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李琦 《犯罪研究》2011,(1):75-80,98
随着我国改革开放的不断发展,边境地区边民往来逐渐频繁,境外边民跨境(违法)犯罪这种颇具区域性色彩的犯罪形式也随之出现日益严重的势头。研究和打击跨境(违法)犯罪具有其独特的必要性和紧迫性,本文从我国具有代表性的几个边境地区现实情况出发,研究境外边民跨境(违法)犯罪的概念、成因、类型、打击难度和打击防范对策等相关问题,旨在对惩治境外边民跨境(违法)犯罪实践提供有益的理论指导。  相似文献   

周心捷 《政法学刊》2002,19(6):10-13
毒品犯罪和涉黑犯罪,从侵害的主要客体来看,同属妨害社会管理秩序罪。从侵害的对象来看,两者差异虽大,但有时有 一定关联。毒品犯罪和涉黑犯罪已成为挑战广东治安形势的两类严重刑事犯罪。打击毒黑犯罪是公安机关刑侦工作的重点和主要业 务。应该加强队伍建设、情报信息业务、侦察、特情物建和使用、警务协作等工作,掌握主动权,开创刑侦工作的新局面。  相似文献   

庄劲 《现代法学》2006,28(2):107-115
想象竞合犯具有多个犯罪的社会危害性,对其“从一重罪”处断不能实现罪刑公正。当一个自然行为蕴含多个危害行为的意义时,构成多个危害行为的竞合,其实质是危害行为的复数。行为竞合的概念,在理论上不仅可能,而且正当。想象竞合犯实质上是复数危害行为的竞合,该复数危害行为分别符合复数的犯罪构成,属于实质的数罪。应当对想象竞合犯数罪并罚,这不仅是其罪数本质的要求,也是罪刑法定、罪刑公正的要求。  相似文献   

异种数罪应当包括牵连犯在内,在形式逻辑上,异种数罪属于种概念,牵连犯属于种概念下的子项,因而异种数罪与牵连犯两概念不能并列.异种数罪可以划分为牵连异种数罪与非牵连异种数罪两种.牵连异种数罪(牵连犯)处罚原则的通说观点应予否定,对其应当实行数罪并罚而不实行按一罪从重处罚.在1997年修订刑法中,部分非牵连异种数罪也规定了按一罪从重处罚而不实行数罪并罚,这导致了处罚原则上的混乱状况,有必要采用数罪并罚原则来统一解决非牵连异种数罪的处罚问题.  相似文献   

一、基本案情(一 )被告人前科情况李某某 ,1 996年因犯盗窃罪被判处有期徒刑三年 ,1 998年刑满释放。(二 )主要罪行1 999年 ,李某某先后将 4名农村女青年拐骗至外省卖给他人为妻 ,拐卖过程中 ;李对其中两名女青年实施了奸淫。同年 8月李某某被刑事拘留。2 0 0 0年 5月某日 ;被依法关押的李某某趁该所所长刘某某与其谈话后将其送回监房不备之机 ,用事先准备的刀片刺杀刘某某的右侧颈部及右肌肋处 ,后被他人制止。经法医鉴定 ,刘某某损伤系轻伤。(三 )李某某被抓捕及涉嫌故意杀害多人情况1 999年 3月某日 ,某县公安局因徐某某被杀案 ,将李某某…  相似文献   

从犯罪学的角度,根据毒品犯罪的特征,可以将毒品犯罪区分为五种,即:作为社会政治经济问题的毒品原植物大规模种植行为;作为有组织犯罪的毒品生产、制造和销售行为;作为街头犯罪的毒品零售行为和毒品原植物零星种植行为;作为白领犯罪的洗(毒)钱行为;作为无被害人犯罪的滥用毒品行为。基于犯罪性质的不同,应采取不同的对策。  相似文献   

对81个非法取回本人所有而被他人合法占有的财物样本案例的定罪、量刑、犯罪数额认定的考察发现,原则上只有造成占有人财产损失的才会以财产罪定罪,而若判处财产罪会导致量刑畸重,所以,样本判决限制财产罪的适用和犯罪数额的认定以实现量刑轻缓。本文认为,优先考虑量刑合理的以刑制罪忽略了定罪的准确性,易消弥财产罪之间、财产罪与其他罪之间的界限;部分判决量刑畸轻、犯罪数额认定混乱、判决书说理不一;样本判决以刑制罪有其实践理性,但缺乏必要的规范约束易导致乱象。由此反思我国刑法对财产罪的定量立法模式,较重的法定刑是导致以刑制罪的根本原因。立法赋予量刑更大的裁量空间将有助于缓解司法上的以刑制罪,也有助于对包括占有权在内的财产法益的全面保护并实现罪刑均衡。  相似文献   

