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This article explores the role of Queensland voters in the 2019 Australian federal election. The article identifies five key elements of a Queensland political culture before offering evidence that the Liberal-National Coalition's exceedingly strong performance in Queensland in 2019 was not a single aberration, but one of a long and continuing pattern of electoral nonconformity. The article also argues Queensland's complex regional diversity necessitates analysis across not one or two constituencies but via six geographically, economically and demographically diverse regions. Third, the article argues the unexpectedly large swing against the Australian Labor Party in Queensland in 2019 was fuelled, overwhelmingly, by five factors, each consistent with the five core elements of a Queensland political culture.  相似文献   

Scholars of support for democracy traditionally have been concerned with its causes, with the assumption that higher citizen support for democratic values will enhance democracy's chances of survival in a country. Beyond this fundamental proposition, however, the consequences of varying levels of support for democratic values remain largely unexplored. This article examines the relationship between support for democratic values and views toward immigration in Latin America, a region that is experiencing an unprecedented increase in the movement of people across borders. Through an analysis of Ecuadorian attitudes toward Colombian immigrants, this study finds strong evidence for the argument that support for democratic values has potential benefits not only for democratic sustainability in the region, but also for the reduction of social conflict and distrust that can stem from increasing immigration in a volatile economic context.  相似文献   

本文运用文化学、社会学的理论和方法,坚持从印尼华人的实际出发,通过实地考察、访谈调查和资料重释的途径,具体剖析了雅加达华人中生代这一印尼华人重要的次群体,展示了印尼华人在印尼独立后的自我调适情况,分析了印尼华人今后的发展趋势及其在印尼社会重构和印尼民族重组中的地位和作用.  相似文献   

本文认为加强对华侨华人文化认同的研究,对于华侨华人融入主流社会,充分发挥华侨华人在传承中华文明中的作用,以培育有利于中国和平发展的国际舆论氛围,具有重要意义.文章首先对文化认同进行了理论阐释,接着分析了美加新华侨华人的文化认同结构,最后探讨了新华侨华人文化认同的原因.文章认为,美国、加拿大新华侨华人为寻求生存方式的同一性,其民族情感是双重的,他们既认同所在国并为所在国效忠,参与所在国的建设与发展;同时在心灵层次上又认同祖籍国的文化,并形成对中华文化深深的情感依恋.双重文化认同在美国和加拿大社会新华侨华人中之所以长期存在,其原因是他们生存发展的需要,民族认同的情感需要,居住国政治体制的二重性和祖籍国政府的支持.  相似文献   

改革开放40多年来,我国坚持对外开放基本国策毫不动摇,坚持独立自主地扩大开放,坚持共产党人推动开放的担当和初心,坚持开放与改革的良性互动,坚持试点渐进的开放路径,坚持紧紧抓住经济全球化机遇,坚持与自身能力相匹配的国际参与,坚持辩证统一、中道和合的思想方法,成功走出了一条有中国特色的开放之路。新时代推动新一轮高水平对外开放征程中,我国应理性把握发展中国家的定位、市场经济的定位和中美关系的定位。未来30年,为建设民族复兴路上的开放强国,我们应重点推进经贸强国战略和跨国公司战略,深入把握聚焦中高端竞争的开放、创新力驱动的开放、比较优势升级的开放、汇聚全球人才的开放、中国带动世界的开放和经济人文互补共进的开放等六个全方位、高水平对外开放新特征。  相似文献   

"和为贵"是中国传统文化的基本理念,也是中国自古以来对外关系的指导思想.封建时代,中国与东南亚国家的朝贡-宗藩关系曾经维系了东南亚地区的和平与安宁.新中国对东南亚国家仍坚持"和为贵"的传统理念,提倡"和而不同".这一理念尤其体现在亚非会议期间中国所提出的"和平共处五项原则"以及"求同存异"的主张上.中国与东盟的战略伙伴关系也是建立在完全平等和互利共赢的基础上的.  相似文献   

路阳 《东南亚研究》2016,(3):91-101
新世纪以来,中国富裕阶层和知识精英正成为新一轮移民潮的主力军,越来越多的中国富裕阶层通过投资移民等方式移居海外,且大多前往欧美等西方发达国家。本文基于近年来国内外发布的有关国际移民和中国富裕阶层的相关报告,对当前中国富裕阶层以投资移民为主要方式的海外移民予以关注,着重从移民倾向、资产配置和海外投资等方面进行梳理和分析,并对中国富裕阶层移民海外的趋势和未来影响加以探讨。  相似文献   

This article examines the limitations of governmental capacity to regulate private sector participation in urban water supply in developing countries through an analysis of the most dramatic failure to date of a major franchise contract for supplying water and sanitation services to a large city – the 40-year concession awarded in September 1999 to Aguas del Tunari (AdT) in Cochabamba, Bolivia. Five months later, the population rioted against water tariff increases and the contract was cancelled. The paper analyses the background, context and factors that explain the failure of the concession and seeks to draw lessons for the regulation of future concessions.  相似文献   


