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The absorption of the cultural sphere into the commercial sphere signals a fundamental change in human relationships with troubling consequences for the future of society. From the beginning of civilization to now, culture has always preceded markets. People create communities, construct elaborate codes of social conduct, reproduce shared meanings and values, and build social trust in the form of social capital Only when social trust and social exchange are well developed do communities engage in commerce and trade…. When the commercial sphere begins to devour the cultural sphere … it threatens to destroy the very social foundations that give rise to commercial relations. 1  相似文献   

ANDREW HOPKINS 《犯罪学》1980,18(2):198-214
The effectiveness of sanctions applied to corporate offenders has not been adequately studied, in part because of the absence of any appropriate research strategy. This absence stems from the tendency. since Sutherland, to conceptualize corporate crime as individual rather than organizational behavior. This article outlines a research procedure based on the organizational nature of corporate crime and uses it to evaluate the impact of prosecutions under Australia's Trade Practices Act. The article concludes that the sanctions applied have considerably reduced the likelihood of corporate recidivism.  相似文献   

论CSR-企业社会责任   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
前言在2006年1月13至14日的一个由北京大学劳动法与社会保障法研究所主办的“企业社会责任国际研讨会”中,我们提出了有关跨国企业为何一下子变为“劳工权利的维护者及推动者”的诡论。它们一向被视为导致劳工权利被侵犯的始作踊者,尤其是在全球经济一体化下,利用资金外流威胁各地政府降低劳工标准,以及造成工资与劳工福利“向下竞争”的现象。但在近几年来兴起的企业社会责任运动中,他们却反过来变成“好人好事的样板”,变成多方面  相似文献   

Using event history analysis, we examine the recidivism patterns of a sample of 38 corporations charged with one or more serious antitrust violations between 1928 and 1981 to see whether sanction experience decreases the likelihood of a firm's reoffending. Specifically, we analyze the effects of procedure type (e.g., civil, criminal, and administrative redress) and proxy measures of corporate deterrence while controlling for changes in antitrust law and the economic conditions of the firm, industry, and general economy. Though not robust, there is some evidence that past guilty verdicts and changes in penalties for lawbreaking from misdemeanors to felonies inhibit recidivism. We note, however, that industry characteristics are stronger by far in their effects on future illegality than formal sanction risk or consequence. The implications of these findings for organizational deterrence and corporate crime control are discussed.  相似文献   

DONALD W. SCOTT 《犯罪学》1989,27(3):559-587
This is a documentary study of the origin and investigation of all criminal prosecutions of collusive trade agreements filed by the Antitrust Division, US. Department of Justice from 1946 through 1970. The methodology seeks to reconstruct these cases from previously classified investigative files of the division. Observations include the sources of organizational intelligence, investigative methods, and encounters among antitrust victims, offenders, and officials. Most cases originate with complainants and informants outside the agency, but most evidence is obtained with the cooperation of offenders, who usually receive immunity or leniency in return. The conclusions suggest that public exposure of trade conspiracies serves as a deterrent despite weak penalties.  相似文献   

公司社会责任的定位   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
刘诚 《中外法学》2006,(5):530-540
<正>企业应该承担一定的社会责任,亚当·斯密200多年前就对此问题进行过论证。但企业应当承担哪些社会责任,却一直众说纷纭。当前,在经济全球化的背景下,关于公司社会责任的争论更加激烈,不同利益群体及其代言人的看法、不同学科的看法存在很大差异。因此,有必要认真考察其历史与现状、综合分析现有观点,从而统一定义,给公司社会责任一个恰当的定位。首先需要进行两个方面的考察,一是公司社会责任的历史与现状,包括起源、演变与  相似文献   

<正>企业社会责任(CSR)是世界经济的一个重要方面,它联合消费者的力量和对社会负责的商业领导,来改善人权状况、劳工权利和工作场所的劳动标准。这些商业领导力量不仅有设于俄勒冈的耐克(Nike)总公司和位于加利福利亚的李维·斯特劳斯(Levi Strauss)总公司,还有总部设在台湾和香港的商社,以及东莞和深圳的工厂。若在10年前,我可不会这么说。那时,我认为企业社会责任和企业行为守则不过是用来  相似文献   

<正>绪论这篇文章设法回答以下问题:企业社会责任(CSR)是国际公法的一项特殊法律规范吗?如果答案是肯定的,那么它可以在何种程度上约束一个国家和企业?广泛认为,私人企业承担社会责任是一种自愿行为,不受法律的约束,比如企业社会责任行为守则;经济合作与发展组织的跨国企业指南也是没有法律约束力的国际公约。并且企业社会责任的宗旨和法律的宗旨也是不同的。但是,企业社会责任在法律上的影响和效力对私人企业有相当大的重要性。如  相似文献   

周长征 《中外法学》2006,(5):541-552
<正>一、公司社会责任的内涵及其在国内外的发展状况公司社会责任(Corporate Social Responsibility,CSR),或称"企业社会责任",是指公司除了应当对股东(Stockholder)负责之外,还应当对股东以外的利益相关者(Stakeholder)承担最低限度的责任。2001年,欧共体委员会发布的绿皮书——《促进公司社会责任的欧盟框架体系》,将"公司社会责任"定义为"公司在自愿的基础上,于其经营活动中或者与其利益相关者的互动中,对社会与环境因素给予适当的考虑。"  相似文献   

Control balance theory indicates that the control one exercises relative to the control one experiences, or the control balance ratio, should relate to specific forms of deviance. Control surpluses, or when control exercised is greater than control experienced, should relate to autonomous forms of deviance, whereas control deficits, or when control experienced is greater than control exercised, should relate to repressive forms of deviance. To date, control balance theory has been investigated empirically only to a limited extent, with mixed to supportive results. This paper presents an application of control balance theory to the autonomous deviant act of exploitation in a corporate crime context. Both control balance theory and the extant corporate crime literature offer impetus for such an investigation. Using data collected on working adults, the results support the key hypothesis that control surpluses rather than control deficits relate to exploitative acts in the corporate context. This finding holds with two control balance ratio measures, global and workplace‐specific. Future theoretical and empirical research directions are outlined.  相似文献   

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