Previous studies have established that repeat victimizations occur more frequently than would be expected if households within a particular area were victimized randomly. This implies that characteristics of the household affect the victimization rate. Even controlling for these characteristics, we find that a Poisson model does not capture the distribution of victimizations because repeat victimizations are more concentrated than it would indicate. This leads us to adopt the negative binomial generalization of the Poisson model. Our analysis uses sociodemographic attributes of the household and community-level characteristics to predict victimizations, with the victimization data being the observed number of property crime victimizations from the 1992 British Crime Survey. The negative binomial generalization is found to be highly statistically significant and the crime concentration it implies becomes much more marked as the predicted number of victimizations increases.  相似文献   

When refugees arrive at the borders and on the shores of the Global North they are increasingly criminalised and subject to a range of law and order type rhetoric and practices. This paper outlines an alternative criminological engagement with the condition of refugeehood that shifts the focus from the refugee to the practices of the state. First, it splices definitions of state crime with the highly legalistic refugee definition to offer alternative conceptualisations of persecution in the determination of who is accorded the legal status of refugee. Second, it applies state crime frameworks to the increasingly restrictive and punitive refugee policies of countries in the Global North. It concludes by locating theorisations of state crime within the broader project of reconceptualising notions of sovereignty.Sharon Pickering BA(Melb), MA(Soton), PhD(Melb) lectures in Criminal Justice and Criminology at Monash University Australia. She has worked with refugees and written on forced migration issues for the past five years including her recent book Refugees and State Crime (2005 Institute of Criminology Monograph Series/Federation Press).  相似文献   

刘星  李娜 《河北法学》2007,25(3):195-200
抢劫犯罪的频发对构建和谐社会危害极大,而青少年在抢劫犯罪中占有很大比例,因此研究青少年抢劫犯罪的特点、成因、对策,对于预防、遏制抢劫犯罪,构建和谐社会尤为重要.  相似文献   

Crimes Against Businesses: The Way Forward for Future Research   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

王金兰  吕娜  魏丽 《河北法学》2004,22(2):31-37
采用艾森克个性问卷及自编基本情况调查表对395名未成年男犯进行调查,结果显示,未成年男犯的个性与其作案年龄、入所前身份、家庭住址以及父母的教养方式等方面密切相关。  相似文献   

In the text, the author criticizesattitudes and conclusions in the document ofthe Hague Tribunal under the title ``FinalReport to the Prosecutor by the CommitteeEstablished to Review the NATO Bombing CampaignAgainst the FRY'. At the beginning of thepaper, it is indicated to what extent generallegal estimation on damage inflicted to naturalenvironment, the use of projectiles withdepleted uranium, cluster bombs as well aslegal questions related to the choice oftargets for attacks are controversial andhardly maintainable.Also, it is given a comment on thegeneral estimation of the bombing campaign withan attitude that a number of killed civilians(around 500) ``does not indicate that NATO mayhave conducted a campaign aimed at causingsubstantial civilian casualties either directlyor incidentally', by which an interestingcriterion for the estimation of somebody'sintention – the number of victims – isintroduced.Considering ``specific incidents',it is stated which of them the Commission didnot explain. Those mentioned in the Report arecommented as well as the estimations related tothem. It is especially done in the case of thebombing of the RTS building in Belgrade, untilthen, without precedent in the history of wars.The author considers that only dueto the stated negligence, the anonymousCommission could conclude ``that neither anin-depth investigation related to the bombingcampaign as a whole nor investigation relatedto specific incidents are justified'.  相似文献   

In chapter 6 of Attempts, Gideon Yaffe defends the thesis that it is ??possible to attempt crimes of negligence?? (2010, p. 173). I am persuaded that he is right about this, provided that ??attempt crimes of negligence?? is read as (potentially misleading) shorthand for ??attempt to bring it about that we commit crimes of negligence.?? But I find certain parts of his defense unpersuasive. My discussion of those parts of his argument motivates the following thesis: Not only can one attempt to bring it about that one commits a crime of negligence, but the attempt can be successful as well.  相似文献   

Statement of Purpose: A decline in state-sponsored terrorism has caused many terrorist organizations to resort to criminal activity as an alternative means of support. This study examines terrorists' involvement in a variety of crimes ranging from motor vehicle violations, immigration fraud, and manufacturing illegal firearms to counterfeiting, armed bank robbery, and smuggling weapons of mass destruction. Special attention is given to transnational organized crime. Crimes are analyzed through the routine activity perspective and social learning theory. These theories draw our attention to the opportunities to commit crime and the criminal skills necessary to turn opportunity into criminality. Through these lenses, the research appraises the “successes” and “failures” of terrorists' engagement in crime. Because “failures” can result from law enforcement efforts to (1) interrupt criminal skill development, and/or (2) remove criminal opportunities via technologies and transportation systems, the research represents a best practices approach to the study and control of terrorism. This project was supported by Grant No. 2003-DT-CX-0002 awarded by the National Institute of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice. Points of view in this document are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the official position or policies of the U.S. Department of Justice.  相似文献   

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