Today many aspects of the Sino-Russian relationship are positive. The “strategic cooperative partnership” is supported by the Treaty for Good Neighborliness, Friendship, and Cooperation, as well as membership in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and a shared commitment to a multipolar world. Nevertheless, the economic foundation of the relationship is weak, energy cooperation has not reached its potential, and the two states have competing interests in Central Asia. Thus, this article argues that although the Sino-Russian relationship is multifaceted and based on practical considerations, there are nevertheless factors that limit the relationship. China and Russia have links with the West that sometimes interfere in their relationship with each other. Moreover, the legacy of history remains in the background of the relationship. Finally, Russia's demographic decline, combined with China's economic growth, creates questions for Russians regarding their long-term security vis-à-vis China.  相似文献   

冷战结束后,族裔游说在美国政治中的影响力日益上升;这一趋势将因奥巴马当选而得到强化.美国学术界对族裔游说的观念可分为积极和消极两派,消极派占据上风.消极派认为族裔游说有损美国国家利益,质疑为其母国利益游说的族裔的爱国主义.因此,在不同处境下的族裔游说团体要么选择消极游说--处境不利时首先致力于证明自身的爱国主义,要么选择积极游说--无须担忧爱国主义被民族主义化的风险时正面促进其母国国家利益.阿裔美国人游说的发展过程就是经历了消极游说和积极游说两个阶段的一个典型.  相似文献   

《大湄公河次区域贸易投资便利化战略行动框架》(以下简称《行动框架》)将商务人员流动确定为四个优先合作领域之一。本文根据《行动框架》的指导精神,在分析中国商务人员流动现状及存在问题的基础上,提出了中方实施《行动框架》的对策措施。  相似文献   

The Lisbon Treaty enacted in 2009 allows the European Union (EU) to adopt a foreign, security, and defense policy with a higher profile. In particular, the High Representative and the European External Action Service are now in a position to conduct a continuous conversation with China, India, Japan, and ASEAN beyond trade-oriented dialogues. But a genuine strategic approach toward Asia requires military expertise so as to adequately assess how to best contribute to stability in this part of the world. Military diplomacy involving individual member states already takes place, yet virtually no information is shared at the EU level. The adoption of a full-fledged strategic approach toward Asia would not only be politically astute and make excellent economic sense; it can also consolidate EU institutions in the realm of foreign, security and defense policy.  相似文献   

以对欧盟的官方文件和非正式文件的回顾,以及笔者对欧洲官员进行的大量访谈为基础,本文得出的结论是,截至2011年,欧盟总共与10个第三国建立了战略伙伴关系。在对上述战略伙伴关系进行了批判性评估之后,本文对其战略性质大体持质疑态度,原因在于:第一,并非每个战略伙伴都具有同等的战略意义;第二,在绝大多数真正具有战略性的问题上,欧盟并没有与其合作伙伴开展合作;第三,战略伙伴关系并没有对双方关系产生结构性或制度性影响;第四,在很多情况下,欧盟本身根本就没有被视为战略伙伴。最后,本文还是提出了积极的结论:既然欧盟已经创设了战略伙伴关系,而且提升了战略伙伴的预期,那么,欧盟就必须发展并实施这些战略伙伴关系,以使其真正有效,并最终具有真正的战略性。  相似文献   

由于日本在前近代一直没有建立中央集权体制,因此武士才得以产生、发展、壮大,并建立武家政权。明治中央集权政府一成立,武士阶层迅速土崩瓦解,消散灭亡,因此从其兴亡的历史过程可以看出:武士作为具有"私兵"性质的社会阶层与中央集权的权力体制有着天然的矛盾性与对抗性。  相似文献   

Since the formation of the German AfD in spring 2013, political scientists have discussed whether the AfD can be classified as a populist party. Despite the split of the party in summer 2015 leading to this characterisation becoming uncontested, the question remains whether the AfD was populist from its inception. This article demonstrates that distinguishing between the tactical and strategic agendas of the party solves this conundrum. While the AfD seldom applied populist discourse in its official manifestos, its tactical agenda was undoubtedly framed by populism. Ironically, it has been the ideologically moderate economist wing that has applied populist discourse in combination with its critique of the euro.  相似文献   


This article studies the future prospect of the Chinese economy using four different perspectives: neo-classical, Marxian, world-system and climate stabilisation. While the neo-classical perspective suggests that China can maintain a relatively decent pace of economic growth for decades to come, the Marxian analysis finds that the Chinese economy will confront a major crisis in the coming years due to internal contradictions of capitalist accumulation. The world-system analysis suggests that there has been a “ceiling of development” that historically has limited the scope of development for the great majority of the world population and China will hit this “ceiling of development” within about a decade. Moreover, if China were to fulfil its climate stabilisation obligations, it may prove to be impossible for the current system to maintain economic and political stability.  相似文献   

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