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当前,学术界对政治体制改革的模式有诸多观点,较具代表性的可归纳为五种。  相似文献   

在未来二三十年时间里,中国的经济依然会持续平稳发展。在未来,全球化条件下的和平与发展,也是国际社会的主旋律中国奇迹之所以是奇迹,是因为很多人都没有预料到,或者没有找到任何理论,可以完美地解释其原因。中国奇迹发生后,很多人来探索其发生的原因。在这些学者看来,中国进行改革开放,建设市场经济,就会实现快速经济增长。就像香  相似文献   


That China has made across-the-board progress in the past three decades is indisputable, but making this growth sustainable represents a serious challenge to the country for a protracted period in the near future.  相似文献   

China’s state-funded healthcare system has made remarkable progress over the past years following a slew of reforms. It now covers 96 percent of the population,and the share paid by each individual has also fallen steadily. But there is still a lot of room for improvement. There remain people, especially senior citizens of  相似文献   

韩文科 《小康》2014,(8):18-18
按照我们国家改革开放走过的路,每一个阶段的经济发展都是在能源高速增长的基础上形成的,但是,现在经济要转型,要转到能源中低速增长、经济仍然在中速或者高速增长态势,这是一个痛苦的转变。  相似文献   

TO outside observers, it is apparent that the Chinese Dream has threeimplications. First, China aspires to build a thriving, affluent society; sec- ond, a stronger China insists on fol- lowing its own path of development while getting ready to strengthen cooperation with other nations; and third, it cherishes peaceful develop- ment and a congenial world order where the characteristics of each country are respected and common prosperity is possible.  相似文献   

A lot of Chinese painters today work in a realist style because they believe it is more objective in dealing with current events and that seems to be popular. I work in an expressionist style and thematically, I deal with that which is eternal.  相似文献   

In her speech at the opening ceremony of the China-Russia Youth Year of Friendship Exchanges at St. Petersburg State Uni- versity on March 28, Chinese Vice Premier Liu Yandong spoke of the progress and changes in China's society, commending the development of bilateral ties. Liu called on young people to con- tribute to friendly ties between the two countries.  相似文献   

Sweetheart Pastry or "Wife Cake" is a traditional Cantonese dimsum from southeast China, with thin, flaky crust, enclosing a sweet, tender filling.  相似文献   

孙继芳 《黄埔》2008,(3):55-57
时间之舟轻轻划入2008年的河流,迎来了我国改革开放30年。30年来,我国已经创造出举世瞩目的中国奇迹。国内百姓说,“中国从来没有这几十年这样好过”,因为人类人口总数的五分之一正迅速而坚定不移地走向富裕;世界媒体称,中国为当今世界“金砖四国”之一,因为中国经济起飞后,它决定的不仅仅是它自己的未来,还有这个世界的未来。这一巨大变化的背后,是经济体制改革爆发出的蓬勃动力。  相似文献   

THIRTEEN-YEAR-OLD Ten- pai Nyima and his parents are relaxing on the doorstep of Jokhang Monastery, morethan 2,800 kilometers from their hometown in Sichuan Province.  相似文献   

Leisure in China     
正New arrivals in China often get the impression that Chinese are工作狂(gōng zuòkuáng),workaholics.Yet,there is quite a bit of空闲(kòng xián),leisure,in China.Surprisingly,the Chinese love to休闲(xiūxián),relax,perhaps even more than we do.They love to spend their time养花(y ng huā),tending l owers,养鸟(y ng ni o),raising birds,or even养蛐蛐儿(y ng qūqur),keeping crickets.Chinese people are also fond of休闲活动(xiūxián huódòng),leisure games,notably麻将(májiàng),mahjong,whose pronunciation comes directly from the Chinese.The Chinese also  相似文献   

I came across an album of photos put online by a charity group last year and was appalled by the inhumane condition of some of the poorest in this country. It is hard to believe that in a time when I and people around me complain about bad traffic or plan summer vaca- tions in Europe for our kids, some people deep in the mountains of Guizhou Province are still struggling to fill their stomachs and their children  相似文献   

Are you for or against a Chinese-style education? Everyone has a different answer. For a long time, it seems, the critics are in the majority. Many single out the failures of test-oriented education for its singular focus on scores and academic performance Creativity, the argument goes, is stifled.  相似文献   

中国经济大致已进入了这一轮工业化中后期——如果说还不是末期的话,这也在基本上决定了中国经济高速增长正在趋缓,正在逐渐进入一个中速增长时期。之所以得出这个判断,有以下两点理由。  相似文献   

新中国成立65年来,特别是改革开放30多年来,我们国家的经济建设取得了举世瞩目的成就。这么长时间的高速增长,不仅中国历史上没有过,世界范围内也没有在任何一个国家出现过。但是回过头看看,如果将这些年的发展方式比作赛跑,会发现过去我们跑得太快,基本上是在用跑短跑的方法甚至用百米冲刺的速度去跑长跑。  相似文献   

我国改革开放以来经济增长的主要特点及反思   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
改革开放以来,我国经历了持久的高速经济增长,年均增长率达到9.8%.这段时间的经济发展有高增长、高投资、高贸易顺差、低通胀以及低要素成本等主要特点.反思这种经济增长模式可以看到经济结构的不完善,经济增长动力来源的局限以及经济增长的可持续性不足等问题最为突出.只有针对性地解决这些问题,才能保障我国进一步的经济增长与社会发展.  相似文献   

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