum seekers and irregular migrants. While data on immigration status for non-residents are lacking in Norwegian crime statistics, we use indirect identifiers (lack of a national ID number, citizenship, residency) to arrive at an estimate for persons with a pending asylum claim and the related group of irregular migrants (i.e. non-EU citizens). A very small amount of the total crimes registered with a known offender are committed by this group. However, these groups are most likely overrepresented as offenders compared to the registered resident population, also when taking age and gender into consideration. Our method is recommended in a field otherwise dominated by political arguments and as an alternative to registering asylum status in crime registers.  相似文献   

California shares a 150-mile international border with Mexico. Traditionally, this border has seen non-stop illegal migration. In the 1990s, the Border Patrol began a concerted effort to establish and maintain control of the border, beginning in urban San Diego. This heightened law enforcement presence, known as Operation Gatekeeper, changed the westernmost segment of the border from the most permeable to the least permeable. This enforcement pushed migrants into more dangerous crossing areas in eastern San Diego and Imperial Counties, making their trip longer and more physically challenging as they made their way through treacherous mountains, deserts, and irrigation canals. Death rates soared. Political decisions impacted human lives and the caseloads of forensic anthropologists in jurisdictions along the border. Bodies decompose rapidly here, and there are minimal sources of antemortem data. Many of these migrants are never identified. This paper, and this symposium, is an attempt to bring this situation to the notice of other anthropologists and to discuss cooperative means of addressing the issue of identification.  相似文献   

This analysis of gunshot trauma to the bony thorax examines 87 handgun and rifle wounds from documented cases in an effort to corroborate an earlier report and to provide the forensic community with additional literature in this area. Specifically, this study tests whether the trauma signatures associated with gunshot wounds in the bony thorax are useful in determining the direction of fire. Because the ribs occupy a significant portion of the bony thorax, they are struck more frequently than other bones and, consequently, they are the focus of this report. This study confirmed that bullets can leave distinctive markers on ribs that indicate the direction of fire, including depressed fractures, bone fragments displaced in the direction of the bullet's path, and beveling. Although forensic anthropologists can determine the direction that a bullet was traveling when it struck a given rib, they cannot give a definitive statement about the number or sequence of gunshots without supporting soft tissue evidence.  相似文献   

Individual health insurance markets differ from state to state, and as a result approaches to individual market reforms need to be different. In evaluating approaches, policy makers need to remember that since the decision to purchase health insurance coverage is voluntary, the potential for adverse selection exists. In addition, rather than putting the focus of individual market reforms almost exclusively on access to health insurance for a small number of persons with high-cost health conditions, more attention needs to be put on how to decrease the number of uninsured persons. This includes making the premiums paid for individual health insurance 100 percent tax deductible, similar to those of employer-based health insurance. Finally, market reforms need to treat all types of coverage issued in the individual market the same, whether they are purchased direct for the insurer or through an out-of-state association.  相似文献   

证人拒证行为的刑事立法及对策探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
牟军 《现代法学》2000,22(3):123-126
作者为拒证行为的刑事立法提供了参考的依据,并在此基础上,探析了拒证罪应具备的四个犯罪构成要件。  相似文献   

Yang SM 《法医学杂志》2010,26(6):440-442
目的探讨涉及患者死亡医疗纠纷的过错成因,分析其司法鉴定的切入点。方法收集了涉及患者死亡且多次鉴定的医疗纠纷案例24例,从一般情况、科室分布、责任程度划分以及差错分析等方面进行了总结和分析。结果此类案例在技术方面存在患者自身疾病隐匿、接诊部门处理过程简单、科室之间配合不力、紧急情况下措施不果断等问题。此外,告知义务的履行、转诊时机把握以及常备抢救设施的维护等管理方面漏洞也是医疗纠纷的多发环节。结论本文可为进行此类医疗纠纷的司法鉴定提供帮助,也为避免纠纷的发生提供参考。  相似文献   

Ma BF  Zhou LE  Qi YH  Kang M 《法医学杂志》2008,24(5):336-338
目的 探讨情感性精神障碍患者作案特征.方法 对杭州市公安局安康医院2000-2004年鉴定的72例情感性精神障碍案例进行分析.结果 情感性精神障碍患者作案与发作次数有一定关联性,躁狂症与抑郁症危害行为有统计学意义(P<0.01).情感性障碍患者作案特征与精神分裂症不同,主要是作案的病理性动机较少,现实动机较多.结论 反复发作是情感性精神障碍患者作案的预警性指标.在作案特征上与精神分裂症有各自不同的特点,可能与病因、病情发展、症状表现和严重程度等差异有关.  相似文献   



Prosecutors working with child sexual abuse (CSA) cases involving young children have raised concerns that reliability criteria from the Supreme Court of Sweden are holding children's testimony to impossible standards (e.g., expecting the child's testimony to be long, rich in detail and spontaneous). This study aimed to address these concerns by investigating how District Courts and Courts of Appeal employ said criteria in their testimonial assessments of young child complainants.


Court documents from District Courts (= 100) and Courts of Appeal (= 45) in CSA cases involving 100 children age 7 years and under were analysed with respect to the courts’ testimonial assessments.


Testimonial assessments were more frequently referenced in acquitting verdicts and in cases with evidence of low corroborative value. Richness in detail was the most frequently used reliability criterion, followed by spontaneity. Most criteria were used in favour of the children's testimony. However, the length criterion was typically used against the reliability of the children's testimony.


