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China is undergoing the fastest development in history–one that has invigorated the country and changed the world. China therefore stands out in the international community.Many people wonder what the secret of this astonishing development is. But if you were to ask a thousand people what they thought, you would get a thousand and one  相似文献   

Editor’s note: Last April 17 U.S. o cials came to the Center for U.S.-ChinaRelations at Tsinghua University to attend a seminar on such topics as China’spolitical system, foreign policy, trade policy, military modernization and media.As contacts between China and the U.S. are growing closer, mutual communication and trust become  相似文献   

ON September 6, the Information Office of the State Council, China’s cabinet, released a white paper on China’s peaceful development, elaborating on the motivations, policies and goals behind the strategy.  相似文献   

The cause of human rights in contemporary China has developed rapidly and achieved great accomplish-ments. Everyone who lives in China  相似文献   

Wang Xiao runs a dental clinic full time and a theater part time. He launched his art project driven by a"sense of responsibility in promoting culture as a force to improve the lives of Beijing’s residents."  相似文献   

TASHI Lhamo’s parents were farmers who never had a day’s schooling.She herself attended school to third grade,where she learned the 30 Tibetan letters and Pinyin,the system to transcribe Chinese characters into the Roman alphabet.Now,her daughters Drolma and Tselhamo can write in Chinese,English,and Tibetan.Facing the golden roof of Jokhang Monastery,the two girls make their wishes to be an actress,teacher or restaurant owner....  相似文献   

I love the vocational rehabilitation center. I love the disabled persons’ home. It’s my second home. These were the first words written by Yang Jia, 32, at the vocational rehabilitation center of Heyi Subdistrict Disabled People’s Home in Beijing. Yang suffers from amentia. For her, writing is hard,  相似文献   

ON August 5, 2011, the international credit-rating agency Standard & Poor’s (S&P) downgraded its U.S. long-term debt assessment from AAA to AA+ with a negative outlook. For the first time in its history the U.S. lost its prized AAA status, sending shock waves through the global financial markets. To a large extent, the credit crisis has emerged from the U.S. government’s  相似文献   

<正>I.Concept of People’s Livelihood in Traditional Chinese Culture The concept of human rights was borrowed from the West.In order to have it become rooted in China,people needed to i nd traces in Chinese culture on which the human rights theoretical system could be based and the Chinese human rights idea could be realized.Only if the idea of human rights is grounded in Chinese culture can the concept of human rights be understood by the people and human  相似文献   

DEMOCRACY is a topic often mentioned when certain Western people talk about China. China has chosen to practice a form of democracy that is different from that in Westem countries. As early as in 1987 Deng Xiaoping said, "In the West, democracy means separation of the three powers and multi-party elections. We have no objection to their doing so, but in the Chinese mainland we don't practice multi-party elections, separate the three powers, or use a bicameral system. We practice the monocameral system - the National People's Congress. This bests suits China's realities."  相似文献   

CHINA is approaching its once-in-adecade change in president and gov- ernment. It’s a good time to pause and reflect on the last 10 years of China’s economic performance. The data for 2012 is stil being produced, so our decade has to be 2001- 2011. This doesn’t give us a precise overlap with the country’s politics - 2001 was the final year of the previous administration,  相似文献   

CHINA has been a recipient of foreign direct investment (FDI)for some time, starting when the country embarked on reforms and opened-up in the late 1970s.Inflows of FDI were US $1.956 billion in 1985 and by last year had risen to a staggering US $111.716 billion, with an annual increase of 15.54 percent. During  相似文献   

PROFESSOR Xu Guangwei, 74-year-old former chairman of the Chinese Anti-Cancer Association (CACA), worked as a surgeon his whole life. He has various regrets, but nothing arouses more complicated feelings than the "Breast Cancer Screening for One Million Women" project that he initiated after retirement.  相似文献   

AT a clandestine meeting on July 29, 2006, 25 workers in Quanzhou City formed the world’s first Wal-Mart tradeunion committee. The mood was, by all accounts  相似文献   

AT the National ReAdvocacy Meeting to Eliminate IDD (Iodine Deficiency Disorders) held in October 2000 at Beijing‘s Great Hall of the People, Dr. Basil Hetzel, Chairman of the International Council for Control of Iodine Deficiency Disorders,and a major contributor to IDD control in China, spoke of the strong bond between his family and the Chinese people, and how it started with his father, Dr. Kenneth Hetzel. The course of this longstanding relationship is related by Ma Tai, former Chairman of the IDD Advisory Group of the Chinese Ministry of Health.  相似文献   

Central and western China is seeking to stimulate economic growth through its advantages in labor, resources and geography and its regional planning policies. Meanwhile, eastern China is feeling the pressure brought by economic restructuring and aims to release it using resource integration and institutional reform.  相似文献   

Measures and goals: China set on reducing dependence on coal, diversifying its energy mix and imporving energy use efficiency.  相似文献   

THE Baiyin Nonferrous Metals Company is located in Baiyin City, central Gansu Province. China‘s first large copper-sulfur complex,it was a landmark project in China‘s 1950s western develop-ment.  相似文献   

AS heads of the G20 assembled in Los Cabos,Mexico,for their annual summit,it was clear that,four years into the international financial crisis,the policies adopted to deal with it by Europe and the U.S.are failing to do so.This is a statement of the obvious  相似文献   

正SINCE 1979,when the policy of reform and opening-up came into force,China’s economic growth has been among the most rapid in Asia.Owing to similar cultures but different natural resources,China and its neighboring countries have complemented one another’s needs during their respective phases of development.Bilateral investments and cooperation are hence mutually beneficial to China and its neighbors.These complementary economies and  相似文献   

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