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Mysterious Tibet     
At the center of the earth lies Tibet, where rivers originate from towering snow mountains, where soil is clean and unsullied, where people are brave and kind-hearted... - Quoted from ancient documents found in Dunhuang Grottoes  相似文献   

Louguantai Scenic Area, located at the foot of Zhongnan Mountain in Zhouzhi County, Sha'anxi Province, is known as the "birthplace of Taoism" and the "most blessed land under heaven." It has long been a magnet for visitors interested in Chinese culture,  相似文献   

Collector seeks the origin of Chinese civilization through jade art Everyone who has visited Zhang Yiping’s secret chamber at his house is always astonished at the hundreds of mysterious jade sculptures he has collected over many years. The Beijing resident has been engaged in collecting curios since the 1990s. Over two decades, he has stored up antiques including darkred ceramic teapots and porcelain. However, what the collector treasures most is black-shelled jade sculptures, which he has extensively researched.  相似文献   

<正>People claim to suffer from an infectious condition dubbed HIV-negative AIDS  相似文献   

GUANGXI Zhuang Au-tonomous Region onChina's southern bor-der covers an area of236,700 sq km. Twelveethnic groups, including Han, Zhuang,Yao and Dong people, have lived therefor generations.Guangxi offers four tour programs:sightseeing tours along the stunningmountain and river scenery in GuilinCity; subtropical coastal tours alongBeihai City's Silver Beach; the mys-terious Sino-Vietnamese border tours;and local ethnic minority folkloretours.Main AttractionsGuangxi's is famous for its…  相似文献   

试析黔东南苗族服饰的文化特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对于苗族服饰的研究,论著颇丰,但研究者多以服装或饰品分列立足点论之,鲜有总论苗族服饰的文化特征。本文以苗族聚居地——黔东南的苗族服饰作为分析的立足点,对苗族服饰的文化特征进行了阐释,力图勾画出黔东南苗族服饰的文化特征,以丰富苗族服饰的文化研究。  相似文献   

CHINESEwhoare45orolderknowofBeidaihebecauseitwasthelateChairmanMaoZedong'sfavoriteresort.In1954,Whilestandingonalargerockinarainstorm,hecomposedthepoemBeidaihe.InthispoemhedescribedthesceneryofBeidaiheandhishappinessatwinningthewar(MaoandhiscolleagueshadfoundedthePeople'sRepublicofChinain1949).By1966,whenthe"culhiralrevolution"began.Chinesecouldnotonlyrecitehispoem,theyalsorememberedBeidaihe.AlthoughBeidajheisonlytwoandahalfhours'drivefromBeijing,itsweatherismuchcoolerinthesummer.Maoo…  相似文献   

黔东南旅游发展战略研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文通过对黔东南旅游业发展的优势、劣势、机遇和挑战四个方面进行分析,提出了黔东南旅游发展应当实施政府主导型战略、精品战略、差异性战略、旅游扶贫战略、区域合作战略、民族文化战略和旅游产业整合战略。  相似文献   

WITH the arrival of spring rains,the mountainous Nujiang Grand Canyon in the northwest of Yunnan Province is covered in clouds of mist.The blending of mist and mountain scenery creates a mystical am-biance that heralds the change of seasons.Nestled in the central lush area of the Nujiang Grand Canyon is a county named Fugong.It covers an area of 2,756.44 square kilometers,and borders Myanmar with a borderline stretching some 142 kilo-meters.The place is of great significance to ecological preservation in southwest China.It is also home to more than 20 different Chinese ethnic groups,which include the Lisu,Nu,Bai,Dulong,Naxi and Pumi.The Lisu and Nu people represent the majority of local ethnic groups.The area is alive with diverse cultures living in a harmonious atmosphere.  相似文献   

十字寺—— 京城著名的景教寺院 十字寺位于房山区周口店镇车厂村.是我国历史上著名的景教寺院之一。创建于东晋孝武帝司马曜宁康二年(374年),原为佛教寺院,名曰“祟圣院”。自元代以来,改名“十字寺”.盛为景教寺院。  相似文献   

独特的历史及人文条件造就了侗族独特的款组织形式以及款约法的习惯法表现。黔东南被誉为全国侗族原生文化中心,以黔东南这片土地为载体研究侗族习惯法的变迁,既有利于加深对侗族习惯法本身的研究,也有利于对黔东南这片多民族地区的进一步了解。从款和款约法出发,以侗族习惯法历史上形式及内容的变迁为研究对象,对传统习惯法及其继承——村规民约进行分析,旨在以黔东南侗族习惯法的变迁探究这片土地的社会历史变迁与发展历程。  相似文献   

民族习惯法究竟有什么价值?如何处理国家法与民族习惯法的关系?民族习惯法独有的实质合理性的价值评价标准使得其不同于国家法,其对秩序的追求以及借助分散的个人知识、传统、社会习惯克服了它作为一个个人行为的集合体以及局限性、片面性以及部分的形式非理性,从而达到国家法所不能达到的目标。  相似文献   

民族歌舞旅游产品是少数民族旅游开发中的一个重要组成部分,民族歌舞旅游产品开发的好坏在很大程度上决定了民族旅游产品的质量.本文以黔东南苗族侗族歌舞旅游产品开发和管理为例,从满足游客对少教民族歌舞旅游产品的需求,以及旅游对少数民族歌舞产品的影响控制两个方面着手,以"真实性"为切入点,总结民族歌舞旅游产品开发的特点,并建立少数民族歌舞旅游产品管理模型,希望这个管理模型对少数民族歌舞旅游产品可持续发展起到指导作用.  相似文献   

文章通过对黔东南州市场监管中非国家法诸因素进行调研,使用法社会学的理论框架分析,展示要素、结构和性能各层面的冲突和相互影响,为民族地区国家法的执行研究提供了一定的现实素材,并尝试性提出了解决民族地区国家法的执行需要在民族区域自治法框架内,充分考虑新时代民族地区诸因素作用,方能有效解决民族地区法律秩序以及社会治理问题。  相似文献   

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