Our findings confirm prosecutors’ concerns that criteria from the Supreme Court are frequently used in evaluations of young children's testimony. This is troublesome, as some criteria do not correspond to current research on young children's witness abilities. For example, compared to testimony given by older children or adults, testimony provided by a young child is typically not long or rich in detail. We encourage prosecutors to extend their own knowledge on young children's capability as witnesses and present this to the court.  相似文献   

《德国刑事诉讼法》第136条a是在特定背景下,以德国基本法为根据而单独增加的条款。它采用列举和概括相结合的方式对禁止使用的讯问方法及违法取供的程序性后果作了明确规定。该条文的内涵在德国司法实践中不断得到扩展,目前已经成为德国言词证据收集与运用的基本法则。当前我国刑事诉讼中增设非法言词证据排除规则的立法背景与德国当时增设第136条a具有许多相似性,应当借鉴德国做法,构建适合我国国情的言词证据禁止法则。  相似文献   

自达尔文创立生物进化论以来,各种形式的试图以进化论作为心理学思想的基石开展心理学研究的科学冲动,在心理学的主流历史中绵延不绝,并相继形成多种理论形态各异的进化论的心理学研究方案。本文以关于心理学理论基础的反思为立足点,通过对心理进化的逻辑的追问,并引入人类学哲学的视野,揭示了一切形式的进化论的心理学研究方案的逻辑的盲目性,并为心理学作为一门独立科学寻求理论的统一提供了可能的思路。  相似文献   

The right to a free and fair trial is one of the most basic human fights afforded to mankind. In South Africa, prior to 1994, this right was afforded to accused persons by common law only. The criminal justice system in South Africa however has been changing radically since 1994 due to the inception of first the Interim Constitution and later the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996. South Africa has a history of human rights abuses-also with regard to criminal trials. The right to a fair trial is now constitutionally enshrined and protected by the Bill of Rights. As a result thereof the application of this right by the South African courts has also changed and what would have passed muster in this regard prior to 1994 would not necessarily do so now. This paper seeks to explain what the right to a fair criminal trial in a democratic South Africa entails with reference to South Africa's international obligations in this regard as well as the provisions of the South African Constitution and case law.  相似文献   

The recently proposed new Copyright Directive was released on 14 September 2016. It has been described by EU law-makers as the pillar of the copyright package promised by the European Commission (EC), to be delivered before the end of Mr. Juncker's mandate. In its Communication of 6 May 2015, the EC had stressed “the importance to enhance cross-border access to copyright-protected content services, facilitate new uses in the fields of research and education, and clarify the role of online services in the distribution of works and other subject-matter.” The proposed Copyright Directive is thus a key measure aiming to address two of these three issues. However it is not without shortfalls.We have therefore decided to publicly express our concerns and send an open letter to the European Commission, the European Parliament and the Council to urge them to re-assess the new provisions dealing with mandatory filtering of user-generated content in the light of the CJEU case law and the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union.In a more extended statement, we examine in details the text of both the explanatory memorandum and the Directive itself.Our conclusions are:1. A comprehensive re-assessment of Article 13 and Recital 39 in the light of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union and the E-commerce Directive (in particular Article 15) including CJEU case law is needed, as the proposed Copyright Directive does not expressly address the issue of its compatibility with both of these texts.2. Recital 38 does not clarify the domain and effect of Article 13. Rather, it creates confusion as it goes against settled CJEU case law (relating to Articles 14 and 15 of the E-commerce Directive and Article 3 of the Infosoc Directive). Recital 38 should therefore be deleted or substantially re-drafted/re-phrased. If the EU wants to introduce a change in this regard it should clearly justify its choice. In any case, a recital in the preamble to a directive is not an appropriate tool to achieve this effect.We hope that this exercise will prove useful for the debate that has now begun both in the European Parliament and in the Council.  相似文献   

《Science & justice》2020,60(2):108-119
Forensic criminology examines the use of forensic science in society. Justice can be hampered, for example, if the communication of forensic scientific findings is unclear or misleading, even if unintentionally. Although various recommendations guide the communication of forensic science, it is unclear whether they are reflected in practice. This study explored the communication of forensic biology in 10 cases of major crimes against the person heard in the Tasmanian Supreme Court, where the standard practice is to issue brief summary reports in the first instance. The content of expert reports and corresponding testimony was analysed to determine its adherence to recommendations outlined in standards, practice notes, and research. While reports were found to be very brief, testimony elaborated on all major elements. Mostly elicited by the prosecution, some elements were volunteered by expert witnesses, or raised by defence. Overall, expert evidence in courts—but not reports (due to the use of brief summary reports)—largely adhered to recommendations. Further research is needed to determine the prevalence and effectiveness of alternative approaches to communication that were identified in certain cases.  相似文献   

Wife-battering — An Australian perspective   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article examines the leading definitions of wife-battering and questions the emphasis on physical rather than nonphysical abuse. All dimensions of these definitions are analyzed, namely the form of abuse, severity, frequency, intention, and meaning. The final definition formulated is derived from these dimensions and from the accounts and experiences of battered women themselves. The incidence and etiology of wife-battering is then examined from an Australian perspective. Theories which concentrate either specifically on the profiles of the victim and perpetrator or on the family unit or external factors are discussed. Finally, women do remain in violent relationships and their reasons for doing so are considered.  相似文献   

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